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Mrs Meldrums? Sorry I’ve looked for her but it brings up a private account where the person
Has like 180 followers so I think I must have the wrong name. I’ve seen her mentioned in another thread so wanted to have a nosy. Pure nosy interest here !
No need to apologize. @mrsrmeldrum

I don’t buy her tears , she is only crying for herself and about the advertisements coming to a stop . Where’s her tears for her victims of her racist remarks not just the kkk one but the ghandi floss one from her Twitter . She is vile . The only woman she supports is herself . She thought after her break it would all be ok shows how naive she is . People don’t forget when you have been in national papers on a racism scandal .

I’m surprised the sheep haven’t started a go fund me page for there mortgage yet
Why wouldn't that surprise me!
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I thought I would add to the advice that will all be ignored. If I was Rebecca I would do a sit down video directly speaking to ‘tattlers’.

I would start by saying that I completely understand that gossiping is fine and we all do it and this is what I have opened myself and my family up to by sharing my life but it turns out that it is more than I can handle and I’m asking you to please reign it in because I really am hurting.
In return I will open up all of my Instagram and YouTube comments and stop myself from the deleting and blocking that I have clearly taken too far. I will listen to your feedback.
I have made so many mistakes in the last few months and have completely lost myself. I don’t know how this has happened or why but I am asking you kindly to let me try to have a fresh start. Lee is going to get a part time job and I am going to make a video or two a week focusing on the things I want to and try to find my way again. I’m going to take time to educate myself on the issues that have been highlighted through my mistakes. Why being transparent is so important as an advertiser, why casual racism is such an important issue to stamp out.
I will not do any ads for at least a couple of months because until I get myself back on the right path I don’t think it’s fair for the brands, my subscribers and myself.
I’m sorry for all of the drama and please understand that I know that I got myself in this mess and Im just asking for some time and patience while I try to find a way to make this work for me and my family.

It’s not perfect but it’s honestly what I would do. I am a mum of 3 and I am the exact same age as Rebecca and I would not be crying on the internet about my job. 🤦🏼‍♀️
This is what she needs to do!!
Apologise genuinely and admit it’s all went wrong and she’s in over her head.
Take some pressure off being the sole earner and learn about the job she’s doing!!
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Has she actually said she’s reported it to the police as it’s a hate crime??

Does she actually know what a hate crime is?! Well clearly she doesn’t because she leaves racist content in her vlog!

A hate crime is a criminal act targeted towards certain social groups like race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and religion.

I think she means harassment but that would only be if they are contacting her directly.
Surely family bloggers count as a group 😂😂

I don’t even watch this lady only saw the thread yesterday.
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Mother of Daughters - instamum (she’s also a very PT midwife) and had her fair share of criticism (there are threads on here but not as active as Mrs M’s). She has about x6 times the number of followers as the Meldrums and her husband FOD has even more. They’re more “big time” I guess you could say.
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She'll be googled/facebooked/asked what she's done for the last 8 years. She's not very employable at the moment
It probably wont matter if she is qualified. I have experience but cant get a job easily as no degree/prefessionsl qualifications. Wifey I know was out of work 9 years raising kids and walked into a job as she had a degree.
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I'm thinking she's got a big ad coming up and after the last 2 have been pulled she's trying to save the next one from the same thing happening. Well it won't happen if she just does a non crying, woe is me straight up professional apology. Draw the line once and for all without resorting to tears and tantrums. Loads of good advice on here telling her exactly how to do it. I for one would respect her for that.
Also.. this is how I'm picturing the sheep thinking they are attacking tattle and bringing it down 🤣

Thing is if it is a no tears apology, for some that will be a cold, heartless scripted one that has no meaning. But like you have said, tears make it look like she is tantruming. So she isnt going to win either way unfortunately....
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So. When reb had poppy I messaged her a couple of months later to say that my baby had died the year before and it was so lovely to see that poppy was ok, and that I was so glad that someone got the happy ending my son was denied. She read it. Ignored it. Didn't even bother to click the little heart. So yeah, she really cares about her followers 🧡
I'm sorry for your loss.

Struggling to work out if this person is serious or taking the piss
Taking the piss most likely! Specially if drunk. 😂
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I’m utterly disgusted by the treatment of Messiah. I have never seen a death threat on here. The worst I’ve ever seen is people saying she wears fake tan or she sppends too much time at the gym which she does! Would be disgusted if anyone sent her death threats and we’ve all openly said when someone goes too far and we report them! She is lapping this up. She is enjoying it, so messed up.

We’ve all said when people go too far on Instagram aswell. That comment above is not helpful at all. It’s just threatening and shouty. But she may leave that up as an example of the trolls and back up her opinion that this is how the trolls treat me! When in fact it couldn’t be further from the truth
is Messiah on instagram ??
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Such Nonsense

New member
Shrewd move re the latest picture of poppy in that coat. She knows that the photo will generate lots of asks about the coat. She’ll be able to ‘prove’ to joules that she can still influence sales.

Notice she didn’t reference her previous commercial relationship with Joules....
I noticed though that she only put Joules and not @joules. She's not giving a link away for free y'all.
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liftgate where she put up a video in which kkk was mentioned by her friend in a lift. she refused to take the video down, despite being racist
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Just seen a post on TOMM's Instagram that's really pissed me off! A small section says "I think that ignoring hate speech can be misconstrued as tacit agreement" SHE'S BEEN SUPPORTING MELDRUM SINCE SHE'S BEEN BACK AFTER LIFTGATE!!! 😡 I love gems account and don't want to unfollow, and I can't comment this on her page or I could end up blocked! 😂 had to rant it somewhere!
I commented so I wonder how long until I receive a lovely message.
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