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Crying laughing at the side by side filtered/slim/teef & tanned photo VS reality! 😱
The stupid, empty headed hunnzz truly believed the filtered version was a result of "good cuntry living" 😂
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These sycophantic idiots must be blind if they think that is her bone structure 👽

And she looks like the infantile baby she is in that babygro.👶🏻
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Tootle Pip Wiz

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Thread suggestion:
An evening being thick as a brick playing Tapple, but we all know she's been catching up with Tattle.
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Of course you have all their frames and photos all over your home. Why? Because they are bloody free!!! That’s all. 🙄
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Just catching up. Thought I was going mad with the leg size changing in every frame but feel reassured that everyone else sees it too. She’s insane.
Agree - they have a gardener. We have a large garden - not much smaller than hers - and it’s so laborious. Ours is more interesting than hers in terms of planting. Every day it needs some attention. No way is anyone in that house giving it daily attention. Fiddle prob enjoys shopping for the garden. That’s why they seem to live at the garden centre. But the gardener does all the hard work for sure.
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How embarrassing.. don’t often post this on this thread…
Hinch making a career out of being a dumb ditsy blonde…
When her career influencing started she was judged for taking women back… some people agreed whilst others disagreed…
This recent post? It’s all a lie… she’s not thick as pig shit as she would like to portray… it’s all a con for engagement, comments. not a helpless woman needing a man to take A PLAnT OUT OF A FUCKING POT.. she’s a liar and a fraud…
Grand old age of 34, still attached to her mams tit.
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Just thinking back to the makeup reel - shouldn’t she have been talking over the top saying ‘now I use this in shade X’ ‘Dot X along your cheekbone using ____’ but instead we just watched her put a load of stuff on her face with no explanation and then a list of stuff afterwards.

And she thinks THAT is going to get her signed up to a makeup brand?!?!
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I’ve been up since 5:30, so far ive done a work out, had a shower, have my 3rd load of washing on, sorted the clean washing and packed it away, tidied my daughters room because she left it in a shit heap, changed my bedding, swept my hallway and kitchen and then recleaned my kitchen after my son made his breakfast, sorted out some clothes that no longer fit and now ready to take my son to his football match……so im basically a cuntfluencer who has completed her April challenge with no to do or ta da list, tapping of my finger nails or heavily filtered appearance while I was rocking joggers (blue not grey) a grotty tshirt and my new work shoes to break them in. Go me……all the best 👍🏼👍🏼
Now time to make potato pizza 😉 😂
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I didn’t see the story and frankly I couldn’t give a toss that I missed it. Such riveting content it seems!
What I will say however, is that it speaks volumes of how loveless their marriage is that they play board games on a weekend instead of going out for a meal/drink/general socialisation with friends together, especially when they have at least 3 baby sitters on call (one live in – Freda the smother – I’m looking at you). What I’m gathering from everybody on here is that they sat (awkwardly, even though there’s about 17,000 chairs and tables in that house) on the sofa to play a game aimed at 8 year olds. Also how do you not know who Freddie Krueger is at your big age? My 11 year old knows who he is and has never watched nightmare on elm street, all this acting stupid doesn’t make her look relatable, it makes her look like a deceitful twat.
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Crazy cause she spends 5 mins outside with the tend toddler twins? Isn’t that what 99.9% of people do when the weathers nice? Or am I doing this whole gardening thing wrong?

She really does like to try and push that they are some sort of quirky family, they are anything but
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She makes me laugh. I’ve never seen anyone so full of themselves. Aside from the whole eye fucking herself and posting a video of her doing make up… let’s talk about the pyjamas. When I was tiny sized, I would always wear little pjs like that because I felt great (despite the ED 🤣). I’ve recovered now and also had a baby… I am a size 16 now and hide myself away in baggy pjs because I can’t stand them clinging to all my wobbly bits! More proof in the pudding that she’s not the anxious, self conscious, body hating Sopha she claims to be. If she was, she wouldn’t spend her life in tight gym wear that show off her bum pads, tight pjs etc. She would be in clothes that hid her away. She must think people are bloody stupid. X
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Reeking of desperation that they've even brought back Freda after she made an absolute twat of herself being rude to people with a different opinion to the Hunch cult. They had her on the back burner for quite a while but remember Freda if your reading this we tattlers have a looooong memory and receipts
And that night when Freda went apeshit was hilarious, fastest her thread has moved for ages!
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She wasn’t going to film herself cleaning her grout.
Why not? That’s literally her job?
If she wasn’t going to film it does that mean she was just “cleaning” and not “working”. And does that mean she wasn’t busy working one of her 6 days a week?
I just ask because I spent all day working (whilst juggling child care) and I’m wondering why I didn’t have time to clean my grout ….
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Wize Owl

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FFS Whatever did the hunzzz do before Cuntfluencers 🙄🙄🙄

🙄 There’s Hinch tend feeling lonely giving a little tidy/clean up before bed

🙄 There’s SSS showing how to wash bins

🙄 There’s Greedy showing how to make the bed

…….and no doubt numerous others with stories and reels like this that are utterly pointless, shite and ridiculous 🙄

Surely this nonsense HAS to end soon. They’ll be showing how to actually use the loo rather than just cleaning it soon too 🙄🤣🤣🤣
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There was a mouse having breakfast on my peanut feeder this morning. She’d freak if that happened! We live in the Boonies and it’s not uncommon to have rats on the bird feeders in broad daylight 🫣
Oh come on hen play nice. How is the mouse supposed to know its only for the birds unless you label it! Mice can read can't they? Oh hang on...
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