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Chatty Member
This is Jamie 100%... the Instagram chat the other day, his lack of engagement when he had started to show his face a bit more, the defensive Xmas tree post he did.... I reckon she’s had a little breakdown and he’s put his foot down. I also reckon he had his fair share of ‘trolling’ over his cooking etc and didn’t like it. Well fair play tbh it shows he loves her and cares about her mental health
I also think it’s Jamie. I reckon she’s become obsessed and he’s made her stop and take a step back and just look at what around her. She’s bypassing Ronnies first months all in the name of fame and greed. She doesn’t need to just come off Instagram some days, she needs off it completely - everyone can see she’s not mentally stable.
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Chatty Member
Hopefully this is it. The beginning of the end of her account. And hopefully the next person to climb to the top of the "influencer" tree will be someone with more of a social conscience. Someone who doesnt encourage over-spending, hoarding, over use of plastics and polluting our planet. Hopefully it will be someone who encourages GOOD things.
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New member
I literally cannot stand this woman. I am pregnant with my first baby. I've lost 2 angels and I've had to have IVF and ICSI reatment to become pregnant with my little miracle. I'm on my own and have a mortgage and bills to pay. Im self employed so get hardly no maternity and with shitty pay. Ivf has rinsed me financially. I had to unfollow her. I will have no help with my baby. I wont have pots of money to splash about on new everything. I've got 2nd hand everything and I'm happy with that. I'm so so grateful to be finally having my precious baby girl. She has Jamie at home for childcare. She needs not worry about having to go back to work and miss her babies milestones. I may be wrong here but she seems to have not had to struggle or work for anything in her life that she has. It has fallen In her lap. And she wont ever really appreciate it.i know I'm a better person become I appreciate everything I have. I've worked for it I've earned it I deserve it. Shes a walking ad. A walking billboard.
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VIP Member
This!!! Me and my OH can’t afford any presents for anybody this year. Last month we managed to scrape up £20 to buy some second hand presents for our daughters birthday/Christmas. I’m a stay at home mum and OH works 50 hour weeks and we’re struggling to keep up with everything. I’d love to wake up for just ONE DAY and not worry.
How old is your daughter? I’m happy to send you something. I know that sounds really random but I’d be happy to spread some festive joy ❤
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Very long time lurker here! I too, have to admit I got sucked into the hinch circle, and like many others now have a cupboard full of zoflora and falling to bits, badly made minky clothes! I was becoming obsessed and snappy if anyone touched my cleaning products or I couldn’t keep up with cleaning! (Working full time, a part time job and studying to try better my job!!) and feeling bad cause I couldn’t clean and have things hinch had! I know...sad!!!

Now it’s too much!! Everything is gifted and has no relatable aspects to her at all anymore! So thank you for making me 100% see the light on her! My sanity and bank balance thank you!
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Well-known member
If you’re not a nice person no amount of hashtags gonna help ya?

Then please explain how you managed nearly 3m followers? Was it all the begging. All the follow trains? Bought followers? This didn’t just happen. It was engineered.
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VIP Member

How is this Christmas fun?? It has nothing to do with Christmas and stickers of Hinch are not fun. She is losing the plot!!
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Active member
Giving Tuesday? What is she giving. Go and spend £20 on a food shop and donate it to the local food bank. That’s giving. She probably doesn’t even know where one is. Go and volunteer for a morning rather than spend time doing swipe ups.

I don’t even follow her anymore but she makes me more angry by the day. Why doesn’t she address what’s going on outside of the hinch bubble. It’s like she’s a selling machine without a decent bone in her body. Friday for example, a terrorist attack, not even a generic post, just her gloating about going to a concert.

I always say never take anything for granted as you don’t know what will happen tomorrow. This woman is on another level, she doesn’t give a flying fuck. Anyone who doesn’t agree with her is jealous. I’m far from jealous. I love my life and everything in it. I count my lucky stars everyday that I’m in the position I’m in. I hate everything this woman stands for. The most insensitive, selfish, greedy, fake pig on social media.

Seems as it’s giving Tuesday - Do us all a favour and piss off. Call it an early Christmas present!
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Well-known member
My personal take is that she isn’t going anywhere really, just changing the expectations. The expectation was daily multiple stories, many of them cleaning related. She has burnt out on that. Her behaviour has been erratic on screen, we can only imagine what it is off screen. I’ve never wished her ill. I don’t doubt Jamie is worried about her. But make no mistake, they have come too far and given up too much (privacy, careers, normal life etc) to give it up now. This is her changing gears (in the Audi, no less). Resetting expectations. And pulling on the heartstrings of her Hinchers to keep them on side and loyal through the transition.
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Active member
She’s just lost her shit I see, Sophie my dear, you are the ultimate troll/bully and a fucking arsehole to go with it whilst I thinking about it. What a fucking boring bland life you lead
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VIP Member
She's quite clearly shat herself at having been caught out with the new car. Jamie's got cross, told her to think before she posts. They've had a row.

She's now on the naughty step, taking time out to regroup and work out how they can continue to spin all the freebies and big ticket items they can afford to buy.
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Chatty Member
Thread suggestion... Sophie Rose fly free, in your new Audi, please listen to Jamie
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