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Mank's average conversation with his ma

Mank: look at this ma
Ma: oh whatever is it. wherever did you find it. oh you are clever. it reminds me of that thing that we had back whenever. it really is marvellous. you are such a clever boy to have found something just like it.
Mank: it reminds me that you are old and will be dead soon.
So true 😅😅😅😅
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The ‘on the buses’ noise, is like saying the word ‘huh’, but while breathing sharply inwards. It’s a weird noise, it can’t be accidental but then why do it on purpose as it’s very unattractive. In the sitcom it was literally used as a ‘funny noise’ of a character who was not supposed to be likeable or attractive.
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Nadia says Kiki's first 2 words when she banged her toe on the door was fucking hell. Classy. :cautious: She goes on to say it was awful and they laughed they heads off. Of course, this response meant she would say it all the time. Dina took her eldest to a private nursery. The end of the garden of this nursery a train went by and he said "It's a fucking train!" 😲 Dina was also hungover and probably smelt of booze and as soon as he said that, she picked him up and ran out of there.
I find this absolutely disgusting.
Yes, quite often when you hurt yourself, many adults do use choice words. I know I do. But when children are around you just don’t.
My 19 year old hasn’t heard me swear - he often laughs at me now because I will still say something silly instead of swearing in front of him. It’s become habit and I see no reason to suddenly change just because he’s 19.
It’s not right to swear around children in my opinion, and there’s no excuse for it.
The fact that Nadia doesn’t see it as problem, and actually finds it funny speaks volumes.
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Chemicals kill

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I bet her badger is beautifully maintained!

Don't blame you....... I switched off when she didn't know what a gopher is- just thought it was some one who goes fer a mcdonalds.
I was out when they said about a downstairs toilet leak that has been ongoing and smelling for a time (yum all those films of food being prepared just a door away), and when Manky said he'd film her going for a crap (he's already done that *yawn*). LITERALLY NO ORIGINAL THOUGHTS OR DEEDS AT ALL. Sad grifting unoriginals. (Talking of which the third eldest daughter is spreading her legs a la mama on London's pavements for the 'Gram again *yawn*).
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Teaching assistant. Nothing wrong in that. Nitty always said Dina was a teacher. But then she thinks her husband is a successful film director/producer/writer/therapist and hot bloke.:LOL:
i think dina did actually teach.... but it was in a limited capacity for someone teaaching children that age.

The dogshit diaries cornwall edition is back..... why does he think his dogs shitting or him carrying a poo in a bag are interesting.
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It looks like the Cotswold cottage that Jane Moore owns.
Yup, she's been a well-paid journalist for decades and her husband is also incredibly hard working and successful. You know those people No Mark Adderley bumps into in lifts? They are probably on their way to a career changing meeting with Jane's husband. :sneaky:
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she gets paid £3,000 per hour, gets a free hairdo, a coating in foundation, prob transportation and expenses paid for, and a high street wrap dress for 50 pence nominal charge her daughter will probably sell on depop later, whilst claiming every piece of shite her and her grabby husband consume back against tax......

obviously these hard working young people working a late shift deserve so much less....
There is vid of her coming out of LW studio to a line of transport with her "hello boys" persona and gets into a Merc (or similar) to transport her to Crummy Croydon.
Edit - Sure someone knows where it is - have had a look but can't find it.
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Giving us views of dog shit, his unoriginal ponderings about the Earth continuing without us, more blah, blah. He is lying on the stone wall, in view of the neighbours like a teenage layabout. Nadia being all grateful in her dungarees and black padded bra with her "fuckit" necklace on. Nanny Di out front telling Toffee to get inside with a purple scarf plopped on her head and a bowl of cereal. Mark clicking his heels again and again and again on the beach and Kiki not quite making it. Mark does stupid poses on the beach. They are going to Rick Stein's the next day. Mark has a sunburn from lying on the wall. A gull or a tern is sitting on top of the SUV. More blah, blah from Mark. Nanny Di can't open the car door. BBQ on the beach, Mark in a hole, Nadia can't be arsed to do more than hot dogs. Slideshow ends with Mark's manky mug. Fin.
😂 It was like an episode of Shameless at a few points.
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Chemicals kill

Well-known member
let's also point out this video is not an exhaustive compilation of his questionable behaviours......
This vlog has it all: hypocrisy about weight, greedy grifting, harassing the poor dog, shots of filthy house, Manky editing in sounds of farting as Nitty does exercises and even saying, on a vlog that is intended for family viewing, he has an erection...from timestamp 19:32 is the part I find most offensive
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It's all about getting narcissistic supply. This is the 'power' that gets them through the day. Pathetic and manipulative...
It is and the
They are quite happy to admit that she got it from rolling in fox poo at the park but surely lots of dogs do this and any responsible owner would wash their dog after. I don’t recall them ever saying they have washed either of the dogs when this has happened 😢
Am I wrong?
I do not want to defend them in any way, but I remember when I did watch their vlogs all the time (and they were up to date!). I have a memory of Nadia washing one of the dogs then after rolling in fox muck. It was only the once though and maybe done for the vlog at the time to make them look like responsible dog owners..

I have felt this way ever since i first started watching them really. It's like she was snatched from a normal family home, hate using the normal word but i'm going with it, and plonked in a hovel and raised by a couple of narcissists, who are two of the most ignorant people i have ever come across. It makes me sad that she has had to grow up in that tinderbox.
Yeah I am hopeful for Kiki. I remember Nadia saying she was tidy with her belongings, so rare in that house and like people say seems sensible and grounded. It must grate on her being in that house, though. Maddie needs to sort herself out it's never too late she is only 19 (nearly).
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This is spot on - I don’t know any other YouTube channel (certainly not one I follow) charge or beg for likes as much as they do. Then she is posting pics of her at The Ivy no less today…they make me sick.

Sorry to hear of your loss @Wood79 and totally relate to this as I too subscribed to them a few years ago when I was going through a tough time personally and found comfort in their vlogs but if you compare their videos from then to now they have really lost all authenticity and it has become evidently all about the money…maybe it was always that way and I just didn’t see it but just find them toxic and potentially dangerous to those suffering with mental health issues or even just more vulnerable people. As I said before, I think N’s 16:8 videos are irresponsible and even harmful particularly to those with eating disorders (of which there are sadly so many cases nowadays).
That's ok, thank you it was a few years ago now, but yes their vlogs really did seem better and up to date definitely! No with the subs the atmosphere is definitely not healthy the times I caught coffee morning I saw that. If that is a great community then you can keep it!
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Gloria Rostron

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I think she desperately wants to say who it is but cannot for legal reasons, she knows people aren't stupid and will guess.
Absolutely, I know she has her hands tied plus her reputation careerwise to think of, no one would want her as their agejt if she's going to blab about them. I do feel she could give subtle but affirming hints though, for example "the total witch has a freeloading husband" or "the total witch has a nit infestation", I don't believe she could be sued for libel that way. I do think MB is being too ambiguous but at the same time I can well believe Grabby would say that about a suicide note. I keep thinking back to how she was in Big Brother with Perez, her kindness to him when he was ostricised seemed fake and image boosting. I wasn't on Tattle then, I hadn't seen her YouTube, but I knew something wasn't quite right about her back then. I also think if your own sister can call you out on Twitter and not even have the will to say your name in response to an article about you, then there is some serious shade. Julia doesn't seem like a vindictive person, I think Grabby has pushed and pushed her and now she resents her.
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Wow …disclosing tablets .. most fun I’ve had in ages !! Haven’t used these since the eighties ?!!

Swipe to see

Who knows what they are ? Have you ever used them ?

Be great for Halloween 😂

#disclosuretablets #teethgoals #instateeth #teeths #teethcare

her tongue is huge, I thought it was a photo of Xander at first!
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Live in 33 mins 😏 subs chatting for the past hour 🤣 Julie is bloated due to a potato waffle😏 damn them with their whine o clocks we are missing out on @bitterntwisted ‘s great entertainment🥲
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