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I hate seeing these posts. Ronnie DOES NOT need anything. His parents want for nothing because people fall over themselves to give them free things.
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I get the vibe she couldnt be arsed with her tree this year and it was just thrown up? It can't just be me that sensed a bad vibe in that house last night.

She seemed off her tits and drunk. He looked pissed off and wanted that camera out of his face. No couples always get on but I could certainly pick up on a bizarre atmosphere. Last year she made a big deal out of the tree. Putting it up, looked happy, enjoying it and having fun, it was actually nice to see someone enjoying that. This year it is like she has plonked it up and gone there you go you awful lot . Is she upset she isn't gifted a new one perhaps? Is she expecting one?

Her house although not entirely to my tast looked much better before the extention. Her home is beginning to look dated IMO that grey clinical look is 2018s version of woodchip.

Maybe if she engaged with her fans instead of causing riots online. Got rid of that ghastly filter. Stopped the hoarding and boasting. Did collab giveaways on the items she gets gifted but wouldnt use. Donated more to charity (anyone remember the signed box of Zoflora she gave away to a charity auction?). Did giveaways in general (most small accounts do when they hit in the hundreds yet all she has given away is some lenor and some dishwasher tablets which you had to ring a premium number to win). Remained true to herself (someone mentioned bipolar, I just think she is so fake she herself has got to the point she doesn't even know who she is). Handled criticism with debate and discussion rather than sending her pack of lunatics on people and portrayed real life (many accounts do so why does she portray a perfect life when you can clearly see she is lonely, even that night at her friends house when she was pregnant and they spent their girls night in playing with a hoover, her interaction with them seemed false, fake and try to hard.) Maybe stopped belittling your nail tech by gawping at her handbag contents. Stopped lying and contradicting herself (walking henry is apparently a special intimate moment but her son taking a shit isn't?) She might keep what fans she has remaining. They are dwindling in record numbers and she knows it.

Oh well Mrs Hinch at least you have a loft full of memories of your gifted tat. You have gotten old now.

She should concider playing Pogues over some of her videos rather than Mariah Carey and band aid. It will be more relatable to her.
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Fly free? FLY FREE? As if you were trapped! As if you didn’t chase this ‘fame’??? Is this woman honestly for real? Is she fucking deranged? YOU WANTED THIS, you ACTIVELY sought this out. You’ve done nothing but parade your entire gifted existence around on social media for the last year and made a goddamn killing from doing so, and now she’s sucked the life out of that, she’s just given what is basically a massive ‘fuck you’ to her loyal followers, who MADE HER, without actually giving a SINGLE THING back? I’m raging and i have no right to be, I’m just AMAZED how she can pull the sympathy card after take take taking all she can with her grabby little hands. Say what you will but the woman isn’t stupid. She knows it’s downhill from here (🤞🏼) and is making the winding down look like her choice rather than the fact she’s just dying out. I’m so happy this appears to be coming to an end! However bitter that makes me sound. Social media will be a better place without vultures like her 🙂
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Please tell me you peeled them all off and binned them? I would have!
I was afraid someone would mistake me as a hincher if I took it off the shelf!
Funny enough, I got to the counter (with a non hinch product might I add) and some loo lah in front of me with a stickered lenor said "has she been in, did you see Mrs. Hinch?" Cashier's confused "who's Mrs. Hinch?" gave me a warm feeling inside 😍
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I've just got to say this..... Tattle members may be known for being trolls which is complete bullshit, however the kindness shown by people on here willing to help those less fortunate is a wonderful sight.
If i could help those i definitely would do too.
If Hinch reads Tattle (im 99.999% sure she does) then read this and weep - this is true kindness not your stupid Instagram account where you only think about yourself and have no compassion.
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Time to fly free? Is she actually taking the piss? She's had everything she wanted gifted to her and she's acting like she is so hard done by and is suffering. Fucking fuck off and then fuck off some more.
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It seems to me like you lived your life like a beggar on the gram,
Never turning down a freebie
Or a swipe up to earn 6 grand
Now you sit back with your sob story
And your fake anxiety
Your candle died out long ago
Now fuck off out of heeeeerre.
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In my opinion (I’m not a doctor only have a BA in psychology) she’s never ever been told no in her life. She’s never been criticised or even told she maybe wrong. It’s actually a large problem with a lot of the country, reasoned debate is lost and replaced with cancel culture and violence. Anyway back to Hinchy. I think because she’s always got her own way, any form of dissent is seen by her as an attack. Nobody must dare question Queen Maldon and a lot of her army are exactly the same way. Even the word no isn’t in her vocab. I used to live with someone like this and it’s exhausting and frightening. His temper bubbled under which he tried to keep a lid on but sometimes when he was questioned off he would fly. She’s still playing the spoilt, bratty teenager as that’s the era where she’s stuck. I thought when she had Ronnie she may grow up but in some ways she’s got worse. This Poundland sticker debacle is another example. I used to stick stickers on things when I was 14. Find a sticker that’s been signed by moi. Little old moi. Be grateful proletariat. For I am the be all and end all. Can’t she see p&g are playing her like a fucking fiddle 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
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Can I just say that being on this site has made me realise how fortunate I really am. I’m so sorry to hear of the people struggling to pay bills and buy food and worrying about how to make xmas special for their children.

I know it’s really hard to accept gifts from strangers but i have a three year old girl with more toys than she needs. I’m happy to donate barely used toys and clothes. My girl is tiny so I only have clothes up to 12-18 months though. But I’ll be happy to send any on. I have lots of barely/never used dresses. My girl is very particular about what she wears so lots of things never got worn.

I also make lots of things, so for example if anyone wants any hair bows to gift to their daughters I can do those as they are pretty quick to make. I do make lots of other things but I wouldn’t be able to do it before Xmas. And it’s just a hobby for me, not a business so I’m not selling anything.

But if you are struggling, please message me and I’ll see what I can do.
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She has a cheek!!!! It was only the other night she put a post up about her stint on virgin radio, knowing her cult would attack those who voiced their opinion!! I've seen her do this a few times she gets her cult to do her dirty work and then cries victim!!!

P.s We are grown ups here!! We all have opinions, sometimes we might even disagree with each other!! Newsflash!!! We aint TROLLS!! 😡


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New thread suggestion:

Now you’re in Xmas debt, sophfloras flying free, laughing at her fans from her shiny new Audi
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no flouncing

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I have to say that last story she did look really sad. I agree with lots of stuff that people say on here about her but despite all that I’m not heartless and wouldn’t wish any kind of ‘breakdown’ on anybody.
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Thread suggestion:

Hinch needs a break, it’s all got too much - What will her army do without the hourly Swipe Ups?
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Bless your soul ❤ that is beyond kind ❤❤ Thank you so so much for the offer but we are ok now I promise you.
Another prime example that Tattle isn’t a dark and evil place full of trolls!
God bless you xxxx
And right back at you darling ❤ Please never feel too proud to contact me if things ever do get tight. I’ve been there myself (I was suicidal 3 years ago due to money problems) so it breaks my heart to think of someone else in that position. God bless you and your little boy and hope you have a lovely Christmas xxx
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Her entire face movement and head bobble at the end of this story says it all. She’s absolutely vile. Regina George eat your heart out. The hinchmas comments has rattled her cage, it will be damage limitation tomorrow.

(My daughters dad messaged me right as I took the screenshot and I was not watching it for a third time to get another one lol)
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Not posted before but have been reading these posts for a few weeks and have to say that everyone on here has really opened my eyes to Hinch ( I think you’re all lovely and incredibly down to earth btw). This time last year I was made redundant and discovered her account as I had wayyy too much time on my hands. I actually found it really motivating and used her tips etc as it gave me a bit of a focus whilst job hunting. Once I got back into work 3 months later I fell off the Hinch wagon but still used the recommend products , hunted for Minkys and even bought a Shark 🙈. Her account now is like watching someone else, she’s no longer relatable or inspiring and you can just see it’s all gone to her head ... madness in just a year! I’m so glad I’m not under her spell anymore but feel for those who still feel the need to copy her every (#gifted) move. It was one thing spending a few quid in Home and Bargins ( I’m scouse ... that’s what it will always be called) but another forking put hundreds to copy her tree or other items ... it’s just ridiculous when she doesn’t give a shit about being relatable anymore. Today I finally rebelled and instead of buying Lenor Spring Awakening I bought a different scent and I may have uttered a little ‘ fuck you hinch’ as I did it 🙌🏻
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