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I'm definitely not a Daily Fail fan but for the cause I quote some of the comments about our crusading NOga, all-tits-to-the-wind, political correspondent from sarf London... the one and only Nitty Swadderley 🤑🤮🤣

'Known in PR world as piggybacking, attaching your client to a bigger current story to flog fabricated stories padded out with old and staged pictures to the media KERCHING. She is a very greedy money obsessed narcissistic witch. Absolutely repulsive.' Bunny -_Cuddles

'I am so angry that this pointless woman thinks anyone gives a rats butt what she thinks or says. Just thanks be that she kept her clothes on this time.' Blkdog1

'Dungarees and Granny pants and all about Me, Me, Me. - Go Away !'
Beau Brummel

'My butcher's dog is not as rough as that. And boy is he rough.' Capodecapos
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Marks editing is nothing a ten year old couldn't do...if you can even call piecing some clips together editing. I came across Nicki Positano on YouTube recently. She lives in Positano and her vlogs are fabulous. The work she puts in to film and then edit really show.
Obviously Mark and Nadia don't watch that calibre of other You Tubers, if they did they should be embarrassed to call what he does editing. Oh and her subscriber count is jumping by the thousands since I started watching a few days ago.
You get what you give...Mark and Nadia give almost nothing, hence their very low numbers. 😉
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she obvs got jealous of denise welch getting attention for going off on one about matt hancock and felt she needed a slice of the attention pie. it's SO forced.
She's just a jealous attention whore.

Saira Khan talks about the menopause, she gets her vag out. Denise Welch (another gob on a stick) rants, she has to dress up as a 70's children's TV presenter and rant harder.

It looks like she either had a very heavy duty coverage of something on her face the other day, or the botox didn't work for long. 🤷‍♀️
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Bit early for a moan I know but against my better judgement I dipped into that "goes down in history as the worse vlog ever" HT and it really, really annoys me when he films her, usually half naked, screaming "don't put this in, Mark you are not filming are you" etc and then proceeds to put it in and film her..🤬.
Now I know this is attention seeking Nadia Sawalha we are talking about and we know that what she says and what she means are world apart but for a viewer it is uncomfortable viewing and gives a bad message.
Yes Mark would say it's comedy but again they spout such woke, right on crap yet he puts behaviour like this in family vlogs "for laughs". Again it's mixed messages.
Either way it makes me 🤮.

@bitterntwisted all I can see (through my rage) in his pityfest me me me bs post is his misuse of ellipsis 🤭.
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I wonder if they went out for lunch as they said yesterday? It’s all gone quiet regarding Teddy since Mark took ‘ill’ so I’ve been wondering how he is doing after his strokes.

They way N was looking when they did CM yesterday spoke volumes. She clearly struggles with him and his behaviour. If you think about it, when she was on the boat on Thursday night, all the other ladies seem to have very happy lives with their husbands. She must feel like the odd one out.
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Just like I've never seen a man create so much noise/fuss/attention and drama over his low mood ditto that witch over practising a few NOga poses badly. She is the polar opposite of what yoga is about.
I CAN'T take much more 😱.
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And they hand it over to him every time - despite often saying that they can’t really afford to contribute.
They’re scared they’ll be outcast.
It is so much like a cult it’s unreal.
And these 2 scammers are quite happily talking about going to Ibiza in their Coffee Boring this morning. Manks was just saying that a hotel holiday (he had a look) was around £14K, after which she said to him: 'I don't see why we can't have a week in Ibiza'? Insensitive to say the least. But we know who'll be paying the tax relief on the cost of that trip. Unless they're hashtag gifted :rolleyes: or maybe AG could get a 'justgiving' page together to fund such an expensive holiday.
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Pandering to popular opinion also just makes her look stupid. Of course Matt Hancock’s behaviour should be investigated as a disciplinary matter in the workplace…but isn’t the bigger issue that secure government buildings have been bugged and the resulting content is being sold to the press? These bugs may also be recording sound, they could contain much more important content than inappropriate workplace contact, trade talks, foreign policy talks, foreign aid talks, nhs funding talks…all conversions that should not be available externally when they are talks prior to making official policy statements or entering formal debates. Bugs in these buildings could even put our national security at risk. But no…let’s all sit in our cars swearing and broadcasting our disgust at the sight of a rule-breaking kiss…Nadia you really don’t know how to focus on what is important and what isn’t, because all you do is copy other people to use what has worked for them to gain yourself followers or adoration from your fanbase. Try thinking for yourself about wider issues and and consequences, instead of just copying everyone else’s reactions.
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Seek Clarity

Chatty Member
Yes, I was initially duped into thinking she was going to do 365 consecutive days ,as in a year; but possibly in Nitty's mind she can span 365 days over 5-10 years.. maybe more?
Maybe she read on here and thought-
“Oh shit, shit, SHIIIIITTT!!!!
(One of her favourite NOga phrases.)
“They’re watching and waiting for me to miss a day. Bug*er and begora.”
Yes we are Nitty… yes we are.
You’ve already missed one and faked many others.😬


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So funny. On coffee moaning a sub wrote, this is a car crash in relation to the live... Cocky Mark replied, "to avoid you getting hurt in a car crash I'm deleting you"

He proceeded to laugh and her comment was deleted... What an absolute pillock he is!!!

I'm soooo pleased other people see it for what it is... Car crash viewing...

He kept begging for thumbs up all the way through... He really is obsessed... 1st time I've watched a coffee moaning in ages... Nothing has changed, its still boring and full of smut and innuendos... 🙄🤥🤮

Time stamp 37.01 min to see car crash comment 🙄

Such an ugly reaction. Reflects his true mean spirited personality. This is the antithesis of #bekind.
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Apparently Mark and nadia read here. If they do I sincerely hope after reading this post they at least stop and be responsible.

I am sorry about your friend I have no doubt from reading your posts you were a good friend and did everything you could to help them. ❤
@batterychicken You are too lovely, and – after a couple of glasses of wine – have made me teary. I really hope I was a good friend: I think we never feel like we've done enough. It was 5 years ago and it is always there; with every patient I see, and every friend I speak to.

I hope that even people who know and trust Mark and Nadia might look a little deeper and find information from people who have studied for years (there are so many knowledgeable psych. nurses on here – and I appreciate you all so much and love your insight, too!).

I think the fact they are so wreckless speaks to both narcissism (non-diagnosis, obviously), but also to the fact they haven't had any people close to them suffer. That said, how Nadia can be so glib when she lost her ex partner to suicide I don't know. It really is enlightening. And terrifying.
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In an ideal world yes!
The way she has spun it though as some kind of self righteous moral indignation (ha! Don't make me laugh she has done much worse!) tells me that yet again she will get away with being a lying hypocrite.
Why everyone (in media circles anyway) are taking her at face value and giving her the benefit of the doubt as if she was only some impassioned moral crusader is beyond me?
I guess image is everything and as long as she pretends to be holier than thou that's alright with them?
They obviously don't investigate things or dip beneath the surface or care about what she is really like just who she pretends to be?
I find it a bit sickening to be honest!

As for her being a revolutionary I guess her fellow champagne socialists are salivating right now,!
After all she gets the credit a cushy number on daytime TV exploits vulnerable subs Dodge's taxes and now gets the kudos of speaking her mind (the truth from a liar?) and having moral integrity!
At least that's how she will spin it!
What a bloody joke (that I'm not finding that funny)
Sorry people but I feel like I have steam coming out of my ears right now!
Oh well (time for that glass of wine I was promising myself)
Cheers to you all 👍🍷

Tattle life the so called trolls forum which right now is a haven of sanity perception and intelligent observation by people who actually have a moral compass and who care about the truth!
Oh well that's how it is right now (,imo).
My word there is some extraordinary eloquence on here tonight whilst having to face such injustice.

We all have been quietly campaigning for so long about these two hypocrites, who right now, are probably breaking rules. How do we leak that to the Press :unsure:?!

The Press.. who as you say @misbehavin don’t investigate things, dip beneath the surface, so much so that they had to use Absolutely Fabulous as click bait. Do you know, Serene Julia politely asked that Rag to amend their mistake and some Twazzock replied to her and said : “ You are absolutely right! NADIA is the STAR here…!!!”

I don’t know how Julia keeps it together!

A star.. a middle class, monetising you tuber, spoiled brat, no brained failed actress with an Activa award (10th place.)
This is the woman who slags off The NHS and takes her husband to private doctors and is driven around in a £40k 4x4 car. She does not have a genuine socialist bone in her body.

So, moving on to our dread…more of it from her, in bigger doses.

I think GLEAM would have cleared things with ITV, if she worked for BBC, different outcome I feel.

So, brace yourself Tattlers, it’s going to be a bumpy week, BUT…

She has literally thrown herself on to the widest lake of thin ice imaginable, and she is out there on her own; because when the hacks come for her, when the Tories in all their shapes and sizes come for her, she will be a jibbering wreck; because as we have seen, when the media or higher want to bring you down they will leave no stone unturned.

Let her have her five minutes of fame in her Air B&B. Let her get smashed, ( looking forward to NOga tomorrow :sneaky:) I know the appropriate pose, but she won’t.. Let her ignore her children again and miss the precious important moments in life, whilst she salivates and paws over all her SM platforms.

Let her go on LW women and rant.

Then… the invitations will flood in. Can you come and speak here? Will you come and open a school here..?
Good Morning Britain would like to invite you to talk. Would you come and have a chat on Newsnight? Andrew Marr? In the meantime the gutter press who want to bring her down will be hunting, searching, scratching, digging for any scraps they can find.

…and, WE Tattlers, are NOT scraps. We hold the evidence, (don’t even think about Marks, it’s all been logged, reported, filmed,photographed.)

The journo’s only need to come here.

If you genuinely feel passionate about something you can answer anything thrown at you, and answer with honesty. She can barely string a sentence together when she is sober. She has walked into Political Waters where the big sharks swim.

Sit back, relax Tattlers and enjoy.
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Needy McNeedyface

What an utter shit show his Instasham has been for Father’s Day!!!

Decent Mark: posts a quiet, heartfelt tribute to his Grandad (who he called Dad) or BETTER yet to his Mum who had to be a Mum AND Dad to him.

Actual Mark: posts FIVE tributes to HIMSELF.

1. Issy, the favourite 😏 Superficial (and endless) list of attributes. He prefers spending time with her to all the others (nice).

2. Fleur, does she even consider herself his daughter? 🤔 Only thing he mentions about her is her bravery as a toddler but makes it clear she wasn’t braver than Issy (of course).

3. Maddie, the heart breaker and maker (whatever that means) 🤨 Her arrival almost made his heart burst (was Fleur an ugly baby do you reckon?). She’s kind and fair but that seems to be all that’s worth mentioning. 99% of post is about him giving up drink because of her (nice).

4. Kiki, last and seemingly least 🥲 A post quite a bit shorter even than Fleur’s. A few attributes listed, far fewer than for Issy. Calm? Isn’t this the kid with anxiety issues? And he must have realised he forgot to chuck the word creative in for the others so uses Kiki’s post to say how creative all his daughters are (she must feel so special).

5. Nadia, grand finale reserved for the wife for FATHER’S DAY 🥴 Look everyone I have a famous wife who gave me so much of herself. I must be so great! She helped me be the amazing Dad I am by healing me from the evil done to me by the mothers of my eldest daughters. She rebuilt me so that I could literally be the man of MY dreams (shit, just try to forget I pretended to have the biggest mental breakdown of my life a few days ago).

And a bonus post about his fifth daughter Toffee. He actually manages to make this a meaningful post and not all about him! 🤣 Genuinely describes HER. Refreshing.

What a knob.
💯 👆
All these decades of navel gazing Mark Adderley has had and yet he's obviously never once read a book on how not to play your children off against each other, how to love them all equally and how to parent teenagers... All were REQUIRED reading as he and Nadia have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA how to parent 😡😡

His youngest children have not realised the impact their fudged up parents have had on them yet, they think their lives are normal... When the girls realise their childhood was anything but normal and that their childhood of treading on egg shells re their fathers mood isn't normal plus all of the other behaviours they thought were normal ARE ACTUALLY NOT, the girls are REALLY REALLY going to suffer..

I've read 1000s of court papers regarding the effect parents like Mark Adderley have on their children and how said behaviour affects their development and transition into adulthood. It can take YEARS of therapy to overcome living with a narcissistic parent, if the child doesn't undertake therapy they are almost guaranteed to live a life of addiction or addictions. It's very sad.

Mark maintains his intelligence yet despite his childhood and the 40 years of effects he says its had on his life HE has gone on make his daughters lives suffer through his own behaviour, and not just once but 4X!!! B*stard!

Mark Adderley should be hanging his head in shame regarding the damage he's done to his girls and not trying to dupe his followers into thinking he's a wonderful father...

If we were having this discussion in 10 years the damage would sadly be very evident via his children's behaviour 😡😡😡
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I've finally found the video where Nadia discusses the introduction of the paid members' section. Looking back on this now, it seems so calculated. She talks about how an editor would cost a lot of money, how much they spend on travel, testing etc. She emphasises that Mark spends a long time editing. But, he had no other employment, he was a kept man. It's not as though he was turning down television jobs to edit their vlog!

It's rather clever how humble Nadia appears in this video, making out it was to cover costs, compensate for time, nothing was being taken away. I feel this was the start of the decline in their channel. From then on, I believe it became purely about money and this is when their vlogs became irritating. It's such an eye opener to look back at how they tried to justify the payment wall.
I unsubscribed a few days after this video. I think they went away just after Christmas and Narc threw his toys out of the pram and told her he'd no longer be involved unless X,Y,Z happened. It was becoming more and more about him and his fecked up life and not the family style vlog that i wanted to see.
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She has to be drunk to film that or high on something. That big fat arse in fishnets is gross and probably old manky sweating profusely and panting while he was filming it and yet they think it's hilarious......just a sick old slapper and a dirty old man and the daughter that was laughing at them sad kid who needs to grow up.
I think its partly for their own ‘readers-wives-type’ titillation (while their kids are there ??!!?). But if it’s for a laugh for their followers, it goes on much too long to be funny. All the shouting and fake laughing and not being able to achieve positions (🤢) is too obvious and tedious to be funny or as he puts it ‘hilarious’.
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I can't believe Nadia is 56 she looks like an old granny in this photo. She isn't aging well, all that butter, wine and gin.
Could have something to do with the regular consumption of things like this - her McDonald’s ‘fakeaway’ (which she kept messing up).
Can’t believe she’s showing people (or trying to) how to put an egg and bacon muffin together. Surely no one needs to follow ‘her recipe’ to make one for themselves 🤔

The utter joy she seems to get whenever she samples her own food… anyone would be forgiven for thinking it’s proper decent grub (although, you’d have to be blind to think that).
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Rather than forced aggressively discussing anyone else’s husband even though their actions were slimy .....
Would one not be better placed to consider ones own hot/husband dressing up as a giant hot/dog dancing about forced angrily and erratically filming themselves and uploading it to the world for likes.
Or maybe turning their directors cap to the side and doing their best slabbering stomach turning Benny Hill impersonations for likes.
Seriously you would be mortified, no amount gleaned in from “Family Guests” would compensate you for that embarrassment.
Your own blood pressure would be off the charts witnessing all that
Prophetically things have all went a bit Benny Hill in the direction of Tits up .........
I’m thinking this set up can’t possibly mutate in any more directions than it has to date
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