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Wize Owl

VIP Member
Mrs Hinch #694 A boring trip down memory lane, Hinch is rattled by Tattle again! New thread title by the lovely @springheeledyeti 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻. Thread suggestion taken from anywhere in the thread. Please keep them short and swear free and clearly marked thread suggestion.

No real recap as it’s always the same old 💩 with Hinch. The only items of note are Sopha allowing the boyzzzzz to help her clean her electrical appliances, her at home launch party for Vacunt Vibes becuase she’s a “homebody” and the toddler twins loading Inch’s van for a tip run, which merely goes to show how wasteful she is and how much excess consumerism goes on in that house!

Wiki is the pink button at the top. Thread 500 is a must for newbies or the plain curious.
Sorry Schweeet’arrrt, did we both do a new thread? 🤪 We should have got Magic to do one as well as all things Hinch comes in threes 😂
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Tinkerbell cat

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Imagine putting pictures up all throughout your house but you are filtered to fuck in every single one of them and look nothing like the pictures 😂 😂
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This is one of the things I find most irritating about her. She could do so much good on her platform supporting and highlighting charities, but she either lies (donkey sanctuary and food bank anyone?!), is too late off the mark (comic relief) or just plain doesn’t bother!
You’d support your husband though. She can’t even be bothered to advertise something he is interested in, let alone the charities he is supposedly supporting (although, like Hinch I feel he does this to further his own interests and isn’t remotely interested in the charitable aspect).
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I'm fully aware not everyone's anxiety is the same HOWEVER; I've never met someone with anxiety that would openly film themselves an post it to the general public for scrutiny. Filtered or not it just doesn't make sense
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Active member
This content - I just don't know where to start. It's a tour of the crem and we all know what's where. I don't know who keeps mugs at a different postcode from the kettle but maybe that's just me.

The 'lint' she collected is the wool from the carpet, god she's so stupid.

How many times did she say 'if im honest, to be honest, if im perfectly honest' - She isn't honest AT ALL.

Why is her house so shit? Why is the kids playroom such a nightmare infused fest?! The black birds, the flooooooorrrrr!! Most of this shit should be outside.

Why do the kids have headphones at the ready in the kitchen? They're not on an airplane.

Anyway she's such a knob and she knows it.
I'm thinking at meal times she let's them watch the ipad and makes then out in headphones so she doesn't have to listen to whatever it is they are watching. Not wanting to go all mums net but that is one of my bugbears. I've always sat at the table and eaten my dinner with my children and tv's, tablets and phones have never been on when eating a meal. Even now they are all grown up. Mealtimes are for catching up on eachothers day, conversing with each other. Also from a young age its teaching them not only social skills but table manners too.
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VIP Member
Two questions ...

1] Why can't she centre a fucking picture?

2] Does she not know her own children's names?


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All bullshit aside about the trying to make it she isn't copying Stacey and the veg patch......The hair?????
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Chatty Member
When I watched her corn doughnut video (volume down) I thought wow thats disgusting how could she feed the kids that 😂😂 then I saw she gave it to the chickens. Just shows how terrible her food ideas are that I believed she would feed her kids frozen sweetcorn doughnuts hahahaha
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I can't get my head round the amount of rubbish they've got and those poor little lads being made to perform for the gram, is that all they really want to do? Or would they rather spuddle in the garden, go for a walk and find a stream and play pooh sticks, pick daisies and make a daisy chain, make perfume with petals and water, play in a sand pit, make a den or even play with other kids?
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VIP Member
Black leggings, black jumper, white Adanola socks, every single fucking day! Jesus Christ, even the way she dresses is boring.
Also, I know it’s already been mentioned but what the fuck is going on with her legs?


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Chatty Member
Why didn’t her dad make the planters for her in his workshop?! The amount she goes on about how much he makes, surely they would have been a quick and easy thing for him….
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No idea why I’ve randomly posted this reel but hey 👋🏻😂 I’m not a makeup professional but I do love a good filter to make my chin look oh so dainty instead of square 😆 I love gifted free makeup and just trowelling it on. Somedays I might resemble a disney princess in the hope I'll get loads of comments blowing smoke up my arse telling me I iz pwitty 😂 Makeup brings me content ( but not quite as much as not cleaning does 😉 and nowhere near what posting the farm boy twins does ) happy Monday everyone. all the best xx

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Other than the lipsitck she doesn't look any different at the end of the video from the beginning. If she wasn't using a filter as she claims, surely all of that makeup would have made some difference to the appearance of her skin but no, before she even starts there are no blemishes, no difference in pigmentation, no lines, no freckles, no visible pores. She's mid thirties, no way does her skin look like that with nothing on it at all. She thinks that her audience is as thick as she is.
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Reeking of desperation that they've even brought back Freda after she made an absolute twat of herself being rude to people with a different opinion to the Hunch cult. They had her on the back burner for quite a while but remember Freda if your reading this we tattlers have a looooong memory and receipts
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Whenever she says “I had to try this trend” I have absolutely never seen anyone else on Instagram doing it. Does she just make these “trends” up?
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