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There really isn't any point in me parenting at all I swear 😑

Partner just takes over as soon as he hears me moan at them then makes everything worse and just leaves. Then gets mad at me because I'm too soft. Simply because I don't shout. Where as he screams at them.

Then they'll ask for something for example, I'll say no or to wait. And he just gives it to them 😑

What is the point?

This morning for example, 4yo asked if they could have their advent calendar. I said "We're running a bit late, we need to get dressed and ready first and then you can have them"
Partner goes "Just let them have them."
And gives them to them. 😑
I may as well just reply to them with "Ask your dad" for everything because what's the point in me saying anything if it's going to be gone against anyway.
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I’m just sat here having a beer and eating cheese reading about other people’s pisses and shits and I’m actually really enjoying myself. When did I get like this?
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Mr dipdab flight home cancelled so is staying in Milan tonight and maybe tomorrow. It’s our wedding anniversary and we had plans in the evening (I know it’s part of his jab but booo)
There’s a bit of snow where I live and I’ve already had a text from baby group saying class is cancelled tomorrow. Why can’t London handle snow? 🙃
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Baby girl went to her dads this evening, the usual 4 hours. She came back with a massive bump on her head. He made out like it was no big deal. Brought her to A&E for peace of mind because I wasn’t there when it happened.. the doctors told me there was no way my 4 month old could of gotten the bump the way he told me. I’m actually heart broken for her, even the thought of her being in pain kills me.

really thinking of all the sick mums and babies. Mums you’re doing amazing and the babies are so resilient they are stronger than we think..!!
Please stop sending her.
You have proof. Make sure you've taken photos and you now have the doctors words too.
It's 100% enough for you to stop contact (if you don't want to stop it completely, then allow him to see her with someone else there)
I know you said you don't want to stop contact but it's your child's welfare at stake.

I'd also contact police.
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I'd just like to all let you know, it's my first December shift and I'm in a christmas jumper listening to the 3rd different variation of Silver fucking Bells, I have to say Merry Christmas to everyone LIKE IGAF and I want to throw myself through the window x

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It’s only 12 degrees in our house and less at night (even with heating) and Tommy is a human radiator, fucking told you all I’d birthed Lucifer, that boy runs fire through his veins 🤣🤣🤣

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Just coming on here to say it’s not even been a week and I hate weaning so much already it’s too much stress

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How are all the sick mums and babes today?
We’ve all started to feel a lot better! 🙌🏻 Baby Runner is probably left as the worst off (I’m still not entirely sure the doctors decision that she didn’t need abx was the right one…) but she’s only spiked a temp once in the last 24 hours, and she’s sleeping a fair bit so I guess that’s her body’s way of resting and recovering
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Caught up with the thread while Kitten was sleeping in my arms. Nearly woke her up laughing a few times with all the salad cream and soggy bread 😅
She's getting a bit better (no fever), but keeps coughing and didn't eat that much at daycare today, which is so unlike her :(

@Blair-Waldorf Thinking of you and Baby Blair ❤ Hope he's on the mend soon!

@jackolantern when I go pick up Kitten at daycare (on foot), I sing a silly made up song about how glorious she is on the way there, out loud (it's loosely based on Edge of Glory by Lady Gaga 😆). Can we still be friends? If it helps, I never made soup before and I can burn stuff just by simply thinking of cooking it 😂
How's the dog btw? Hope she's okay ❤
I love Edge of Glory and a song about how glorious kitten is melts my cold barren heart, so i'll let you off :ROFLMAO: Especially as you're my soupless soul sista.

She's actually wonderful 😭 Both us and the vet are in complete shock because she was so unlikely to recover but she's weirdly even better than she was before, our stinky old Christmas miracle :love: Thank you for asking x
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Booked a Christmas light trail. Regret every penny of the £40 it cost me. Both children cried the whole way round as apparently there are not enough layers to keep a baby warm in -4 temperatures and the 3yo just didn’t want to walk and I can’t carry her anymore. And then after crying the whole way round, they both fell asleep in the car on the way home at 6pm and so now are both wide awake and not interested in sleeping 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️
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Chatty Member
Top tier memory: the toilets on the postnatal ward were a bit of a walk away down the middle corridor of the ward, it felt like a mile after a spinal block! Imagine hobbling back, feeling like you've been cut in half, dizzy as hell, carrying a very nearly full cardboard "bucket" of wee, just as visiting hours started and all the dads were arriving. Good times. 🙃
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I think they say it starts a bit later but I’m sure there’s been a few on this thread who have mentioned very similar behaviour at about that age, and I’ve always thought it was a night terror

Can someone give me inspo for batch cooking that isn’t mince based (cottage pie/lasagne/spag vol/chilli) because apart from Mac and cheese I’m drawing a blank
Lentil curry and tuna and sweetcorn pasta bake are two easy things in the baby drawer of my freezer atm! Weirdly he loves the lentil curry which is annoying because KW cooked it and I said he wouldn’t like it 🙃🤣

Also, hiiii sorry I’ve been rubbish at posting. But I have a one year old since Friday and can’t quite believe it! He’s suddenly seeming so toddler like 🥺❤
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I’ve planned to have my friend round for dinner and a catch up on Wednesday. This means Mr G will do bedtime otherwise 7 o clock comes and I’d have to disappear off upstairs for potentially over an hour, which he fully knows.

He’s just declared he might go out to watch football on Wednesday. So I said you cant, because if you do my friend can’t come round. He’s like “oh right… but England might be playing”. I repeated again that it would mean me cancelling my friend and he’s just sat there in silence since. Guarantee he’ll bring it up again on Monday and act shocked when I tell him again that I don’t think he should go 🙄
He’s optimistic to think we will still be in the World Cup after tomorrow
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The moment you give birth is it just obligatory you become a saggy sap who spends their evening discussing soup and soggy bread? Asking for a friend 😅🤣

Gave myself away there, we all know I haven’t any friends 🤗
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wakametango 2.0

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I’m not spending my snow day at home cooking so I’ve mini Waka a picky lunch which I’ve never thought of before. so chuffed with myself might start a weaning page 🤣
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I was in a ward with 3 others. One poor woman's baby was in special care unit. I often think about her and how lonely she mustve felt sharing a room with 3 women and their baby's
I can confirm, it's the worst thing in the world. It feels like your a massive paper cut and someone's throwing vinegar at you
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Baby elf had his first settling in session at nurserybtoday and he did so well! They said he didn't bat an eyelid when I left and he was charming all the girls and just happy as Larry 🥺 makes me feel like I've made the right decision hes going to have a great time
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Oh god, worst ever mum guilt today.

Baby o slept until 8.20 this morning, which almost never happens. She went to bed at 6.30 but she did wake up coughing a few times so I assumed she just hadn’t slept well.

Just gone to get her up and her bed is covered in sick 😭 it’s all over the mattress and in her hair, on her face and her sleeping bag. But you can’t see it on the monitor I assume because the night vision can’t pick up the colour of it.

She never cried or called out in the night so I assume she coughed so much she was sick and then slept in it 🥺 I feel so awful thinking of her trying to sleep in sick and extremely lucky that she didn’t choke 😩
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So we're back with dreams this time.
This time @jackolantern 😂 (Honestly, I wish I was joking with my dreams sometimes 😂)

So I was apparently at B&m and saw @jackolantern at the entrance. Went back to my car and turns out we were parked next to each other.
However @jackolanterns car had broken down.
So I decided to help.
By taking the handbrake lever off and showing how a hotdog sausage fits in the hole.
And explaining i know that because a hotdog vender once sold us one that way.

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wakametango 2.0

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am sure I’ve read that kids don’t like veg as a safety thing leftover from cave people times. Since so many vegetable type plants could be dangerous
Mini Waka would be dead. I don’t think she’s ever turned down anything I’ve ever given her, will eat any old snack from the floor covered in dog hair, cat hair & dust & I don’t know if any of you recall but she’s also eaten a SPIDER
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