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Chatty Member
As much as I’m enjoying the hairy arsehole chat, I’m more astounded people still bother to iron clothes. 😏
i know, right?
I'm waaay too busy with my 6 figure income career, my 12 children who all do 15 hobbies a week each and let’s not forget my husband and his niche weekend hobby (think staying the fuck away from this madhouse) to be bothered with ironing. But you'd better believe my ring is always smooth as silk.
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The trending autism thread is incredibly depressing and ableist
which one is this?

I’ll be honest and say I am autistic and I think the level of pandering on MN is worse than anywhere I’ve ever seen. Unpopular opinion I know but being autistic isn’t an excuse for shit behaviour
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Chatty Member
The one calling her MIL and Mum fat, said proper lunch and proper dinner. That immediately made me think she knows she is not eating proper meals herself, possibly a lettuce leaf with a side of air and dust.
I freely admit Im fat and no one would believe me if I told you how little I actually eat.
I do record everything ,a biscuit a sweet you name it I dont hide anything. But some people have this image that anyone fat literally never stops shovelling chips and chocolate down their neck from morning til night.
Its not fun being fat, you get treated as less than everywhere you go.
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VIP Member
Well, MN would hound me off with pitchforks today, I've done my chores and am settled on the sofa with an iced golden spiced rum
How long have you been an alcoholic? Can you remember or have you got early onset dementia? You’ll need to try and remember for when you report yourself to the dpolice, dadult social services, dsocial services, the drspca, the dnhs and contact dAlcoholics Anonymous.
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She'd have to call the dparamedics if she saw some of the food related things I do - I have been known to make an entire cake batter just to sit and eat it raw.

Or my favourite that I call "chip tacos" is to make some of those weird microchips (that are like formed mashed potato) and take a pack of cheese slices (the cheapo burger ones, not real cheese) and wrap cheese around 3 chips at at time with a squirt of ketchup and shove it all into my mouth in one go x repeat until all chips are gone.
If you want to stop killing the dnhs and be size Japanese you can make an easy swap by wrapping a lettuce leaf around a stick of celery, it tastes the same! I always eat celery rather than chips and I never notice the difference *tinkly laugh*
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I know the first rule of MN is that on any thread about a famous person, by the end of the first page someone must comment ‘Who? Never heard of them’ in order to signal how highbrow and clever they are, but I find it impossible to believe there are multiple people on MN, and therefore regularly accessing the internet, who have never heard of Taylor Swift. 🙄
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Serene Serena

VIP Member
Had a night of insomnia so been having a browse… crazy how they demonise UPF, carbs, booze, basically everything yet these weight loss injections are the best thing since sliced bread. ( homemade not upf)

I’m not slating the injections btw i’m sure they have a place under proper medical supervision but to get them online, not really caring about the long term issues with them, just anything not to be FAT. seems a bit crazy to me.
Move over Ozempic there's a new skinny jab in town, Mounjaro. When I first saw the thread, I stupidly thought it was about climbing Kilimanjaro and it was yet another twee Mumsnettism for the mountain.

What's worrying, reading the threads, Saxenda, Wegovy, Ozempic etc despite costing around £200 a month, aren't the magic solution people think. They're still not losing weight. They're still binge eating. There are very few success stories, and those tend to be the ones where the drug makes them too nauseous to eat. I think online pharmacies are doing a roaring trade in these drugs, they're not conducting full medicals, all the customer has to do is send in a full length photo (which might not even be of them) and it's worrying. There are already reports that the drugs can increase the risk of pancreatic cancer, a disease that is hard to diagnose and impossible to treat. Yet groups of Mumsnetters (not the teeny tinies) are spending huge amounts of money on medication that isn't very effective.

Plus they need a sharps box and needles and all of that is added to the cost of trying to get thin.

It's worrying that so many people have abandoned traditional 'eat less, move more' to inject chemicals into their bodies, with no thought about potential side effects and long term health issues.
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Just popping on to say as someone with a mixed anxiety disorder , managed but never cured and a counsellor myself these Tory cunts ( that’s the word for them ) are firing me up , I’m so angry. Thank goodness the BACP have spoken out that us as therapists are very worried about these potential changes.
Can I also say that the amount of unclaimed benefits ( as the forms are so fucking hard to do ) is far greater than any benefits gained fraudulently.
I have 2 degrees in counselling , I KNOW so much about anxiety but hey guess what I still struggle as it’s part of my make up . Medication and therapy manage it but menopause kicked my arse to the point I wasn’t sure I would survive . To see anxiety and depression trivialised in this way and with the “work will set you free “ mantra being parroted by them just blows my little anxious mind ! I can’t look at that thread on there !
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VIP Member
We had not just a Vegas wedding, but got married at The Tunnel of Love (drive-thru), with the taxi driver as one of the witnesses. My Scottish husband’s choice. I think just heard a MNer keeling over in disgust.
What do you think they’re most disgusted by? The vegas wedding or the Scottish husband? I’ll go with a 50/50 split.

Someone posted a few years ago about something to do with their kids and someone asked why they weren’t at school and someone said maybe they’re Scottish because the school holidays were different and the person who asked why the kids at school replied ‘that doesn’t count’…
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Chatty Member
I bought a salad for lunch and was shocked to see what was basically a plastic bowl of lettuce was classed as 2 servings.
Made me wonder if this is the fabled MN massive salad.
A plastic bowl of salad? That’s basically a ready meal (think poor people, fat people, UPFs, diabetes, DNHS’s knees…). To be a true MN Dsalad it has to be made “from scratch” with the lettuce leaves washed by the tears of newborn lambs, and tomatoes ripened by the glow of the celestial angels.
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Boring Monday

VIP Member
I really want to know some of the many ways a child could be harmed by alcohol in a desert!
My Dad’s sherry trifle was lethal and extremely popular. The Swiss roll was soaked in sherry until it basically fell to bits. As kids we loved it and were allowed seconds because somehow neat alcohol in a fancy dish did not count.
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The benefits thread is M.A.D. - I don’t want to get into a war - but I get a lot of UC too - for a life I didn’t choose. Anyway, someone’s just told her she needs to incentivise themselves (her and her 2 children) to change. This will come as a tremendous relief to anyone with Down Syndrome- you can cure yourself if you just try hard enough. C’mon - ditch that chromosome- you don’t need it!
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Interesting threads in FWR. They've discovered that Aston University has a database of every single post on the site for years as part of their research into identifying anonymous posters online.

Sounds like an Influencer's wet dream, that.
Wonder if they've done the same to Tattle?
They’ll be regretting that when they get to the vag and arsehole pictures
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