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Doubt it, scruffbeggar doesn't know soap, especially not after a ramming at the gym, or on her clothes. Wonder if she uses that two day spray on her as well as her leggings:sick::sick:
Lol I think it auto corrected slap? But I 100% agree none the less! 😂

Of all the beautiful photos of Florence, Belter Boy Lee chooses to upload one of her pouty and stroppy, to celebrate her birthday! Why? Is it because he looks ‘cool as ice’ in his shades?! What a shambles 🙈
Im glad I'm not the only one that thought this! The pic he used really shows how much she looks like Reb, must be the stroppy face! 😂
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Chatty Member
I always remember in the old days, way back when I watched regularly, she moaned and moaned about the state S would make of her bedroom...S was 3! Yes get them to help pick up but she used to really snark about it! And the changing of clothes, yet has never moaned about F doing it as far as I can remember.
I remember that as well my sons 3 and he does help put some things away but it’s mostly me that tidied up before bed but that’s fine he’s only 3! F has always been the favourite child though 🙄
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rather not stop

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F was in her socks in his stories too. Better class of dirt in Inchmarlo didn't you know? 😂😂😂
They'll have been wearing sparkly fancy pants shoes that weren't allowed to get dirty. But fool feet are fine!!

Watching tonight's video. Seems she spent a bit more on F than on P's ice-cream cart..
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It’s a peach is a Glasgow thing, well, was a thing about 15 years ago. Pat obvs trying to revive it 😳
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Why did she delete Florence’s birthday post? I’m quite behind. Was it cause it was obvious she favours Florence?
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The s max won’t be flashy enough for them. For people saving money there are some expensive cars on that list. I have a discovery and now my son is driving and I no longer need that height (he’s 6’5) I can’t wait to get a little car and be able to park in normal sized spaces and spend less on fuel.
It'll go down as a business expense. 🙄
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This what she had to say about the show, not the same review a tattlers friend made🤔 so fucking shifty. She won’t say a bad word cos then her free tickets would stop but she’ll mislead her followers to make them want to go and then they waste their hard earned cash on a terrible performance.

Do you think she’s read what has been said on here re: stepping away from the phone and sorting herself out and actually listened ??? 😂😂😂 I mean we can only hope.


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I’ve said this before but my favourite throwback is still when she was pregnant with F, travelling back from a wedding and stopping at a nursing home as she thought she had gone into labour.

It had everything, princessy behaviour, 2 cars as they had “pregnant ladies”. One upping preg cath by having contractions in the car.....drama. Pitching up at some nursing home instead of just phoning an actual hospital for advice.

The whole thing was just so Reb!

I have to see this [emoji1787][emoji1787][emoji1787][emoji1787]
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Chatty Member
I thought the exact same thing, it was bizarre then I thought how pointless am I sitting watching someone’s front entrance 🤣🙈.
Exactly what I thought. I kept thinking there must be a point to it, that something was going to happen but no, it just cut to the farm!
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Well I’ll be fucking damned ... I commented on her insta about the potty training saying she won’t reply to anyone (obviously my comment is deleted now) and she’s only gone and replied to every bloody comment 😂😂 well done reb, let’s see if you can keep this up 😂😂 (making myself laugh over here, of course you won’t)
But she hasn't, did a few then gave up. Usual style. Not even hearting them. zzzzx
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I take my hat off to you and all the work that hospital staff do, in some cases in very challenging circumstances.
A member of my family was recently in hospital and sadly passed away. I could not thank the staff enough for their care, compassion and support during this very difficult time. I was sickened watching how some people treat the staff on hospital wards, they think that they are in a hotel and that everyone is at their beck and call
There is no way on earth that Rebecca could do your job and if she can’t walk in your shoes, or lick your boots then she should shut the hell up or even less likely, put her hand in her pocket and pay for going private That would shut her up when she got the bill.
The maternity ward I was on was so busy, yes I was fed up and it wasn’t exactly a hotel but my frustrations were around the bigger issues such as under investment , telling the bounty woman to fek off and being gob snacked at how the staff never stopped .
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What you repeatedly call children they eventually become. Stop talking about your daughter like she's a hindrance, nuisance etc. 😠 Constant bloody moaning. Wonder how Poppy feels always being spoken about this way. I've seen go florrie be quite a madam in some vlogs to Safiyah yet I never hear her speak in any way negatively about her, silly cow doesn't know how lucky she is. Poor poppy must be growing a little tired of being spoken about in this way, drum it into them that they're difficult, feral, hard work and they will live up to that title!
I have never seen her talk or chastise florrie in the same way.
Safaya she was horrible about when she was younger.
I guess poppy doesnt know much different.
I hope lee and grandparents dont talk to her like crap.
Maybe when she starts nursery then school she will realise other audits dont talk to her like crap or talk to others in same angry annoyed way.
Shes always loved baby phase
Toddler/preschool not so much
S was broken once.
Relentless whinging shed mentally unbalanced i wish some family would step in and school would be stricter.

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A touch of the green eyed monster that Poppy prefers Lee to her. No longer bad in her bones, monster or feral but Mummy's Little Girl today.
In the first pic she looked like she was trying to bite Rebeggar 😂

All the girls look relaxed and having fun when in his company.
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Chatty Member
She has this effect on me too, there are many of her ilk some worse but there is just something about this girl that sets me on edge I don’t like feeling like this it’s not me ( usually ) i have asked myself many times why I feel such animosity towards her and I don’t know 🤷‍♀️ I can’t bear her and I don’t remember ever feeling this way about anyone even Katie Price who also raises my heckles ! and it’s everything about her, I can see she is attractive but her face irritates me her expressions i I really cant watch her !
Yeah there’s just something about her that winds me up so much!! I’m the same with Gemma Collins can’t bear to look at her. Katie Price keeps me hooked as it’s such a car crash but entertaining because you have to watch what she does next 😬
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