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Well-known member
Did I just see right in that shopping haul ?
Strawberries,carrots,lettuce & potato's?

When she has a bloody allotment full 🤣🙄 why bother growing your own if your just going to buy it
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Active member
Literally we could have all put money on that becoming an issue. I have never seen such a selfish, needy, hoarding, tacky person before, but she never used to be like that, she’s got worse over the past year it’s ridiculous. I must admit though I do believe I can see she gets it from mumbles, if I shoved a camera in my mums face when she got in my car I think I would be wearing the camera & I could never post whatever I recorded as the language would be rather blue lol
😂. you’re right she has got worse over the last year. I think she’s revelling in the adoration from her fans
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She also took Mumbles for her vaccine, then went for her own, then to doctors, then to chemist, again with Mumbles to collect her meds.
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Hillbilly love puff

Chatty Member
So Emma has been decluttering! Two words Emma, try harder!

“Craig bought her candles for Christmas” only he’s gone out with HER bank card so she can’t pay for them. Does this mean poor Craig doesn’t have his own card or does she have control of all the money? Or is it possible Emma bought them for herself but wants to make us think poor Craig bought them? 🤔 all these questions!
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New member
Oh my god I thought I was the only one who found here weird but thought people must really love her because of all the plastic tat and chocolates they send her!! I’m glad it’s not just me!! What gets me is how she’s always feeling ill and delays getting her orders ready because of it and makes people feel sorry for her. If she stopped eating as much crap and cakes she might not feel as ill all the time. She’s a very odd lady
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Hillbilly love puff

Chatty Member
Yes I do! I used to really like her but now the constant “I love it” hinch style with the big “T” on the end grinds my gears!!!
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Active member
Attention all! She is about to do some hard graft!
The binmen have been and she about to go out and drag the bin back in from the driveway!
She may need a lay down and an entire cake to help her deal with the sheer exhaustion caused by this much activity 🙄
Well she’s prepared as she bought a chocolate cheesecake after getting her fringe cut and feathers put back in 🙄. Why does she constantly rearrange her hair and pull it forward 😡
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Chatty Member
I have just looked at it, it’s so hideous & tacky, I would laugh if I lived by her, every time I walked past whilst walking my dogs! Talking of walking dogs, when was the last time she walked that dog ffs, trust me your dog does not want a big blanket put on her! The list of things to do really Emma, it’s for 1 bloody day that’s all, why does she feel like she needs to buy people, also did you notice the whole ‘I hope you like your gift’ info she put on the picture of that shitty gonk mug, look at me look at me regifting, she’s a complete muppet she really is. Go out Emma, get a real job & live your life with your husband, oh & have a glass of wine it might chill you out!
Yes I saw she managed to sneak that comment in - of course she wouldn’t want us to think she’s a free loader or anything🙄 she really does need to get a job in the real world as she seems to just drift further and further away from reality every day. But she really wouldn’t cope would she - god all the moaning we get as it is, imagine if she did have a proper job and proper responsibilities rather than sticking big pink sparkly lollies in her front garden
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Thelma Pink Ass!
So she’s cleaned the pink puke palace! Well done for doing what we all do everyday!

More Gusto shite. Poor Craig he must be sick of it. He goes out to work all hours and she feeds him pre packaged dinners!
This is what gets me, where’s the fresh food, supporting local businesses, she’s got a butchers in the village so why doesn’t she support them. I would never get those gousto boxes, pre packaged crap!
Also a baking day wtf, it’s just add an egg!!!! That’s not real baking Emma that’s baking with toddlers. I have never known somebody that is full of so much pink shite, I love pink stuff but not that bloody much, I’m surprised she hasn’t had that piece of shit car sprayed pink too
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VIP Member
She said people must think she’s mad wanting another allotment plot - I don’t, I think she’s greedy, if they were expensive she’d think twice but because they are cheap, she’s all for having as many as possible, no thought for anyone else . Bit like her charity shop buys .
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Hillbilly love puff

Chatty Member
Wonder if she’s made a R.I.P. paper clip/dangly in both pastel and traditional colours obvs 🙄.
I bet she has and will be flogging them at the funeral!

Another parcell arrived but she’s left opening it till tomorrow to give her something to look forward to! Talk about passive/aggressive begging!
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New member
Her followers sent parcels at first as she’d had her operation, but then she started to mention that she couldn’t find certain items in the shops and the next week she was inundated with par-celllls filled with the very things she couldn’t find! Just a few days ago she got some washing up liquid sent to her that she hadn’t been able to find! She must realise that this happens! So greedy.
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Active member
So Emma completed her tax return and now has to pay it. She must be making a tidy sum if she’s earning enough to pay tax on it!
I don’t know how many more times she could mention her tax return! Think she’s letting us all know she is registered as Self employed! She’s exhausted though as she’s done so much. I can’t imagine how she manages to sit on her pink padded chair in her sewing room in her cottaaage pressing buttons on her machine and eating her snack plates brought up by Craig. She’s done that all day every day since the weekend! Poor thing. 🤦🏻‍♀️
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