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Well-known member
how do you find training to be a teacher around the kids? This is something I would love to do (just don’t think I could financially)
It's fantastic but I'm very lucky my local uni is term time school hours. I get a smallish maintenance loan to keep me going. It's not a huge amount if you're used to a decent monthly wage though but it helps me. I'm studying early childhood studies degree it's fantastic x
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Mrs M emailed Tattle and demanded they desist from allowing posters to talk about her, especially Sproglet who she wanted banned altogether. Presumably for being too bloody hilarious 😂
That was thread 1 or 2 I’m sure.

this is honestly too funny!!!!

How do you know??
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I can be a bit of a lurker sometimes but love catching up on all this, makes me laugh so much. 5k for a beam, please!!
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So we've just had our kitchen diner knocked through a couple of weeks ago and originally thought we needed a beam as thought the wall was loading and we paid £150 for the beam, its literally not much smaller than hers. So if she's paid 5k that's a big joke on her 🙈😆 anyway it turned out we didn't need the beam after all so we managed to save £150. Silly girl making up figures left right and centre to appear rich!
A friend of mine paid thousands for her beam to be fixed into supporting wall when they moved rooms around. I’m no expert but I guess some are more expensive. I remember at the time she said it ate into a huge part of their budget for knocking down walls and making two rooms into one. A steel beam from our local smiddy wouldn’t cost that but all the work to take wall down and then fit it and patch the walls up with new plaster and architect could add up. Not just the beam on it’s on.
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Chatty Member
There wasn’t a definitive moment for me either but I remember the horrid way she spoke to Lee becoming more apparent that annoyed me! I’m no fan of Lee but the way she spoke down to him at times was just so damn rude. Oh and her hunting me down and private messaging me on Facebook after I contacted a brand about her via Instagram and them clearly doxxing me, that was another fine moment!
I would have LOVED, like literally loved for her to of messaged me 😂 I would’ve given her so many home truths she would’ve thought she was at the doctors lol
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it’s the gratuitous bragging and boasting that’s really tasteless under the current situation. The “oh this is costing us sooooooooo much money, it’s sooooooooooo expensive, look how much cash we have” that’s what people have a problem with. She has over 100K people following her and some of those people will be going through genuine hard times and there She is, gloating about how much things cost. It’s just vulgar.

lee really isn’t a good dad. Nor is he the hapless downtrodden husband he would like to have you believe he is. Lee is the calculated brain behind all the fucked up shit that’s gone down.
oh yeah no I completely agree about the bragging, sorry I thought you meant as in she shouldn’t be getting an expensive new kitchen during the current situation. But yeah her bragging is distasteful and doesn’t deflect from the Fact that she’s a racist
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ha! Karen Cannon (Rebecca’s mother) has been on this forum several times using various pseudonyms. One of the funniest was “Sarah Raven” where she kept prattling on about how Inchmarlo is an “exclusive” development and that their old house was nothing more than a “cute little starter home” and loads of other patronising, snobby bullshit that showed exactly what she is like and exactly where Rebecca gets her attitude from!!!!!
I’ve been on here for yuuuuurs and gutted to have missed that little performance 😂
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Mrs M is very quiet. I’m worried that she’s helping Mummy Cannon go into witness protection over the shame of having a very small footbed 😂 But seriously the smug cow will probably be back on Monday to bore us half to death about the price of her RSJ and where she’s gonna stick the #gifted love seat 🙄
Maybe the ceiling has collapsed when they were fitting the oh so expensive steel beam 🤪
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Peggy Lee

VIP Member
I keep seeing posts of Bertie so maybe her job is managing the superstar Bertie boy on insta looking for sponsors possibly dog walking services in her exclusive woods ? a friend of mine walk 2 dogs twice daily 11/2 hours work daily in total earns £15 for each dog per day for this 5 days a week both dogs stay in her garage in cages in between walks until owners pick up I think it’s scandalous but she is happy and the people she does this for seem to like the arrangement she has no dogs if her own because she is very houseproud hence why the dogs are in garage ! 🤷‍♀️
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Chatty Member
If she has a job then I’m going to say it’s something like playground monitor/dinner lady/cleaner or similar at a school. I can’t envision her doing any of the above but that’s kinda the only thing I can’t think of that she could do - if she doesn’t start until late morning, it’s only a few hours at a time and it’s part time and she was off over the October half term...?
I know my kids school and the other schools where I live were looking for extra cleaners 2 hours per day during school time.
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Chocolate Crispie

Active member
Anyone else see the TicTok Rebecca shared on her stories last night? Definitely think that it is aimed at here after the last couple of days 🤣🤣
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So will utility be exactly same shape and layout.
Will the wall and those pantry cupboards at the back go.

I was thinking whilst in kitchen few days ago whilst cleaning and watching toddler and naughty puppy in back garden how tricky life would be if i couldent supervise them properly.
Many new builds weirdly put kitchens at the front but theres is at the side so doesmt really overlook either garden and neither of their gardens seem very secure.
No one gifted pat a driveway gate for scorched earth garden at the front.
The back did they level it pr just add a pointless play house with access to woods of dreams at back and tetris patio.
She said she wanted to be able see the kids play.
She cant do this with the current design.

Ours is osd open plan lay out we have large rectangular dining room with fireplace and 2 archways one to small square u shaped kitchen and 1 to small extension room that has patio doors onto raised decking all way along back house and newly landcaped garden.
The extension room is called the snug or kids lounge.
Few toddler toys we dont have a playroom.
The snug has small sofa tv and desk.
The dining room has drier and freezer in tbe corner and added kicthen cupboards as our kitchen quite small not enough storage.
We dont have a utility. We dont have an island. We dont have an office the dining room and snug are multi use.
However if im doing some work or cooking prep at the dining table or if in sat at ny desk or watching some tv in the snug or cooking or cleaning in the kitchen.
I can supervise my children and dog play.
Qe have trampoline and slide.
Tue toddler and the dog are either separated or supervised.
So in a way i feel lucky with our home its needed a lot of work but most families now choose this open plan layouts that overlooks the back garden.
The decking is new addition and in summer felt like we had an extra room with patio doors open.

Come spring summer she won't have any of that.
Not that she cares about supervising her children or the dog.

Have they put down carpet in the blue room.
My guess is it's no longer blue hence sale disenio prints and maybe a wood burner as they seemed incapable of lighting that fire.
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Peggy Lee

VIP Member
I was disgusted about them parking in the disabled bay at the maternity hospital and then claiming the consultant said they could, because she was obviously such a special case.
The consultants have no say over parking and quite honestly couldn’t care less how you get to the hospital. Even women in labour use the drop off and as soon as the patient is settled the car has to be moved to the car park to free it up for the next person.
But the meldrum’s are so so special it doesn’t apply to them.
Entitled taught at her mothers knee .
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Pancake arse is as thick as shit, talking of which... Did you hear poppy saying poo about the smell from the exclusive inchmarlo drain? Shiver at the thought what's down there. 😱
lees balls?
I found this earlier.. I presume that this is her mums kitchen.. wonder if Rebs is gonna be similar. Also her hair actually looks pretty good here:

Yep her mums kitchen. Her hair & face looks fine here. She should stopped with the bleach and with the fillers at this point.
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