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I have to say I the dry crying, face pulling, inhaling/exhaling into the camera and swaying around on the beach is very very odd

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It is absolutely shocking how much in love with herself she is. It is becoming worse and worse. It actually makes me feel a little sick and I don’t know why but I find it intimidating. She comes across as someone who could create a lot of destruction. I am all for self love but with humility. That isn’t a healthy form of self love, I don’t know what that is.

This is so self indulgent. She doesn’t even seem bothered that people might see her filming herself; and the music! I think she has a lot to do with edits. I’m sure she said ‘Oh that turned out just how I wanted it and I look beautiful, put some really romantic music on it Mark.‘

s she a Narc, psychopath, sociopath? All of them have similar traits they are completely self obsessed and have a total lack of empathy for anyone else.

I’m no expert so please feel free to answer my question because I am genuinely flabbergasted.

She seems to almost be swimming in herself, it’s as if she has achieved everything she ever wanted (for now..) She looks like she is ‘high’ on herself.

I’ve never seen anything like it.

Very disturbing.
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The moaning about the cost of their pets treatment is just crass
I know people who are in regular jobs who would sell a kidney to get their beloved pets treated
Not surprised, always remember Nadia calling them so annoying on many occasions, not true animal lovers why do they even bother?
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I’ve got a sneaking suspicion that Madame Sawalha is about to come down to earth with a massive bump in the not so distant future. You only have to watch tonight Whine to see that she’s out of her depth and struggling to keep it together 💃
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That's laughable. They order from Amazon. Nadia has slagged off multiple small businesses that she has eaten at and didn't they take a freebie from a small business about 16 months ago, something for the garden if memory serves me right?
I think they stole some gravel from a garden centre. I think they realised they hadn't been charged for it and laughed about getting it for free! 😡

The have a strange definition of supporting small buisnesses! 😡

The reason they need ANOTHER holiday is because they have deep seated hate for each other and they need a break from each other, so they think by throwing money at a different destination it will make them happy. They are the problem so wherever they go to escape it will fail because they are their problem!

Wonder if they are going alone as Kiki has just started school? 🤔
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View attachment 773230 These are the women who went. Apart from 'Nanny Linda', I don't think she is close to any of the women here. They certainly aren't in her clique of Jane, Kaye, Carol, Denise, Stacey. Maybe that explains why she didn't go.
I don’t think she was invited. I don’t think it was a case of her choosing whether she wanted to go. I think for the last 3 times she has been she was there to represent ITV not just Loose Women, and each time she has sat in her seat swearing because This Morning won.

As always she thinks it’s ‘darn to earf’ to show your true feelings to the public; but there are ways of doing so. You can shrug your shoulders with a ‘never mind maybe next time’ expression then smile gracefully and applaud your FELLOW ITV colleagues. The sheer cheek of the woman to think Loose Women would come close to winning over the This Morning, she’s deluded. This Morning are the Newspaper, Loose Women is the 4 page cheap pull-out you get with it.

She always looks drunk in her seat, and it became the thing to watch out for. ’What was Nadia Sawalha’s outrageous reaction going to be?’

Once, fine, she could get away with it, after that when cameras zoom straight in for her reaction (she knows it) and managed to make the award about her; but that brings bad publicity for ITV because she’s not being a good sport. She comes across as an ugly, bitter, drunk tv panellist.

We know she’s a liar, fact. All that nonsense about her hating red carpet events. She couldn’t have looked happier than when she was at the Premiere of Dexter Fletcher’s film, and that is a real red carpet event (albeit being blue) big stars, Hollywood style.

The group of women in that photo are carefully selected. Linda represents a certain age group and almost has National treasure status, Ruth a consummate professional who is also attached to This Morning and the rest are all fresh, new, vibrant panellists. They all, also look quite classy in that photo and don’t look like they are there as an excuse to get smashed. They look happy to be there to represent their programme which they are proud of.

NitWitch has done herself so much damage via YT and Insta, she is too much of a liability to be put anywhere near Live Tv and BOOZE!
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Chatty Member
This is one of the biggest issues I have with them regarding their parenting. Those girls do sod all around that house. They occasionally will wash up but I've seen that happen maybe twice. They aren't encouraged to keep their bedrooms or "teen room" tidy let alone clean and are allowed to physically damage their walls and furniture. They have such little pride in their own appearance and cleanliness and are waited on hand and foot by their parents. I mean who has an 18 year old living with them who is out of work, slobbing around the house, wasting her time in bed until the crack of noon, who doesn't help out with cleaning and cooking? They are like a bad episode of Shameless.
My kids had to clean up after themselves and keep their rooms clean, if not tidy and when they got older they took their turn at cooking. Whoever didn't cook in this house helped clear up after.
How does she expect them to look after themselves and their own homes? They will end up being rank like her or living in a waste tip like their grandmother. It beggars belief 🙄
Totally agree with you @Bulls**t detector. My 18 year old son, has just achieved 3 A levels, he volunteers at a weekly support group for people with dementia and loves it, is deferring Uni until next Sept so that he can save up to support himself and is off to the Job centre tomorrow. What is her lazy 18 year old doing? Absolutely F@@@ All!!!
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:coffee:Coffee Moaning for Sunday. Hope your weekend was good. Today's title is "Hangovers, Volcanoes, Black Swans, Sink Holes, Magic Mushrooms, Praying & Church" Dude is obsessed with being inebriated. :rolleyes:

They are singing "Good Morning" and Mark is chair dancing like the idiot he is. Fiona is having bad hot flashes, so Nads tells her to check out her menopause and HRT video. Welcome to newbies. She tells us that for the most part they do CMs but they get busy and 99% of the subs are understanding. :cautious: Roll call. Pam is sore after painting her bedroom. Nadia suggests stretching while you watch telly. I suggest a bath with epsom salts. 🤓 Mark suggests sex. 😒 Perv. "How are you all?" Karen has a cough. Everyone has got it. Nadia talking about lateral flow tests detecting non-symptomatic COVID. Mark is on the search for a razor as his 20 have vanished. Flogging the channel and the Member's shite. Special live at 11 a.m. giving away 50 pounds worth of vouchers of anything you want.

Black swan: The Telegraph says Apocalypse Now? Britain's race against time to fight off multiple black swan events. 🦢 Loads of crap that is or could happen. 10,000 chicken neck wringers getting visas. Eww. Fuel shortages. The social psychologist gets a mention again. Mark went to find some petrol today. Nadia says her heart has been broken listening to the shit lives lorry drivers have. "The fat cats are going to have to cream some of their profit off." Talk about other workers who need their cars. They have a new obsession in Nick Abbott on LBC. More bitching about the gov't. "At the moment we are on our knees, let's face it we are" says Nadia. Is this true or is it a London thing? :unsure: Nadia gets all animated "OH MY GOD, DO YOU KNOW WHAT ANNOYED ME YESTERDAY? This narrative that is coming out now. Wait for this, what do you think of this? That Boris is going to save Christmas by bringing over 10,000 people to kill the poultry..." She then goes on to say it's his fault we don't have the people in the first place. "He thinks we're stupid." HIT THE LIKE BUTTON UNDER OUR BODIES.

The volcano in the Canaries, the airport is closed. "What do you think of volcanoes?" I don't, but when I do I think of them as Mother Earth's zits or boils. 🤭 Showing off, Mark tells us he has looked into volcanoes in Indonesia and Costa Rica. :rolleyes: Nadia asks a stupid question, does every country have volcanoes?🌋 Mark says no, but lots of countries have dead/inactive ones. Every continent has volcanoes and the US has the most. 🤓 Nadia hugs Mark saying "I just love you, you're just so clever." :sick: Nadia starts talking about being in Iceland and the earth bubbling. "It's a little like when you fart in the bed" says Mark. 😣 She tells him to shut up and then starts combing his hair with her fingers. 🤮

Mark says this is an awful story and Nadia asks if we cannot have it, as it is Sunday. Residents flee their homes as their properties begin to crack and sink. "What would you do if you woke-up to find your house moving?" Stupid question. Leave, duh. Once again, Mark being shoddy as he doesn't tell us where this is. All he says are that the homes were built on top of old coal mines. Nicola is driving around trying to find petrol. He finally tells us it's Ayrshire.

Sparks of Joy: Magic Mushrooms, who has had them? I haven't. Nadia says it depends on your brain. She heard a story of someone who had too much and years later they have disassociation episodes. Talk about a psychedelic renaissance for mental health. This is old news. 😴 Pick, pick, scratch, scrunch. Nads says we needs a change in mental health medicine. Excuse moi? WTF does she know, Ms. Box of Sugar Water Vials. :rolleyes: Mark says I think so Mr. I don't take meds long enough to know shit from shinola and has yet to participate in therapy on an ongoing basis. Mark says MDMA was devised to help couples. Always with the sex. Actually, it was German chemists who created it to control bleeding, found that it had a psychoactive effect. It was initially used for therapy, to get patient to open up. 🤓 Nadia is under the impression that MDMA is still in use in medicine, when it isn't BECAUSE IT IS ILLEGAL IN MOST COUNTRIES. Pen clicking. Mark waxes on about the earth holding all kinds of cures and Nadia saying Mother Nature created everything.

"It's Sunday isn't it? A day of prayer or did it used to be?" says Mark. You can pray any day, Sunday is a day of rest you heathen! "Have you ever meaningfully prayed?" he asks Nads. She says she does when she mediates and fancies just walking into a church and do what she does when she meditates, but in a church. 😐 Nadia in her gobbledegook language says she used to use guided meditation, but since reading the Ruby Wax book, she can do it on her own. She has taken the training wheels of her meditation bike people! Talk about "9 Perfect Strangers" and microdotting. Mark says prayer is a form of meditation. Well no, prayer is having a conversation with a higher power, meditation is the listening. Mark used to do prayer in school and didn't understand it. Nads says she went to religious schools. Huh? "Give us our daily bread" and Nadia said that always made her hungry and that she is a carb addict. 😧 Rachel Spain endorsement from Nads. Mark says something about using prayer and getting away from organized religion. Nadia says she uses it to deal with her ego as she has a huge one. 🤭 Young people are more likely to pray than over 55s, it's through other faiths and the pandemic. "Oh how lovely" says Nadia. She says the yoof need movement and meditation to deal with mental health.

Hangovers. What is your worst hangover? Mark says most of his are non-publishable. 🤥 Mentions waking up in a prison cell and Nadia looks like this --->:oops: and says Oh yeah. Must be the DUI incident. 🚔 "What was it like? What did you feel like?" Awful and a fool says Mark. Nadia regrets her hangovers and the damage to her body. Nadia was shaking and crying, feeling so ill having to go to work. Dina gave her a homeopathic remedy, ginger tea and brushed her whole body with a bristle brush to get rid of toxins and then ran her a bath with aromatherapy. I would have shoved her into an ice bath, but hey ho! Nads says she didn't feel any better from it. Mark says he was a great drunken texter. Nads says no, he was a phoner. Lucy hates blackouts. Stewart broke his leg in 2 places on sambuca, put on painkillers and no hangover, RESULT! :ROFLMAO: Nadia mentions the episode of Below Deck when David was drunk out of gourd and slipped out of the hot tub, wacking his leg onto the side of the boat. Nadia tells us of their first date when Mark the night before was partying and ended up with practically a broken nose, "wearing dark glasses like an idiot." Yet, she still continued seeing him and had children with him. The mind boggles.

HIT THE LIKE BUTTON! GUYS! WE AREN'T EVEN AT 200 LIKES HERE! HIT THE LIKE BUTTON. Welcome Leeanne, Lynne, Gemma, Ainnya. Happy birthday Joyce's niece, Karen, Harry. Whilst singing that, Mark was messing about with his water bottle and ended up choking on said water. Whatta dumbass! DON'T FORGET TO ENTER THE DIGITAL TOMBOLA FOR THE PERSONALIZED VIDEO. Happy Sophie. Hug to Ellie. SEE YA AT 11! No thanks. 🤪
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Stacey is a terrible
Interesting what Nadia says about Kerry Katona on adult websight Then changes her tune when Jane asks her if she’d mind if Maddie went on one ….. her excuses for Maddie not having to go on one is
“ Maddie is ‘Well educated!’”
Topic starts about 8:00 mins
She talks absolute shite
her daughter splashes her semi aked body all over SM for free!
ANd Stacey as an achor is just awful, she isnt articulate enough to manage & control the debates
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Don't you just love Alex Belfield.
I’ve complained to OFCOM and demanded an apology or her dismissal. She will have instilled fear, confusion and damage in both young and old women, women of every age, that every man they see could potentially be a heinous rapist/murderer.

It was an unacceptable sexist comment and if a male had said such a thing about a woman on Tv he would have been sacked instantly.

This needs as many complaints to OFCOM as possible so they are forced to address the issue.

She has now proved she is not intelligent enough to be on National tv debating such serious issues and her comments will have devastating not to mention offensive and irreprabable effects on all women who have male friends, sons, nephews, husbands, uncles, grandfathers and fathers Etc..

Really, she must be held accountable.
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So he's started his counselling course whilst still very mentally unwell... Outstanding Mark, absolutely outstanding 😡
Timestamp 2.40 Nitwit announces he doing an "online' "counselling" course ! 😂😂 and is having his lunch break 😁 he goes quiet for a few mins!
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This family members club is it supposed to be something like the Dennis the Menace Club, Famous Five Club, Tingha and Tucker Club where you got a membership card, newsletter and a badge and probably a list of rules and regulations but it seems a bit expensive at £1.99 a month. I'm sure I saw pouty a few days ago asking if anyone could do a swapsie with one of his football cards, no hope for the man child who is completely off his rocker and his dim idiotic followers.
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How lovely that Mank introduced maddie to his one true love- alchohol. I bet nadia only wishes she could be as big an enabler as a bottle of whiskey; then she could truly liberate all his narcissistic, self-aggrandising drives.

Nadia must have terribly low self-esteem to continually have another "woman" in her marriage.

The, "this is the stool where my lips kissed my true love for a decade" speech- compare and contrast to the memories of the wedding. He really does not love nadia, does he?
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Bash a Troll

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the worse thing for me about this morning's coffee moanig was the nadia doing a BOOOHOOO routine for all the people who don't have enough petrol to go to work and won't get paid, whilst at the same time saying that they had enough petrol to take kiki to school, and were trying to get more. if you are so cut up about peple not having enough petrol, make your 14 year old get the bus, and if you have so failed in your parenting of your child taht she's not capable of getting a bus on her own at 14, get the bus with her, and then come back on the bus. whatever... but stop it with the- what was the phrase Julia used- crocodile tears; and stop using other people's suffering (imaginary or real) to manufacture attention for yourself, whilst taking no action that might make a difference for them: it just makes you a fake, callous turd of a human being.

Mank and his true love......"So - again - don’t wreck your relationship with alcohol like I did."

Normal people don't have a relationship with alcohol......that's just him- a rampant narcissist who loves an enabler, whether that comes in the form of alcohol, or nadia sawalha of the telly.

He thinks he is a position to tell people all about alcohol, but he's just not.... the root of his discourse is still that of someone with serious issues, and the "benefit" of his wisdom is something to which no-one should be being subjected.
He’s not an alcoholic(please don’t judge me)it’s all a massive joke to them. If he was he wouldn’t be anywhere near alcohol..he’s looking for sympathy & it’s her that has the drink problem
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I'm not taken in by Dina and I think she is just as nasty and devious as the nitwitch just not as loud. The only decent one seems to be Julia and she keeps her distance from all of them.
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Manky has no friends at all and certainly no male ones. I wonder if his wonderful Friday nights out on the lash in Soho were him walking around on his own friendless, just getting drunk that must have been a lot of fun. He has such a settled life these days spending half of it talking into his camera to complete strangers and the rest of it craving booze and sex.
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More LIES 🤥

So the Sawalha-Adderleys could not do coffee moaning yesterday as they were so ill...

Nadia today tells everybody she has spent 48 hours cleaning their sh*t hole for a team of people to come and film in their house 🤥

So they lied about being ill 🤥

Shes lying to whoever is filming their house by PRETENDING its always clean and tidy 😡

I suggest the Sawalha-Adderleys join the below group as a couple TO TRY AND STOP Blooming LYING 🤥 😂


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so if they have around 200 paid members they are pulling in £400 plus from income
YT take about 40% - then tax etc is it really worth it
The views wont generate a lot of revenue from ads
no wonder they are pushing the channel so much - they are getting desperate
Yes, I really believe there are two main reasons for keeping it going and the first is she is keeping Manks in employment. She can walk around saying he’s in charge, films, directs, EDITS and in between he is writing his ‘films.’ ‘He’s sooo busy, busy busy.’ I’m sure when they first met she was probably duped by him that he was going to be a big hotshot director, and he was duped by her that she was going to override Julia’s fame and become a Hollywood star.

Children arrived, rehab beckoned, the rot set in..

Neither of them can admit defeat, admit they are toxic for each other. They say if you can swim and someone next to you is drowning don’t let them hold on to you because they will push you down in order to stay afloat, they are both clamboring on top of each other gasping for air, and drowning.

Second, the tax deductible thing, it’s a dirty trick but not uncommon and all helps towards the primary intention, ‘Keep husband employed.’

Then, an added bonus for her, she gets to play around in front of a camera 24/7 and pretend to be whatever she wants. Like a child who dresses up as a Princess one day, plays Nurse the next etc.. Baby Jane syndrome.

I think initially when they started with Kaye the channel had legs and was running ( I wasn’t watching then) but I have seen the decline over the past year, yet because of their egos they have to pretend to themselves it is a great success.

She must lie her hind legs off at LW and the sad thing is she thinks they all believe her.

It’s all smoke and mirrors, except the only people who are fooled, are themselves.
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Gloria Rostron

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You know how some people have a box with 'Guess the name of the baby ' on it? We should do that here but call it 'Guess the excuse for no Coffee Moaning'. My guess today is "Mark is exhausted from working so hard through the night, he's a workaholic you know".
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