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You can’t run out of milk just like that, please don’t worry! Remember boobs are not jugs, they don’t ever empty. Think of them like a river, constantly flowing, but sometimes with more in there than other times. Unsettled behaviour at the breast is not an indicator of low supply at all, it’s a way for babies to increase supply as they grow. The only indicators of low supply are poor weight gain, and poor output. You do not need to panic about your supply if it’s all going well other than last night ❤ I’ve attached a wee infographic below for you

@123456!!12/ how was last night lovely?

And did all the too hot babies settle in the heat eventually? Not to be a total dick, but last night was the first night in about 2 weeks we’ve actually had a settled night 🙌🏻
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We actually ended up having a great night 🤣 slept 11.30-2.30 up for a feed then back down from about 3.30-7! Thought she would be a nightmare too but she slept the first part of the night in a nappy and swaddle then second part in a vest on my chest (I'm still so paranoid about putting her down after a middle of the night feed because the last few times we've done it she's choked 😭,but this way we both get a bit of sleep! )
8 week vaccinations tomorrow and I'm getting so worked up 😭 didn't think I would be one of those mums either 🤣
Do you guys think calpol before or after is better? Nurse said its personal preference but I don't know how I'm supposed to know what I prefer to do if I've never done it before 🤣
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Struggling so much with my 6 week old :( she’s really unsettled and I can’t put her down without her crying. She’ll fall asleep on me no problem but will wake up as soon as I try and put her in her Moses basket. She has loads of symptoms of silent reflux so we have been prescribed omeprazole (which is an absolute nightmare to give!), went for our 6 week check today with a different dr who said she doesn’t think it’s reflux and she’s just crying because she’s a baby 🤷‍♀️ she told me to leave her to cry… has anyone else done this with a baby so young?
I think it's really normal for them at that age to not want to be put down - my little one didn't nap anywhere else but on me or a sling for about the first 4 months. If I put him down, he would wake within minutes! He wouldn't sleep in a bouncer, pod, pram..nowhere but my chest or the sling.
Have you got the liquid omeprazole or the tablets ? Liquid one is much easier. It can take a while to get better and settle on the omeprazole until you find the dosage that works for them - it took 3 dosage increases for us before we saw improvement.

Horrendous advice from the doctor.. I personally wouldn't be leaving a 6 week odl to cry. They're so, so new and have spent 9 months being incredibly warm, snug and held. Agree about having a read up on the 4th trimester, it made everything make sense along those lines for me. I know everyone says it but it is a phase with the wanting to be held, my baby is 8 months old and hasn't napped on me apart from when sick since he was about 4/5 months old, never wants to sit on my lap as he's always on the move and has grown in independence so quickly!

Definitely get a sling for around the house if you can.
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I totally get that, I squeezed my son in to my older son’s old wetsuit the other week when we went swimming, and ripped it 🙈 I know my sister has some she can give me which is good as I don’t want to spend money on something that gets worn a few times and they grow out of it at this age! If I was going to get him a new one I would just get him a wee suit from next like this (he is 4mo). They aren’t as thick, but they are stretchy and seem to last longer than the age range given. I’ve only ever been in one pool so cold my eldest was blue after about 10mins!

Boots online mothercare shop and in store (by us!) have a sale on swim suits at the moment… picked one up for £6 and next years one too 🤪
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In no way should you feel crap, you gave it your very best, if you would like to carry on definitely source some expert advice and guidance. (We’re only nasty trolls on here 😉)
On another side, formula feeding means you can alternate the night feeds 😁…. Hello an extra 10 minutes! Ha

but, seriously I only lurk on this thread, but you other tattlers have been fantastic in your advice.
Yeah my partner is desperate to help out. He said he isn’t comfortable returning to work next week knowing how stressed we both are with the feeding situation, I have his support whatever I choose which makes me feel better
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@LilyRose1234 @Chickenandgravy has given perfect info there.
For remembering how long it can stay I. Places remember 5,5,5 - 5hrs at room temp, 5 days in the fridge, 5 months in the freezer (some say 6 and I’d agree but 555 is easier to remember 🤣🤣🤣)

If you’re exclusively breastfeeding you don’t need to sterilise it at all. Wash in hot soapy water and that’s enough.
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Sending hugs. I’m sorry you felt uncomfortable where you were, I think when you arrive somewhere (especially with a new baby!) and find people haven’t really remembered about you to save space etc it really then puts me in a bit of an off mood with everyone. I’m sure even if your husband doesn’t get it he’s supported your decision to leave anyway. Try and put it down to a bad experience with everyone, and don’t dwell too much on it xxx
Thank you ❤ I felt a bit bad with how abruptly we left, so hope they got the hint! We’re also only 4 weeks into breastfeeding and she quite often fusses and throws her head off the boob spraying both of us with milk which is not ideal to deal with in public 😬
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Omg I don’t know if it’s this hot weather or what but baby has been feeding aaall day, the most she’s slept was about 90 mins this morning. She drifts off whilst feeding and then when I try and put her down she’s screaming furiously 😭 she’s napped on me a bit but I am dreading tonight. And when I was changing her earlier I got her all clean ready for a new nappy then she weed all over herself, the mat and the floor 😭😭 this happened twice today!

(these is no point to this post other than to vent and also I really want a glass of wine but then I’m too scared to have her sleeping with us tonight)
ive had a very similar day. Baby boy hasn’t settled much at all, I’m blaming the heat too. The one time he settled and was looking to have a good sleep, the midwife arrived and disturbed him and he didn’t settle properly after she left. He’s currently just falling asleep on my legs (sweaty) but at least he’s drifting off. Ugh just wrote that and he’s changed his mind and he’s not happy again.

My main issue is when he does fall asleep, usually on me, when I put him down he just wakes up again and that’s it, he’ll refuse fall asleep again til after his next feed.

Also husband said today he wouldn’t fall asleep when I needed support when Finn wasn’t sleeping well (had a terrible night last night and I felt so alone as he just slept through it all). Finn’s fussy right now and husband is lay next to me fast asleep. Great.
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Update on tummy sleeping: up 5 times to roll him back over cause he got his arms stuck underneath him 🙃
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Sorry you’re having a tough time 😖 I can’t offer any advice on breastfeeding but if you are wishing to try and carry on with it, is there any way you could get in contact with a lactation consultant?
I second the lactation consultant, it helped me massively
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I know people have said this before but honestly your advice is second to none 💗 you're like the mother hen of this thread ( I mean that in a nice way btw 🤣)
You are far too kind. Meanwhile I’m over here with my own kids, not a clue what to do with them half the time!
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Has anyone’s babies needed treatment for jaundice? My little one’s levels haven’t come down low enough, so we’ve got a hospital appointment next week. I stupidly googled it and of course worst case scenario came up of it causing brain damage 😩 Even though the midwife has told me she’s fine and she’s only just out of the normal range, I can’t help but worry 😔
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That’s crazy! Pouches are so expensive as well, you’d think in a deprived area she would be doing the opposite! I do wonder sometimes if they have to deal with a lot of idiots, as they always seem to speak to you like you know nothing at all (although now I’m on child 4 they do concede that I may know something every so often)
My understanding is yes, they deal with idiots on a daily basis. She probably wouldn’t have been surprised if I told her I was giving him 3 happy meals a day
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If you’re looking for stuff to suction down I really recommend these (loads on Amazon). I imagine they’d stick well to a high chair tray, we stick them on patio doors, the floor etc and baby loves them (so does our toddler). They are great wee ones for tummy time, and they always shush him up if he’s grumping 🤣

Amazon product
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Ahh well if you’re doing something wrong to make her not sleep I’ve been doing it all wrong for 8yrs 🤣 I’m not a great sleeper myself (even pre-kids) so I don’t then think it’s weird that my kids don’t sleep well. I suppose I could try and do something to make them self settle but tbh… I’m lazy 🙈 I stopped talking to people about my kids’ sleep years ago for the same reasons. When people ask “are you getting any sleep?” I always just smile and say “Yes, thankfully”.

Glad to hear she’s growing so well 🥰 hopefully you get seen soon
Exactly this - there seems to be a lot of expectation about babies sleeping through the night but as an adult I always wake up a couple of times in the night, as do most adults I know! Not sure why we put so much pressure on babies to do what lots of adults can’t! That said, I can’t wait to have slightly fewer wake ups 🤣🤣 @OIM I don’t have any advice sorry but good luck back to work on Wednesday, hope it all goes okay for you!
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All these comment about car criers - we are going away tomorrow and baby will be doing 90 min trips in the car and he's only done two 20 min journeys in his 9 months, one being when he was taken home from the hospital. I'm dreading it!!

Is it normal for baby's nappy to be stringy and mucusy when they've got a cold or viral thing? My daughters had 3 dirty nappies today so far and the first was green, seedy mustard with black bits and mucus (Dr's have checked her over for the black bits before and said it's normal) (nappies are usually mainly green too cos she's on kendamil), 2nd and 3rd were both seedy mustard with quite a bit of mucus in them both. She's also teething so not sure if that contributes! Anytime I text my HV she always ignores me!
My little one had really grim nappies when his 2 teeth were cutting and during a cold - apparently due to excess snot/saliva? Weirdly the NHS says no evidence of this during teething but everyone I've spoken to who's a parent says the same.
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I think the 0-3 clothing is all dependant of baby size.
My second was straight into 0-3 from birth and grew out of it at 2 months.
But this time, she's almost 5 months and only just growing out of it. She's currently in a 0-3 sleepsuit
I agree. My boy is just over 3 months and just this weekend has pretty much out grown his 0-3 clothes. Still fits in his 0-3 rompers though! He’s pretty slim on the 9th centile.

He’s got a decent amount of 3-6 clothes but think I might just focus on 6-9 so he gets some wear even though he’ll look like a sack of potatoes but length wise 3-6 he’ll probs outgrow them soon!

I’m glad I didn’t waste loads of money on newborn/first month size clothes.
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So expressing… do I need to sterilise the pump after every use? Once I’ve pumped, how long can I leave the milk before freezing it/putting it in the fridge? If I pump say 2oz, can I top that bottle with another 2ozes later in the day and then freeze it all together or do I just have to store individually from each session ?
Nope you only need to do it once a day, pump, give it a wash and you can put it in the fridge in between uses and its fine, I usually put it in a sandwich bag.
You can leave it out at room temp for 4 hours, or some people say 6, in the fridge it will last 4-5 days and in the freezer up to 6 months. I just pump and put straight into the freezer though
Yes you can do 2oz then 2oz later but make sure the milk is the same temp that you're adding it to, so if it's been in the fridge don't add the body temp stuff to it without cooling it in the fridge first then you can freeze.
Hope that makes sense I'm useless at explaining stuff 🙈
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I went to baby yoga yesterday, I was completely knackered after it never mind the baby. Trying to hold your baby while squatting and balancing on one leg, fuck me 😂

3 more classes to go but it was good to get out the house.
Sorry if I do baby yoga they will expect me to move my body?! 😂
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That's completely normal 😊
It's all about getting them learning to eat and trying the textures ect not actually about them eating
Phew, that’s good to know!
I don’t know why I worry so much, first time mum worries I guess.
also, the kid LOVES a tomato. I’m not sure he’s my son because I absolutely hate them, I can’t even touch them 🤣 my husband has to cut it and give it to him 🤦🏻‍♀️
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