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:coffee: Coffee Moaning for Monday and it is the second day of summer. I have contemplated selling a line of punching bags with Mark's face on it, but it really is a niche market. :unsure: Today's title is "Booster PLANS, Child Obesity, Upset DRUIDS at SOLSTICE, Schoool nurses, JABS & periods." Same old, same old.

Eww, it's Mark so I figure Nads is on Loose today. Mentions something about having a relaxing Father's Day. He is wearing a cap and plaid shirt in which the colours are SO not attractive. Roll call. Ruth has to go grocery shopping. Mark has done the food shopping, a Zoom meeting and about to do some homeschooling. Who likes the word jab Mark asks. He says something like jabby jobby, perpetual 12yo that he is. :cautious: Mark tells us he is 2 weeks into meds. "Apparently they take 4-6 weeks to take effect." Well, duh. Mark says to cast your mind back to the sick room at school. Someone else says matron's office, nit nurse. For those of you wondering, both Izzy and Fleur sent him text messages yesterday. RMJams says put a wet paper towel on it. What? 🤭 Back to Father's day, reflecting on successes and improvements. Talks about learn, change and evolving. Doesn't like the iron rod, that "those people are fearful of the flux and flow of contradictory life." Holy world salad Batman!

Are boys or girls better at making mechanical sounds? Mark does his impression of a car and gear changing, then guns. So interesting. :sleep: Now doing the Terry Gilliam sound effects from Python. Talks about doing the pram going over the cliff sounds for Izzy and she would laugh and laugh and laugh. (Well she was a child and didn't know any better.) Someone suggests self-harming for COAMP. Leggy Blonde says boys, because girls aren't interests in cars and such. Mark talks about his Million Dollar Man doll. Someone mentions he looks like a lumberjack, but I am sorry but no self-respecting lumberjack would where the colour clash that is going on with his shirt. Looks like tie-dye colours trying to be plaid. :rolleyes: Goes on to mention the lumberjack song from Python, how it wouldn't pass today's standards, that line about wearing women's clothing. (Are transvestites that sensitive?) Mark asks Ashley if there is an update on Xander. I hate to be blunt about it, but I thought he was dead? ☠ Happy wedding anniversary Sarah. Mark asks if girls make noises. Rude. 🙍‍♀️ "I was just the most irritating little shit.."(Was? I think it's terminal.) He asked a lot of questions as a kid and the adults got fed up with him.

Catherine says horsey noises. Mark talks about playing Starsky and Hutch in the playground, whilst the girls would go by playing horses. Fiona mentions playing Charlie's Angels. (I always played Kelly Garrett :LOL:) Huggy Bear. HIT THE THUMBS UP GUYS, HIT THE THUMB UP HUH HUH. :cautious: "Did anyone else have a car tires with a piece of wood with wheels on the bottom, wood on top and a rope, sit on top of that and the teacher would swing it round and round?" (Not familiar, but we did have a playground with tires, wood and oil barrels filled with cement. The 70s eh? Crazy times. Hit your head ? Smash your lip open? Walk it off. :ROFLMAO:)

What's in the news? Booster jabs. "Matt Hancock has been doing the rounds, chatting a lot of bullshit probably. Probably going to hear about it in another 6 months, someone showing us a text saying Matt Hancock's a dick and lying to everyone." :sneaky: Throwing people under the bus should be an Olympic sport. COVID boosters to be announced in weeks, do you think this will run smoothly? Who knows. Drinks from his sexpresso mug. "Sexexpress, S-Express wasn't that a band?" YES. Most chatters say no it won't run smoothly. Mark waffles on about are they making us think we need it or are our immune defense systems good enough and blah, blah, conspiracy shit blah. Talk about the Golden Child have COVID, the antibody test came back so high it looks like she had the vaccine or had it badly. Mark says they will get their antibody tests again. (Question: Did they all have it if Maddie had it? :unsure:) More boring booster blather, YAWN.

Big news. Love Island contestants being announced. :cautious: Will you get the booster and HIT THE THUMBS UP. Most are saying yes. Anne Murray brings up the flu analogy. Good gravy, stop it. Mask chat. Mark was out and about and some dude wasn't wearing one and he felt a bit annoyed. Another GFH is coming. Emma Staples says the scientist know better than her, so she trust their judgement. Nicola S gets pissed off with non-maskers. Ruth says she forgot to wear her mask and didn't realize until she left the shop.

Story in The Times and The Scum about heavier bleeding periods. Mark says he gets annoyed with the squeamishness over periods. (I always found it funny really. I had a male friend who would get all petrified if I mentioned it. Go buy me some tampons you whiny bitch! :p) Apparently 4000 women have reported period problems, bleeding more heavily after the jab. (Could they all be premenopausal? How old are they?) Other big story is school weigh-ins, due to fear over post-lockdown child obesity crisis. Gloria says it's not fair. (No, you know what isn't fair, those buggers who lost weight in lockdown. 😤) Mark wants to know your feelings on this. Sabrina says it will escalate eating disorders, she has a child with an ED for 2 years. ☹ Sharona tells Mark to get the YouTube plaque up already. Lots are saying they would have been mortified being weighed. ItsOnlyMe says they were weighed and measured at their school in front of the whole class, once a month in the 90s! :eek: (Schools love cutting arts and phys.ed.) Mark wants to know your experiences seeing the nurse at school. Mark says he remembers the boys in a queue going to the nurse, with the head and deputy head present to do the old turn your head and cough test. 😦 "I still to this day don't know whether that was normal... there was all that stuff about you-know-whats dropping." Umm no they are checking for hernias, they check for testicles when you are a baby. :rolleyes: (The more I think about, I remember when we were 12 and 13 getting our backs looked at for scoliosis checks.) "They never explained to us what they were checking... 3 adults there."

More school nurse chat. Did you go to the nurse if you were having a bad day. (We never had a dedicated nurse in the burbs. There was a health room attached to the office, where there was a vinyl quasi psychoanalyst's couch to lie down on.) Mark would feign an asthma attack and lie in the room for ages. Elizabeth would get milk and biscuits. Ellery Jones would go there to miss swimming. Marcia remembers getting a paracetamol and a blanket. (When I was at school you would have to have a note from your parents, allowing the school to give you Tylenol. If you gave a friend your acetaminophen/ibuprofen you could get done for drug dealing. o_O Didn't stop me though.) Mark calls school nurses and school librarians a funny bunch. Says the librarians never made it fun to read. (That wasn't my experience. ) "Jill we really, really, really understand that you don't read the Sun newspaper." :LOL: Louise says she loved to go in for a chat with the school nurse when she didn't want to go to lesson. "Aww, that's sweet." 🤭 Deborah Holdsworth was shot by an air rifile whilst going through the school gate, had to have the police there whilst she got her tetanus shot. Where the hell did she go to school? Beirut? 😧 Mark says he saw a boy at his school shoot a girl in the foot with an air rifle, because she wouldn't go out with him. "Was that you Deborah?"

Summer Solstice ☀🌺🦋 "Hundreds attend Stonehenge despite advice." Druids gonna druid. Mark says Druids get bad press. Angela says they deserve to get arrested. Okey doke. 😯 Mark goes on to talk about what our culture owes to Druids, being a pagan based culture. Just admit it, you're a heathen. :p He says he gets the need for social distancing, but as a Druid you can see the world being ravaged by corporate interests. Mentions the sound of slapping sandals. Better that than Crocs. He digs the Druids and what they stand for, but doesn't like vandals in sandals. I don't like cocks in Crocs, so there you go. :cautious: Mark got rid of Sadie Foster and her message was deleted. Aww what did she say? 😫

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Bulls**t detector

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No one has mentioned the other thing on that Hometime video! As soon as she went to put the iron on those pants, I just knew she was going to scorch them... and of course she did. She has no home keeping skills whatsoever! Then screeches at Mark ‘more fool them’ for the women that wash their husband’s clothes?

I’ve always washed my husbands clothes and wouldn’t want it any other way. Apart from the money, what does she actually bring to that house?

Also what a waste by not doing everyone's washing together. In this house whoever is putting a wash on includes everything appropriate in the basket, no matter who it belongs to.
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I’d like to know how they found his brain? As small as his cocktail sausage! I’ve got a dear friend on lithium, clozapine and a multitude of other drugs because she does have bi polar, attachment disorder, anorexia and depression (I’m seeing her tonight and she really struggles with life) but she tries so hard every bloody minute of the day! She doesn’t have any of the things in life that she has.

We live in a small town in the Cotswolds which is beautiful and I’m very grateful for my life but for my friend who is so poorly it’s a nightmare. No car, money to splash, large home, family there all the time, playroom for of toys, a city full of places to explore etc etc. He truly needs to give his head a wobble and appreciate what he has.

I should add to my post above ^^^ that my friend was sectioned for 5 years of her life! Now that to me shows someone who has been extremely poorly and still tries her hardest every day.
I really feel for your dear friend. Life is so hard for such a lot of people and it takes all the courage to get up and face another day ♥

I really think they should refrain from discussing specific medications especially when they know nothing about them. They hold a lot of influence over their subs and I dread to think that they may take life changing decisions based on what these two muppets say.

My husband takes lithium for bipolar and has done brilliantly on it. Sadly shortly after he came out of hospital some of his family members tried to dissuade him from taking it - again unqualified and ignorant remarks that can only cause harm. Mark Adderley needs to stop spouting his ill informed opinions - does he think he’s at psychiatrist level now? 😡
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Also, am i the only one loving melanie blakes obvious attempts to out nastia 🙈😂 yeh i get that its abit annoying and it would be great if she just said it all loud and proud, but world war 3 and lawsuits would defo happen!! 💣
I love Melanie Blake's attempts too... It's too litigious to speak her truth as nothing can be proved, he said she said etc..

What I really like is she is not letting Nadia get away with all she's done and is constantly reminding her that she remembers everything via a very slow drip feed 😂 ..

Plus if she did name Nadia it would be over in a day, yesterdays fish n chip paper and all that...

Melanie's constant drip feeding about Nadia must be slow torture to her as she's DESPERATE to be seen as the girl next door, when in reality she's the nightmare antisocial neighbour from hell 😂

I know many on here disagree and wish she'd just name her, thankfully we are allowed to have opposing views on here...

PS... Mark thanks his "friends" in his woe is me #bipolar post... THE FUNNIEST THING IS HIS LIST OF FRIENDS THAT HE FOLLOWS ON INSTAGRAM... THEY ARE ALL PREDOMINANTLY NADIAS FRIENDS, SUBS, NADIAS Management and a few ex alcoholics... He has NOOOOO FRIENDS of his OWN which is what we thought... SAD PATHETIC MAN THAT HE IS 😂🤣😂
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Chatty Member
His Insta posts about fathers day...we only ever hear his side, he's obsessed with receiving praise from strangers. Why? To rub salt in the wounds of Issy and Fleur and perhaps their mothers? lssy and Fleur must be sick of him splashing their childhood all over social media. :(
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Couldn’t t believe a sub commenting that their membership was pulled because they hadn’t enough money in the bank
There will be people who will give their last penny to these Scamboogers
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Hi I’m new here and was a fan of their YouTube channel throughout lockdown. I was really drawn in at first and commented on vlogs and lives. I began to get annoyed that the same chosen few were noticed. I assumed they are were the paying ones. So forgive me for my sins, I did become a family guest only to discover the Sunday shows are basically all the same, and soon became very boring, while the weekly members live chats were just a joke. The attraction for many is to feel special, liked and noticed. I now feel so stupid. I also strongly believe that a couple of people are playing them, and not who they pretend to be at at all. Most recently with all the mental health episode, I don’t see how you can pay for a private psychiatric diagnosis ( of choice? ) requirin private prescriptions? I doubt he has taken these medications at all. All Such diabolical behaviour to me, behaving as if he’s enjoying himself around this “Diagnonsense” - enjoying both the praise and sympathy. The penny dropped - they really are both in it for the money. As for caring about their subs and YouTube community, How long did the “Xander hug” last? Now A.G. is expecting donations for funeral flowers, it’s almost emotional blackmail. So toxic. I could say so much more I’ve noticed and agree with posts on here, but this is my first post and I’m mindful it maybe a bit long.
Welcome @Inch High P.I. 👋🏼
Please don’t worry about long posts - we all love to read the observations of others, so do crack on!
Also, don’t feel stupid for subscribing. They’ve managed to lure so many people into paying, and those people often end up here, feeling the same way that you’re feeling right now. You’ve done nothing wrong - all you’ve done is believe their lies and got sucked in… as we all did to some extent (whether we paid or not).
Lovely to have another new Tattler. Feel free to voice any opinions you may have (you’ve made some great points already) - no one will shut you down. We’re a friendly bunch, and always willing to listen to other’s options and points of view 🙂
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Seek Clarity

Chatty Member
I couldn’t watch it all, too much. Do you see how short Kiki’s hair is? I remember Nitty saying she had agreed to cut all her hair off for a children’s charity. I can’t remember which one, but I do remember thinking at the time when I saw the photos (probably HELLO) the child looked a bit haunted. I mean would a child of 6 or 7 really understand what having your long hair cut off feels like until it is done? Also, would a child understand she is giving her hair to charity? I thought it was nuts! Ok if you‘re in your teens but that small?

That film, goodness, too disturbing.
It’s the fact she is in nothing but a crop top/bralette and pants and putting on lipstick which I find disturbing.
In my opinion it feels like she is being se-xualised. WHY?
What parent would allow that?
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Why do her family let her do this. Surely she must be the laughing stock at LW. They can’t possibly think it’s ok or remotely funny.
124 comments in 18 minutes all telling her how good/fabulous she looks. What aren’t I seeing that they are?
Yes there are a ridiculous amount of sycophantic comments but a few critical ones in there too including one about her not being Celeste Barber...


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Seek Clarity

Chatty Member
If I were the SA’s I’d definitely do the following with utmost urgency.

* employ a landscape designer to get the garden to a doable level and then I’d enjoy pottering in it.
* get skips on the drive and declutter the house. I would employ the services of a professional company to achieve it.
* window cleaner and odd job person to fix any problems
*painter to magnolia through and gloss the white paintwork
* employ a cleaning company to blitz the cleaning and continue to do so on a weekly basis
* weekly ironing lady
* someone to ‘dress’ the house so that it feels like a home
* accountant/virtual PA to keep on top of admin
* spent quality time together without the cameras
* get Mark out doing productive jobs
* N to spend time alone with her girls to build a relationship that is clearly lacking due to M being the hero and her being the villian
* sort out finances and wills
*Get someone to teach Nadia Sawalha how to cook.
(That one might sting a bit.)😋
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Welcome to reality...... Many of us have been where you were and fallen for the lies that Nits and Manky tell daily. We all have been frustrated with how they have gotten away with it for so long. The old vlogs were actually OK but now they are just taking the piss. You will find like minded people here who don't buy into the sh*tshow any longer. ❤
Thank you - yes I feel like I’ve woken up at last. Nice to ‘meet’ you all 😊
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He's blocked me a few times but on one occasion when I commented on something he said I'll give you 10 minutes to apologise and then I will come back and delete you for ever:D:D..... like I was bothered!!! The Ayatollah Manky had spoken and I remember thinking wtf and what an arrogant pillock he is, as if anyone would apologise for anything to that gobshite. I just got another YT account and had another go at him and got blocked again, bit of a game but I got bored with it and it's easier just to say things on here because we all know he reads everything and he can't delete anything. I remember another time when someone said something to him and he replied he would have to let them he was sacking someone from a job, he really does think he is something special.
I am dumbfounded by his behaviour. I don't even know where to start!! He is a snob who thinks he is above everyone. Needs to get himself a big dose of self awareness.
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I think I saw someone say on here that Teddy has gone vegan, well he should do if he wants to avoid another stroke or a heart attack. The best thing for him is for Dina to cook all his meals, she’s the best cook and she’s vegan. The worse thing for Teddy is anymore of Mads heart attack on a plate meals. Her food is laden with cream, butter, huge steaks then deep fried in batter and she wonders why she’s 13 stone and can’t lose weight, she thinks if she just cuts out booze she’ll lose weight 🙄

Also despite Nark doing JW everyday, he's managing to look fatter than he ever was, check out old vlogs, but then huge steaks fried in butter and cream have nothing to do with it then 🤷‍♀️seems low carb achieves nothing in the long run. It was Calum Best her CBB housemate, who tried to tell her years ago that her food was too heavy, rich and laden with cream and butter, he could probably feel his arteries furring up. Just keep Mads cooking away from Teddy and he’ll recover in no time.
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Why not just say "we are going away for a few days"? Why is it all so secretive?
because there will be a houseful of teenagers having a great big party - they will allow the girls to invite loads of mates round

Congratulations to Nitty she's made it to a porn site!!! Was that her goal all along? Believe me Tattlers when I say I was Googling about her and came across 'Nadia Sawalha Flashing Big Tits' omg....its a VERY explicit porn hub (don't recommend unless you like that kind of stuff), but there she is. What an acolade 😉
thats hilarious!
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Ranty post alert 🚨 sorry in advance 🚨🚨🚨

WTAF is that twat waffle on? Sometimes I can manage to listen to Mark when he’s on his own but not today. He was so over the top to the point of unbearable. He was nasty, unkind, weird, hyper and back to his usual nasty ways. This is exactly how he was pre breakdown and then he does his usual breakdown, can’t cope, woe is me etc.

This mornings CM was particularly unpleasant again. Nothing has changed where he is concerned. I’m actually really angry! Sorry.
Couldn’t agree more. I fast forwarded until he got to the first news story as I just couldn’t stand to listen to the whiney drivel 😫 And then the news stuff was just boring, same old same old. The worst one yet in my opinion. Going to go and give my 👎🏼 now, I don’t usually but that was utter 💩
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Regarding GFH: I am actually interested in what goes on in their garden and what they have to say, and how it's coming along. But the terrible camerawork makes this very difficult. There's no lingering in one place for a minute to be able to appreciate anything and he's always swinging the camera around. Surely, his experience in film making would render him an expert in this? Surely his editing would have picked this up?

"Nadia Sawalha's third husband Mark Adderley, declares himself a garden enthusiast and makes films to show us his progress. Unfortunately, the unprofessional camera work and editing makes this impossible for anyone to enjoy"

(Is that how to do it? @chipmunk ?)
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Mark Adderley: "You guys (alongside my family and friends) have really helped me."
He doesn't have any friends! 🤣🤣 Do you think that he's copying N or do you think Tim The Postman bought Mark his jingle jangle 'bipolar ring'? :sick:
oh and Lisa of course is his new BF-maybe some of Maddies mates, he perhaps goes down the park wif em doing a bit of skunk and skate boarding innit
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