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How can she sit and complain she wants 6th form opening when she's not once stuck to any of the rules yet expects things to reopen
Exactly, if we’d all flaunted the rules like she has we’d be lucky to be opening anything up before next year!
And she’ll do it all again, the minute the non essential shops open she’ll be there whether she needs anything or not.

And the way she’s spelt college!
Collage any one? 🤣🤣
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Why has she had a Gifted trip to mother Shiptons cave and mumtaz of all places! It's the same every year, I just don't get it. Embarrassing she never takes the kids anywhere unless it's given for free. I knew the other day as soon as she was going on about her day out she wouldn't be paying. Makes me cringe.
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Funny that she was then whinging yesterday about people buying none essentials :rolleyes: and ranting about queues at supermarkets - there’s a reason for them it’s to keep people safe, wait in line like everyone else.
What a hypocrite she is! She’d probably joining them in buying a patio set if she had a garden to put it in 😂
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Her littlest Pete always in that mohair and fur trimming!
Feel like I need a good scratch after seeing the little mite in all that itchy looking attire!
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She should be grateful that she’s at home anyway, what about all the working parents who are having to beg for time off to look after their isolating children.
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Chatty Member
🤦‍♀️ she is so uneducated with ridiculous opinions. Forever ranting that she can’t easily drag her kids round the shops because of restrictions!
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I actually feel really sorry for susanna. Don’t get me wrong. I’m baffled with her lifestyle, it’s such a shame they’ve spent so much money and been so wasteful on all the clothes, the crap food shops e, the prams, the embroidered clothes. £1000s on toys and coffees and clothes. It’s crazy. They could have built a lovely life for themselves and made life so much easier. They obviously did have the means but I can’t see how they could now as no way would a mortgage lender lend money to them with so many children, one income.

her life must be quite hard. I know it’s her own doing. 7 children, doesn’t have a washing line or. A dryer, how does she cope, a car that doesn’t fit them all in. She doesn’t have a family, a sibling, a support sfriends other than Instagram friends.She’s got that tiny kitchen, worlds smallest fridge and freezer.No dishwasher. God I know I’m sounding really extra I know not everyone has this things but man her life doesn’t seem fun it seems like work. Has to pull out a bed every night on the sofa 😭

don’t shout at me, I know full well they’ve done this to themselves but I think she’s lacked any guidance or support off a family. Shes masked her upbringing and tried to recreate a happy family by having as many children as she can to surround herself with people because she has no1. As much as I think they’ve let the children down in ways like not taking them out much apart from shopping or the odd day at the beach and treats herchildren like babies for far too long. They aren’t allowed out of the pram until they literally start pre school. I also know everyday is for her kids. She literally works for them. She has no self confidence, she seems to let them take the absolute piss Out of her, Eddie works at ridiculous o clock. It just all seems somuch like work and not fun.

Im truly baffled with the bedroom arrangements I could have sworn Ellen & Nieve had their own room 🤷🏼‍♀️

She seems really down at the moment. I don’t wish to kick anyone when they are on the floor I hope she finds a house suitable for her family and realises how things could have been different and maybe moving forward spends less and saves more for a brighter future. We’re all learning i genuinely don’t think she knows better. Who would she have ever learnt off. Seems like she’s been on her own from young.
i absolutely agree with everything you have wrote! But don’t pretend to have this life you don’t and live for the gram! I wouldn’t wish her life upon anyone but she could have helped herself in so many ways!

no landlord is ever going to accept 7 children, 1 income and a stay at home mum. in the area she lives in a 4/5 bed rental is over £1200 a month and few and far between!

I thought the property must have been 4 bedrooms but it’s definitely not- I’d think I’d like her more if she didn’t pretend To be something she’s not! X
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I wish someone would tell her that actually no those leggings she buys millions of and are such a bargain do not look good! 🤦🏼‍♀️
posing infront of her new mirror showing her new leggings off ‘Guys these are so comfy and such a bargain’ next day exactly the same looking leggings showing off a new pair again... leggings are leggings, they all look the same 😩
absolutely agree!! Black leggings are leggings whether you buy them from Gucci, top shop or Asda
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I'm hoping this lockdown will make her realise that shes needs a bigger house and a garden for the kids. Kids are like chickens all cooped up
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It's nearly every week she's getting free day out! Why?! It's disgusting. We all know she wouldn't be there if she had to pay 🙄
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Please someone take the thick bitches phone away. I love when she tries to have more serious tone to her posts. One minute Boris get my kids back to school I hate them, the next my kid *with their new never spoken about before ‘condition’* won’t be going back if they are forced to wear a mask. Focus on getting your kids a fucking garden than posing on your daily walks. Let’s buy a bouncy castle to be stored at your grandads business forever!
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I didn’t get any notifications to say anyone had commented and I thought it was just me who was thinking what the actual fuck is wrong with her!!! Her covid rants have left me furious!! She is so uneducated it’s embarrassing!
And I wonder if she’s not allowed anymore babies from poor ole Eddie and that’s why she has now turned to being a aged 40+ plus model!! What the hell is she wearing and what the hell is she dressing that poor baby in. Is he the sheep in schools nativity?!
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She’s rabbiting on about how upset it makes her to think of how much freedom the children have missed out on during lockdown, and how it “brakes” her heart!
Time she thought about all that relentless & needless consumerism of which she’s guilty of, that is what is fucking the planet up for future generations, not a necessary year of lockdown.
Wonder if she ever considers her kids futures when she’s on her crazed shopping sprees?
Makes me howl, her kids literally had no experiences other than shopping and the Costa drive through. And that was just Rita and Vinnie. Normally the older boy doesn’t see day light as he’s playing video games and she wouldn’t take Cole as all she did was moan he had behaviour issues.
It’s not even a financial thing, shopping is an addiction for her. She literally buys identical things over and over. Like the whole pram thing, coat thing or horrible fucking beige coloured clothes.
Talking about kids being kids, stop making that little one look such a prick, put proper comfy clothes on him, a proper sized car seat and let him explore. He’s nearly two but you’d think he was coming up for one. And that’s down to her not letting him explore, exactly the same with Vinnie. Treated him like a newborn until she had this one.
Honestly these Insta mummas make me question humanity. So many would rather have piles of cheap clothes and shoes, days shopping, constant takeaway coffees than gardens, experiences, holidays and homes big enough for their babies. Their priorities are absolutely fucked!
But it’s okay for likes on the gram!
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Well-known member
I missed that one, what happened?
She’s obviously really insecure about the fact she hasn’t breastfed any of her children and Beggy lamb is obviously obsessed with the fact she has!

They lived 5 minutes away (before beggy moved to the dungeon) from each other but clearly fell out over it!

7 kids & 2 adults in a small 4 bedroomed house with no garden is ridiculous in my opinion. Her living room and kitchen doesn’t exactly make up for it either. She’s mentioned before she doesn’t want to buy until they find something they want to invest in, I would say your children’s space and privacy is something to invest in!!!! I think she is completely crazy to think she can cope with no8. I feel she’s trying to make up for something she’s lacking, probably childhood trauma or something if we went all psychological!

she needs to pack in having kids, get a job, buy/rent a bigger house and stop begging for free crap. Id love to see how much stuff they have in their garage!!!!
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She loves these all you can eat places do you think she stuffs food in her handbag to take home? It must be expensive feeding 7 kids 😂
Have you seen what she cooks?
Normally a pan of plain pasta and other weird shit, normally enough to feed about one person and I haven’t forgotten about her stuffing packet mix with grated apple and onion speciality after school snack.
I can’t stand how she keeps being back every little thing to what’s been missed out on because of Covid. I bet that poor boys family she’s talking about today aren’t crying about buffets, shopping or missed party’s today.
Such a silly cow!
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