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Bulls**t detector

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...I had washing up I had left for 2 days!" 😧 There are 3 other people living in that house. Why can't they do the washing up?
This is one of the biggest issues I have with them regarding their parenting. Those girls do sod all around that house. They occasionally will wash up but I've seen that happen maybe twice. They aren't encouraged to keep their bedrooms or "teen room" tidy let alone clean and are allowed to physically damage their walls and furniture. They have such little pride in their own appearance and cleanliness and are waited on hand and foot by their parents. I mean who has an 18 year old living with them who is out of work, slobbing around the house, wasting her time in bed until the crack of noon, who doesn't help out with cleaning and cooking? They are like a bad episode of Shameless.
My kids had to clean up after themselves and keep their rooms clean, if not tidy and when they got older they took their turn at cooking. Whoever didn't cook in this house helped clear up after.
How does she expect them to look after themselves and their own homes? They will end up being rank like her or living in a waste tip like their grandmother. It beggars belief 🙄
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Just a little update on the fb AG drama!
Seems a lot of people can see through him.
It’s about time N&M had a word really
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I agree, I've only listened to 1 podcast and Moodie said "erm" after every other word, that homeschooling definitely paying off lol... It's infuriating how they use the podcast to try and sound like "normal" parents who actual do and have done the school run for over a decade, not just a week or two to get their 14yr old usto going to school 😂

When you look at the Sawalha-Adderleys life, have they done anything properly??? 🤔
Why can't Kiki go to school on her own, she's 14! oh wait, we desperately need something to vlog and moan about. They keep saying how private she is,.....leave her alone, you despicable pair of wankers. I feel so sad for her.
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The Sawalha-Adderleys say they know they haven't got Covid as they've done the tests!?!?! Who believes they've tested themselves? I 100% dont believe for 1 second thryve tested themselves... Maddie allegedly had covid but they never tested her! Why would they test themselves, Betty isn't worried about covid despite her ill husband as she's refused the vaccine so the Sawalha-Adderleys aren't worried about spreading it next door so why would they test themselves? Just more lies to the submissives who believe everything they say.

It would be noooo suprise if they've got Covid. Thry are acting as if covid is over, thryve travelled around the country on umpteen holidays in just a few months, we know Maddie has always behaved as if covid doesn't exist, Nadia socialises as if covid doesn't exist. She was coughing throughout yesterday's coffee moaning.

Another reason why we call them workshy, they cannot do a youtube live because they have a cold??? 🤔

Actual reason for no coffee moaning, Nadia is sleeping in with a hangover and Mark has his £99 important and nearly PHD course to attend to...😂 😂 😂

Lies lies lies and just more lies 🤥
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Just had a look to see if CM is up and running and she is doing it on her own, Manky must be at an important meeting or sat on the tube somewhere.
Subs are asking her to film her 8.16 journey and asking for her to tell them about men and contraception - what kind of guru do they think she is. 😮
From today's coffee moaning....

She says she's going to do a film of her 16-8 diet and give advice on that. Lol wait for your blood test results first......

(let's hope the nurse doesn't accidentally take a blood sample for something else next time---or some such made up bollocks. Doctors normally authorise blood tests and print out the required paperwork and nurses just drain the blood and stick the paperwork on them. I honestly think she thinks Nurses drain blood differently for different tests lol; but married to a man who thinks an app on a phone could be able to measure antibody levels in blood, maybe its contact stupidity.)

A sub says they lost 5kg in a day due to being on 16-8. and she doesn't challenge that. silly cow. that's either a horrifically big poo or someone lost half a limb.

One sub yesterday was asking for advice on two different drugs for people who might catch covid due to not being able to have the jab due to being immunicompromised.

Those subs are very susceptible, very unintelligent people.

She's asking if nicki minaj is american now........ Fuck me
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I wonder if John Campbell extinguished Nadia's crush on him yesterday. I was listening to his YouTube on Friday and he called homeopathy a load of old bunk. :ROFLMAO:
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He seems really obsessed with Maddie, we don't see him like this with his other 3 daughters. The need to buy her a pint is just his excuse to get into a pub, the cinema trips are coming to an end now that she's older - he's hoping she'll invite him to the pub instead and Nadia will think it's ok because he is with Maddie.
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This morning she said ‘you can’t get into debt for your pet’ and the words just slipped out of her filthy mouth as if that’s a totally normal thing to say. This was a chat about whether owners are letting their pets suffer needlessly. Two things sprang to mind. One bring what a fucking heartless bitch she is and the other was Chi Chi isn’t long for this world and they are using this as a warm up to them not being able to afford vet care. I hope I’m wrong on the latter but I’m spot on with the first 😢

See my post below.
I assumed Chichi but it could be toffee.
In marks post it says toffee, he put one up a couple of weeks ago saying toffee had to have a doughnut round it's neck. Those poor dogs, not cared for. They shouldn't be allowed to have pets. I bet its something in the garden that is making them ill, chemicals from hot tub, pile of mattresses, rats droppings. The list is endless
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At least Kiki is getting out of that house for a few hours every day and spending some time with "normal" adults who will hopefully be good role models for her. She is also learning the concept of getting up in the morning and having a routine which is useful practice for adult life. Things must be very hard for her living in an environment where everyone just shouts each other down and doesn't listen :(.
She might also now stand a chance at salvaging her education. Unfortunately she’s only got a couple of years left but at least she can try.
It was a bit worrying when Nadia said the other day that she and Mark were trying to do Kiki’s maths homework and couldn’t do it. Mark being the ‘man’ who has supposedly been educating his daughters over the last few years… the fact that he was incapable of understanding her maths homework speaks volumes.
Sounds like he’s failed his daughters massively.

Welcome by the way @WoodlandCreature - Glad you found us 👋🏼🐿
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If Maddie is now 18 and in the future going yo be doing the rounds of the bars with her Da in tow, it will only be a matter of time before he is back on the sauce
I think that is what has got N all heated up tonight she can see the future, both of them getting giggling drunk and her orders and opinion will no longer count, cos he’s gagging for a cold one and now has a wee drinking partner ……
He always looks his happiest with the daughters
Am I wrong?
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:coffee:Coffee Moaning for Friday. End of the week already and it has been raining all week here. ☹ Title today is "Sabina Nessa, Winter of Discontent, The Magic Circle, Lockdown Weight Gain." Oh fun. 😒

Oh crap! Nads is absent and it is Mark wearing his Dodgers cap, reporting LIVE FROM HIS CAR! Roll call. Sainsbury's for life bags in the back seat. Not even 5 mins in and he makes a fart joke. Kirstie says she feels low. Mark says in the therapy session (don't know if it is a personal one or just some counselling chit chat) that there is a short fall of required, really meaning qualified people to see people in need. Happy birthday Nathan. Where is Anglea Locke? Anyone hear from her? Mark says he is going to a meeting with a bunch of actors. "What's happening for you this weekend?" He is singing badly "What's Going On?" 😩 HIT THE THUMBS UP GUYS, HIT THE LIKE BUTTON, SUBSCRIBE, JOIN ALL THAT POSITIVE STUFF. 🤢 AND IF YOU WANT TO DO NEGATIVE STUFF, GO SOMEWHERE ELSE. Make me bitch! 😡 Sarah is off to a wedding. Kim is clearing a shed for more chickens and Mark is well jell he says. Those chickens wouldn't last 5 mins 🐔 Mark was doing role play therapy. Ruth is off to Bournemouth. Everyone give Kirstie a hug. The Sunday Show is live with an opportunity to win some crap. Due to illness earlier this week no COAMP until next week. Nanny Di is doing well and is at the house. Sarah uses a walking stick and says she hates that no one understands her and Mark suggests assaulting them with her stick. Inciting violence, nice. :rolleyes: Nicola's appointment to figure out if she has bipolar was postponed. He is extra annoying today, hyper AF. Anita has had a nasty cold. Did you know that Maddie likes Supertramp? Eugh!

Sabina Nessa the teacher that was murdered is the topic. Someone has been arrested. Nadia says that 73 have been killed since Sarah Everard. Talk about the campaigning at the time. "What have they done, what has changed?" Talk about Nadia getting sick for saying she approaches life that every man is a potential rapist. 😲 Mark says that doesn't mean every man is a racist/rapist, says we can't trust people because there are so many incidents, like going on a train and trusting everyone "and what happens? Men rub up against you, men are purposefully looking at porn..." (Well I guess Mark and Nadia will be urging Maddie to get her license eh? Problem solved!) "There are lots of men who don't deserve to be put in that way" and says he includes himself in that category. 🤣😡 Goes on about the streets not being safe and repeats the 73 deaths, but, BUT how many of those are deaths by strangers and deaths caused by someone they know? :unsure: Oh now he says some of those are domestic, MAKE UP YOUR MIND MAN! Mark says you have to assume the worst or end up with one of those 73 people. Charming. :cautious: "Sex offense as an act of terrorism, what do you think about that guys?" Holy hyperbole Batman! Gabrielle says parents and schools need to educate boys the best way that they can. There has to be a will for change though. Talk about why Sabina's story took a while to come to the fore, Mark wonders if it was because she was a WOC. Mark talks about an imaginary son and worrying about how he would navigate a world that is misogynistic. (Well, I dunno, how about be an engaged parent for example?) Chris used to say to his younger brother all girls are potentially after your money, always go dutch. Cheap ass bastard. :sneaky: Talk about it being terrorism again, that you could argue that it is as in terrorizing someone. I think that waters it down. Someone quotes Margaret Attwood "Men are afraid women will laugh at them, women are afraid men will kill them." Mark talks about the transportation issues for his daughters, especially the younger ones. Oh get this, Mark says those criticizing the terrorism argument (meaning me :p) "a very middle-class person, who's kinda of, you know, either not experienced or not encountered any of the issues that, that come with this" Piss off :mad: I'm bored of this shite.

Someone mentions living in a rough area and saying she had to walk with her head up and with an air of confidence to fight anyone off. Makr then says his girls get grief for that, being cocky, who do you think you are. (Anyone who had been to a self-defence class knows that you are told to walk with a purpose, own the space.) Mark says he makes himself available till 2 a.m. to drive them home. The only things open after 1 a.m. are the hospital and legs. 🤭 Lucy got whistled at by 2 policemen in Mexico and wished she could experience being a man, so she could travel without fear. Yeah, cuz men don't end up dead in ditches. :rolleyes: Mark wants a state issued rape alarm so it goes to a central area, which then sends out help. Tralala says her son makes himself available to drive female friends home. Mark goes on the "do you have female relatives" rant at pervs, like that makes any difference.

Winter of discontent, are we going to enter it? Mark says he was too young to remember it, but I still remember shit from when I was 6. He is singing again. Most are saying yes. Sophie R big hugs. BP and ESSO stations closing. No drivers, empty shelves, energy bills going up, inflation, COVID and winter. Faith remembers candles as a child. See she remembers! Minky Moo mentions Brexit. Mark wants someone to say that Brexit isn't going as to plan. Talk of black swans. Minky Moo says the shelves are empty, but we can afford nuclear subs.

Magic, who likes a magic trick. Mark says Nadia loves a magic trick and would like to go out with a magician. Shout out to Susan happy birthday. Pauline doesn't like magic. Mark doesn't like it either. Tina was cut in half by a magician. Steffie was also cut in half. Cough, cough from Mark as he pops a lozenge. "David Blaine got so weird." Talks about him being in boxes and not being urinate and it going into his head. 😐 Happy birthday Southern Belle. First woman as head of the Magic Circle, that is why this is a topic. Sniff, sniff. Mark tells a story about Paul Daniels coming to his school. So a lot of them were in this trick where they were wearing badges with a poiny needle on it and a balloon. He was to tell them to burst the balloon, but when he said NOW, no one did. Instead they stuck the pin in the student in front of them and there was an almighty scream. Anyway, Paul Daniels had to use his wife as a shield, going off stage saying "That's what I call magic!" Wow, thrilling. 😑 "That's comprehensive kids, we wrecked it for ourselves, we wrecked it for Paul Daniels." "You're some of the worst kids I've ever worked with!"

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What is with the repeated "Nadia is angry posts?"

Is this Nadia Sawalha's pathetic new way of trying to get more Instagram followers? 😂

Everyone knows she's an actress, everyone knows she's desperate for more followers, everyone knows Nadia Sawalha will do ANYTHING for a headline in the sidebar of shame... It's pathetic...

Shes a near 60yr old woman and she obviously spends her days wasting her life by working out how she can get more Instagram followers! 60 not 16 😂 Pathetic, absolutely pathetic Nadia.
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Manky has no friends at all and certainly no male ones. I wonder if his wonderful Friday nights out on the lash in Soho were him walking around on his own friendless, just getting drunk that must have been a lot of fun. He has such a settled life these days spending half of it talking into his camera to complete strangers and the rest of it craving booze and sex.
Who needs friends when you have your Blankie?






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Miss LDN

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He's filming from outside the house by the look of it. The dogging spot must have been busy. Mr hot shot director and his two Sainsbury bags for company.
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Chemicals kill

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Mark has often mentioned that his eyebrows have lost hair or the ends . This is a symptom of thyroid disease. As well as dry skin. He should really see a Doctor about it I think and get some blood tests. Somehow I don’t think Nadia’s homeopathy is going to help.
And at the same time book an appointment with a good psychotherapist who specialises in narcissistic personality disorders...oh and chuck the towel in with social media for pity sake
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Chatty Member
Mark's 'working in town this morning'. I have to laugh - he must be filming family members in a public park again.

Nadia also says Mark is 'such a director'. Don't think he's winning any Oscars judging from the past couple of 'films'. Chi chi's picture slapped onto frame with microsoft paint while Nadia pretended to look sad on the beach comes to mind.
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Grace Kelly

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I see the bulge makes another appearance...and I'm not talking about the wrap 🤮

I'm not going to offer an opinion on Kim K's intention, although I'm sure it wasn't shoulders back and project those udders ...

In other news, I noticed here that Kim's wrap is much fuller and looks more delicious than Nadia Queen of Wraps Sawalha's.
View attachment 763969

Nadia Sawalha's scrawny wrap looks sadder than the Pret offerings she loves to sl*g off and strangely she's not fried it in butter.
I'm now off to congratulate myself for focusing on the wraps. #bekind #deadbehindtheeyes #overstuffed
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VIP Member
What is with the repeated "Nadia is angry posts?"

Is this Nadia Sawalha's pathetic new way of trying to get more Instagram followers? 😂

Everyone knows she's an actress, everyone knows she's desperate for more followers, everyone knows Nadia Sawalha will do ANYTHING for a headline in the sidebar of shame... It's pathetic...

Shes a near 60yr old woman and she obviously spends her days wasting her life by working out how she can get more Instagram followers! 60 not 16 😂 Pathetic, absolutely pathetic Nadia.
Agree. She’s looking for the views and the financial opportunities that can flow from it.
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I read it more as whenever you are stressed Kiki, rather than us helping you manage the situation and get the rid of your stress, as a normal good parent would do, i'm gonna get you to bake a cake I can then preside over and dish out and do a masterchef routine sucking all the air out of the room, whilst fundementally leaving you undeveloped at dealing with whatever is stressing you out.
Kids just need to be listened to. I can't imagine there has been much listening going on, stuck in that house with two parents who are so self absorbed. It actually makes me feel quite sad.
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