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I reckon they got fed-up and refused to stay for the entire weekend so opted for the warm hotel room instead.

So now we know they opted to go away for a free holiday weekend in the Cotswolds a week or so ago and film a vlog ad for AXA rather than deliver on the promised paid-for family members content. They also claimed they were camping but they also clearly stayed at The Wheatsheaf Inn while they were there because they posted a movie review from this room! Wonder if AXA paid for that. Will never do business with AXA.
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She funding all his hobbies... his course, piano lessons, cinema tickets. She goes out to work while his sits there watching movies all day. He won't even lift a finger to tidy-up. The woman is in a dysfunctional marriage but won't accept it.
💯 Unsubscribed

Plus his subscriptions, his toys, his holiday spending money, 'her' garden and any gift he's 'bought' her in the last decade. :(
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With Nadia losing weight and looking younger by straightening her hair, she’s bound to get a backlash from the jealous wrinkly old scrote. I think the only reason he’s sticking to 16/8 is out of jealousy and competitiveness over her weight loss.
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Barb Wire

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Also notice how she conveniently missed out Saira's name when she recalled staying in the Cotswolds at Jane's cottage..So much for that friendship, Saira's well shot of her.
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Their lack of self respect for themselves shows so much in moody. She literally is crying out for help and attention. Her life was wasted by homeschooling! (Not that home schooling is bad, its clearly who "taught" her). I feel sorry for her in a way seeing all her friends have real lives, real jobs and futures whilst she follows in mankys footsteps and stays at home doing absolutely nothing, not even a bit of cleaning so the dogs don't get mange! They're all responsible for that, all old enough to know better. Let's hope someone reports them to the RSPCA!
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Welcome @Wood79 and @curious9 to our little corner of the Internet where you can bitch and commiserate about the Sadderleys! It's a pretty chill space here and some really good people on this thread. I think most started watching in the beginning, some as early as when it was Nadia and Kaye, then just Nadia, then the Sawalha-Adderley's aka the Mark Show.

The course is £25 so should that not be labelled #ad?
Charging for meditation? There are LOADS of free options on the internet. Would you pay for someone to teach you how to pray? :rolleyes:
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Mark hasn't got a clue how youtube works. Most youtubers I watch don't agree with the loss of the dislike button for various reasons. If Mark wants to know what those reasons are he'll have to do his own research - I don't get paid to help him.

The subs are getting all excited about this
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I love how Mark is all smug about this happening - he seems to think that it’ll bother us.
What he’s forgetting is that we have much more of a voice on here, and he’ll never be able to silence that.
Tattle will always be visible when N&M are searched on Google, and that will have far more of an impact than a few thumbs down on their shambolic videos 😁👎🏼👏🏼

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Someone get feminist Moody a job! She's got way too much time on her hands.
Jesus Christ what is wrong with that girl, who is she trying to attract with her sleazy seedy posts, dirty old men & pervy boys? If I was her parent I’d be worried about her attracting creepy males online, who can easily find out where they live. She seems to have no middle ground, she’s either being sleazy or dressing in ridiculously baggy clothes, it’s like a split personality thing.
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How the feck can their staffing costs rise so much?. Maybe his mother and daughter are now on the payroll. They have been stuck indoors regurgitating shit content for the majority of the past year, so their overall costs would never have risen by that much, unless they are accounting for all the fecking holidays they have taken recently. Grifting bastards.
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@HereForAScroll Jesus Christ it has really got out of hand now. I don't really get an opportunity to see much of the chat as I do the recap, but that is beyond the pale. They just seem to not acknowledge them, as previously they would say call the Samaritans if you are feeling depressed or see someone qualified. It's just sickening behaviour.
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Thanks for thinking of me 🥰 @Bulls**t detector don't worry I'm fine (y).
Thing's were just getting a bit intense for me so I decided to take a bit of a breather?
It seems as if I'm not very objective and quite a sensitive person who sometimes struggles to regulate their responses and emotions?
Plus I have a bit of an addictive personality and recently I have been wondering if being on line is having a good effect on my mental health?

I just think I need to find and regain my balance again? I wrote a rather intense post when I was pre menstrual and I later kind of kicked myself for taking myself or other people's opinions that seriously? I don't want to antagonise others or the mods on here? So I thought it best to put down the phone and try and regulate myself and my hormones and finally do some yoga and meditation and deal with all my personal things that I had been putting off?
Sorry if this is all a bit OTT but yeah I need to look after myself and learn not to care what other people think and try to build up my own self confidence a bit?
Thanks for caring I appreciate it but I found myself becoming a bit of a drama queen (unintentionally) and maybe a bit of a bore? (Also unintentionally :p) So I don't want to get on people's nerves or always chronically over share?
I think you'll understand 🙂?
Thanks for everything ❤ and I hope you and all the other intelligent and decent and funny people on here are fine as well. Love ❤
Take care @Misbehaving 💕
You’re far from a bore - your comments have been greatly missed, and I know we’d all love to hear from you more regularly again but please do put yourself first and take care of you.
Just make sure you pop your head in from time to time when you feel like it☺
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Apologies for coming back to this after a weekend away …. No way does he have a QI of 150 !!! (He was vague telling Nitty is was about 150 … then confirmed it was) There are so many tests online and I just did one but will not brag😏 the official one refers to 2% of the worldwide population at 150+ and they therefore belong to the Mentra group which he certainly does not! More BS from the Manky 💩 💩💩💩

Me too☹ Let’s Just say we are the lucky ones @gloriarostron 😏
My other half has a properly tested IQ of 147 (not like Mark's online test) and is therefore officially a member of Mensa, as his score is apparently higher than 98% of the population. He is brilliant at problem solving and able to understand concepts etc, but to be fair, he doesn't have a lot of general knowledge so is not amazing at quizzes. Until Mark does an official test at Mensa, under strict conditions, then he cannot determine exactly what his IQ is.
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Totally agree. Don’t know why they put up with it - I saw the light!! Only lasted a month on their members plan and that was enough. Another ‘live’ NNSS too which means they’ve had to do bugger all this week and they go on and on about the quality of that show….their lies and laziness are beyond belief!
Welcome to the dark side @curious9 😁
I’m glad you saw the light before they took too much money from you. I wish all the others would see through them and stop paying too… or at least fight to get what they’re paying for.
It makes me so angry that they're getting away with ripping people off week in, week out
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This podcast is just an excuse for them to stroke their own egos and to convince themselves they're wonderful parents. They aren't convincing me. Referring to themselves as laid back parents is another one of their excuses for being lazy, self-absorbed and selfish.

A few take-aways!
- They are a chaotic (👍) & creative (🤣👎) family
- Mark is not soft (except on household chores, laziness, slovenliness,…) 😡
- Mark is authentic/ strategic not soft 🤔
- They have never told Moody off when drunk (seems constant on IG)
- Moody is chaotic but hits deadlines like her parents 🤣🤣🤣
- Moody’s feedback on this podcast is soooo “strong”… 🥱
- Carlitos gets back from other homes and he does not need a friend/bestie but a parental figure at his home (talking about the Swadderleys??? 😏🤔) …
- They have been good on mental health education (wtf their teenagers seem to have so many issues).
- It’s normal to have a day off school for mental health …🙄, Manky gives them pep talks .. 🙄
- Thanks to home schooling Kiki has gone back to school 😏🙄
- blabla on fathers playing roles but not Manky 🙄
- Huge problem with adults and alcohol in UK which leads to self medicating issues (hmmm no bi-polar mention fir once) - worst country (wtf does Nitty know what goes on in Eastern Europe, Nordics, Russia, .. 🤔)
- Manky was “not a saint, he was a competitive angry little footballer who kicked people”😳 not surprised I must admit but sure he got his share back 😀
- Their kids are never bored as they always entertain them (when not on SM of course!!!)
- ongoing 4 week discussion with Moodie for chores (her room) 😳 DO IT or out!!!!

Sure you have more to add!!!
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Gloria Rostron

VIP Member
What exactly is wrong with that mad woman?????
Jane McDonald is on broken hearted, crying over the loss of her partner to lung cancer, and Nittia is sitting grinning like a Cheshire Cat
Very unsettling indeed 👎
She's a 1st class bitch.

Katie Hopkins had the measure of this woman years ago.
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Haven’t watched them for a while. I still pop over to give my thumbs down though. Just watched some of the Cornwall vlogs. They don’t change do they? Scruffy, entitled slobs. The beautiful house is a mess in no time at all. Notice how they said how lovely the house smells when they arrive. Clearly a fresh clean smelling house is something quite alien to them. Footage is all the same - walk to the beach, Nadia twirling around on said beach trying to look dreamy. Nadia complaining about living in London. Nadia complaining and being anxious about going to Tesco’s. Unkempt Mank being an irritating little shit to his mum all day long and actually just being an irritating little shit in general. Nadia stuffing her face with food. Far too much content of the neglected dogs. Di looking like a bag woman in the same grey joggers and t shirt she’s worn for years now. Why is she wearing a cardigan on her head. Buy a hat woman! And have a wash. Sorry but Di annoys me with her constant high pitched voice pretending she’s so surprised at everything. Doesn’t look much fun does it and all this happened three months ago. Never mind soon we will have ‘first signs of Chwithmas’ 🙄
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One of them this morning said they were scared and never felt so bad and constantly had very dark thoughts. The only reply from one of the others said hang in there it will pass. And that was it, no kind words from either of them.
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Instagram Bot (a new feature being tested)
Happy snogaversary to my one true love ( apart from carbs !)
@mark_adderley !!

Today’s the day twenty years ago that we...


Happy snogaversary to my one true love ( apart from carbs !)
@mark_adderley !!

Today’s the day twenty years ago that we had our very first kiss !

Just imagine if we hadn’t ?! Who and what would we be ! Doesn’t bear thinking about !!
Love you through all the ‘rows , vows and room service ‘

Fancy an egg and fag sandwich ..nudge nudge wink wink !! 😉


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