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VIP Member
I had my own room after my first, it was bliss 😂
Thankful I only had to do 1 night with mums and their other babies when the twins were born before I got moved in with other NICU mums
I would have liked bunking with another NICU mum! It was so lonely.
I remember the first night, I just cried all night because I didn’t know whether my baby was okay, they made Mr Rita leave at 10pm, I was all on my own and could just hear other babies crying.
Every time I heard the ward phone ring my heart stopped thinking it was them ringing up with bad news. Absolutely horrendous would not wish it on anyone 😢
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I’ve lost the plot. My nickname for Tommy is bunbun and we had chicken pot pie for tea and I made him his own pastry bunny and I cried when he ate it because my big grown up bunbun was eating his own bunbun like a big boy and it was adorable. What has happened to me? 😂😂😂😂😂
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Did the twins go to bed at 630. Yes. Did I think about all the chores I could get done. Yes. Did I sit on the sofa for 2 hours scrolling my phone. Yes 🙃
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The update absolutely nobody asked for:

the Tupperware lid has been found. it was 100% not the KW’s fault. 7Me did in fact leave it at school, and another mum sent a msg in the group WhatsApp asking did someone own it. KW is smug as a smuggy smuggerson.

Well, I'd say it was still KWs fault. 7Me is half of him, those are his genes that made him forget🤣
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It’s a Christmas miracle orange has slept from 7-7:30 and has gone to nursery myself and me annoyed are going Christmas shopping sweet baby Jesus I cannot believe it!!
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This thread honestly brings tears to my eyes you’re all so kind. Sending love to all the other poorly babies and mamas xx
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I’m flapping about this strep a situation. I do have mild health anxiety and I have been thinking about it all day. Baby girl has had like little white head spots on her cheeks for a couple of days which I didn’t think much of, but in a Facebook group someone said a face rash/spots is a symptom. She has been a bit snotty today too. 😩😩
So I don’t know if this will make you feel better but both my baby and my 3yo, plus me and my husband all currently have strep a. And no it’s not nice when they’re poorly, but we’re okay in the grand scheme of things. Lots of calpol / neurofen, we’ve watched a lot of tv and done very little for a few days and are now over the worse of it. I think the media are really hyping it up and it’s really important to put the numbers into perspective. It is very sad for the 10 children that have died and I am not trying to minimise that. But if you look back at 2017/2018, there were 4/5 deaths a year from strep a then. And if you look at infection rates, there have been over four times as many children catching it (2.3 per 100,000 this year as opposed to pre covid levels of 0.5 per 100,000). So in a way, that’s a lower percentage of children with strep a dying from it than in previous years. So it’s not a new thing, and the chances of serious illness and death are very very low. But that doesn’t make people click on daily Mail links so they like to write dramatic headlines that panic parents

ETA: how old is baby? The white spots sound like something called milia, sometimes called milk spots. Totally normal ☺
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I have dragged me self out to playgroup that we usually go to. It is for 0-5yr olds and every fucking week this 5 year old hits my 14 month old/snatches things off him/launches things and bashes other kids. I am absolutely sick of him because we have came back and my son now has a split eye brow and going to have to sit in a&e to get it glued because the lad chucked a wooden block off his head. 😩the Mum lets him stomp about the baby area in trainers squashing everyones fingers whilst saying ‘he is boisterous’👊
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Tommy's favourite food is raspberries and tonight I doubled his jackpot and gave him raspberry jelly with raspberries in... Tommy -

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Lulu Goss

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I’ve planned to have my friend round for dinner and a catch up on Wednesday. This means Mr G will do bedtime otherwise 7 o clock comes and I’d have to disappear off upstairs for potentially over an hour, which he fully knows.

He’s just declared he might go out to watch football on Wednesday. So I said you cant, because if you do my friend can’t come round. He’s like “oh right… but England might be playing”. I repeated again that it would mean me cancelling my friend and he’s just sat there in silence since. Guarantee he’ll bring it up again on Monday and act shocked when I tell him again that I don’t think he should go 🙄
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Hey mamas!
sorry I’ve been a bit quiet on here. I had to take a bit of time off the thread as my mental health took a bit of a dip. I started the next phase of therapy to tackle the OCD side of things and it was probably the worst timing with the whole strep A media coverage and sick children, it just absolutely triggered me and I wasn’t able to handle any sickness related things. So sending lots of love to you all!
I haven’t caught up, but I seen I was tagged ❤ I’ll start again from this page 😂
I’ve missed here so much!
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wakametango 2.0

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I always wanted to teach mini Waka the correct name for her privates so they weren’t inappropriately called cute names by others anyway I worked on naming vulva … I’ve done it. And now she won’t stop pointing at mine saying ‘ul ahhh’ 🤣
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I'm actually disgusted to wake up to see how many of you like Salad Cream, I feel like I need to move over to the conspiracy theorists thread or some shit just to find some more sane folk :LOL:
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I'm so pissed off. Baby has been screaming since 9, trapped wind and just generally overtired. I've had a full day at work, I'm having the worst period after being super late and my anxiety is horrendous at the moment so I'm really struggling. Throw in guilt over going back to work next month its a great mix.

I take the baby down to KW for a bit of a breather and he goes "just leave him here with me, you obviously can't cope." Eh? I'm sorry can you not share this load with me too? I'm so so tired, I just need a bloody break and I'm guilt tripped for needing 5 minutes.

baby is now upstairs with me 🙃
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Lulu Goss

VIP Member
First night in her new room wasn’t a complete disaster. She didn’t actually go to sleep til 11pm - I sat/laid on the floor next to her cot for hours while she stood up messing around until she wore herself out and let me lay her down. Did the whole her getting up/me laying her back down thing about 20 times but then she fell asleep.

She didn’t wake up again til 5am! She was really crying bless her, but Mr G went in and settled her and after about 10 mins she went back to sleep. She had another little cry about 20 mins after and I went in and did the same. Then nothing til 10 to 7 at which point I told Mr G to just bring her into our bed for a cuddle before we get up.

I’m full of false hope for bedtime now 😂
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wakametango 2.0

VIP Member
I’ve packed them off and I’m home alone. Spending it drinking a beer, cooking a roast and lit my fancy candle I’ve had for about 4 years. I actually have head space to think, bliss
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Oh my goodness, hopefully you get seen sooner since it's an infant waiting. You must be so knackered, and uncomfy.

Sending love to all the mummies and sick babies tonight xx
Waiting to be discharged. After reflecting on the situation next week I think I will speak to the other boys Mum, seems really unfair that my son ended up being hurt on multiple occasions. Not sure how many incidents they can pass off as an accident!
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