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No, hates attention. A real wallflower eh Mank. Auditioning for a serial killer, tramp, creepy pervert or the man who lived in a toy cave and never washed. Maybe these are his hot husband for hire Tinder shots. Form an orderly queue ladies.
hes certainly no hot husband in my book
hes got horrible tartar teeth, sweaty greasy hair, filthy feet and fingernails and looks to much like his bossy nanny thelma
he makes my flesh crawl
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💯 Agree @Misbehaving, especially where you say...
"I remember years ago reading her cookbooks and she gave such an impression of a well adjusted blended family that I actually was impressed by them!"

I felt this too... I thought Nadia Sawalha's family was like my own by what I read...

I started watching the Sawalha-Adderleys when they went online and very quickly saw that actions spoke louder than words.

I saw that her words had been lies and her actions showed the reality which is that of a disfunctional, jealous messed up family that was headed by two attention seeking, lying, morally bankrupt, narcissistic and messed up people who NEED daily validation from a bunch of strangers.

I saw animals and children being treated extremely badly and never in my life had I felt so duped by the actual reality of the actions and words of the once perceived lovely girl next door that I wrongly assumed Nadia Sawalha was.

The Web of lies got bigger, their world got filthier, their family became more seperated and the extent to which they need daily reassurance that they are busy but wonderful people grew and grew.

Here we are, holding two very selfish, very deceptive and very manipulative people to account.

I've always hoped that they'd gracefully accept we've seen through their rouse and that they'd close it down to focus on fixing their spectacularly broken personalities and lives but that's never going to happen as their need for massive tax relief coupled with their compulsion for approval, endorsement and recognition is far too important to both Sawalha-Adderleys 🙄🤥😳
notSUBmissive - that is a perfect description of the Catch 22 narcissists have to content with [not that they are aware of this of course :rolleyes:].The more exposure they gain, the more their defects become glaringly obvious and the more the attention goes to their heads and then they continue to act in an increasingly grandiose manner and making themselves look worse and worse. A certain Duchess living in a multi-toileted mansion is a brilliant example of this - striding around New York like a character from the Matrix!

Also narcissists, as they age, often end up hanging out with and dating younger people as their peers can see through them. I personally know one elderly narcissist who likes "to spend time with the young folks" - yes of course because they don't see through him and he can buy their friendship with his financial clout but they're not friends just hangers-on! I note that Lee chap is quite a bit younger than Nadia. I don't know about Mark's friends - does he have any apart from his daughters? :LOL:
Two excellent posts @notSUBmissive and @WoodlandCreature 👌

It's sad really isn't it looking back when less was most definitely more....and because Nadia was the more successful one she got to shine in the spotlight (which she is good at doing).
The fact that she's not very professional and difficult to work with barely registered (to me anyway) because the image she portrayed of a down to earth semi domestic goddess who had a lot of personal tragedy and still diligently went about her day well it made people give her the benefit of the doubt didn't it?
Who would begrudge her a second shot at happiness not when it appeared that she was devoted to her family and had the support of her (I can't believe I'm about to write this) rather dashing and suave husband!
Yes that's the image they portrayed and that's the good will that they had accumulated from people.
It's absolutely true what both of you have said that over exposure has been their downfall I think with her it started with big brother (or to her money for old rope!).
When she got her hands on some serious money for being obnoxious and basically bossing everyone around!
Still having the hide of a rhino like she does she brushed off how unpopular she had been and brazened it out!
That really should have been the first red flag because other people would have been mortified or done some serious soul searching but not Nadia Sawalha!
What she showed instead is that actually she doesn't care about what the general public (and also now at a later date subs!)think?
All she cares about is money and attention (doesn't matter what kind of attention).
In fact the defiant part of her probably thinks ha ha suckers you don't like me but I'm living it up (at your expense) and there is nothing you can do about it!
It's probably a good day for her when she can antagonise people I believe she actually enjoys it?
So to appeal to her conscious is futile because I seriously doubt if she has one because to have one would cause her discomfort and to have to question herself both things that she is loathe to do.
So I'm afraid she is an example of someone who will make sure that she doesn't feel any pain by passing it onto others if others suffer could be that they are not as clever or as evasive (getting away with it?) as she is?
So she lives for the moment by her wits she knows how to draw in the people who are needed and that have something she can latch onto?
She does this I think by sensing a need in others and then giving them false reassurance that she will provide it? (Nadia to the rescue!)
This feeds her ego of being the person who is desired by others and also more powerful than others?
So it's her playing field and the rest of us are just spectators and like the good provider she is there is always an issue or tragedy or personal pain to exploit and gain from.
She is so voraciously over confident that people can't help but be drawn in.....what is it that she has that gives her this cast iron self belief? (Also is this really a good thing?)
Yet it works it gets her work it gives her a media platform and exposure and income!
So when confidence is everything and in that sense the opinions of others count for naught with her who doesn't come out of the whole exchange a little battered or bruised or angry?
I think she has many enemies (that she has made by her insensitivity) but being Nadia she probably thinks it's a compliment a measure of her power over others?
She's probably still deluded enough to believe that she has the kind of life that everyone secretly covets! That's because other people are just a projection of her own feelings and grandiose self belief?
The fact that she made a post (I think on Instagram) about how gorgeous do I look proves to me that she still believes her own hype and in her own version of herself where she is the biggest star and more beautiful and more interesting and more worthy of attention than anyone else on the entire planet!
Yeah great for her but for the other people who have to get close and personal not so good!
I think Mark and the You tube channel is a case of if you can't beat them join them!
He also has grandiose self beliefs and believes it's his due to be revered and rewarded and his word being the last word on anything!
So the conceit of these people is boundless he played his part of the tortured soul because it means that he gets to abdicate responsibility and it means that Nadia gets to be seen as the long suffering spouse!
Which I don't believe that she really is now because both of them are so self absorbed that neither of them really care about the feelings of the other person!
It's all role play to my eyes.....nothing genuine or authentic about either of them just grandiose self long as she remains free to float off into a self created fantasy where she is the centre of the universe ...
As long as he is free to moan and wail and feel hard done by and I could have had a better life if only......I hadn't been abandoned as a boy. .if only I hadn't married such a harridan....if only I could have a drink and find a way to escape myself ..if only I was recognised as being someone worthy of adulation?
Goodness me those two both have the biggest ego I have ever come across......(and that's saying something!) :rolleyes:
In fact it's almost so unbelievable and almost grotesque that I find myself asking just how is it possible that situation has continued for so long?
Well maybe it's a testament to their combined greed In that they never let anything go and instead hold onto a life that actually would send a lot of people scrambling to the nearest therapist!
In their case that probably won't happen because to to to a therapist you have to admit that something is wrong in the first place but I don't believe they will do that because of their insistence that they are both always right and that the life they lead is perfect for them because they are special deserving people and anything they have must be special too because reality with all its ups and downs and challenges is for loser's!
It's the world as a fortress and a battle field and are we not really all blind?
Did we not see already that they are the Victor's and have already won the game and really that's all that matters to them!
It's that black and white and any criticism just falls on deaf ears if you criticise it's because you are not well and are a secret troll and Mark actually wants to hunt you down because he must defend all attacks on his realm!
The truth being an attack to him!
Ah but that's because your not seeing the world through his eyes... ..if you did you'd venerate him and hang off his every word!
So it continues going round and round in circles and they are getting worse because they are getting more and more greedy.....and I don't believe it will stop unless an outside source intervenes?
That's because they just got so used to coasting through life and getting everything they want that really they have zero incentive to want to wake up or change?
They just don't care self growth and realisation will not happen because as I said they already believe they have it all and have an answer for everything?
What an epic case of combined selfishness delusion conceit arrogance and apathy!
Wow well done they should give themselves a badge of merit! That's truly some achievement 😜.
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Gloria Rostron

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I see Mark is going to be talking about Katie Price being arrested. I wonder if he will be discussing his own driving offence.
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Chemicals kill

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The Swadderleys are such enourmous hypocritical shirkers and blatant liars. This is Sawahla this morning on CM
'Mark will kill me because we did it (tidying a couple of rooms), for the vlog and I go and reveal it on CM.
He's such a director he doesn't like to reveal stuff. He likes to keep you guys guessing'
🤣🤣🤣🤡 Such a director indeed, he shoots stuff, plasters it all over Instagram and then 2 months later all the old content is uploaded as a 'hometime' vlog.
That guy is UNEMPLOYABLE (maybe as a puppy dog) and his overpromising and under delivering world beating eh Mrs. P 😜
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They’re like trained laboratory rats.

Too true @Hopscotch but then I also see their YT channel as an experiment( gone wrong)because they might have brainwashed a few but I'd like to think that the majority see through them now (Including us Tattlers).
I think the low viewing figures are an indication and reflection of that!
So you could classify them as having a cult like atmosphere and following!
At the end of the day for 2 individuals with quite a lot of media experience that's not really much of an achievement?
Tax benefits aside....they have both sold out a long time ago and the people they attract obviously can't have much taste or sense of discrimination.
So the elusive critical praise which I really think he covets remains elusive.. ..a part of him must be seething at that!
Maybe that's why he gets so angry at the so called trolls because deep down inside he knows that they're telling the truth and are not easily duped and he can't stand that fact!
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Oh do please bore off already! 😴
Will he ever realise that no amount of booze is going to magically turn him into an interesting person! The irony being that some of the most interesting people are actually interested in others!
Conversations and experience are supposed to be reciprocal a balance of give and take?
Not just self absorbed naval gazing and hungering after what was.....which probably wasn't that interesting either!
For example the vomiting the fighting the being the pub bore (yeah for sure) the cheating on your ex partners Mark!
Yeah go dewy eyed with nostalgia over that!
I wonder what your daughter's would think about it all ?Considering when they were little probably all you did was go out on the lash!
Disgraceful silly little man there is nothing romantic about your past because your an escape artist someone who can't cope with reality and had to hide behind the persona of lad about town despite all the damage you've done!
Yeah how romantic would it have been if you'd killed someone drink driving!
#Fuckoff#Drydrunk#Absent father#Drunkdriver.....
Yeah good times!
the not doing something being equal to doing something is golden for this complete fucking bore..... it means he can always crap on about it. he probably thinks it's creative. it isn't. it's just negative.
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I find it quite embarrassing that a 50 year old man in sat in his car waffling into his phone on YT...and he can't even do that without Michell lurking in the background of every live they do.
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View attachment 768975View attachment 768976View attachment 768977View attachment 768978View attachment 768979View attachment 768980View attachment 768981View attachment 768982View attachment 768983View attachment 768984
You don’t like posing just showing your ‘handsome’ face do you hey? Too humble for that…

(Just a small selection from his IG, showing how much he ‘doesn’t like posing’)
Wow HereForAScroll

I thought I'd stumbled upon Nicola Sinnott's bedroom wall for a moment there. :oops:
Personally, I think Mark Adderley looks his hottest when he's rocking his DIRECTOR snapback cap. :sneaky:
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Chatty Member
Just catching up .
Thanks for the entertainment.
Loving your work @HereForAScroll .
A few things brought sick to my mouth ;
The mushrooms 🤮, her snotty nose, the fat,the cream,no salad!!!
The cancelling of commitments and moaning about doing things most people do as regularly as breathing!😤
That king of the wankers putting his Mr Benn therapy student costume on!!!
Surely to goodness one has to be a sorted type who knows the value of listening and the meaning of life BEFORE undertaking any type of course aimed at improving other peoples lives... rather than your own.
Everything else they do,say and DON'T do !
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Chemicals kill

Well-known member
The angry dancing hotdog scares the Bejaysus out of me, seriously imagine your other half carrying on like that……
I’d be in floods of tears and then I’d dry my eyes and give him a swift boot out the door and phone the cops and tell them there was a madman about
Some of his videos would be enough to get him banged up til at least after Christmas, there seriously is wiser locked up
I wonder what's the point of having an unloving partner like Manky is?
He doesn't appear to wash up, wash clothes, clean or cook, he moans if he gets the lawnmower out once every six months and makes a bosh job of any DIY jobs he eventually gets round to.
It must be then he's on fire in bed 🙃
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so if they have around 200 paid members they are pulling in £400 plus from income
YT take about 40% - then tax etc is it really worth it
The views wont generate a lot of revenue from ads
no wonder they are pushing the channel so much - they are getting desperate
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Somethng about a certain person in the industry, a story going around, found doing it. Mark thought it was about Loose because of a rumour about 2 women on Loose and Nads says she had forgotten about that. Mark is confused.
Mark says he’s confused, but Nadia is clearly the one confused here - he’s very obviously just pulled one of his fantasies out of his filthy little head and come out with it to distract from the story that Nadia was half telling.

Mark is making a meal of this. Sarah says Mark is just jealous. Mark said he saw the photo and thought he couldn't think of anywhere he would rather not be. Allison bed dived and Mark said at least she didn't muff dive. :rolleyes: "A slip of the foot and she easily would have." 😧 Allison in the bed and Kaye slipped under her arm and just lay on her breast. "We were like an Allison Hammond sandwich." Mark asked if it got sexual. Mark writes down about someone esle and Nads says that is another one. "They work together, two separate incidents." Mark gets gross again and that is that. 🥴
Mark (and Nadia) is making a meal out of this because he’s probably desperately hoping the papers pick up on it and try to make a thing out of a totally nothing situation, just to get her mug back on the sidebar of shame
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bit late with this, but this bit where she cries, and chi chi's picture is flashed up- like nadia's mary magdalene crying at the foot of the cross- is so fucking hilarious....

Absolutely, terrible acting, hamming it up and watching herself on the camera. So false. If she was ‘choclit’ she’d eat herself.
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I always feel Julia posts because she wants to share, whareas her big sister wants attention and to be dame of the DM sidebars!
Julia is telling us how wonderful her friend is; Nitty would be all about the subtext of how wonderful she is!

So glad Julia has a genuinally kind and loving person for a sister. I can't imagine how horrific it was for her growing up with nitty as her elder sister. I only hope she feels no negative feelings about cutting nitty out of her life. Some people are like that: you just have to do it. No point being homeopathic about someone like Nitty: she required surgery.

Goodness knows what she was put through, no wonder she lashed out with that Tweet; and yet after Julia’s ‘long talk’ with her father which was in an article there was no doubt, Julia was clearly trying to get people to read between the lines, that she was the one who got the telling off, not Nitty.
That's what i feel...... Nadia whores out every aspect of her private life and that of those around her, and it's all ok you're wonderful; Julia breaks cover once and it looks like her dad told her off. If nadia wanted the twitter post taken down, she should have made a heartfelt apology. otherwise, Nadim should have been fine with Julia keeping it up. I honestly think there is much worse Julia could have said, and what she did say was dignified and respectful.

ok, i'm gonna say something terrible..... i'm honestly thinking of joining as a family guest for a month so i can laugh at all the old nnss's. looooool
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A grown man would cook lunch for himself or if he had va va voom for both him and his wife 😊
True enough! Hey if they want to make food and feeding into some kind of Freudian wet dream it's up to them! There is nothing stopping the hot 🔥 husband from making himself useful or being a gentleman if he wanted to!
He is probably just far too lazy and it's easy to just let someone else do all the work!
I'd almost feel sorry for her (a husband that isn't helpful is a hindrance) if it wasn't for the fact that they regularly get takeaways and also go out on many (probably tax deductible) meals.
Also how many holidays is that they've had this year so really they both have it pretty easy compared to most don't they?
He might not pull his weight but she hardly puts effort into things either look at the substandard meals in minutes! I think they both are just taking the (tax deductible) piss!
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