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πŸ’― Wood79

Although to be fair, once Mark Adderley forgets to act as if he's at death's door it's business as usual - more's the pity. Just witness the 50 year old man throw off his Cookie Monster hoodie and He Is Healed. πŸ™Œ

Timestamp 25:06
Compare his sickly act at the beginning of this 'film' to this self-indulgent rant about his unsuccessful foray into academia. Which, for the record, he abandoned because it bore "no relationship to the real world". :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

What, as opposed to the way he lives in a cupboard, surrounded by dusty figurines waiting for Tim the postman to bring him another packet of seeds for his mum to plant in the garden? He whinges that university expanded his mind and then it was just blah. What he fails to realised that along with anyone else working successfully in the field in which they have attained expertise, I regularly engage in deep conversations and critical thinking with my peers who are successful in their own right. We do something productive with our expertise. It's called gainful employment, for the record. One day the poor lamb will make the connection between his malaise and his entrenched laziness.
Thanks for posting the CM @missmickey (y)
What can I say except repeat Nadia's own words!
She's not self deprecating :D she is self defecating (she got confused by the two) :poop::p LOL.
Also went around telling everyone! :D
I'm dying here! LOL....
Well it's an easy mistake to make? πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ
At least she tried to be self deprecating ( I don't think it's a bad thing if you can laugh or poke fun at yourself)?
I think Mark could learn a bit about that he's the one who needs to! (Be self deprecating not self defecating!) LOL!
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she gets paid Β£3,000 per hour, gets a free hairdo, a coating in foundation, prob transportation and expenses paid for, and a high street wrap dress for 50 pence nominal charge her daughter will probably sell on depop later, whilst claiming every piece of shite her and her grabby husband consume back against tax......

obviously these hard working young people working a late shift deserve so much less....
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View attachment 831806

The Facebook comments so far:

Awesome ❀😘



Lovely 😊😊

Legend ❀😘

Funtastic πŸ€—


Lovely ❀

Intelligent ❀






Lovely and funny


Kind ❀

Kind and thoughtful






Big-hearted β™₯

Fandiddlyastic!! β€πŸ˜πŸ€— Limiting it to one word is tough πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

I can’t read any more… it’s quite sick inducing🀒
Are they all after a quickie in his dusty wank cave? I can't quite believe how so many of them can listen to the shite he spouts and attribute those words to him. WTF.
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A few take-aways!
- They are a chaotic (πŸ‘) & creative (πŸ€£πŸ‘Ž) family
- Mark is not soft (except on household chores, laziness, slovenliness,…) 😑
- Mark is authentic/ strategic not soft πŸ€”
- They have never told Moody off when drunk (seems constant on IG)
- Moody is chaotic but hits deadlines like her parents 🀣🀣🀣
- Moody’s feedback on this podcast is soooo β€œstrong”… πŸ₯±
- Carlitos gets back from other homes and he does not need a friend/bestie but a parental figure at his home (talking about the Swadderleys??? πŸ˜πŸ€”) …
- They have been good on mental health education (wtf their teenagers seem to have so many issues).
- It’s normal to have a day off school for mental health β€¦πŸ™„, Manky gives them pep talks .. πŸ™„
- Thanks to home schooling Kiki has gone back to school πŸ˜πŸ™„
- blabla on fathers playing roles but not Manky πŸ™„
- Huge problem with adults and alcohol in UK which leads to self medicating issues (hmmm no bi-polar mention fir once) - worst country (wtf does Nitty know what goes on in Eastern Europe, Nordics, Russia, .. πŸ€”)
- Manky was β€œnot a saint, he was a competitive angry little footballer who kicked peopleβ€πŸ˜³ not surprised I must admit but sure he got his share back πŸ˜€
- Their kids are never bored as they always entertain them (when not on SM of course!!!)
- ongoing 4 week discussion with Moodie for chores (her room) 😳 DO IT or out!!!!

Sure you have more to add!!!
the issue isn't that they are too soft- it's that they both have personality disorders, and they have brought up kids without addressing them.
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Miss LDN

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Jesus Christ what is wrong with that girl, who is trying to attract with her sleazy seedy posts, dirty old men & pervy boys?
I think it's very odd. Sleazy. Mank gets on his soap box about pervy men watching his daughters, yet won't have a word about appropriate behaviour and self worth. Moodie is her mother's daughter. This has nothing to do with body confidence. Nasty, tacky and attention seeking.
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How the feck can their staffing costs rise so much?. Maybe his mother and daughter are now on the payroll. They have been stuck indoors regurgitating shit content for the majority of the past year, so their overall costs would never have risen by that much, unless they are accounting for all the fecking holidays they have taken recently. Grifting bastards.
Either that or Manky will announce that his latest ailment is multiple personality disorder and he has to pay each one a salary. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰
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What's the betting they've all had covid, but instead of being honest to their subs they will wait 2 months before revealing they had covid and will lie and say they didn't want to worry the subs at the time!?

Which also conveniently negates them being questioned about their movements in real time because nothing will stop the Sawalha-Adderleys doing what they want to do, not even pesky covid..

I genuinely don't believe a word they say as they lie way too much.
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I feel so sad for those poor dogs. I remember as a kid my nan taking in a dog, he’d been mistreated by neighbours up the road. They were the sort with a mattress in the garden, piles of rubbish everywhere & rats. It’s always stuck with me that dogs that get mange only come from homes like this. I’ve never known a dog from a loving home have it (apologies if I’m wrong).

I’d be ashamed to admit my dog had it, though from what you’ve all said they seem quite proud of the fact.
I hope the vets reported them.
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Nearly choked on me glass of rozaay when Nittia explained that her hard grifting hot hubby has gone to a 'screening' today... er you mean sweetie, love-you-like-jelly-tots he's gone to the flicks 🀣
Screening?! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: Oh, so that's what she's calling it now? After all, for the last few years Mark Adderley has been framing his afternoons hiding in the cinema on the wife's dollar as home schooling education.


(By the way, Mark Adderley once met a Yeti in a lift whilst filming for National Geographic round the back of that mountain. Just saying. :sneaky:)
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Velvet Veil

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Look at all that oil! :sick: She's going to keel over one day if she's not careful.

View attachment 858393
View attachment 858394
In what world is that cooking?? I'm no chef but even in my house a toastie is a lazy snack!
What next, pimp a pot noodle??
She's a fake! When I was a paying sub I was always hoping for a good recipe, one I could follow, but she can't even be arsed to type it out in the comments so it's no use at all. She just likes to show off, she doesn't care about teaching or sharing
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I think someone is getting to Nadia, she seems very angry lately. She can harp on about drowning out nasty comments but wants to take a good hard look at herself. She's that spiteful she can't hold down a group of friends for long and her own sister hates her.

more body confidence bs from nurse ratched, telling us we all needs our meds if we have a problem. lol. of course she's now on a diet/not diet to lose some weight because of high cholestOrol and doesn't seem to see the link between that and a gut she could roll with a rolling pin. she's so dumb it's painful.

vile, irresponisble, conceited hag.
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I imagine their YouTube AXA ad won’t get more than about 10K views….I wonder if covering the Swadderley’s expenses for the weekend will be worth it to AXA….Nitwittya promoted the video on her IG stories but the promotion is horribly edited and interrupted by other random cooking and meditation stories she has posted.
So the woman who rants and rages about politics, declares all men are rapists and to riot not diet is now taking people through a guided meditation for the next 40 days? Is she guiding people, or just sitting one her filthy leather sofa flaring her nostrils in and out for 15 seconds?
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:coffee:Coffee Moaning for Friday. I have stuff I have to do today, I don't feel like doing it, but I have to drag my sad sorry arse around. πŸ˜– Alrighty then, here is my first summary since this thread was released from the penalty box. Let's focus on what we are here for people. Title is "Facebook, Menopause, 5 Signs Blood Sugar High, Vending Machines, VAPING & Postcards."

They are singing Good Morning with Mark playing his air drums and he is no Phil Collins or Steve Morris. πŸ˜’ Nadia was chatting about Vlogmas on Insta. She says her Insta peeps don't know about them on YouTube. Ignorance is bliss. :p Mark asks where these people have been. He also says he has had peeps say not to do HELLOS, but they will continue. Nadia asks why and Mark says he doesn't know, if you don't like it (no he doesn't say piss off) he says spool ahead 2 mins and they will be done. Roll call!!! Nadia likes to imagine CMs like going into work and meeting for a coffee and chat before it all starts. I never did that. Nadia is fluffing her hair and it looks like she put her finger in a socket. "There's something really weird going on with my looks so ridiculous." Hi to Ethan who is 7. Talking about watercooler chat about TV shows. COVID testing centres and Nadia says they are vacant, "can't they reduce it, put it in a corner?" Mark says people are bored with COVID. James is graduating today. Laura says school nativities are still cancelled and Nadia can't believe it. "You can't cancel children's events, it's just lunacy" says Nadia. There's somebody at the door, there's somebody at the door! Off goes Mark and Toffee barks.

Nadia tells us about the dogs and how Chi Chi nearly died, changed their diets and then got itching where they were tearing their skin open. Vets says the diets needed changing again and Mark was Googling, 10 week lag on diet change. Mark diagnosed the dogs with mange on the first time he went to the vet, cuz you know, he knows everything. They went to the hospital yesterday and they didn't want to admit this was mange because it is so rare. The vet hasn't seen their home. :sick::ROFLMAO: The vet took a scraping and saw the mites under the microscope and in all his years as a vet, he has never seen it. So the vasculitis made Chi Chi immunocompromised and thus she picked up the mange from the fox faeces. Okay, wait a sec. Did Chi Chi have the mange when she went to the groomer and met with Lisa's dog? That stuff is contagious. The whole lot of them need a bloody Silkwood shower now. :oops: "It's been fascinating and Mark diagnosed before 3 vets!" BFD. I diagnosed piraformis syndrome on a relative 5 years ago and I don't have a Master's or an almost Phd. :rolleyes: Back to the dogs, they have been given drugs and they are calmer now. Rachel is asking about mange and I say GOOGLE IT WOMAN! Happy 9th birthday Isla.

BOOK OF FACES changes name to Meta. Nadia asks if anyone else thinks Mark Zuckerberg looks like a robot. Mark thinks they have made a vital mistake with the name change. Yeah, cuz Mark is a regular captain of industry. Meta is the name of corporate and Occulus not the apps and websites. Zuckerberg says Facebook is part of the metaverse and Mark says he is venturing into Marvel Universe territory. :rolleyes: Nadia decided to read further to state that it doesn't apply to their platforms. Reading is fundamental kids. "Oh there's no story there." :ROFLMAO: Dilweeds. :ROFLMAO:

Menopause bill presented today: Free prescriptions for HRT. Nadia does her menopause speech. Mark brings up the HRT being dangerous. Nadia says it has evolved and the report done did not have reliable sources. "You need an expert." Not Nadia, she is a conduit. Mark goes on about Big Pharma. Mark asks who is in the menopause now? None of your business! 🀬 Kate is getting her HRT today. Talk about the 40 different symptoms of HRT and menopause creeping up on you. Talk about privatizing prescriptions and the cost of a stamp. It's a leap. Mark wants to know what meno and pause mean. I will guess stopping menstruation and Nadia there is peri, then menopause, the postmenopause. Mark thinks the meno relates to the moon. Okay dude. Monica is fed up with other women dismissing its impact. Someone says meno is Greek for period. Nadia says it shouldn't be pause because it doesn't end and I say see my previous comment. 😫

Five signs blood sugar is high. Mark says 9 signs. "Blood sugar is so important for our health" says Nadia. Increased thrist and dry mouth, need to urinate more than you did, tiredness, blurred vision. On the last one, Nadia read in the article that sometimes your vision can improve. Weird. Dry, itchy skin can be a sign. Weight loss of 10 lbs can fix it. "That's why we do the 16/8." Yeah, yeah less calories, more energy expelled. "I've lost so much weight in the last couple of months, it's fantastic." Mark tells us the 2nd winner for the video is being recorded today. Nadia:"It's a really nice perk." πŸ˜’ Member Area spiel and they are doing another Mark cooks thing.

Vaping prescribed on the NHS, do you think it is as antisocial as smoking? Nadia has a friend to which Mark says "Have you? Bloody hell?" About 10 years ago was prescribed nicotine spray for the nose. Everyone around her, it is eyewatering for them. This friend is still using the spray, as she is now addicted to the spray. Counsellor Nadia says there is loads of mental stuff around smoking, recognizing why they smoke. Mark sees cross addiction is a step down, not always bad. Vaping is less harmful, but you are still ingesting it. Nadia talks about them being big smokers and Nadia is still in awe of herself quitting. Good for you Nadia! :m Yes, I said what I said. I'm not made of stone. :p

Vending machines are making a comeback. Nadia hates them. And I'm back to thinking Nadia sucks again. Thanks universe! I love the idea of an automat and as a kid I was fascinated by vending machines. Nadia says she loved them at swimming, because getting the crisps you wanted "was the best feeling, but how often did you get your crisps?" Nadia wants more healthy things in vending machines. My gym got rid of the junk food and now it's all water, juices, power bars, fruit, nuts, boiled eggs, milk, etc.

Welcome to Dawn. HIT THE SUBSCRIBE AND NOTIFICATION BELL, HIT THE LIKE BUTTON! Someone asked what the builders are doing and they have vlogging it and Nadia is very excited. I guess that means we will see it on Christmas Day then? :rolleyes: THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR LOVELY MESSAGES ON MY SOBER BIRTHDAY. END OF HALF TERM SO WHO KNOWS WHEN THEY WILL BE ON. HAVE A LOVELY DAY, IT'S THE WEEKEND, IT'S FRIDAY HASHTAGE FRIDAY FUN. Laters all! :devilish:
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I don't need to look at the calendar to tell me it's Friday, hell no. I just have to open Youtube and there sits the crusty, unwashed face of Narc Sadderley, the man that hates Fridays telling the world that the reason he has spent most of his life treating women like shit is because he now has X,Y and Z.

Do yourself and more importantly me a huge favour and pop on one of your unironed shirts, douse yorself in Eau de Hovel and fuck off to Soho for the night, better still fuck off anywhere and stay there. Self absorbed twat. :mad: :mad: :mad:
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I thinks Manks likes/needs Moodie being at home. She is his 1 and only "friend" to socialise with (cinema and museums) and she knows it, hence her adoration for him on SM
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:coffee:Coffee Moaning for Monday. Hope your weekend went well. Title is "Booster Stress, Broken Hearts, Tribute Bands, Shark Attacks and Newspapers."

They are in their mini hovel walk-in closet. Singing of Good Morning commences. Mark says he tried to get the papers, but they only had The Times and The Scum at 7 a.m. "Have you put a sweetner in my tea?" asks Nadia Yes. "I never have sweetner in my tea." Nadia notices the mess behind them and gets up to do something about it. She kicks something and then moves the laundry basket out of view. "I wish I could get this room sorted out." Try picking up after yourself! Chat about Selling Sunset. Roll call. FOLLOW MY FRIEND DANCE YOUR TITS OFF. Mark:"Here's the thing guys, this is a radical thought, there is no contradiction between running a business on social media and not caring or caring for people. Isn't that weird? Isn't that a strange thing?" Dipshit. Nadia says she doesn't even know what he is talking about. :ROFLMAO: Neither do I. I read that sentence 3x and it doesn't make sense. He says DYTO runs a business but genuinely cares about you. "Where is PotAMak?" :ROFLMAO: He is trying to say Potomac (Pa-Toe-Mick) as in Real Housewives of." Nadia says it's in America. Duh? Really? They are watching Winter House, I haven't been able to get into that one. She mentions them getting off their faces and that is probably why I don't watch. I've seen enough of that nonsense when I was younger. Mark says he lives vicariously through them. Mark says he re-met (non-word) the gingerbread men of Vlogmas. They have been planning for Vlogmas.

Real Housewives of Dubai chat and how there are loads of things not to do there, the shadiness. Mark is surprised that they can to it. I watch some of these Housewives shows out of habit, but aren't people fed up with rich or faking that they are rich people on TV? Nadia mentions the sheik's daughter in hiding and being detained. Talk of a guy who is in jail for CBD oil. Nadia mentions the time they went to Dubai, waiting at the taxi bay and a local Dubai couple just butt in front of them in the queue. Nadia took umption of course, but another person said to her to let it go, you can't say anything to them. Another reason not to go. They do random urine tests for weed. Nadia knows some actor who had to stop smoking for months. Smoking pot in the UK? Isn't it still illegal, but yeah, yeah, the bourgeoise class can do it. :rolleyes: Melanie says it is a city built by slave labour and dirty oil money. Nadia says they talked to cab drivers in Dubai about how they got there, having their passports taken away, warehoused in hangars. Hell, I saw some Canadian ESL teachers looking for an apartment in Dubai, they were being shown around the apartment and asked what this storage room with no window was. The realtor said "Oh that is the maid's room." They just looked at each other with a WTF? look. Nadia mentions a driver saying they were in Dubai and his wife was taken in for wearing shorts. Mark says you have to have your wits about you, not your tits about you. :cautious:

Trina's BF makes Mamma's Spaghetti, but his own spin on it, she craves it all the time. Nadia mentions Stacey's Joe makes it all the time and drives her mad. "It's the only thing my Mark will make." Mark mentions there is an expat underbelly culture in Dubai and I am like no shit, same in Saudi and other areas in the Middle East. They need our expertise, so they tolerate our abhorrent behaviours as long as we keep it to ourselves. Booster Stress: Confusion over status on the app, regional differences. Hospitals seeing 14x the number of COVID patients compared with last year. Nadia can't believe it. Mark did his own research with graphs and says the cases are lower, but deaths the same. Nadia goes on about the "FUCKING GOV'T" and they say they should have started boosters in July. More blah, blah.

Nadia gets up and Mark says she is looking for her knickers. "No don't say knickers all the time! Jesus Christ!" HIT THE LIKE BUTTON. Nadia sings just show me you like me. Nadia doesn't know how she feels about the booster at the minute. Question: Who has bought into the booster idea or could be the start of every 6 month financially incentivized pharamceutical thingy? Talk about pharmaceutal companies making loads of cash from it all. Joshua had his booster and got just a sore arm. Nadia doesn't want a Pfizer when she has had 2 AZs. Nadia mentions the antiviral drug that kills it dead within 5 days of life. AZ are apparently saying you don't need a booster. I haven't got a clue at this point. Mark blathers on about this shit and I'm bored. :sleep: Maddie, antibodies. Oh Nadia says now she probably will have the booster, but wants to know more about it. Great, we can all sleep easy now. :cautious: Melanie mentions that the antibody tests are Big Pharma. Yeah suck on that Mark! :p

Leonette 3 says that Toyah Wilcox in on This Morning right now. Mark says to check our her YouTube channel. Shark Attack: British man killed by a Great White in Australia. :cry: Nadia says the only thing they found were his goggles. Nadia's friend in Aus, yes really, says those chain nets for the sharks don't work. "He competed with the Ironman 6x." Createaholic says more people die from bees than sharks and not to vilify sharks. My sibling, when she was younger, was OBSESSED with sharks. She could tell you all kinds of facts about sharks. I don't know about now. She can probably tell you a shedload of stuff about rose wine though. Ruth says she only paddles after seeing Jaws. 🀭

Tina Turner is suing a tribute band. Mark did a pilot "years ago" for a Lincolnshire agency and all their acts were tribute bands. He says he could only see the original band, not a tribute. Nadia scratches and fluffs. Someone says they saw Take This. :ROFLMAO: Mel loves a tribute band. Another person saw an Amy Winehouse tribute act in Blackpool and couldn't understand what she was singing. Nadia mentions Amy and how she is loved in their home and the Moschino heart bag that was sold at auction 151,00. You know the bloody ballet shoes? They expect 440 pounds for them, they got 14,000 for charity. "There's a tribute band of the Foo Fighters, called the Poo Fighters. Apparently they have got constipation." Can you guess who said that? 😐

Breaking up in The Times and men hurt more in a break-up. Really? Because I usually see a dude after a break-up with a new chick a week later. 😑 Nadia says "Oh come on." Mark asks the chatters if that is yes or true. Nadia wants to know how you quantify it. Mark wonders if it is just because women are more mature than men. It's not all about you Mark. πŸ˜’ Nadia figures women are more able to talk about it, reach out to others, etc., men are encouraged by other men to get pissed and shag someone to get over it. So this study was based on couples counselling sessions and said that men talked more about heartbreak than women. Mark thinks sometimes it's good to freshen things up and not just think of men as arseholes. Wait a sec, a few weeks ago you said they were. He shows us the mouse for the 3rd time now. Prince Harry told to give up Netflix regarding the Crown. Nadia says he has said he is a fan of the Crown and says it is close to the truth. He wouldn't know the truth if it bit him on the arse. He's a money whore just like wifey. Mark mentions seeing Spencer soon and reviewing it. Talk about Steve Coogan portraying creepy ass muthafukah deviant Saville and Nadia says he looks like Camilla Parker-Bowles. She hasn't been Parker-Bowles for a while Nadia. :rolleyes: Nadia asks if it does look like her. Mark says the BBC have misjudged doing this, but I think they are just doing it to get ahead of ITV dragging them for filth. Anne says the story needs to be told and then Mark says he agrees, but Nadia says we know the story. So we have to get selective on which stories to do telefilms of? Just don't watch it. Mark doesn't get the fascination with Fred West, yet buddy will watch horror flicks ad nausem given half the chance. :cautious:

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