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Well-known member
I actually really liked her when I first found her channel. I thought she was watchable, relatable, had interesting content and useful stuff,,,,,, it was Xmas time and her hauls gave me some great ideas etc, then I subscribed to The Meldrums channel and enjoyed that more.... until she pulled it!!! I honestly wish I could pin point where/why this went wrong for her. I think it's possibly when Lee became more popular than her (hence the delete button being pressed on The Meldrums) and then the pressure on her to bring home the big bucks when he became a SAHD and it was all down to her. She panicked, bed and greedy, messy and lazy and she tried to do everything thrown at her. She lost sight of who she was when she started and why. Couple that with her inability to be able to take criticism and properly engage with her followers and she's a disaster waiting to happen!!!!
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Her first couple of posts/vids will have high views as people love a scandal and will be watching to see if she addresses the shit storm. Once they realise she's back to her crappy content and bad editing they'll disappear again.
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I started watching when she was pregnant with Poppy but started to become disillusioned with ‘The Meldrums’ when they booked the holiday to Tenerife last year with minimal notice and then moaned about the weather! I don’t think they realised how lucky they were to be able to afford that! Most people have one holiday a year and take the whole year to save for it. Came across here when the shit hit the fan with DLP! Unsubscribed then and often pop on here to see what’s happening 😊 looks like it’s been one car crash after another!
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Aside from her being a total cocunt, that video is boring as shit. I see the murder site (aka utility) is being featured now. I thought before they were not featuring that out of respect. Obviously not!
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Aside from her being a total cocunt, that video is boring as shit. I see the murder site (aka utility) is being featured now. I thought before they were not featuring that out of respect. Obviously not!
It's not being featured cause she hates it sooo much. It's too cramped and messy! Even on this new video she has moaned about the utility after someone commented that they wished they had one! 🙄

Not an ounce of respect for previous occupants - 'this was their washing line', the dirty sink and the cramped utility.

'I will link the Hoover'
'I will link the mop'

Has she fuck. Lazy cocunt.
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Well-known member
Rebecca should report her racist jokes to the police while she’s there reporting peoples opinions.
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non binary coat

Chatty Member
The food bank was just another job for them to read off a brief. Food bank or Mr Kipling cakes it's all the same to them.

There's no content left on Mrs meldrum, the adverts are the content.
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I have an online friend I met on another forum not here.
She expressed an opinion on a fashion influencer wasnt hugely bad just she felt her blog we boring and style not hers.
Not onky did that influencers slate her and out her on Insta but one of her friends write a blog on it just to increase her engagement.
It was horrible I also heard hinch army can be vile and have sent organised mum followers and organised mum messages.

So many are just the same
Twisting truth to suit them
Going on about kindness
Then encouraging their flock to be abusive towards anyone who disagrees.

Pat loved to intimidate little weasel.
He's tried the passive aggressive message before

Someone joined, used the same name as her Instagram (which was open) so couldn't be accused of hiding behind fake profiles. She was annoyed at being blocked by Meldrums despite only ever commenting positively and when she questioned why she was told that while Grabecca didn't see a problem with her "a friend" had wondered if they were actually sarcastic...coincidently some of us Tattlers had wondered the same thing, but Meldrums don't read Tattler do they!
After this woman posted on Tattle to say how disappointed and disgusted she was Lee went to Facebook and sent her a private message, something along the lines of hoping her family has a lovely christmas.
Clearly looked like an attempt to intimidate this woman that they knew who she was on other social media platforms.

Vile little cretin. The little cocunt wouldn't be so brave face to face!
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Active member
We sold our 3-bed terrace and now renting a larger house. I'm not ashamed of having come off the property ladder. It's what we needed to do as a family.
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See I just don't get this. I have no shame admitting that we are still renting. It is difficult to get onto the property ladder whilst working and paying for childcare. It's just a fact; it doesn't make me any less of a person. 🤷
Never feel ashamed of renting!
The UK have this obsession of owning their own home.
In Europe it is far more common to rent. Gives flexibility.
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I think she’s going to go back to the old school content, do the school runs and clubs and make herself look like supermum.
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Chatty Member
No negative comments!! Do we think they have been deleted!?? Lots of thumbs down tho!!!!
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Member 1126

Don't want you worrying Tattler's, but it seems she is ok ish according to a sheep who has messaged Pat🙄
View attachment 17014
And as I've said before I find the actions/ behaviour of some seriously overinvested, " loving" sheep A LOT more concerning than the 15 hobbits/ trolls/ dicks on here. Particularly as they are now becoming increasingly restless and showing signs of a full Meldrum withdrawal meltdown 🤪
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Active member
No 3. I actually never realised that Paddy was referencing the Irish. Have learnt something there.
No4. Totally unfair. She actually wasn't talking with Jamaican accent. She thought she was. She was in the midst of labour and high on gas an air.
No 5. Imitating an accent. Depends on the intent. If imitating an accent of an upper class aristocrat, apparently that's ok. Imitating a coloured person isn't, as generally a coloured person suffers racist abuse in other forms, upper class aristocrat don't.

“COLOURED PERSON” Did you actually just type those words? Coloured Person?! We are all people of colour, white, black, brown whatever, we are all of colour. When you describe someone as “coloured” you’ve just continued to engender binary stereotypes and oppositions that one of something is greater to be judged than the other, acting as an awful symbol of societies stereotypes. Try to be mindful that the world is so many colours and shades.
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I think we need to just fill the next 12 or so pages with whatever we possibly can to get to use @Goflorrie 's title! 😂 Don't want it getting lost in the abyss.
That song is so stuck in my head now though 😂
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VIP Member
No apology, two weeks off and STILL poor editing.
Because she’s shit at “her job” - bottom line. She’s NOT a skilled film making and is useless at editing footage. She’s a complete amateur. It’s laughable that she actually thinks she’s good at this?! Unbelievably delusional.
There was never going to be any genuine apology because she doesn’t care. She doesn’t think she’s done anything wrong. She thinks she’s the victim.
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I think no matter how she returned, it was going to be a damned if you do damned if you don't situation. An apology again, however shit the first one was, would have probably been seen as disingenuous and a regular video is seen as trying to sweep it all under the rug. I'm no Meldrum apologist but she was in a no win situation.
Or she could have just fucked off and got a real job? I don’t understand how she thinks this is good? How can she go to bed at night and feel satisfied with her “job” - it’s embarrassing.
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