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Gloria Rostron

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Well said Alex.

I have made a complaint to Ofcom about her comments on Loose Women today. She is abusing her position with all this ranting she is doing lately but her opinion about all men being potential rapists just appalled me. Just because there is one bad egg, does not mean they are all bad. I think she has become far too political lately and her idiot followers are all praising her! All so she can gain more followers on her YT and IG account. She needs to be taken off our screens asap before she does anymore damage.
She is a disgrace! #notallmen is trending on Twitter, I wonder if it's because of her comments.
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Here we go… as predicted
I suppose she couldn’t do it straight away because she had to wait for Mark to dig out a clip of them together to screenshot.
She couldn’t just post a picture of the man himself could she🙄
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Right near the end Nadia is making a Chimichanga for Mank. The amount of food she crams in is obscene. Using her hands to grab the cheese that everyone else is going to eat and licking her fingers 🤢. She’s such a loudmouth know all. Loves the sound of her own voice. Showing off in front of friends.
She is what’s known as a ‘feeder.’ She feeds people to control every aspect of their life. If they are upset, depressed, angry, tired, happy, celebrating, she will be there feeding them. Not only does it give her control, but in her head it’s her way of proving she loves everybody, when really she is controlling them; and whilst they are being fed ridiculous amounts she also feels better about herself. If Manks has more she is enabling him. Her portion will be marginally smaller and she will tell herself she doesn’t have a problem.

Quite right, if Maddie feels full then she is listening to her body, she will eat when she feels hungry. Interesting how the little one chose to opt out of the Feeder’s frenzy. Clever little thing.
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Gloria Rostron

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Nadia said they would be staying in this country to support small businesses,
That's laughable. They order from Amazon. Nadia has slagged off multiple small businesses that she has eaten at and didn't they take a freebie from a small business about 16 months ago, something for the garden if memory serves me right?
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I wonder if she will try and squeeze in the fact that hot hubby is studying to be a counsellor on LW today?

Having asked that question I decided to take the plunge and watch, I lasted about 4 minutes. Those RIDICULOUS glasses and her weird smile, every week she’s trying out a different smile. 😤 she fancies herself so much she would take herself out to dinner if she could.

I turned off.
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Let’s all have a good laugh 🤣
Timestamp 5.47 then 7.33 then 15.08
Well now we know! They are probably having a second very important meeting with Michelle to understand the reward system they announced plus the questions and prizes 🤣
What a pair of imbeciles🤣 you couldn’t invent it could you ? 🤣

Excellent work Waffle3
At least we can now be sure that Maddie didn't achieve any GCSEs because she was home educated by a self-importance dunce. 😥
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Yay go Nadia because nothing says I care about a pet quite like prancing around on a beach throwing back your tussled locks (ready for the close up) and then simpering (I think it was meant to be sultry :oops:)
She looks like she is ‘high’ on herself.
too true, in fact, if you were to headline this particular still, I think most people would go for "woman masturbating on beach thinking about a dog"

nadia sawalha desperado.png
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I bet that young girl is so glad to be back at school away from all the madness
Structure and some form of discipline will serve her well
The home schooling was a waste of so many years and they know it
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Gloria Rostron

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I don't know anyone over 25 who obsesses over Instagram as much as Mark Adderley (nearly 51) and Nadia Sawalha (nearly 57). My father, who is 2 years older than Nadia has only just got Facebook.
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Interesting what Nadia says about Kerry Katona on adult websight Then changes her tune when Jane asks her if she’d mind if Maddie went on one ….. her excuses for Maddie not having to go on one is
“ Maddie is ‘Well educated!’”
Topic starts about 8:00 mins
Thanks for posting this @Ireckon it's rather revealing isn't it? In terms of showing (yet again) Nadia's not very progressive and frankly class and wealth obsessed attitude when it comes to judging people?
Why do you need to have privileges in order to want to make decisions over your body?
10.00 mins in

Good question Stacey!
To which Nadia answers I'm still stuck on that one...hmm....I bet... 🙄
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Link for Members live starting 9.45pm if anyone fancies a snoop:

(will only be available to publicly view until around 10.30pm)

Thanks knickerbockerey

Check out the paltry viewing figures screenshot long after the long-awaited Members Live. It looks like some of the others have acted on Mark Adderley's advice for their members who don't like being d*cked about. They've clearly switched off their notification bells! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
And only 73 (y)s :oops: When Nadia Sawalha opens her eyes she'll be raging but it's 73 more than the lazy feckers deserve.

I wonder how many paying members suffered what looks like their half-hour car journey home in the dark all the way through?


At least they'll have barely any badges to buy, even if they took my advice and posted them tomorrow. #SparkofJoy :sneaky:
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I feel the need to put this out here because I see many posts about her weight on here and obviously from her too.

I’m going to be very honest because I can be on here and I want to be too.

I have terrible weight issues and always have for many years. At my heaviest I was pushing over 21stones and now 17 stones and I’ll be very clear that I’d love to be her weight or have her figure. I definitely wouldn’t want anything else of her life, body etc.

I feel that we mustn’t judge by weight. I’d hate to think that people would judge me but I know they do. Many years ago someone sent (still don’t know who) a very nasty letter to me mocking my weight. I ended up nearly dead with long term health issues after taking a near fatal overdose. I very nearly finished myself off because what someone thought of me. Now I know I’m a good person, I will go to the the end of the earth for someone who needs help, I hate injustice with a passion that burns more fiercely than any bonfire. I care, have endless patience to help people but my weight has always been a problem.

Now I’m nearing 50 I decided that I need to take it in hand. I started around the time AG did with his weight loss and every day I think of what I am nourishing my body with, I walk 5 miles and I am beginning to work out my issues.

I have a very long way to go but I’m deadly serious about it. I rarely drink anymore after being alcohol dependent for more years than I would like to admit. Haven’t drank apart from the odd glass of wine for 7 Years. Now religiously drink 3l of water a day and I’m thankful for all I have after losing two very close friends in the last 3 weeks. Life is a gift and I want to treasure mine. No one can live happily living like M and N do. For example, I wouldn’t ever bang on about being alcohol dependant like a badge of honour like Mark does Nor would I constantly talk about my weight like she does. Nadia really wouldn’t have a bad life if they could just appreciate it.

This post is just to remind everyone that overweight people struggle and although I can criticise them for many things like their cooking etc I would never call someone out of their weight alone.

please accept this post with the love it’s posted with xx
Well done to you for making positive lasting changes in your life from what you've said you've turned a corner after really hitting a low spot (understatement).
That takes both courage and persistence (neither of which Nadia appears to have).
Like others have said it's her insistence on being an armchair expert blowing her own trumpet lecturing others on how to feed themselves (Nurse Ratched to the rescue) and her holier than thou attitude which masks a lot of hypocrisy that really rubs people up the wrong way!
Also her numerous posts stripping off in order to mock other (thinner and what she considers to be more attractive) women!
So right there we can all see she's the one with the issue about her weight!
If she brought something more meaningful to the table like genuine empathy being creative or really making her home the warm inviting cosy haven she wants it to be then I don't think her weight or how she looks like would be an issue?
It's only an issue because she insists on making it one (and drawing attention to herself which equals more engagement and then more profit).
She is most definitely going round in circles the dvd the books the jealousy towards other woman the food and feeding fetish....etc etc etc ....
Maybe you don't see it but you've done something amazing because you've broken that never ending negative spiral (and Nadia hasn't).
I hope you never loose sight of that amazing achievement and maybe when you feel low remind yourself of that fact.
Just by listening to your body and giving it what it really needs and not what you think it wants you have tapped into something real and authentic.
Honestly I have so much admiration and respect for you and I believe this is a journey you will finish with a renewed connection to yourself and nature and living beings and higher consciousness.
Your an empath and someone who feels a great deal and whoever sent you that letter (believe it or not was probably jealous of you).
Jealous because of your kind heart and compassionate nature and enduring strength and patience (probably all the things that they lacked in themselves).
Words hurt I understand that especially cruel ones about our appearance or character and it's hard when your a genuine and kind person to understand that people can be deliberately cruel and sadistic and also lie frequently!
Who ever told you those things about yourself is a pauper and an imposter and a sadist and is projecting their own issues and self hatred onto you.
That's a very low vibrational person a parasite someone who takes pleasure from feeding off other people's pain (which they create).
For whatever reason they wanted to pull you down to their level but your so much kinder and braver and better than that.
So always keep that in mind sometimes kindness beings out cruelty in people but people like that are barely human as it is (more like possessed).
I understand though because I've had brushes with people like that myself like a predator (that they are) they sniff out your Achilles heel and use it to harm you.
Well they can fuck off with their shaming and general negativity and appalling way of treating people (misery loves company and whoever is was probably hurt everyone close to them it won't have been limited to just you)
That's the life they created and get to lead every day a life filled with spite and hatred and anger eating them up inside.(trust me they are not happy)
So know that and know that when people hurt you it ultimately comes back to them.(They just tried to offload it onto you but despite the brief respite that gave them they'll be set and stuck at miserable)
Your not a miserable person you don't need that shit from other people that's not the real you.
The real you is strong and helpful and wise you have so many beautiful things inside and believe me one way or another they will start to show on the outside as well! (They probably already are but maybe you haven't noticed yet)As long as you keep on believing in them and not seeking validation from an outside source you'll tap into that truth and harmony and love (because you have it) will come back to you. ❤
It always does in the end.
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Another podcast this time with the titty woman & some other unknowns
They are all by vulnerable as they have or are having cancer treatment so Maddie and Kiki should not be there at all and the patio doors should be open . I don’t get Nadia she risks a lot for a quick insta/ YouTube 😡
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Gloria Rostron

VIP Member
A PO BOX with delivery costs £360 a year!
More to deduct from the taxman I guess... 😡
I bet that's the cost of some subs weekly shopping 😡
All because the Sawalha-Adderleys think they are somebody's 😡😡😡
It shows how heavily invested they are in recieving freebies. I dare say it is a hassle to set up a PO box too.
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A mature and appropriate (neither of which Manky is) response to Mrs. P would have been: “Yes, we apologize for often cancelling and rescheduling promised content, often with little notice. We are reassessing how we can deliver better content in a more reliable and consistent fashion, which could mean we provide less of it. We apologize for the inconvenience we cause, especially to loyal and paying members such as you.”

Instead he tells her to bugger off. What a defensive and insecure tw&t.
Yes I agree well said @Hopscotch what I don't understand is how boring and narrow minded his attitude is!
What's so interesting about an echo chamber or being so controlling that even constructive criticism is not allowed or welcomed?
Your not free like that a dictatorship is very bland in the end with no real character or spice or dare I say it charisma! The best and most honest of people have a glint in their eye and are up for being challenged or contradicted because it enables them to think out side the box and be up for learning something?
Where is his (Marks) creative spark or joy for life why is he so scared of showing true humility or modesty it's a very endearing feature and counts for a lot.
Why not (just for a change) be brave Mark swallow your pride (which is overrated) and roll with the punches and accept you have faults as do all of us (perfection is boring) it's what makes us human and actually lovable and relatable!
What a waste it is trapped in his own echo chamber!
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Menopause talk seems to be a money spinner for all these tv people
The gravy train chugs on……
Books, podcasts, tv appearances and nothing tangible to really help women many of whom are at the end of their rope ……
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I really couldn't give a toss about what happens to the Swadderleys.
They do need, however, calling out for their constant lies and bullshit.
In this vlog from 2yrs ago Nittia lets her daughter figure out making a cake mostly by herself, whilst she, master chef, simultaneously cooks onions and strong smelling spices; its almost as if she is blowing the kid out of the kitchen.
At the end she just takes over, completely squashing her daughter.
If this is an example of her 'teaching' all I can say is thank the f*ck the youngest got back into mainstream education.

Thanks for this Chemicals kill I agree that Nadia Sawalha makes her daughter's lesson all about her. However, it also shows how far their family YouTube channel has deteriorated in the last two years. Of course they'll blame Covid or Brexit. But the truth is they are lazy and lacking in imagination. I skim watched but had to pause at Timestamp 16:09
(6) WEEKEND VLOG #22 Kiki Bakes a CAKE, Nadia makes MEXICAN, Nanny Di GARDENS & FRIENDS Arrive - YouTube

Instead of starting a cooking segment with his camera lens buried in a bunch of Freddie's Flowers, Mark Adderley pans across a selection of fresh vegetables. :oops: Yes, a selection of fresh vegetables, genuine vegan options for Nadia Sawalha's actual real life friends and not a frozen pea in sight. Seriously, my partner's laughing his head off at me choking on my decaf.
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No, hates attention. A real wallflower eh Mank. Auditioning for a serial killer, tramp, creepy pervert or the man who lived in a toy cave and never washed. Maybe these are his hot husband for hire Tinder shots. Form an orderly queue ladies.
Mark Adderely, a 50 year old man constantly posting selfies on IG, desperately seeking attention.
It’s embarrassing 😆
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