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refuses to face her demons.
That right there is the thing that forms her bond with Narc. To live a clean and healthy life you have to go right back to the begining, get emotionally naked and deal with your shit. They both refuse to do that, and with that, they enable each other to continue to live a lie. Sadly these lies are being played out in front of some very vulnerable people, people that they preach to on a daily basis and who are unwittingly being sucked into their fucked up lives.

They sicken me to the core. :mad:
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I have to say I the dry crying, face pulling, inhaling/exhaling into the camera and swaying around on the beach is very very odd

View attachment 770736View attachment 770737
Yay go Nadia because nothing says I care about a pet quite like prancing around on a beach throwing back your tussled locks (ready for the close up) and then simpering (I think it was meant to be sultry :oops:)
Wish you were here...(then for added emphasis)....Wish YOU were here ..... (and I don't think she was talking about the dog or that's not the impression I got anyway!)
All very bizarre and of course attention seeking but seriously who pouts and poses on a beach whilst simultaneously trying to convey concern over a sick pet!
Wtf! 😁.....
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If they had a pound for every time mark said he’d love a drink or mentioned his Friday fears 🍺
They’d be able to afford a power washer to come and blast that bomb site garden
Putting a water feature in it would just be like putting lipstick on a pig 🐷
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Those two exes dodged a bullet
Imagine being shackled to that pouting geek for years on end it’s a fate worse than death itself
The stress of it is palpable
At least children grow up and move out
That man child is like a miserable ball and chain and takes a lot of feeding and Molly coddling 😌
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so fucking desperate
I'm not going to offer an opinion on Kim K's intention, although I'm sure it wasn't shoulders back and project those udders ...

In other news, I noticed here that Kim's wrap is much fuller and looks more delicious than Nadia Queen of Wraps Sawalha's.
skinny wrap.jpg

Nadia Sawalha's scrawny wrap looks sadder than the Pret offerings she loves to sl*g off and strangely she's not fried it in butter.
I'm now off to congratulate myself for focusing on the wraps. #bekind #deadbehindtheeyes #overstuffed
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I like it here!!! because everyone is fully respectful of other people’s opinions
They give their own and listen to others.
On the subject of vaccination it hasn’t worked out for my family anyone who went for it and got double jabbed and were ultra careful got covid
Those that went around throughout and remained unvaccinated did not
A close family member of mine took a heart attack after getting theirs they have aged 20 years since and fully regret having it, they were in a ward with people of all ages who had a similar experience
I have friends who have died because their cancer treatments were cancelled mid course because covid took first place one in her thirties
I wouldn’t take the jab for a million pounds I’ve had covid previously and I’ve had a blood clot in my leg the clot was far worse
Each to their own if people think it’s for them and it is safe and works then they can go ahead
People shouldn’t be afraid to voice their feelings for it,for or against
In medicine one size seldom fits all x
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Gloria Rostron

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I wonder sometimes if his youngest two girls cling on / idolise Nark because in a weird way they are in competition with his older two girls. Must be strange knowing your Dad had a fairly turbulent life before you. Got to bring up some Daddy issues surely??
I feel more sorry for the older girls, their dad started a new family when they were at a very delicate age. I hope they had some good stepdads.
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Chemicals kill

Well-known member
You actually couldn't make this sh*t up!!! The Sawalha-Adderleys are LAZY GRIFTERS 😡

The whole "back to school" moaning is unbelievable! They've spent YEARS letting their children sleep in and get up at lunchtime to be dragged to museums in the name of home education. Thryve done barely a handful of school runs in both their childrens lives!!!

Theyve written a book on the virtues of homeschooling culminating in one child getting zero qualifications and the other hot footing it back to mainstream education to save herself!

The Sawalha-Adderley home schooling failed to the absolute detriment of their children and instead of hanging their lazy heads in shame they make money out of their failings by pretending to be suffering by having to get up each day to do the school run! 😡 GIVE ME STRENGTH!

They are now grifting and making money on their confessions of a modern parent podcast about back to school fatigue and the school run grind! 😡

They are calling it back to school burnout!!! The Sawalha-Adderleys have a blooming cheek pretending they are just like normal parents!!! Bearing in mind the child they refer to us 14, I don't imagine her parents will need to do the "school run" for long once she makes friends and feels confident enough to travel to school on her own...


Poor Poor Mark and Nadia having to actually get up and look after one of their children!!!!!

Tuesday, 14 September
FIRST week back and how are you feeling - end of the first week and already many of us are at the end of our tether. Who's more BURNT OUT? Us parents or our kids? After so many weeks and months living under the cloud of COVID - and now with relative "normality" coming back - is Back to School Burnout going to happen more quickly. As one of our kids returns to school we share our own experiences of the school run!!! Find out answers to these questions and many more in this episode of Confessions of A Modern Parent. They take questions and suggestions from listeners on their experiences in parenting roles. If you have a parenting question or suggestion for Mark or Nadia, you can get in touch at: Twitter @mark_adderley"
I'd not listened to these podcasts before and won't again. Someone needs to edit Moody's waffling diatribes, the fount of all knowledge she ain't, even if her doting parents thinks so, very repetitive.
Manky saying var var voom just made my healthy non fungal toes curl 😁
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I thought this was their ‘work’ 🤔
Exactly, I think they know their channel is going down the pan and cant be bothered to give anything to it but still get the £1.99 every month from the paying subs who aren't getting anything for it
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watch the hand over the mouth at the start, to give herself the "emotion". mustavva learnt dat at da itarlia conti!!

one day she'll get attacked in the street by a woman, and Alanis morrisette will have another verse to the song "ironic".

basically she wants all men to continually "white knight" her.

can she come up with a single incident of man saying something or doing something to her bad in the last five years? I doubt it.

she needs to stop reaading the newspapers- she's so needs to make everything about herself.

Any man watching this would switch off after ten seconds.

Most violence between men and women is in the far. she actually had that pointed out to her on loose women recently. and she nodded along as if she agreed, even though it was said as a rebuttal to what she had said.

She's just spreading fear with this kind of talk. Even men need to take headphones out of their ears and process what's going on around them when out at night (and even during the day).

see timestamp

Against my better judgement this rant of hers pissed me off and it's being going around in my head so here goes....

Firstly she comes across as someone offloading her own twisted and hostile view of world onto others!
Secondly she paints a picture of female victimisation that is I think is just re informing that victimisation!
For example if we followed her lead and walked around in a state of hyper vigilance and scanned the area for any potential predators that in itself would draw unnecessary and unwelcome attention?
People who look for potential predators often find them because that's the version of reality that they have hardwired into their brain (belief system)?
Reality has a way of manifesting our fears if we let them rule us?
Thirdly anyone of any socio economic class ethnicity gender and age could manifest deviant evil abusive or anti social behaviour?
Yes anyone? (So should we all wander around and view the entire population with a suspicious mindset then?) because you just never know!
Although if in doubt it's the old Etonians that's a start right? That will get you potential brownie points and thumbs up?
Why she has this strange fixation on Boris Johnson 🙄 I'll never know? Why is everything with a political stance with her? Yeah Nadia sock it to establishment!....Or president Trump another one of her favourite villian's.....yeah nevermind Tony the war criminal trot out the tired old cliche of it's all the conservatives or republications....
Well if that isn't just tired old virtue signalling (yet again) I don't know what is?
So the implication is men have all the power (so let's target the ones she sees as being powerful)
Another grand feminist statement woman supporting woman cause we're all in it one is safe?

Err no I don't think so....

Also it has to be said that she has an obsession with sex and sexual expression as being a potential violation....(you could get raped?)..that actually makes me feel a little bad for her......fending off advances.....the recipient of unwanted attention yeah no one likes that but Nadia your still dominated by the need for attention....

You can't have it both ways...the world doesn't work like that..... objectification doesn't discriminate that's the nature of the beast. ....

Her attitude seems to be one of agent provocateur so look at me....but only say nice things and agree with me......your not allowed to criticise or dislike me.....or to give me a negative reaction....
That in itself is both unrealistic and also sending out its own kind of message of someone expecting to dominate the dialogue and visual space and minds of others.....but then howls outrage when she meets someone (in her twisted view) a man who guess what wants to do exactly the same...... dominate and own the space and not allow an opposing view and have the attitude that it's my way or the highway......

So you can't demonise men (maybe she doesn't mean to but defining them by the minority of destructive behaviour is doing just that) without taking the very big risk that they too could do the same back to you (demonise you also)
When that happens terrible things could happen so then we go around in this self fulfilling prophecy?

She just doesn't have the depth or emotional intelligence to realise that's not about anger?
Yes it's good to vent or purge I've done it myself but when it's out it's out......and then if you have any sense you walk away from it and examine your own life and think what positive changes can I make in my own life (because really that's the only one I have any real power over)?
Otherwise you run the risk of getting stuck at angry and that defines you and your relation to the world and the way you treat people...(and the way they treat you back).and then nothing ever changes because the emphasis and onus of responsibility is still on others. .....when really it needs to be on the individual?
That's why she is redundant in talking about society it shouldn't be society that should set limits (let's reclaim the streets) but each person has the obligation to set limits on themselves?
If she struggles with that it's hardly other people's fault or job to rectify the situation?
So there you go that was my rant 😃 done and dusted! 👌Over and out!
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Chatty Member
Nadia doesn’t articulate her points properly. She is a terrible panellist…but maybe her being so terrible is why she keeps her job. She stirs up anger and disgust, no even intentionally, she’s basically there as a joke contributor and ITV are taking the piss out of her but she thinks all behind the scenes actually like her. Just a shame she is able to earn so much from being there just to antagonise with her natural personality.

She tells us ‘all men’ are potential attackers, that’s probably not what she meant, but that is her issue all over…she doesn’t articulate well and is not quick-thinking enough to keep up with professional presenters in any unscripted debate.

I suspect what she meant is that there is no way to guarantee any stranger doesn’t have those tendencies, so when out alone women need to be making conscious risk assessments to avoid walking into a blind alley or across unlit parks during nighttime. I think she was meaning that no matter how much we tell the police these attacks aren’t acceptable and try to educate boys before they become attackers…a small number of dangerous individuals will always fall under the radar, so you can never guarantee that a stranger, particularly late at night or an unlit location, is NOT as risk. What she said though, made it sound as if ALL men are capable of attack. That is offensive.

If she’s worried about women’s safety, she should first look at the antics of her daughter who hangs around in parks late at night dressed as a prostitute, drunk and possibly smoking weed. If she thinks women should be wary of being attacked, she should be thinking about when and where those risks are highest, and which behaviours expose vulnerability.

Men attacking women will always happen, we just have to work as a society to reduce it as far as is possible, there will always be a random psycho that slips through. With Sarah’s case, the fact that it was a police officer is concerning, and even more so with details that have emerged that seem to be clear signs that he was either a threat to women at worst, or unsuitable to be part of the police force at best, yet no action had been taken. A different kind of case, but in the Plymouth mass shooting, there are details that made it blindingly obvious that the man involved should never have been given a gun license…there is no point being outraged at people who are sick in the head or pure evil, where questions should be asked and lessons learnt from these atrocities is related to why obvious incidents did not lead to actions that at least would reduce their chances of commiting these crimes.
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Thank you @Gloria Rostron for the thread title and to @bitterntwisted for starting the thread and great recap, and your exceptional CM’s which are far more preferable than the real thing. 🥳

Here we go! :m 🤓🤩

@rivermonster in answer to your question regarding Nittia going to the the doctors. She apparently went for a blood test for her HRT but came away being told she has high cholOsterol. (Her spelling) to which I immediately thought she would have been thrilled because she will now have the perfect excuse to go on a diet which we all know she is so desperate to do.
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How can you do a counselling course online, it needs to be done in person, you need to practice counselling in person. Also you need to have had some counselling yourself, to develop self awareness and understanding of counselling. I doubt that dickhead has had any counselling. Can you imagine him as a counsellor, he’s like someone with ADHD, he just waits until Mads stops talking so he can gob off, he’s also totally lacking in empathy. He only wants to do drug counselling to look good and give himself the illusion of a type of job, rather than being unemployable and useless.
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Cant work Mark out. Was he ever actually alcohol dependent (as in can’t get through a day without it and physical withdrawals), or was it more that he was an irresponsible drinker (as in he was arrogant and thought he was above rules such as driving limits and social norms of drink related behaviour)?

The two aren’t the same thing, only the first is actually an alcoholic, the second is just and arrogant and irresponsible person. He seems to have no issue being around alcohol, being able to smell it, being around people enjoying it and acting drunkenly.

I know people do feel proud of themselves for staying sober, but don’t most people who have had these issues also feel shame for their past behaviour? He seems to want to tell everyone how wonderful he is for staying sober, but it all seems to be about him. What about the struggles he put his family through when he was drinking, what about the danger he was to the public when he used to drink-drive. Like most of the general public, I couldn’t care less whether he drinks or not in private where he is no danger to the wider public, and feel no need to congratulate him either way. What I do care about is the danger he poses to others, so when he is congratulating himself on being sober, I am just thinking he should keep that quiet because all he is doing is repeatedly reminding everyone that he used to think it was acceptable to drink-drive and endanger others. Are we supposed to congratulate him for not doing something illegal and putting lives in danger?

It’s similar with the Bi-polar. My understanding is that the episodes would be long and debilitating. Yet Mark recovers from his within a couple of days, and even continues to be able to edit and upload videos in the midst of it. That doesn’t seem to fit the diagnosis. He’s also wanting to continually post and hashtag bi-polar and tell us his thoughts, yet he’s only recently being ‘diagnosed’ (in quotes because the ‘doctor’ is apparently someone Nadia has found and could be underqualified or just giving out the diagnosis to please the client). He has no proper knowledge or experience of the condition to warrant his acting as an authority on it. Why also does he want to keep reminding everyone about his diagnosis, it’s ok that he has it, but to constantly announce when he has a ‘bad day’ etc, he’s just making himself less and less employable as he will seem likely to be unreliable (maybe that’s what he wants).

Body dysmorphia, now that one really is ludicrous. The whole point of the condition is not liking seeing his own body or being judged by others on it, so why is he posting unflattering photos of himself publicly for all to potentiality judge him on?
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Last night on the whine Mark said that Tim was struggling to get to the bottom on their PO Box which I doubt but it made me think.... last week she answered the door to Tim and was rather curt with him whilst he enquired about Mark. Now I’m wondering if Tim was going to say something about said PO Box and that it why she wasn’t very chatty incase the subs overheard him?
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Well-known member
I like it here!!! because everyone is fully respectful of other people’s opinions
They give their own and listen to others.
On the subject of vaccination it hasn’t worked out for my family anyone who went for it and got double jabbed and were ultra careful got covid
Those that went around throughout and remained unvaccinated did not
A close family member of mine took a heart attack after getting theirs they have aged 20 years since and fully regret having it, they were in a ward with people of all ages who had a similar experience
I have friends who have died because their cancer treatments were cancelled mid course because covid took first place one in her thirties
I wouldn’t take the jab for a million pounds I’ve had covid previously and I’ve had a blood clot in my leg the clot was far worse
Each to their own if people think it’s for them and it is safe and works then they can go ahead
People shouldn’t be afraid to voice their feelings for it,for or against
In medicine one size seldom fits all x
The problem is as I see it, is that people are too frightened to say in public or on a forum like this that they are unvaccinated.

I have said on here that I’m not vaccinated and have never had any jabs and a couple of people have now said ‘I’m not jabbed too’ but I can guarantee if it’d have been honest and said that on their groups, many of the subs would turn on me. Now, that’s not to say that everyone on here agrees with me and I’m sure many really don’t like it but no one has been nasty to me, no one has turned on me telling me in wrong. That reassures me that this group is such a lovely place to be and that will annoy mark so much. I’d love to see any of their subs in a room vying for their attention, stabbing one another in the back over disagreements and to be top dog. No one is top dog here and all are kind, understanding and honest.
So on that note ALL of my tattler pals, thank you for everything x
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Nadia's just said the reason why there's an HGV crisis is because many of the European drivers that we used to rely on 'never have had passports' because they relied on the freedom of movement of people. Did she never notice going on holiday that the UK never joined the Schengen area?
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Chemicals kill

Well-known member
Nitty sitting all holier than thou on LW talking about the horrors of men exposing themselves and sending pics of penises to young girls, and serial innuendos
the bloody nerve, what about all Manks sexual innuendos towards her on their channel and what about him stuffing his shirt through his flies imitating a penis in front of Kiki and friend?? Or what about her horrendous semi porn pics she posts all over IG
She is disgusting
This was put up by a tattler sometime back, it is worth putting up again especially as Manky is getting his holier than thou Dr nearly phD therapist boots on
It was recorded on 05.05.2021 and the time stamp 14:33 where he describes himself sexually assaulting the mother of his then girlfriend
He says he is 15, it has come out in later vlogs he was 17 at the time.
Glasshouses, stones etc.
The two men descibing this as 'hilarious' and LAUGHING about it goes beyond the pale
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