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Come on to catch up and it's like we are on a pissing school playground

Hinch is a cunt. SS is a cunt. Both terrible mothers. SS is better at the influencer game. Do I think SS makes digs at or about Hinch? Nah, do I think Hinch think she does ,yes. Does it bother me that SS is mentioned here alot, nah but I DO think alot of things are blown out of proportion because people let the dislike of Hinch get to their heads a bit.
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Side on face hinch slips slightly out of filter and reveals a true resemblance of her facial outline.

Eta - that whole “scene” was really uncomfortable to watch. From Ronnies scripted “Lennie is my best friend” to the staged hair brushing with her struggling to pretend she enjoyed it.

My 5 year old likes to play hair dressers with me. Not that I’ve ever filmed it and posted it to Instagram but when I sit there and play along I’m not afraid to go “owww that hurts, be careful please!” Not in a snappy way, but a “real” way because that’s how I talk to my kids. She was performing in mummy mode.

Also. I hate that grotty dressing gown she festers in. I think she sleeps in the nude (I always find that bir odd when you’ve got to be up with livestock and kids - are we supposed to believe she goes and sorts the animals out in her dressing gown with nothing on underneath???). She just spends hours leisurely getting herself dolled up for nothing. Then hours sorting her skin care routine for bed etc. it’s just a day of lying on the sofa and staring in the mirror through filters.

Eta - one more. Was the 5am wake up to go to home bargains. Ahhh yes it was. That’s why she awkwardly says Saturday. Because she’s filming that on Friday morning or whenever the home bargains thing was.


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Fiddles must of nipped out for a cigarette break & the boys broke loose came upstairs & wanted to join in the action, she looked so angry with them for wanting to brush her wig, I kept thinking she was going to tell them to stop at one point, no way have those boys coloured in those t-shirts, they are way too neat.
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Exploiting your sons health and privacy for...

69 followers, hope it was worth it Hinchy!

Screenshot_20240403_193116_Samsung Internet.jpg
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Not that I wish to exploit Ron in any way, but maybe thread #700 could be all the lies she’s told regarding his autism. I’m sure all the receipts are here where she labelled him naughty, “he can talk perfectly well thank you” etc. Then it would show up for those Googling her thinking she’s some kind of saviour for the Autistic community 😡
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So she ✨ knew ✨ the wee one was autistic by the time she was saying he had ‘invisible speech needs’ then 🙄
The "invisible speech needs" really winds me up because I have NEVER heard that term used before, which is convenient because now she comes up in searches when you put that into Google. The same with motorbike disease. It keeps her relevant and in people's thoughts when searching for these things. It's such blatant manipulation and no one seems to realise it (except for us trolls of course).
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Seriously has anyone on here in their childhood washed toys in a washing up bowl with a toothbrush or know kids who do?! What a fucking weird thing to do!
Me and my sister used to wash our dolls hair in the sink etc playing hairdresser but to sit and wash plastic toys on the floor for no reason, whats that about? No wonder them boys are like robots. What a fucking boring life.
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It’s a new bouncy castle though isn’t it. It’s a relatable £350-600 depending when and where she bought it. What happened to mouldy old one that she said was an investment 😂
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Thread 700 HAS to be about the lies she has told of her own children, specifically Ron.

I certainly remember when she photographed that he had emptied the cereal all over the floor and she made the poor child stand there and take the blame, just so she could get some content.

She’s a bad bitch.
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Guyshhh! I just wanted to hop on and say that as much as we have all had a lovely BH weekend, without recording a second of it (apart from the egg hunt for the grand parents who live thousands of miles away from us) - I am so glad that Mr Teshhco is going back to work tomorrow! I don't know how it is possible for nonob to be at home all the time?!

I am very lucky that I can WFH and take time off around school holidays (I say lucky but it took me 10 years of hard work to get there) but I couldn't stand having my husband at home everyday for sure! This weekend was a great reminder of that. I remember when we both had to WFH during covid in 2020 and it was challenging to say the least!

If he was at home all day doing fuck all everyday on his phone and wearing a tracksuit, I would be divorced by now. How is it remotely possible for the deluded huns to quote 'couple goals' when at Hinch house it's Sunday every day?!

Anyway hope you all had a lovely weekend, and hope you are ready for more ads/kids playing/alpacas/wanking henry next week! Expect a build up to acoustic week as well.

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View attachment 2854899

🥱😴 FFS….washing the farm animals…WHY? Ronald and Lonald aren’t allowed to don’t get dirty playing so why would their toys 🙄😂
Jeeeheeeez yet another set up, controlled game of washing toys...on the floor matchy matchy PJs of course 🙄🙄🙄
I can't wait for the day they say "No mum fuck off, we're in our 20"s we ain't washing toy animals for content anymore!!!" 🖕🏽👍🏼🤭
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Is there any chance she’s pregnant again? Noticed nearly all of her March content has the same gold paint on her nails and similar hair and outfits, and I thought in her Easter vid she was trying to cover the stomach a bit.
Nah I think she has IBS.

I look rounded in the stomach area when I'm full of shit, bit like Soph 24/7. Hope that helps, ATB 👍
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More landfill tat I see 🤦🏻‍♀️

Im 35 and remember Easters like this!! Feels like since instagram existed everyone Feels the need to show off, focus on consumerism and all that crap.
I read an article the other day that said how much consumerism has become ridiculous since the appearance of the influencer. They need something to sell so pick on every available opportunity to sell something so the shops have corresponded by putting the merchandise there for them to flog. Just waiting to see what they’ll pounce on next! Summer solstice perhaps!
I sat last night and did a email to every newspaper I know. My first question was why they seem to protect influencers like hinch. Why they don’t expose filters being used on beauty product advertisements. Why they don’t highlight fraud. Why they allow this kind of behaviour in today’s society. I don’t expect to see a reply but I wanted the proof I had sent it. If anything ever does change and she is held accountable then so can these newspapers for allowing it after they were told. I sent them plenty of evidence too!! Side by sides etc.
Write to Janet Street Porter too. She likes a meaty topic and doesn’t seem overly fond of Hinch!
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Cassy Role

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Because it’s utterly tedious to keep reading about someone when it isn’t her thread and she’s as big an arsehole as Hinch, most of the time it’s just made up in peoples heads because they like to think she’s sat there working out ways to best Hinch. She isn’t, she’s just better at the job of being an influencer than Hinch and isn’t as lazy. She’s still a shit parent, still exploits her children and still fleeces the public for money, but great, let’s keep talking about her like she’s some kind of saint.
Eh? I literally said they’re like two snarky 14 year olds. Didn’t call her a saint. Didn’t say she’s a good parent. Didn’t say she doesn’t fleece people? I can’t stand her. Just pointed out people get pissy when she’s mentioned on here. Which admittedly is understandable but my point was Hinch fired back with a subtle as a brick dig. Not possible to mention that post without putting it into context. Sorry if I upset you 😔
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So the staff having to wait outside for 2 hours while cunt face pissed around prancing round the shop, do we think they were told this would be the case(which I doubt as why not just turn up for shift 2 hours later?) or more likely they turned up that day to start work as normal and this bitch demanded that SHE gets all her shots and video done first with no interruptions? I reckon they were meant to be there and working around her as she did her 'appearance' but she wanted otherwise.
Yet she gets to interrupt them at their actual day jobs by pretending to work on the tills and act like a silly twat (if you know you know)

And opening/cutting ribbon to a shop with NO audience! 😂 😂 Stop it!
She had less people present at this than her awful pound shop appearance a few years ago. Has-Been!😂
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I know SSS is just as bad but she does Ads so much better. Unfiltered iconic ad and you could actually see the product on her face. I wonder if Sophie was gifted the new lip mousse
I reiterate that I do not love trollomon.
however that iconic ad had me clicking on the link and seriously considering buying those products. I could actually see the make up being used. Hinch. Take note.
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Anna Louisas April challenge. Let's see how much Hinch copies off this one.
Honestly, what is wrong with people that they need a challenge to dust their bedroom and wipe the toaster? Aren’t these just shit jobs that we do every week?
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Not a chance anyone text her that!!! What a weird thing to post. At 15 months old that’s a huge assumption on a child. Not saying he isn’t but it’s very rare a child of that age would be labelled autistic by some random woman and it if was a dr it’s not professional in the slightest. So random!!!!
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