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100% Lees mum has been in their house painting S’s room, no way on this Earth that lazy bitch Beggy did that painting. As she said it’s the first day in forever she’s worn smart clothes. No Lees mum def been in did the decorating then took the kids out. Fuck the rules, princess Beggy does her own thing.
And can you please stop filming your fugly ‘human trapped in a dog face’ dog with his dick front and centre. It’s just fucking weird.
I think she gets more turned on by Bertie than she does with lee......!
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So tropic couldn’t support her so her mum in support started working for them? Oh the lies!
This is what’s so ridiculous.

she constantly claims that she’s not working with companies because of “trolling” - which we all know is bollocks - but what is it that she expects these companies to do for her? She’s nothing to them. She’s just another faceless instagramer, a number, a commodity they use to sell products.What exactly does she think a company like Tropic should do to “support” her? Does she think anyone is going to forgo their reputation for her?!!!! She’s got a fucking screw loose.
As someone has already said - this has never been about “trolling” - she’s never been a victim of trolling. She’s a shady bastard who was caught out and companies responded by dropping her because she causes more hassle than she’s worth.
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What a nasty bitch sharing her child's worries and laughing at them. Take a look at yourself Begsy. Drinking your shake of crap, tiny portions even to the man (cough cough) of the house. You're giving them a distorted view on food. They're asking cos it's there and you give in but you cannot be bothered or they're genuinely hungry, but what do they do at school? As for that disgusting, jumpy biting dog. That would really get on my nerves, I can not stand dogs like annoy like that.
I cannot stand Bertie. He’s an ugly dog and is untrained and completely annoying. Takes after Rebecca on all counts I guess.
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We listen to audiobooks in the car. Dick King Smith, Enid Blyton, Harry Potter. The stuff the kids like.....(not that we've been out in the car for MONTHS).

The attitude that she instils in them about food is quite frankly terrifying and, along with clearly not fulfilling their emotional needs, a recipe for poor mental health and serious eating disorders. But so long as they're teeny tiny, hey?
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Not going to help wee florries fears of running out of food, seeing her mum get so excited over a free box of food.
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Sorry for pointing the obvious... but joining in and having a laugh would mean she would be full focus and not thinking about grabbing her phone to shove it on social media!
Agree. It was filmed purely for Instagram. She’s a vacuous waste of space.
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The food thing I found a bit worrying too - I’ve only seen a child showing overt concern about access to food etc and making a disclosure as part of safeguarding work. Given that you would assume the family had enough money to buy food, I find that a bit disturbing.

The snack basket thing - think we’re hearing a very watered down version of that story. I think Rebecca has had a meltdown and chucked it down whilst ranting and raving - hence why Florrie is worrying about this as part of processing WTF caused this reaction from Rebecca
I totally agree with this! She clearly grabbed it whilst shouting at them and threw it down on the floor hence why florrie is now saying she’s worried about having no food! I bet she’s vile behind closed doors!!
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And dead behind the eyes 😳 all joy, love, spark and life has been sucked out of him.
It’s actually really shocking isn’t it. I come on here and have a laugh at their expense and all the rest of it but in all seriousness it’s extremely worrying looking at just how completely wrecked that man is. He looks ill. He looks physically & mentally unwell.
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I have young family am a single parent and I'm literally in and out the shower at record speed! When they're all in bed tonight I'm going to have a lovely bath in peace but until then, 'me time ' consists of snatched moments (like this one!) to have a quick Internet catch up.
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She hates doing things half arsed? Her entire life is half arsed......need i mention her parenting.
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I know some families chose to remove their children from school after the first lockdown but they wanted to continue to 'homeschool'. They didn't realise they had to do everything themselves and not get the stuff sent to them and not get any breaks! They thought that's what homeschool was because that's what it was being called. They're fighting to get the kids back into school.
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What she should do is buy something that turns her bike into a spin bike. You can buy things for the floor that you can clip your own bike into and then buy a membership... sorted!! You can thank me later reb
She doesn’t actually want to get the bike for the purpose of doing exercise. She wants a peloton bike to show off that she’s got one because it’s expensive and all she wants to do is show off with it, and keep up with her friends who have one.
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I must be a terrible dog owner. I have 2 dogs and they’ve both had the same collar for years. Am I meant to be changing their collars every few weeks?! 😰

Beggy, can you advise please?🙏
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Hey all.. new here.. hard to work it out and scroll back .. can I ask why is she famous? What did she do at Disney and what was on YouTube?
thanks xx
she did a 6 month university work placement at Disney Florida when she was 21. Nothing interesting there.

the Disney Paris nonsense was a few years ago. She was paid to go to Disney by Tesco to promote their clothes range. But her & lee lied about it to the hilt, trying at first to claim it was nothing more than a family holiday for their daughters birthday, then being caught out and then chopping & changing their story about 50 times before finally admitting it was a job they were being paid to do.

she’s also a racist scum bag, a lying piece of shit and an all round lunatic. If you have the time, go back and read allllllll the threads. It’s a hoot!!!!
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When I was little I had an imaginary friend just like Rebecca has posting her questions. One day my mum called me aside and said maybe it wasn't a good idea to be running around speaking to my friend now. Asking why, mum said bluntly 'cos folk are looking at you thinking you're a feel gype. 🤣
Harsh, but my friend disappeared that day and never came back.
Karen dear, have a word with your daughter for fucks sake. 🙄

Hahahaha!!!!!! They look shit.
Honestly I needed a laugh today. What a walloper. Looks like she hacked them with kids craft scissors. 😱
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