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Rebel in the Kingdom

Well-known member
She’s completely hyper and delighted with the snake oil allergy testing bullshit. Feeling totally vindicated and talking at 100 miles an hour. These charlatan tests are feeding into her munchauesens by proxy. I would be sure that nobody who does one of these comes away being told that they have no allergies at all. The ‘wellness’ industry is unregulated and dangerous.
100% this! As a person with coeliac disease and dairy intolerance and has a child who has the same ailments, unless you have epic nappies, projectile vomiting, poor growth, head aches and nausea and has been diagnosed by an actual healthcare professional don't even go there Lisa!!
🙄 She just thrives on something being wrong
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Lisas new house for the summer looks very rough and ready doesn’t it? Definitely doesn’t look like a professional made that
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She’s in a rush to get out of the house but can pause for an insta update😂 how I ever managed to work with four young kids all going to different places I’ll never know
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She's a disgrace! Why the hell did she bother having her girls? Wait til they're older and can talk? She'll be run ragged with them! She's a gobshite!!! Those poor little girls sadly will probably turn out like her fat, plain and lazy! Hope she doesn't implant the third embryo ever!
It does seem like she finds it stressful, which it is but that’s how it goes. Wait till they hit the 2 mark and are more able with the running around, right now they seem cautious on their feet. Wait till they are running away from her in opposite directions she will crack. It’s just the constant tone of lecturing and high and mighty about sleep and diet. I can’t get over the obsession with sleeping!
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Chatty Member
Can’t bear this village idiot with her HCA qualification and her Mickey Mouse online sleep coaching certificate thinking because she’s a mudder she always knows more than proper health care professionals who have gone through years of training. They’re not ‘fobbing you off’ Lisa, there’s just nothing medically wrong. She was the same when they wouldn’t admit Hazel to hospital in Limerick before Christmas, she was bulling.
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Is that her friend at the hospital with her? Is she not capable of doing anything alone?
No she’s not capable and she’s far too lazy. Those two little girls look all excited,another rare outing out of the house except this time it’s not to dunnes with her and the mudder,this time it’s to the hospital🙄
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I can't be the only one who thought that Hazel waking up, moaning & rolling around was more likely to do with her stomach being in pain from eating adult sized portions & not from a dairy intolerance. I mean if the GP suspected an intolerance they would have had tests done & clearly they didn't think it was warranted but to Lisa that means they fobbed her off. This woman has an unhealthy obsession with Hazel being sick or having something wrong with her. It's all contint for the gram for her. She'll be on now as a dairy free expert showing what she uses.
This 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 any excuse to justify her weaning them too early and over feeding them to a point of being so uncomfortable they need to sleep it off. We’ve all been there as adults where you stuff yourself to a point that your in pain and swollen well at least i have I’m a pig 😂
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No,I completely refuse to believe that those two girls were “so tired!” only after an hour or two from just getting up! They’re not newborns! They were wailing to get out! Our for a bit of fresh air! They’re sick of eating,sleeping,running from 1 wall of the living room to the other, eating again,sleeping…repeat every fucking day! They’re like caged animals. They were like caged animals let lose in that hospital waiting room,again running from one wall of the waiting room to the other.
Take them out! Put their coats on and wellies or whatever,play out the back in that huge back garden! I’m quite concerned that they never get out and about and how “tired” they seem to be according to her. If they are genuinely that tired,why are they? Something doesn’t seem right about that. Is she just throwing them into the room and leaving them there because “mom” needs a break or to do her hocus pocus thing she calls a “job”?! I also have this feeling that since they came home from hospital they’re put into their cots and the door is closed whether they like it or not and left to cry in there on their own,now they’re so used to it the poor little things just accept this carry on. If this is the case than it’s so so cruel and damaging.
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What a bloody idiot, the constant mentioning of how busy everywhere was - other people are entitled to leave their houses and go to SuperMacs and kids play centres aswell Lisa!!! The real issues here are her inability to cope with her kids, the fact she is totally disorganised and that she isn't physically able for chasing around after 2 toddlers. Instead of sitting there trying to find a way to get more organised and be a more hands-on capable parent she's sitting on her ass whinging to Instagram.

I dread to think of the scene that unfolded in SuperMacs, big mad angry red sweaty head on her shouting at staff to find her high chairs 🙄 the two kids tangled up in the harness yoke because she hasn't the ability to look after them calmly and on her own
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So basically if they are going to “grow into” the playhouse she has zero intention of getting her own house with the twins and living an adult independent life. Wouldn’t you be ashamed honestly if that was the life you choose to leech off your parents I wouldn’t be surprised if her sister isn’t speaking to her and was taking the mudder out yesterday and Lisa wasn’t invited
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She's treating the girls like Chickens in a Battery Farm. Stuffing them with food and no space to run😢 everything she does is to make life easier for herself.
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💯! Not to be that mum but I am. It takes at least two weeks for any allergens to leave your system. That is baby or grown adult. Any skin flares take longer to go down but any internal issues take about two to three weeks.
Once I got sorted with my little one it dis take three solid weeks to see a difference.
Oh and Lisa.... She still doesn't sleep through 🤦

As a parent of kids that have allergies and I do myself, I recently ended up in ICU for the night due to a new allergy, my 12 year old was dairy intolerant for over 3 years we did the milk ladder, my 3 year old he has so many foods that don't agree with him, he's not allergic to them but they hurt his stomach bit lisa do you know what our main allergies are.... DUST MITES I'm constantly hovering dusting it kills us both, runny noise, itchy eyes and it can keep us awake with symptoms. So clean your house and you might be Amazed how she Will improve
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Imagion liveing in that house everytime you come into the room your listening to that white noise machine or her talking scutter in to the
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She's in solidarity with everyone trying to get out the door in the mornings.........the main difference being that most people are doing it because they have to be at work for a set time, not just so they can get rid of their children as early as possible
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