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VIP Member
I think this has to be the most normal I've ever seen her look. The Grim Reaper is back though

I don't really have any words for this one🤫 what's with the hair? Just lift your phone higher if you want to cover your face
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Well-known member
You can absolutely guarantee that 90% of the bitches over there aren’t as bold in reality, nor do they live the life they profess to live. All those earning ‘six figure salaries’ most likely aren’t or how do they have the time to be on MN all the time?
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Mumsnet is like a giant online psychiatric ward for the broken brained.
They're all delusional fantasists who love nothing more than to play ' I'm better than you '.
They hate us, yet they want to join us, the weirdos.
@Tretps29 I'm sorry to hear of your sad news. X
Mumsnetters would love to be in a psychiatric ward, all those locked doors and they’re not the ones who have to open them, it’s like a dream come true for them.
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Serene Serena

VIP Member
I remember finding them all in a wardrobe, as a kid , about the same age , maybe a bit younger 😃
My little boy, when he was 11 months old, found his slide hidden in the front room, and was merrily playing on it before I found him. Fortunately because he was a baby, he was excited all over again on Christmas Day.
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There’s a thread on AIBU about a 16 year old darts player including photos of him at both 16 and 14, saying he looks 40, he’s has a hard paper round, he’s got a receding hairline etc but yesterday tattle was horrendous for talking about Stacey Solomon’s kids being dirty 😂
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I got there and people talking about magic circle, big six, academia, milk rounds, and I had not a clue. Hell i didn’t even know you could do subjects beyond the normal English, maths, biology etc. I didn’t even know why lecturers were “dr” when they taught English.

different world.
Just wanted to quote @notanotherusername92 from the last thread.

I still don’t know what magic circle, big six, milk rounds etc are!

I grew up working class and was the first in my family to go to university. I truly had no idea about which universities were worth applying for, until my A level English teacher recommended I avoid ex-Polytechnics 😅 And that’s no shade to ex-Polys because I think things have changed a lot since then (nearly 25 years ago); I just honestly didn’t have much of a clue about different universities and courses having very different levels of prestige, beyond the obvious big hitters. My parents couldn’t help me because they didn’t have a clue. I did everything myself.

So when I see Mumsnetters going into forensic detail about not just which universities have the most clout, but which individual courses are the most highly regarded, fretting about leaver’s destinations and careers… it honestly blows my mind that they stage manage their children’s lives so much. Were pushy middle class parents always like this? Or has the internet created something that couldn’t have existed before?
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Now that you mention it, out of all the sites I currently visit, this sort of "I have no interest in XYZ but I'm posting a snarky comment anyways" seems to be most prevalent on Mumsnet compared to anywhere else that I visit. And, even then, if it happens on any other site, the snarky twats are usually put in their place quite quickly and it won't be a long queue of snarky twats either, just the usual one or two sad fucks that every site contains.
Yeah, any thread about a celebrity will have replies of ‘who?’ Threads about eg what shall I do with six chicken breasts? Gets replies like I hate chicken breasts/legs are better/wings are cheaper/go vegan, don’t eat death. Threads like shall I go with nursery a or nursery b gets someone saying they’d never put their kid in nursery. Want advice on formula? The advice is to breastfeed 🙄

I don’t go on threads on here about influencers I don’t know and ask who they are, I don’t go on the threads of people I like and defend them, I don’t go and advise people about stuff I have no clue about. I see lots of posts on here (everywhere) I disagree with, I either say something like ‘I see your point but I actually think XYZ’ or I just scroll past. They don’t know how to disagree politely, give helpful advice or just keep scrolling.
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For some reason I read the 'are air fryers a fad' thread. They're all so rude and condescending over such an innocuous item! Someone responded saying they preferred how oven chips taste in it and someone responded with 'oven chips? Yuk' and you just know they'd a little wrinkled up face, looking just like yesterday's traumatic picture, thinking who let the povvo in?
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Chatty Member
Have their DH arrived home then?…most of them seem to have gone to Works Do and not arrived home at Horlicks time.

I've been to a Christmas do the past three Fridays and managed to come home each time.

I'm male but resolutely single.

Based on this representative sample, the cause of missing men is marriage or cohabitation. The sooner we outlaw these the better for the sake of missing men everywhere.
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Serene Serena

VIP Member
Has the dreadful Christmas poem been mentioned over here yet? I think the OP wrote it, but now most of the posts are telling her it's really bad, she's pretending her kid wrote it, and as we all know, creative kids can't be criticised. (Try saying that after a pint of mulled wine :D)

Anyway, here it is in full, for your delectation:

What Christmas means to me.

“Are you all set for Christmas?” we hear,
A question that always strikes fear.

No, the Elf is not on the shelf,
Nor have I ordered the turkey or beer,
The cards haven't been sent,
On presents, not a penny spent!

However, when December rolls around,
I will only be found,
Knee deep in glitter,
With tinsel up to my ears.

To me, this is what Christmas has always been.

Then carol singing and school plays,
And itchy Christmas jumper days,
Indulgent food and mulled wine,
Praying Amazon arrives on time!
Work dos with uncomfortable shoes,
Drinking plenty of ….juice.

Time with family and friends, and festive fun.
Isn't it the same for everyone?

Decoration and dessert preparation,
Advent Calendar anticipation,
The whole house now smells like a cinnamon roll…
How long is left to go?

At last, the big day arrives and Santa has been,
The living room carpet can no longer be seen,
Under plastic, cardboard, wrapping and more,
“Next year…we are NOT going overboard!”

Home Alone on the box and novelty socks,
Too many treats, turkey sleeps, The King's Speech!
Then Pringles…on repeat.
This is what Christmas means to me…

So blinded by the Christmas lights,
Shopping and food delights,
So wrapped up in preparing gifts,
Entertaining and Santa visits,
That I couldn't even stop and bother
To look and see,
What the season brings for others.
Me...How blind I've been.

For both far and near,
Some will not be feeling such festive cheer.

There's a world we cannot know,
Far away from ours,
Where ashes fall like snow,
And missiles obscure the stars.

These lives have become undone,
Where's the joy? Where's the fun?
Displaced from where they once called home.
“Mummy, how will Santa know where to come?”

There’s local children, who know Santa only as fable,
Told “He'll bring what he is able”,
Who will have to queue for a seat at a Christmas table.

The family on the nice side of the street,
Wanting for nothing with the world at their feet,
Who'd now trade all their Christmas wishes,
For a day with Daddy whose death was 'not suspicious'.

A neighbour over the fence,
Responds to friendly banter,
But wears sunglasses in winter,
A raised glass will mean dire consequence.

And wee Granny, who once made Christmas lunch for all,
Her family now hung on the wall,
Of whose names she can't recall.
“We'll take her out for the day”, they say.

...And the bells are ringing out for Christmas Day.
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Doll Parts

Active member
The most bizarre things about Mumsnet and the ‘divorce the bastard’ things is this;

My husband is being very secretive with his phone, he’s stopped doing anything around the house, is constantly at the gym, doesn’t want sex, he’s spending all his wages and won’t tell me where but wants access to my wages for stuff like the gym and the pub when I need it for food and kids stuff, he’s snappy with the kids and last night he slapped me when I asked if he was cheating - he sounds depressed, do you even work? No wonder he’s so unhappy if he is responsible for the family finances and you just sit at home, you should be more understanding and less financially controlling, this is why male suicide is higher than female suicide.

My husband ate the last pot noodle - leave him, he sounds selfish and narcissistic and he’s probably cheating on you op, ask yourself why he needed that pot noodle… because he’s used all his energy shafting! Get your ducks in a row, take your paperwork and valuables to work and see a divorce lawyer NOW.
Basically, at this point, I'm convinced they just want to ruin other women's lives, or at the very least, make them feel like shit, so they give the worst possible advice at any given time. They even do it on style and beauty! Not everyone on there obviously - there are a lot of lovely people - but lots of them. That's why it's so hilarious they're clutching their pearls about Tattle.
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Has anyone else decided that Mumsnet is bad for their mental health? I think ditching it will be my 2024 resolution.

There’s just so much moaning about inconsequential shit and it’s become really draining to read. I used to find it really good when I was going through infertility and the newborn phase but it’s just one big moanfest now about who has it worse.
I don’t know why they’re all so desperate to have the worst life ever. Like oh I got a shit present, I didn’t get any presents, well I didn’t get any presents and I have genital herpes 👀
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VIP Member
I bloody love old fashioned party food.
A few vol-au-vents, couple of bits of pork pie, few little sausage rolls, some cheese and pickled onions on cocktail sticks and a couple of meat sarnies, washed down with a couple of pints does me just grand.
I'll even try a dish or two of trifle. 😋
What’s that noise? Oh, it’s the last scraps of the nhs crumbling. You carb eaters have caused this and you shouldn’t be able to use the nhs ever again. I never eat carbs because you don’t need them when you’re teeny tiny and get mistaken for a 14 year old *tinkly laugh*
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Well-known member
Thank you lovely people!!!
It wasn’t me this time, but a close family member, who has an aggressive cancer. We’ve had a shit couple of years, but we can chill over Christmas 😍😍😍
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House of Tea

VIP Member
Just been reading that thread. They're all deeply delulu. MN is like the OG Mean Girls of the internet. Their audacity must be at an all time high to be criticising Tattle. 🖕🖕🖕
I haven’t posted on it, although tempted. There are quite a few pro Tattle comments.

There is some nasty stuff on here, which is true of any site with so many users. However, it feels a warmer experience than MN. I would not ask for advice on there. I would here.
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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
I've only just started one aibu including codeword fluffy. It's such a non event it's unreal but it is true, can't decide which to give her!

Hmm, don't think anyone on there is interested unless it says anus
You’ve obviously been too subtle. Get yourself some pink play dough, make a reasonable facsimile of a vulva, sprinkle it with baked beans, take a picture of it and then ask Mumsnet if it’s normal or not.
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