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Hillbilly love puff

Chatty Member
Literally I don’t know if you’re taking the piss lol, I am the same age as Emma apparently!! But I would never wear a pink tank top, I would never wear a top with pearls, is it an Essex thing? I don’t know I’m a country girl, we pay £350 for a pair of wellies, only because they will last you your adult life in the country walking the dogs everyday & going on shoots etc, we live in our wellies & we get decent ones they will last. We wear tweed a lot lol but hey ho we recycle alot too. We don’t buy shit because we are so lonely & unhappy, I’ve said before about Emma being a manic depressive, she’s not happy at all, hence the buying etc
No not taking the piss. She looks nearly as old as mumbles. No way is she late forties!
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Oh my god how much tat has she managed to find today??!! Her cotaaaaarge must surely be bursting at the seams , how does she find room for a continual supply of charity shop tat ?! And why has Craig disappeared again ?? Oh he must be off buying roses to leave around the house as a surprise before he goes off on another “fishing trip”
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No way is she 40 something, she must be at least 60 😳😳. Ive only just come across her but doesn’t she get excited about the most random crap she’s been sent 🤣
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Hillbilly love puff

Chatty Member
The results of the poll have been announced….she’s opening her shop on Saturday! Then in just over 3 weeks, her and toothless are off on their holllllibobssssss (you can bet it won’t be just a holiday). I predict more despatch delays, more exhaustion, more days off, more sympathy parcelllls and more plastic tat stuffed into the cottage and steptoes yard.
There is a s no way the orders will all be done before she goes on holiday. She’s just doing it so she has plenty of money to spend on herself when they go away! Her sheep can’t see she’s using them for the cash despite having no intention of getting the orders out in time.
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Hillbilly love puff

Chatty Member
She’s back !! And I’m wondering does anyone know why she never gets dressed ?? Why is she always in her bloody dressing gown to cook, clean, eat, garden and whatever else - it’s disgusting!! Just put some clothes on for goodness sakes !!
I think it’s to gain sympathy. As if she’s far too poorly to get dressed and so has to stay in bedclothes l the time. I had a aunt who used to do this all the time. It’s as if wearing day clothes makes you look healthy! You are right though that dressing gown must stink to high heaven!
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Oh god so the sons new house is turning into a hinch castle greyskull 🤢 everything is just.....grey 🤢
Shes definitely getting that new kitchen isn't she from the house sale of her mums,just like she got the greenhouse and potting shed 😳
Now a kitchen to fill with more China tat
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The parcels are in full swing now ladies🤬🤬 She spent an awful lot of time last night justifying how she also sends things out but doesn’t put it on Instagram !! I do wonder if she’s been having a little nosey on tattle!! Anyway I’m not sure how much more of her I love ittttttt and squeals of delight I can take(and let’s not forget the gulping😳) i need to just stop watching her , it’s bad for my health!!
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"Ohhhh I wonder if you can get love heart puzzles" HINT HINT!!!
"And looooooookkkkkk, love heart bedding!"
She also said she should be a Swizzels/love heart rep. Again .....HINT!!

I've recently found her Instagram. NO WAY is she in her fourties! I thought mid sixties! Not having it. No way! Show us your birth certificate!

Why does she mispronounce words too?! Carotts, radeeshes, parcells etc. It's weird.
Don’t forget the Mick-row-way-vey

So the expert gardener who is always instructing others on how to plant n “pot on” failed to recognise her mystery plant was in fact .....a weed 😂
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Someone please tell me why???!!!!
I haven’t watched today, is she out spending the money from her hand crafted items, so sorry I mean machine crafted items! Some of us make hand crafted items! I’m not going to lie I won a giveaway & an item came from her, I was shocked when I received it, I’m so overly critical with what I make & don’t think it’s any good, but literally I received these paper clips from her & I was gob smacked, I would never send anything out that was so poorly made, but she plays upto the market. She focuses on what’s ‘in’ at the time. But, does she put any disclaimers on her Etsy account? I don’t know because I don’t see her shop open, let’s face it if her shop was open all the time would she receive as many orders? Of course she wouldn’t, it’s cheap tat she sells & it’s cheap tat she buys! I’m so happy I have faced my depression & am getting help with it because it’s saving me a fortune lol, she needs a trip to the drs or a marriage counsellor
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Now if I was out with my mum for a couple of hours & IF I had my phone on me for that time out, taking videos, I would get a back hander & I’m 46!! How pathetic are the pair of them, more pink tat for the cottttaaarrrgggggeeeee! Dip shits
Just ridiculous, I’m telling you her mum encourages her behaviour, no wonder she’s as bad as she is - someone just needs to have a word
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Hillbilly love puff

Chatty Member
Right, now I’m funny, but I don’t laugh at my own funnyisms, why does she say ‘I’m going to clean out my cleaning cupboards’ then in a high pitch squeal laugh about that! Is it funny? No it’s not Emma, it’s actually very embarrassing for you & you’re family for you to have so much crap in the cottttaaaarrrrgggeeeee, when there are so many people out there that can not afford to pay for the electric! Instead of stacking more crap in the cupboards go to a homeless shelter once a week to help, cook a stew to hand out, donate duvets, donate blood to help, volunteer at a hospital once a week, do something to help people that need it instead of buying, buying & buying. Also instead of buying crap plastic cheap shit at Home Bargains etc or another shit candle with a piece of shit jewellery in from a multi million £/$ corporation, support small! Remember where you started & support small!!!!!!!!! You are a disgrace to small business owners, I’m done with you now good bye!
And so say all of us!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
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Well while I’m on a roll I have to add ….one of the other (many) things that got me were the #ads for pounstretcher. Promoting hand cream to her followers that had never ever appeared on her grid before. Saying how nice it smelt, blah blah blah. I could maybe get it if it was for a high end brand ( thinking Jo Malone) but for gods sake woman! Poundstretcher???? Had to laugh though when one of her followers commented they had seen the hand cream in their local chemist so she might go back for it now she’d seen it on Enemas grid! If people build themselves up on Instagram and lay their lives open to profit by either selling crap or receiving freebies or cash in exchange for ads by exploiting their followers then they have to also accept people’s views and criticism. Way too many snowflakes on Instagram who never face the consequences of their actions and who only want to be adored. Rant over 😁
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I was going to post about this last night but it pissed me off so much I stopped as it would have been a massive rant 😂. She is a pathetic attention seeking moron. Why would you share that? You’re obviously right though….I didn’t make the connection about work and supplies and basically not being arsed to “sew” as she’s been paid upfront so no rush for her to churn out her crap. She’s given a health update though so we can all relax, her agonising pain that made her take to her bed was trapped wind, all was well after a Rennie 🤦🏻‍♀️
I saw that update too after she’d said she wasn’t well- I mean there is oversharing and there is over sharing and that just takes the absolute biscuit!! I could sleep well last night knowing that all was well after the Rennie!!

It’s the same story every order run! And still people fall for her sympathy stories. Poor Emma, lots of people feel I’ll and have to “work” to keep a roof over their heads. Not everyone has a modern day slave (Craig) to leech off!

Here’s a idea Princess Pink Puke, make sure you have enough materials before you peddle your tat!
Exactly - the woman literally has no shame, I wouldn’t dare take people’s money up front and then run out of materials half way through, and still people fall for her pathetic sob stories!
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She does the “oh my goodness you didn’t have to” routine every time a parcel arrived. She makes out she’s so surprised but who does she think gives them her address! Of course she gives out her address so she can have mall the minions sending her tat!
The sound of her voice when she says “oh my goodness”🤬🤬 and what gets me also is how she makes out they are all good friends , my lovely friend so and so who has sent me this , ffs Enema they are not your friends!! They are people on Instagram who you have never met and are that desperate to be mentioned on your sorry page they will go to the lengths of sending you loads of crap. And if you are reading this and haven’t read any previous comments - those cheap face masks you get sent are not doing your skin any good !!
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