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Just fast forwarded through Home Time #40. There’s 6 soIid minutes of grubby Nadia posing and gurning in a skimpy ( England flag) bikini for a shot she put up on her Instagram but deleted the next day on 13th July. So why on earth did Mank decide to subject us to watching it and demean Nadia by putting it in the vlog two months later. It’s not funny, it’s certainly not tasteful. She looks absolutely horrendous. Against his advice she involves poor Kiki in the whole pathetic process to film herself with her boobs hanging out. Nadia absolutely loves herself and Mank clearly does not care how much of a fool she looks. Any self respecting husband would not have put that footage out for all to see. Bizarre.
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That will most likely be her ‘team’ advising her to remove comments so the press can’t get hold of them, as well as vanity..

It’s a shame someone with a huge IG or Twitter following doesnt’ call her for it. Can’t believe the press just ignore it.


Well I see Alex gave it a try but the thread seems predominantly in Nadia’s favour.

it really is taking feminism to the extreme on a show which doesn’t have the time to discuss it deeply with Q&A from both genders points of view being heard. There needs to be a balanced equal discussion with something like this. Jeez, from a woman getting her AR** out in a thong last week. More people complained about that to Ofcom!

She’ll be sleeping well tonight after celebrating with a bottle of ROzaaay and planning the follow up rant, and coming out shining.

I wonder what her poor Father thinks of what she has said.. Shouldn’t think she cares..
Well said @chipmunk (y)
Yes well I said words to that effect as well and ( maybe too much) more on the celebrity secret gossip thread!
Page 6 if anyone is interested ?
She has made me so angry this time with her biased opinions and misandry and yes she needs to be called out on it everywhere and anywhere and attention brought to her frankly ignorant and deluded personality because she is abusing her power as a (woman) not men abusing theirs!

Thank you @rivermonster for giving my post a like.
The more likes it gets the better (no I haven't taken leave of my senses and want to emulate Mark!)
but just to get the word out about the duplicitous Nadia Sawalha because she has definitely gone too far this time!
Why should that be acceptable for some people just because her target is men?
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I have been away for a while because both my parents died in the space of two months and I needed a break from those two.

So they are all sick. They say they are too ill for the live, but they have done a test and it isn’t covid. They need to do a pcr test rather than a lateral flow test. Those aren’t accurate. I hope they don’t have covid because they were only out for a meal with her parents the other night.
I’ve noticed you haven’t been around much @Ulrika
Very sorry about your parents - losing both in such a short space of time is unimaginable.
Hope you have people close to look after you.
Take care 💕
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The monstrosity she has just posted is shocking. Butter and oil to fry some mushrooms, then cream and cheese as a snack for lunch. Looks greasy, bland and boring. The amount of salt she adds to everything is ridiculous and I’ve never seen such a boring dish ever!
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The godmother1

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I read somewhere (can’t remember who said it) that everyone had a lovely evening and they had champagne and cocktails. It just made me wonder why Nadia says these stories which can clearly been shown up as lies. I honestly don’t know if it’s to do with Frankie but it will be to do with someone, that’s for sure.

I truly don’t like giving mark credit for anything but I definitely feel he has more love for those dogs than she does. I know he torments them but she just doesn’t seem to have any emotion towards them at all. It’s absolute bizarre and I’ll never forgive her for saying what she did yesterday about not going into debt for a pet. The woman has zero emotion.
I don’t think either of them truly has any love for the dogs and it seriously worries me that they are so ignorant about their care, (letting chemicals just drain onto the garden) that it would not surprise me if either or both dogs got so ill they died one day. I hate to say that but it’s so obvious. They are lovely dogs and would be so much better elsewhere. They don’t look after themselves properly or their children so why on earth do they think they are capable of having pets!!!!!😡
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Nadia is really really milking kiki going back to school...

I've lost count of times she's mentioned "doing the school run", or "taking kiki to school", or "having to get up early for the school run"...

Shes 14 for goodness sake, they've all slept in for the last decade, most people regard the school run as so normal they don't mention it but the lazy Sawalha-Adderleys have to continually mention it, photograph it and then mention it some more...

Their behaviour totally highlights how out of touch they are and how extraordinary it is for them to do such ordinary things...

How many times have we heard Nadia education guru Sawalha spout her self-serving cod science about how teenagers are unable to learn early in the morning? We all knew this transition would be painful for her. It's ten times worse than I anticipated, though. Just imagine how many adjustments that child is making? I applaud her for pursing the human right to an education in the face of this daily bullsh*t.
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She’s so smug! Absolutely loves herself. The food looks awful too
I truly believe that in her head she thinks she is being ‘naughty’ like Nigella‘s cooking can be. Scrumptious but leans towards comfort eating with her late night snacks etc.. but she has forgotten that Nigella also cooks very healthy recipes from around the world and she cooks them well, so the odd late night cheese on toast or chocolate donut is a great combination for a tv chef.

That’s why she tries to eat in a seductive manner emulating Nigella but badly. Admittedly nigella has gone a bit overboard now and even she is wearing thin, but at least her recipes are interesting.

Nitty is not the slightest bit interested in cooking, the process, the journey from buying the ingredients, prepping, cooking, plating up.

All she wants to do is keep her husband overweight and on camera, try to make her food look naughty and for some reason in her head that = sexy.

I really don’t mean this to sound rude but I was watching a pig eat on TV last night and that is exactly what she looks and sounds like. She doesn’t even chew her food, she snorts, gulps and seems to swallow things whole. She has an extremely unhealthy relationship with food. I do wish whomever it is who keeps telling her that her food is good would stop.

That wrap she made on the latest vlog put on this thread..all the food on the table looked so revolting. Yet another part of her life where delusion rules.
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It's disgraceful that he is even admitting to it. Sounds like he is boasting. So ashamed, that he stayed with the daughter until he was eighteen.
Exactly @Miss LDN ! In fact the only embarrassment he admits to is because his girlfriend's mother has seen him naked!
Not once do we get any sense of shame or regret about how the poor woman must have felt! :mad:
Its that epic self absorption and lack of empathy that's really worrying!
So many years later and instead of making amends or cleaning up his act and having a good word with himself about how he treats woman we instead are subjected to this anecdote!
Which is disturbing and crude and not funny (They both laugh) and really quite disgusting!
Also it sends out I think a disturbing message in that he is not to blame or be held accountable for his behaviour?
It's not him it's the drink?
Really? :unsure:
I think he's dining out on excuses (as usual) because presumably this was attack was broken up? Either his girlfriend's mother fought him off or other people intervened but what if she had been overpowered? Or what if other people hadn't been there? Then it could possibly be a rape situation?
Would he still think that would be acceptable?
As it is I and most sane thinking people would classify that as a sexual assault!
I think it's a shame that no one at the time went to the police and made a complaint!
To have really nipped this in the bud to have really showed him the possible consequences to his behaviour!
Nevermind embarrassment he should hang his head in shame and show remorse!
That's not acceptable behaviour drunk or not digusting!
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I literally only went to give my 👎🏼 and saw that pile of who knows what on a wrap, and then I left.
From what they’ve been saying the last few days, it was going to be completely live. I can’t imagine it was worth watching!
I thought it would be the whole family, yes and by that I mean daughters, nephew, sister (singular) her parents all having a nice Sunday roast, welcoming the SUBS to their world of fakery, luring them into a so called perfectly functioning family. Well at least they were decent enough not to do that.

Thank you @knickerbockerey for sharing that with us.
The first thing that struck me was how bad the picture quality was really grainy and not clearly defined at all!
Another one was yet again how out of control her compulsion to over feed her father is!
This from the woman who by her own admission has recently lost weight!
Yet her offering to Nadim is one of waffles with bacon followed by lasagne and followed then by chocolate cake!
Yet she admires his longevity and his strength (She's a flatterer even with her own family) while at the same time offering him food that has very little nutritional value!
It's not as if he doesn't have taste either he talks about eating pickled aubergine and hummus and following a middle Eastern diet (Which as he explained do have health benefits)
Nadia who is so obsessively proud of her Jordanian heritage that she pays very little heed to it!
Yeah Nadia you could have learnt something from your dad if you bothered to take him seriously instead of your usual condescending pat him on the head the man done good attitude! 🙄
Ditto with Dina who is inspired by her heritage and culture in a good way and who cooks with care and passion and discrimination!
I fully believe now that being in close proximity to Mark and Nadia really does bring out the (regressive) worst in people!
Why doesn't she just put safety gates on the doors and bring her own set of pacifiers with her! (Oops I forgot that's what food is for).
While everyone gets over excited about what's your favourite sandwich (short of a picnic) and Nadia gets to outdo her mother (that'll show her) about how she should try a bagel with very thinly sliced red onion or capers because that's what she had at the ivy! :oops: (Or some other such nonsense!).
So yes she's in her element is Nadia!
Show off has to know better than her mother (or so she thinks) and has to subtly flatter and control her father by being in control of the food chain!
So same old same old right?
Oh but don't worry because as she tells us she is the common man's Nigella!
Then Mark tells her about he once saw into Nigella's ear to which Nadia (Gets very jealous very quickly it's actually quite funny 🤭) and starts muttering away at the camera about how big Nigella's ears are very big (in case you didn't hear it) and then again for added emphasis she says again she has very long ears .. ...So she obviously has to hone in on one tiny detail that she thinks might detract from Nigella's all round and acknowledged beauty!
Ha ha 🤣 serves her right that nagging feeling of jealousy she gets anytime any woman is mentioned that may well make her (Nadia,) look like a pauper by comparison!
That's what you get when your so ultra competitive and view others (especially women) as a potential threat!
I think we can all feel right now how Julia must have felt like?
Caught in the eye of a storm sensing always hidden hostility trying to brush away snide remarks that come from resentment and most of all trying to rise above someone who would gladly drag others down just so she could feel better about herself!
Well what goes around comes around and her spitting resentment is her own self inflicted punishment (As if Nigella would give two hoots!) and a reminder that no matter how gorgeous she thinks she is there will always be others who are more gorgeous!
So there! This being in all probability the only genuine discomfort she ever feels about anything ever and a not so subtle reminder that she ain't all that! (And a bag of potato chips)!
Serves her right.....🥳
What an incredible breakdown of what must have been something very frustrating to watch. I can’t understand why her parents keep putting up with her? Do they feel sorry for her? If so why? She had the same chances in life as the other two. Or do they feel guilty for not seeing what an out of control, spiteful little girl she must have been? But that woudln’t make sense, because surely they should be fawning over Dina & Julia and telling Nitty to sort herself out?

Reading the Nigella section literallly gave me the chills, and my word yes, little Julia having to grow up with little Nitty, a spiteful older sister and then deal with that spite as it matured and manifested into womanhood. Goodness knows what she was put through, no wonder she lashed out with that Tweet; and yet after Julia’s ‘long talk’ with her father which was in an article there was no doubt, Julia was clearly trying to get people to read between the lines, that she was the one who got the telling off, not Nitty.

Nitty seems to have destroyed all the love.

I do wish Julia would be in a fabulous show again, so she could outshine that woman once and for all!!!!

Thank @Misbehaving for your clarity and insight. ❤
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Latest vlog I caught a min of it and turned off as nastia was talking about plantar faciitis and the fact she has an appointment. We'll guess what nastia I have flat feet as well and can't afford specialist treatment haven't checked the comments on the vlog to see the sympathy comments she gets as a working class person we just have to get on with it
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Gloria Rostron

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How lovely that Mank introduced maddie to his one true love- alchohol. I bet nadia only wishes she could be as big an enabler as a bottle of whiskey; then she could truly liberate all his narcissistic, self-aggrandising drives.

Nadia must have terribly low self-esteem to continually have another "woman" in her marriage.

The, "this is the stool where my lips kissed my true love for a decade" speech- compare and contrast to the memories of the wedding. He really does not love nadia, does he?
Not as much as he loves drinking and Soho.
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Tim did say somethig about the po box, in fact. He asked whether Mank got the right advice with regard to the PO BOX. Tbh I don't think Nadia was like that with him because of being live, because I don't think she is anywhere near enough intelligent to think that she is recording and broadcasting her postman without permission, which I believe is illegal.

I don't understand why there is such a problem- when your po box is full don't you just go round and empty it. or has it become like the rest of their house- full of unwanted crap no-one can be bothered to sort through. Sounds like they can't be bothered and are demanding the post office turns its sorting office in to another one of the many rooms they have filled with junk.

A business address is no longer available on the doghouse media site btw...
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Your honesty and bravery is to be commended @Dinaaaaa You have spurred me onto share my story.
I have struggled with my weight since the age of 12 when my brothers told me I was fat. I wasn't. I was quite a skinny little thing but I was over the years I was overfed by my mother and not allowed to leave food. It created a real obsession with eating and my weight has gone up and down all my adult life between 8-14 stone. I am only 5ft 4.
I lost a lot of weight a couple of years ago and fitted a UK size10 for the first time in 20 years. I was happy, healthy and confident but my addiction didn't let it last and through serious overeating I am back to a generous size 14. I have all these lovely clothes and here I am hiding away again in large clothes and feeling breathless when I walk. People try to tell me I am self sabotaging myself with my emotions and stress but I can honestly say that it's not any of those things. I just love food. I am out of control and people who haven't seen me during lockdown are shocked at how big I am.....again.
Weight shaming is wrong. Shaming someone who isn't honest about their weight problems is wrong. Shaming someone who is putting themselves out there as a healthy eating guru and "non dieter" is OK. It's not OK to shame her shape, it's OK to shame her for lying to her followers. @Dinaaaaa you are amazing and you are doing so well. Keep it up. ❤❤❤
Awww bless you. I’m glad I shared now, always good to tell people your story. It’s a very hard thing to admit to and it’s actually something you can’t hide from because people can clearly see if we are overweight whereas people can lie about other additions and it’s not always so spot.

Im absolutely trying my hardest right now. I know where I want to be but I’ve got to follow the map. You can do it too 🙏🙏

Night everyone x
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I'm not taken in by Dina and I think she is just as nasty and devious as the nitwitch just not as loud. The only decent one seems to be Julia and she keeps her distance from all of them.
I feel the same! D and N are cut from the same dish cloth whereas Julia is a pure silk hanker chief
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Bulls**t detector

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Hey guys.... Request here.... I have checked the ofcom complaints for the last few months and they only list those programmes that received over 50 complaints. Loose women wasn't listed for the episode that Nitty showed her backside. I was quite shocked as there were 100's of comments on various sites. Can as many people as possible make a complaint to ofcom about her latest disgusting remarks please? If they aren't getting the complaints then LW will never get rid of the big mouthed idiot and we will have to listen to more of her bile. Cheers my dears ❤
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Here is their htsm talking about their ruined wedding(whilst trying not name names). Mark is particularly angry.
is there any mention of "love" between them? I doubt it. Depression, drink, complications, stress, cake and being fat, vibes etc, sadness from the bits i watched. But no actual mention of love........ I've heard a more negative take on someone's own wedding. It's two selfish, greedy gobble gannets people talking about whether they got what they wanted from the wedding. There's no real marriage there. These people do not love each other in the slightest.

"I want to go out there and smash some faces in"

Such a nasty bastard.

I think he has spent a lot of time working through the abuse he suffered as a child and has reached a place of peace in his life.
Or as "be kind" Nadia would put it- he's a miserable sod.
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