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VIP Member
It looks like she’s had some liposuction on her stomach ( saggy skin) who loses weight directly from the stomach… No one Ever!
This 16:8 diet is a farce/cover up to make it look like …She work hard on her diet when in fact she’s had a procedure 😡
View attachment 873008
It's more like after Nadia Sawalha breathed in with all her might, Poundshop Dr Photoshop set to work. The counter is warped and her armpits look like Barbie's FFS.
How exactly does this marry with the infamous LW body confidence campaign?
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Bash a Troll

Well-known member
Nittya once AGAIN claims Manky is a workaholic who finally sits down to read and relax after 20 years….the man who has gone on multiple holidays and overnights this year alone and counts reading the papers and watching films as “work.” The denial and delusion is breathtaking.
View attachment 852185
Looks like he still has those vile shoes on:sick:
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Modern day version of a twit
that gets you round to their house
to see their holiday projector slides in the mouth of Christmas 🎅
Offers you a cup of tea with no biscuit 😩
Even the subs must think that’s strange
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Bulls**t detector

Well-known member
What's the Unpopular Opinions Forum please never seen that ?
Just search it. Its a fast moving thread on tattle.

Thanks for thinking of me 🥰 @Bulls**t detector don't worry I'm fine (y).
Thing's were just getting a bit intense for me so I decided to take a bit of a breather?
It seems as if I'm not very objective and quite a sensitive person who sometimes struggles to regulate their responses and emotions?
Plus I have a bit of an addictive personality and recently I have been wondering if being on line is having a good effect on my mental health?

I just think I need to find and regain my balance again? I wrote a rather intense post when I was pre menstrual and I later kind of kicked myself for taking myself or other people's opinions that seriously? I don't want to antagonise others or the mods on here? So I thought it best to put down the phone and try and regulate myself and my hormones and finally do some yoga and meditation and deal with all my personal things that I had been putting off?
Sorry if this is all a bit OTT but yeah I need to look after myself and learn not to care what other people think and try to build up my own self confidence a bit?
Thanks for caring I appreciate it but I found myself becoming a bit of a drama queen (unintentionally) and maybe a bit of a bore? (Also unintentionally :p) So I don't want to get on people's nerves or always chronically over share?
I think you'll understand 🙂?
Thanks for everything ❤ and I hope you and all the other intelligent and decent and funny people on here are fine as well. Love ❤
I don't find you a drama queen or a bore. Keep posting. I love reading your posts. Take care. ❤
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VIP Member
Adderley is a low grade Benny Hill/Eric Morecombe rip off trying oh so desperately to be funny, pretending not to know what nori is and then sticking the finish product under his ARMPIT?
The Manky & Scratchy sushi roll show is good for one place only. His personalised flytip outside his door.
I seriously wonder what kind of people these 'subs' are that PAY for this shite 🤣

Just like no one wants to eat sushi that has been put under an arrmpit who the f wants to see this? 🤮
View attachment 872318View attachment 872319View attachment 872321
It looks like she’s had some liposuction on her stomach ( saggy skin) who loses weight directly from the stomach… No one Ever!
This 16:8 diet is a farce/cover up to make it look like …She work hard on her diet when in fact she’s had a procedure 😡
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Chemicals kill

Well-known member
Exactly 100% why the unauthentic, unoriginal, unfunny grifting Swadderleys will NEVER be on Gogglebox
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I realise they are stressed because it is Christmas and they are putting out a video per day, also the fact that real, in-the-flesh people are going to witness the shit hole they live in, and that Nittia must be the second most annoying person in the universe to live with, however I think you get a real insight into the pompous loser, Manky's entitled, controlling behavior (which I think is a year round thing), in this vlog. Starting from timestamp 2:48

What an absolute bastard. If he was that concerned about their packed diary, why the feck didn't he arrange things himself? Too fecking lazy that's why. Nasty twat. :mad:
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Chemicals kill

Well-known member
Here you go grifter Nads...some lovely healthy (🙃) recipes for you to make (after a couple of rozaaays naturally) for your 'subs' following you on your 16/8 fasting.
(Call me cynical if you like, but I reckon the 2 months fasting was more to do with losing weight to go away for the weekend with your T. V chums 🤔)
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I know, anyone would think that he's some big cheese in the film world, instead of a work-shy tosser who takes his mother to Cineworld once in a while.
She’s delusional. He should be cleaning the house or helping with the bathroom refurb instead of sitting on h
Same here, I keep thinking I'll cancel next month but can't quite bring myself to. Now with all these members incentives they've brought in, it's just too enticing 🤣
how could you consider cancelling and you paying the “directors “ salary😂😂😂😂😂😂

Those hands of his really make me cringe 🤮
Oh Jesus 🤢 they never did any work either🤮🤮
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Gloria Rostron

VIP Member
Happy snogaversary to my one true love ( apart from carbs !)
@mark_adderley !!

Today’s the day twenty years ago that we...

Happy snogaversary to my one true love ( apart from carbs !)
@mark_adderley !!

Today’s the day twenty years ago that we had our very first kiss !

Just imagine if we hadn’t ?! Who and what would we be ! Doesn’t bear thinking about !!
Love you through all the ‘rows , vows and room service ‘

Fancy an egg and fag sandwich ..nudge nudge wink wink !! 😉


Welcome to the forum. ❤
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VIP Member
UTTER UTTER rubbish! Good old Ashley & his crew of super sleuths cannot find people's IP addresses! It's so funny how ALL defensive people on social media say they can find other people's IP addresses, it's a scare tactic!

Poor old Ashley cannot distinguish his ar*e from his elbow nevermind be an Internet super sleuth! Lol

If the Sawalha-Adderley Super fans had people's IP address they would 100% prove it. What they fail to realise is an IP address is NOT a person's home address, its a set of numbers for computers to talk to one and other.

The line where they say they've reported the ppl is the funniest! The people who wrote that ARE admins of the Sawalha-Adderleys fan page and if they knew who the "enemies" were, would surely have deleted them from the group with the click of a button! 😂

Who are they going to report them to?

Dear Mr Facebook, we've got a member in our group of sycophants who's isn't an actual sycophant, please can you remove them from Facebook forever 😂

So even if the super sleuths managed to circumnavigate Facebooks SUPER cyber security (which the Sawalha-Adderley SPECIAL 😋😜 ppl) that they say they have, then they'd be millionaire hackers!

Next they'll be claiming it was Ashley and Co who brought down Facebook, Instagram and twitter a few weeks ago 😂 😂 😂

i think if you own a website you can see where your traffic is coming from via IP address, but it will just show the server that your conection is coming from, it is not specificito identify an idividual
ie, if you were in London and you were using you broadband in Camden it would show traffic from Camden
Ive seen it on my daughters vintage clothing website that she has - its ust shows areas of where people have accessed the broadband connection so could be camden, croydon, cardiff, bristol etc
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Gloria Rostron

VIP Member
She scratched through the whole of Whine o'c, I wonder if she was scratching in Jane's house at the weekend, Jane needs to get the place fumigated. He must have had a shave he's got a bad shaving rash all over his mush, what a riffy pair of cretins they are.
Don't they share razors? I'm sure they said something about it.
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