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With the food bank I just couldn’t understand why she wasn’t even given a box of Ella’s kitchen pouches to take with her.
Surely Ella’s could have thought of that as good exposure rather than her just rocking up empty handed under their name to look around (gawk).
They probably didn't expect the people they had paid to be there to come with nothing though!
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Anther article today in the Daily Mail regarding Instagramers. Lot of them now being called it should be

Real Housewives Of Cheshire stars are branded 'trashy' for asking a restaurant for a free meal and drinks in exchange for social media posts (despite their husbands' millions)
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Honestly though if I was her and I still had over 80k ‘followers’ that are literally still looking out for her would you not just come back and just continue to do what she’s been doing? Like what does someone have to do for the ‘followers’ to unfollow? She’s probably sitting there in lap of luxury on their huge bank accounts laughing along with us about how much they can be pricks and people will still fund their extravagant lifestyles...I can’t help but think she has got the balance right...suck them in and they will continue to follow no matter what...there has literally been 0 repercussions for her behaviour of late! 🤷🏻‍♀️
They live for the free shit they get from brands. If they have been dropped by a lot of the brands that were facilitating their lifestyle (those providing free foreign holidays, extensive home furnishings, electronics, food, make up, clothes, jewellery, cars (?) etc) then why would they come back??
They don’t do this for the love of film making or because they care about the people who follow them. They do it for money and because it allows them to life a very comfortable lifestyle by doing hardly anything in return.
If the free stuff is taken away then they won’t come back - and if they do come back, they won’t last long if they aren’t being supplied with all the luxuries they have become used to 🤷🏼‍♀️
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She didn't say it, no.
She did hear it as she reacted in the video.
Whoever did the editing decided to include it.
She had feedback instantly. She didn't apologise, just muttered something about it being bad taste.
She didn't remove it.
She put up a photo of a t shirt, stating no fucks given.
She still didn't remove it.
She dubbed over it with music, very badly.
She didn't remove it.
She started to get called out by other influencers.
She didn't remove it.
She attempted to say she had a friend in a woman of colour, Candice, who stated they had never met.
She didn't remove it.
She was called out by other influencers.
She still didn't remove it.
She had a great weekend and on Sunday was full of the joys.
She didn't remove it.
Hours later an 'apology' (I'd not describe it as such)
She then removed it.

No, you are right, she didn't say it.
She has also made racist jokes on Twitter previously
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Aaaannnndddd the women with many brass necks returns. Talk about no shame 🙄 Wouldn’t be me that’s for sure I’d be emigrating with the amount of people in my own town talking about me LOL. She might have a following on Instagram but she’s still universally disliked closer to home even by her friends who are pretty snakey as it goes 🐍 Not to mention how other “instamums” look at her now as nothing more as an inconvenience giving them ALL a bad name.

Using the tumble drier I see 😉
Well she’s not being paid to hang her washing out now LOL
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Chatty Member
No 3. I actually never realised that Paddy was referencing the Irish. Have learnt something there.
No4. Totally unfair. She actually wasn't talking with Jamaican accent. She thought she was. She was in the midst of labour and high on gas an air.
No 5. Imitating an accent. Depends on the intent. If imitating an accent of an upper class aristocrat, apparently that's ok. Imitating a coloured person isn't, as generally a coloured person suffers racist abuse in other forms, upper class aristocrat don't.
Hi Karen
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Have never commented before but have been loosely keeping up with threads, although I do agree with some points made about the Meldrums, this whole witch hunt over the KKK comment is beyond ridiculous. If it was her that said it then maybe a bit more reason to have a major issue but it was one of her friends. And for those who say "it shows the type of person she is if she is willing to be friends with someone who says those things" - none of us can control what our friends say, and every single one of us make mistakes in our lives, must be nice to be perfect!

Someone else pointed out that if someone had said "oh we look like ISIS" then it would be a different story.. I disagree, I don't see much wrong with saying either of those things... it's possible to look like someone /a group of people without having the same intent as them, it doesn't mean anyone agreed with their ideas. It was simply an off the cuff comment made between a group of friends.

I live around 1 hour away from the Meldrums (I don't know anyone who knows them, and have never met or even seen them, for anyone who is about to accuse me of "being them" *eyeroll* and to be honest, it may just be the fact that we are so rural here with no experience of other cultures. The school I went to had around 1000 pupils, in primary school it was all white pupils, and in Secondary school i could count on one hand the amount of people of another race across the whole school. All the teachers and staff were white, in my town the only other race I can think of being present are the Chinese that run the Chinese takeaway, the Indians who run the Indian restaurant and the Turks who run the kebab shop and Turkish Barber. If you are not exposed to other cultures and you are not taught the correct way to handle things, or realise how little offends these people, then it could be very easy to get yourself into this situation.
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You tube return and missing explanation and apology aside....I've said it before but that house is horrible🙈. It's so dated, the bathrooms and all that bloody wood panalling. Give me their wee "starter home" anytime.
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I’ve watched her since poppy pregnancy and wondered what the big thing was going on about her pregnancy being hard and worrying about the baby etc etc then she said it was conceived in Florida I think there was a chance of Zika virus no disrespect but thought it was worse the way she was going on. Then the gender reveal cringe Pat was disappointed she was just as cringe pretending he wasn’t. At this point I’m thinking these people are nuts sharing all this then the ads started getting bit much 4/5 Xmas pjs in 5 weeks that’s when I thought this pair are a couple chancers the desperation in them knowing it was relying on there income.
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I was unaware of the foodbank incident until I read about it on Tattle as I don’t follow her on YouTube. I purposely avoided buying some Ella’s Kitchen pouches the other day and went for another brand of pouches instead due to their association with her.
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I wonder if Lee was the one who edited that vlog, and since he was holding the camera and it was his friend that said it, maybe she blames him for the whole shit storm so has banished him down the hole in the garden (at least we would finally know whats down it!).
Wouldn't surprise me if the lazy bissom had him editing her vlogs while she gets rammed!
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Her selfishness makes me fume. I volunteer to cook for the homeless one evening a week and can provide up to 75 meals on a night. Lately leading up to local elections, all the councillors came crawling out of the woodwork for the photo ops dishing up the food on the street. Now nothing. Very edgyesque behaviour.
Also, why didn’t lee pull her up on it? Always thought he had his feet on the ground but clearly being that cocunts ball and chain has rubbed off.
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When she defends the use of ADs by saying it’s how I make the money to keep bringing you this wonderful content.... that pisses me off!
She doesn’t declare the ads otherwise her engagement would be too low. So she sneaks these ads in unlike other you tubers. That in turn makes her get more ads instead of these other youtubers who would declare. She’s not doing the content her subs want that’s why she got rid of the meldrums channel. It’s all about the ads and how to sneak them in to make as much money as possible.

I always thought she paid for all the Neilson holidays! I remember the TUI one that she constantly moaned about, I bet that’s the only holiday she paid for!
The TUI holiday was definitely a freebie. They took it last minute because it was a last minute paid promotion she snaffled and they wanted/needed the money. Not only was it free they were actually paid to go and they STILL moaned.
They don’t do anything or go anywhere unless it’s free or preferably offers financial gain. If it looks like they have paid it usually means they have lied and not declared all comes out in the end as the complex web of lies they weave even they forget and trip themselves over later on. Too stupid to keep on top of what deceitful comment and posts they have made...over complicating life to present a lifestyle they don’t have, always want to appear wealthier than they have been or are...

I told my friend about Mrs M when she was pregnant with her first and due the same time as Mrs M...
I feel so guilty for ever sending someone in the direction of Mrs M now! 🙈
Bring her over here instead, we’ll take care of her
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I started watching while she was pregnant with poppy and I was pregnant with my 4th 🥴 she seemed genuine, fun, happy etc. I looked at their life and thought ‘wow’ you guys seem to have it all! But then I saw a story where she was saying that so, so many of us were wanting to send gifts for the new baby that she was opening a PO Box! I was shocked that she was expecting to receive these gifts! It kinda took the ‘family next door’ vibe away for me and made them look like they were out for all they could get! I felt sad that the new baby was going to be getting all these freebees that she’d no doubt have to parade and show off. Rather than showing off the miracle she’d just given birth to! She just boils my piss now!! Shes all out for number 1 which is an unfortunate, ugly trait to have!
She just boils my piss now this made me giggle. I remember now her saying folk wanted to send stuff to Poppy. I thought Christ don’t you get enough stuff sent to you for free. Just utter greed.
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