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Member 1126

It's OK apparently " The meek shall inherit the earth" so she'll be fine then!

You'll never change stupid, or indeed her flock of blinkered sheep, they're all practically orgasmic over the return of Reb, her mop, hoover, mess and a bit of dichting roond the lavie.

If Tattlers have sad, unfulfilled, empty lives, then rather that than the life of a" lovely follower" as I can categorically state I have never felt the need to profess undying love to, or indeed dance a happy dance on the return of, someone I neither know nor can prove is actually real 🤯🤪

If you think it's bad she's back wait till his ugly mush appears on Instagram tomorrow morning 😡😡😡
Mornin' troooooooopers, absoloooooootleee beltin' to be back 🤮
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Completely agree and it was the first time I had commented negatively on her account. It made me sick how bloody fake and disinterested she was with lapdog Lee doing the filming. Heading for their stupid coffees beforehand just across the road was a bloody disgusting move in a vlog.
She couldn't even be bothered to follow up with information on address, what items they need donated, contact info etc for anyone local who may have been inspired to visit and donate items. So her visit highlighted that Ella's Kitchen donate to foodbanks, no more than that. It did not serve any purpose for the foodbank in particular, nor did it address any of the discussions about why they are needed, how to access them etc.
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She’s bleached her hair again?!

She’s a fucking ignorant arse hole.

Also - why are you guys subscribed to her you tube channel?!!!! 🤣
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sure i saw a half packed suitcase on her bedroom floor!! so they are going on hols then

and she's as stooped and round shouldered as ever!!
Yep spotted that one! Either going away or have just returned.
The bleached hair, (fake?) tan, new (lame) piercing, fresh nails all scream HOLIDAY.

This video is laughable. Fake, set up “messy” rooms and her tragic BTEC style drama-club ‘acting’ is so toe curling.
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Have been reading this thread since 2 weeks ago when Mrs M left and I really just had to make this account to share my thoughts.
1. I did enjoy reading more about the DLP trip as it confused me at first and I wasn't clear with what happened until i read on here, so I'm glad I've finally got to read what really went down. Same with other ADs she has posted.
2. However, I don't agree with all of the hate regarding the St Andrew's video. Correct me if I'm wrong but Mrs M wasn't the one who said the racist remark nor did she laugh at it or reply to it, as she did not hear it! I watched the video twice and didn't hear it so it's understandable if she missed it. The important thing was is that when she was called out for it she removed it and apologised. People on here are going on as if she hasn't apologised. Her apology seems genuine to me, she admitted she should be more careful as it's her responsibility for what goes on her channel and she made it clear she'd never say anything like that. People on here are way too quick to call her racist with is total character defamation as she has never made any racist remarks.
Cue everyone accusing me of being Rebecca or Lee since you all only think your opinion is correct.
She bloody well did hear it! As YouTube is her 'job', it's her duty to make sure the content she is producing is of decent quality. Sadly it's not! When you edit a video, you should be carefully watching it. When it was first pointed out to her, she went and stuck some damn awful music over the top of it. That lift scene did not need to be in there. If she had done her job properly to begin with and just taken it out, then no one would have known except those in the lift that the comment was made.
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No 3. I actually never realised that Paddy was referencing the Irish. Have learnt something there.
No4. Totally unfair. She actually wasn't talking with Jamaican accent. She thought she was. She was in the midst of labour and high on gas an air.
No 5. Imitating an accent. Depends on the intent. If imitating an accent of an upper class aristocrat, apparently that's ok. Imitating a coloured person isn't, as generally a coloured person suffers racist abuse in other forms, upper class aristocrat don't.
Hi REBECCA 👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼
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Yes, the fact that SHE brought nothing is inexcusable but I just thought Ella’s had missed a chance to advertise themselves.

It doesn’t surprise me that she was ignorant enough to turn up with nothing though.
She raised zero for Aberdeens Nicu that looked after poppy.
Dident turn up for Lee's race.
She dident raise masses for sue Ryder.
She had such a reach such a platform
So many opportunities to appear charitable.

She could have raised breast cancer checks after getting the all clear but instead she tags it onto a next giveaway and paid partnership.
Most recently Boden cured anxiety.
I don't even think Boden were impressed by that one.

She can't separate a serious issue from an AD.
She exaggeratea most things and makes everything all about her.
Never accepts responsibility.
Deflect delete
We all jealous trolls.

It's Mental Health week this week so she might 'use' that to her advantage 😡
Channel mum are milking mental health
When some if their creators make mums feel shit and are detrimemtal to mental health.
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Have never commented before but have been loosely keeping up with threads, although I do agree with some points made about the Meldrums, this whole witch hunt over the KKK comment is beyond ridiculous. If it was her that said it then maybe a bit more reason to have a major issue but it was one of her friends. And for those who say "it shows the type of person she is if she is willing to be friends with someone who says those things" - none of us can control what our friends say, and every single one of us make mistakes in our lives, must be nice to be perfect!

Someone else pointed out that if someone had said "oh we look like ISIS" then it would be a different story.. I disagree, I don't see much wrong with saying either of those things... it's possible to look like someone /a group of people without having the same intent as them, it doesn't mean anyone agreed with their ideas. It was simply an off the cuff comment made between a group of friends.

I live around 1 hour away from the Meldrums (I don't know anyone who knows them, and have never met or even seen them, for anyone who is about to accuse me of "being them" *eyeroll* and to be honest, it may just be the fact that we are so rural here with no experience of other cultures. The school I went to had around 1000 pupils, in primary school it was all white pupils, and in Secondary school i could count on one hand the amount of people of another race across the whole school. All the teachers and staff were white, in my town the only other race I can think of being present are the Chinese that run the Chinese takeaway, the Indians who run the Indian restaurant and the Turks who run the kebab shop and Turkish Barber. If you are not exposed to other cultures and you are not taught the correct way to handle things, or realise how little offends these people, then it could be very easy to get yourself into this situation.
So. Many. Problems.
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Betty Boo

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Awwh so will the wee puppet Lee be back on IG same time? 🤢
Holiday or no holiday? 🤔

Nothing has changed then. 🤔
It's funny there was no sign of his lordship.
He usually can't resist getting his mug in at some point.Obviously a bit of a coward.
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It's funny there was no sign of his lordship.
He usually can't resist getting his mug in at some point.Obviously a bit of a coward.
He’s always been a coward. When the shit hits the fan he runs away and hides, he lets his wife/business partner take all the fall.
Wow. What a ‘man’
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Those comments from the all the blind sheep are terrible!!

‘I’ve been checking for you everyday’ type ones seems quite stalkerish!

Or the ‘hope you had a nice break’. A nice break? She included racist comments from her good friend in a video and then couldn’t give two fucks about it! It wasn’t a break, it was laying low until some of the shit was off the fan!
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Shit video, shit hair 🤷🏼‍♀️

In all seriousness, someone upthread was right that she was in a no win situation and was going to get panned however she came back. But people would have had a hell of a lot more respect for her had she addressed the issue/apologised.
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I started watching when Zoella said on one of her vlogs that she enjoyed watching them (cue the meldrums vlog going completely ott about the fact that Zoella watches them! you could practically see the pound signs in their eyes even then!) I would like to add that I no longer subscribe to Zoella!! 🤣🤣🤦
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