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Wow I’m shocked by Ashley’s rant because he’s just about put the boot in further than anyone else. How dare he comment about Julia not being a parent? This will sting I’m sure because we don’t know if she could even have children. That comment is the lowest of the low. Really hurtful.

What on earth have mark and Nadia bred…and I don’t mean the girls. I mean the type of people that follow them. He’s bang out of order. Who does he think he is?

Based on that comment off him, I wouldn’t blame Julia if she spilt the whole nasty mess to whoever paid her the most and then set up a genuine be kind charity.

This has gone too far. I’m thinking mark asked him to do it as he was always a fan of Julia before this episode. Saying that, I think she knows he likes everything the girls post so she may he is one of the ones that “gets off” on the undignified posts.

Mark? Wtf is that about?!🤔 Maybe he commented something and then had second thoughts and deleted it…

A second comment under Lisa’s stupid commentView attachment 1174222
The vitriol coming out of this man’s mouth is vile but they say that we are trolls.
Somehow I think that mark and Nadia will regret this weirdo getting involved. Sadly, because he’s so supportive of his idols I’m now worried for julia because how far will he go to glean abit of praise from them? He has managed to be very, very unkind in one post and funnily enough he’s managed to be everything that N says she hates. Bullying, unkind, derogatory all in one post. Sad start to the day.

Oh the irony Ashley.
You have just confirmed that anyone can write what they want on their own platform so why have you bullied Julia for writing on hers?

And if you’re reading on here (which you will be) stop the continuous swearing.We all do it occasionally but you do it so often that it makes you look strange and uneducated. Plus, you use the F word so much, I think I’m listening to Nadia. Silly man.


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I would absolutely HATE to go to their house for any event. Apart from the shit food and filth they don't seem to want to give their guests a good time - rather they just to use their guests as performing seals making them mug to the camera or repeat vaguely entertaining comments for the benefit of the subs. Desperately sad and pathetic.
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Bulls**t detector

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Fingers crossed Mark Adderley can get the time off work 😏
I literally spat my tea out at this 🤣🤣 The lazy twat must be saving his pocket money from is mummy nitty for his hollybobs.

I think Dina has no choice but to side with the Twaterleys or she will be emotionally and financially punished. Narcissists don't allow family and friends to not get involved or not take sides. They actively force them to side with them and be their minions. I do feel some sympathy for Dina and the oldies. You can see the discomfort on Nittys parents face when they are with her. When they are with Julia the smiles are softer and genuine.
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Go Julia! 👏
Well deserved AG. Got yourself a bad name protecting people that don't deserve your protection! Nice one Julia, you don't deserve people like this. Nadia should put a stop to it, it is bad for business.

His place of work will be very interested to hear how he is bullying people online about a situation that has absolutely nothing to do with him.
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don't think they have got their heads around bisexuals yet. god knows when they will get to the non-binaries. they don't understand how the way they frame their discussions makes them completely out of touch.
By the standard of cards being sent about in alphabetical order, I dread to think what will happen when they go down that avenue

I say that Nadia and Dina are the wicked sisters and Julia is Cinderella. She has definitely been treated extremely badly this last week and Nadia has lapped it up. The film of the drunken lushes in Spain sealed in for me. Julia’s self control and mellowness will have gained her lots of support from not only us lot but friends and colleagues alike.
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Nadia Sawalha needs to stop claiming she has ADHD! It's getting on my last nerve. She just needs to clean her mawkit house . Her issue is she can't stay off her phone long enough to do anything .
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I find it hilarious that you have nadia doing her fake smiles and guffawing and being superanimated, along with two women who have highly inexpressive faces. It's like nadia has to compensate for their stoniness- esp Jane who is particularly granite faced.
tits out again
why is she the only one in her bra and the camera pointing directly at her tits
silly attention seeking cow
rough as fuk
show off
julia is well rid of those twisted sisters
and as for jane and kaye, well ... why are they even with her???
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Nadia's going away, no surprise mental health talk again
This absolutely infuriates me!!
I have bipolar, adhd, bpd, cptsd and other things. Yet I absolutely do NOT make a drama out of everything.
Mank THINKS he's the only one to have that combination of mental health issues, yet it is incredibly common to have both Bipolar and ADHD. They more than often come hand in hand. He is a narcissist trying to control everyone one around him. How dare anyone get away from his poor me attitude and have a life away from him, how f**King dare they. Mank needs all the attention all the time.
His counselling course (as if he is actually doing one) would have explained this!!
He is the most selfish, depressing, self obsessed, woe is me, grimy, dramatic little cretin I've ever came across.
Get a fucking grip!! Your behaviour effects your children, your constant drinking, sulking, dramatising, faking, lying, cheating, scummy behaviour effects your children!
Don't ever claim to give a shit about them when you've damaged and are damaging them beyond anything.
You are disgraceful 😡
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Money things...

I imagine Dina is skint since she quit her job, Nadia "subs" aren't the right demographic of people to buy a nice but overpriced paint by numbers.

I think whatever Nanny Thelma left Mark will be long gone! He's an addict and a massive spender, even though they are using the tax deductable money they are still spending a fortune on crap, crap for the garden, crap tshirts, crap rings and jewellery, then there are all of the toy cave accoutrements. The Joe Wicks subscription. The energy costs for Sawalha-Adderley towers will be sky high, its a massive open space that was badly designed and will cost a small fortune to heat, especially with the recent energy rises.
There is also the overpriced holidays and nights away. Plus there is funding No1 daughters grift through her teenage years, the amount of clothes on her tok tok account is obscene! Then there is the £14k on cinema and theatre tickets as per the tax dodge documents. Then there is the secret gambling, his coffee addiction won't satisfy is addiction fix! Then there is the cost of the 6+coffee pods a day!
Then there are the wages for Michelle to swat trolls 😂 Then there are all the "presents" Mark buys Nitty with her money 😂
Mark has 2 other daughters, I wonder if he ever paid maintenance or helps them out now?

Nadia and money, she's admitted several times she rubbish with money! Because all strong Independent women don't care about their INCOME 😂 NOT!

She spends a fortune on shopping and food, those mamas spaghetti's don't come cheap! 😉 Her THREE fridges are always full to bursting on the vlogs! Then there are the bi-nightly takeaways, then the eating out, I bet she spends well in excess of £1k a week on food in various forms 🤮 If only she just bought a 55kg bag of spuds she'd save a fortune as the Sawalha-Adderleys diet is 99% carbs 😂

Then there is her alcohol bill! Cannot imagine Nitty drinks cheap Rozay! Plus drinks when she's out of the house desperate to get papperazzi'd...

I imagine she has to pay 4 peoples expensive mobile phone rent and bills as they are all addicted to their phones!
With her having no genuine friends, I'm sure she splashes the cash to buy her friends dinner n drinks etc to buy their friendship ...

Nadia went years when she wasn't working on Loose, you have to wonder if she begged loads of money from her parents and still owes them a fortune? 🤔 It wouldn't surprise me!

It all adds upto a small fortune to keep the SLOBSawalha-Adderleys in the life which they are accustomed to...

Despite earning nearly half a million pounds a year (according to dog house media tax returns) I bet they have hardly any savings, no retirement money and I bet they owe a small fortune!

Money Money Money 😂
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Velvet Veil

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Go Julia! 👏
Good for her 👏 she never uttered an unkind word and the Sadderlys trolls came crawling out from under a rock to bully her. Shame on them!
Ashley, I used to feel sorry for you but not any more- you are a bully and a troll. I hope you get a serious warning from IG to stop your bullying 🙌
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Chatty Member
I now think Nadia’s biggest problem stopping her having a tidy house is Mark. He tries to disrupt her when she attempts anything like a needy toddler, plus he mocks both her abilities and her appearance whenever she is trying to sort anything out. She can’t get properly angry, firstly because he will go into a major sulk, but secondly because when he has a camera in his hand she has to play along and turn it into a performance because that is how he makes his pocket money. There’s also the risk that he will show however aggressive she gets in response and not edit it out…and she knows the majority of the female subs will make comments claiming she is mean to him if she stands up for herself.

Her repeated attempts to ‘tidy’ that room may actually just be her attempting to get a bit of peace and quiet away from Mark, the lack of progress may be intentionally to drag it out and get more peace.

It can see it could be amusing the first couple of times he caught her being lazy on the job…but by the tenth time he just looked like a disobedient child harassing a parent who has asked to be left in peace.

Why did he keep zooming in on those mouldy mugs? Yet he still didn’t pick any of them up when he went back downstairs. It’s like he’s proud of how dirty they are. They are up and down those stairs several times a day….yet they leave half drunk dirty mugs in the bedrooms for possibly weeks to get that bad…then collect them in a group in the hallway because making it all the way to the kitchen is too much effort? His repeated focussing on these mugs makes me think that it’s all part of making Nadia look as bad as possible…throughout much of what he puts on youtube…it’s like he is trying to damage Nadia’s reputation as much as he possibly can, he doesn’t want her working anywhere except the moneyspinner Loose Women. He doesn’t want her doing any new tv jobs or meeting new people who have better living standards…or meeting men who act like men and not little boys.

The intentionally mentioning and showing the profile of the huge spot he had been squeezing was so unnecessary, this is a man in his 50s.
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This looks like the mug shot of an ageing hooker that the cops have picked up from some back alley in Vegas.

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Good Egg

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Look who has commented on Julia's Instagram post.
Where's the Be Kind from you Ashley? Nasty man!!!!!🤬
I’m not going to feed the “troll” and comment but this guy is OBSESSED with Nads, Mark and those two girls.
Why is he interfering? Family stuff is NOTHING to do with him.
I find the ‘Subs’ are a whole bunch of loonies and weirdos anyway. AG actually buys them Christmas presents - he doesn’t know them?
It’s like some weird cult? With Mark the messiah?
Back to the comment - he clearly doesn’t understand the narrative?
On Loose they are often taking about the impact of social media and teenagers etc etc
I’m sure it’s people like AG Julia is trying to protect her nieces from in all honesty - a stranger on the internet who claims to ‘know’ the SA’s and their children who showers them with gifts and compliments - nothing creepy in that at all?
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So Nadia is now posting more about Dina and I noticed she never uses plural when mentioning sisters! It's just sister , she is having Dina over with her mum and dad and lisa's lot , she really is being quite cruel in getting her point across that julia is now not on either of their ig accounts! Another thing they are all being so nice to Ashley g knowing that he said such horrible words to her in regard to not having children and calling her vile, I'm sorry but even if I was not speaking to my sister I would not allow anyone to speak to her in such a cruel, nasty , cutting way! He is completely out of order and needs telling but they have blatantly ignored his cruel words! This says it all to me about Nadia because you just do not treat family that way because if you truly cared you would be hurting inside if a stranger had called your sister hurtful things and have words with that person because them words hurt you also! I really do not understand why they are treating Julia so badly and basically being cruel and we all no that she told her friends to post comments on Julia's post so she must of been saying not nice things about her and now Dina is Nadias number 1 and boy don't we no it! Absolutely horrible behaviour from a grown women when all her sister was doing was trying to protect her nieces and a bully man comes along calls her vile and says she knows nothing about children because she has none so has zero write to comment! Well Ashley try telling that to a person who lost a child or can not have children or just chooses not to have them! You ignorant man , these women would make amazing mothers! He is the most ignorant, foul mouthed man on his ig and needs reporting! End of rant

total piss pots the lot of them
Karma gonna get them!
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I only hope Julia is considering writing her autobiography- covering her bullying as a child by Dina and Nadia, and as an adult by nadia, and the marriages between a nadia sawalha and a hamza and a Dina and a hamid at Croydon town council, and also giving us more insight in to what nadia calls her wild years and her, ahem, behaviours. I guess Nadia isn't picturing Julia sat at a "typewriter" as she floats away on her cloud.
I’d buy 10 copies if that book! I’d love to see the PR she’d do on aLorainne, This morning, loose women?😂 Discussing all the ‘very interesting’chapters of her life. Go for it Julia!

I really want the subs to start asking what’s happened to Manks masterpiece film that he made. I feel so let down at not having the chance to see Moody and her monotone, horrific acting skills and I take it the soundtrack? Billy Elish, Gaga etc had better watch out the new talent in the block.
I kept an eye out at the Oscars, Wasn’t interested in the Will Smith marlarky. Was sat with bated breath waiting for Croydon’s finest director to make his acceptance speech. 😢 Ahh maybe next year Mank.
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I think the trouble started with Nitts and Julia because Manky fancied Julia and made it a bit obvious. Maybe they got in well had a bit of a laugh (purely in a sister in law way for J) but Manks probably got a bit flirty and spouting innuendo’s. Nitty would be raging, fury and venom out of every orifice. Knowing her husband had a thing for the most beautiful, talented and successful sister that she already had crippling jealousy about.

She probably took it out in innocent Julia while Mank tried to make out it was Julia that fancied him 🤢. Bet she was evil and tried to make everyone turn against her.
Wouldn’t surprise me if he imagines being in bed with J instead of N and has numerous wanks thinking about her.
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I used to like Kaye Adams and wondered why ever she let the wicked witch back into her life as a friend and not a work colleague but seeing these holiday stories I think it is a case of "birds of a feather stick together".
The thing that strikes me about those holiday stories is that Nadia Sawalha is able to edit the content into watchable segements and get it up on the Gram whilst she's still on holiday. Even when she's half cut half most of the time. Let's face it, if Mark Adderley had gone to Marbs, the trip would have been dragged out over 5 'films' that we could expect to 'land' on a Sunday in mid June, as a 'treat' to make up for the Nonexistent Sunday Show. :sneaky:
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They really are blowing smoke up her arse, thinking she is something special, she is going to have a right fall one day.
Let’s all praise Maddie expressing her authentic self and creativity, which consists largely of posting pictures of she and her friends giving people the finger, sitting on toilets, drinking and smoking, and lip synching badly while dancing in front of a smartphone in a cluttered and messy bedroom. She’s clearly the next coming of a combined DaVinci, Billie Eilish, and Picasso!
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