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Chatty Member
Mrs M is very quiet. I’m worried that she’s helping Mummy Cannon go into witness protection over the shame of having a very small footbed 😂 But seriously the smug cow will probably be back on Monday to bore us half to death about the price of her RSJ and where she’s gonna stick the #gifted love seat 🙄
Im sure we could suggest a few places where she could stick it! 😂
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So again Watching bsck On these vlogs and go florrie is around 18 months old, so far on 3 of these vlogs she done nothing but scream, cry and tantrum the entire time (understand it’s fairly normal for a child of that age) however she’s so calm and collected with it, doesn’t get annoyed or fed up and deals with it all in a very calm manner. No mention of the word Ferel or getting mad at her like she does with poppy. She’s a very very different mum to poppy than she was with go florrie
How are you watching them all? Didn’t they go when she did her vanishing act?
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Some dogs just don’t like lying in a bed, mine doesn’t like them at all and would much rather sprawl on the floor
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That’s what I’ve been thinking since she mentioned getting the kitchen fitted. One minute she is begging for pennies for ice creams and saying they would have to save for yuurrss to get their kitchen done next minute POOF they’re fitting not only kitchens but painting, fitting new bathrooms and booking foreign holidays! Smells of either a lump sum of money or her family are helping her out. I mean when have you ever known her to go see her Granda in Yorkshire before? NEVER that’s when and it makes me think he “treats” her when she stamps those circus sized feet of hers.
Oh yeah, now it all makes sense why they visited him. That visit was the ‘thank you’ 😙
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Mostly a lurker here too!
No longer follow - has she been sharing much footage of the new kitchen? I have suspicions she will be vlogging and it may be her long awaited return to youtube? (post furlough period obviously!)
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GOOOO FLOOORRRIEEEEE used to make me laugh. Please don’t shoot me but I actually don’t mind lee, I think he’s harmless and a good dad 😂 but I just do not know how he puts up with her as a wife I really don’t lol
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Another very long term lurker here, despite my user name I’m not Rebecca! I’m not funny enough to contribute but have a snigger at all the goings on!
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Congratulations on your new job, wishing you good luck and I hope that the members of your family with Covid make speedy uneventful recoveries.
You are right that Rebecca would not know hardship if it walloped round her face but equally so she will never know contentment, or experience any sense of achievement or sheer joy from the simplest of things. I am sure
The only things that brings Rebecca momentary satisfaction is the short lived instant gratification when getting 'something', preferably something free and always something to brag about. Like an over-indulged child with too many toys her attention span is short and her discontentment level high.

Instead of taking joy from what she has, she can only see that someone has a higher quality kitchen than her 'very very expensive' one, a spa hotel on a ski break instead of Neilson budget barracks, a Mulberry bag rather than her £50 freebie bag with her initials painted on. The only pleasure she gets from those items she has, is the ability to use her social media platforms to rub her good fortune in the face of others and hope they may be jealous of her. Someone who constantly accuses others of being jealous - as she does - is usually someone for whom jealousy is a huge part of their own lives and something they suffer from towards others constantly.
So she documents that she is sitting in bed at mid-day on a Sunday shopping from Boden (with her 25% off 'Beat the clock' voucher that dropped through letterboxes this week) with what aim ? To make her followers jealous that she can afford Boden ?

All this spending after pleading poverty and allegedly mortgaged up to eyeballs, possible Tropics income, Covid grants, monetary gifts from parents or grandparents. I hope she keeps meticulous records as HMRC representatives do follow influencers and can 'do the math'. Not only may she be precipitating a tax inspection and resulting bill but she is also by her inability to 'read the room', successfully alienating an ever increasing proportion of her followers as she becomes even more unrelatable so any future income is not guaranteed.

Banchory foodbank has experienced a record number of referrals, The Haven in Stonehaven almost ran out of food this week but the community has rallied round spectacularly, The Cyrenians in Aberdeen have an ever growing list of essentials urgently required and Rebeccas local charity that her supporters raised £37 for are highlighting that there is a blackmarket in infant formula and their recent Sweet Dreams appeal aims to ensure that children in poverty in Aberdeen & the Shire no longer have to sleep on the floor with no pyjamas and a coat over them.

I rarely swear but FFS Rebecca you have two facial expressions, smug and discontented. Wipe them both off, be grateful for what you have and take nothing for granted.

@Cheesydips Good luck again for starting your new job and hopefully it takes away a little bit of stress this winter, hope you all keep well and safe x

Your posts are spot on as always.
I think deep down she feels envious so many people.
Her sister who got to truly travel
Her uni freind steph nagal whis family are very wealthy and travel loads.
I get impression some if lees wifes freinds have jobs and actual lives that are not linked to the meldrums.
They so desparate for freinds even rami was good freind.
Has she given up the gym yet?

The high value dog treats made me chuckle as if the dog knows.

Im week where covid is increasing as fast as unemployment.
Half uk are under strict restrictions
School children are going hungry or forced aelf isolate with no financial support.
Good banks can't keep up.
She adds nothing no value to her community a outsider and joke.
The new kitchen wont make her happy.
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Chatty Member
Reviewing her own shitty book on amazon under a different name was hilarious!

Also, I still don’t understand why you would advertise when Lee is away each time all these years? Four girls in the house by themselves for two/three weeks at a time. I’m sure lee would be no use anyway as he was terrified of the pigeon in their bathroom. Still, you wouldn’t let hundreds of thousands of people know when it’s just you and three children in a house by yourself.

Also, the main thing that baffled me was how they said the steps at the back of their house were very dangerous for the girls but one day on her stories her and Lee were sat chatting on her phone in the doorway at front of house and she said Poppy is off playing in the garden 😳 these stories went on quite a while and anything could happen to Poppy in that time them being the other side of the house. Poppy was obviously tiny then too. It’s like they always were trying to provoke a reaction from the “trolls”
On one of the older vlogs I watched earlier when florrie was about 18 months she was downstairs in the playroom of her old house with Safiyah who was about 3 at the time and lee was offshore and she was like “Florence is upstairs doing god knows what, I’m not sure what she’s doing up there”

firstly I was thinking did she walk up those stairs unaided whilst you’re downstairs at that age? Okay to climb stairs at her age but without an adult behind in case of a fall is just irresponsible! Not to mention all sorts of accidents that could of happened unattended and then also coming back down the stairs alone. So bad!
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