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Chatty Member
‘If you have a wall in your house…’ I’ve fucking heard it ALL now, I’m going to have to get away from this shit show, someone please tell me when it (she) is over. Many thanks!
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Wize Owl

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ETA: Apologies for the long post Nusties, needed to get this all off my chest xxx

I haven’t been able to comment on her sharing photos of Ronnie poorly until now because I’ve felt so fuming about it. When my little boy was poorly in hospital it didn’t even enter my mind to take photos and I didn’t shit into a blanket either. With every process the medical team went through for my little boy I couldn’t even think about being scared or upset, I just needed to feel stronger for him…. the tears came much later when he was out of danger and back at home safe and well again.

When I saw those photos earlier and that she said the motorbike societi and I are doing all we can…..blah blah blah, I thought how narc is that, she really thinks she’s important and something special…. If she cared that much she would mention it much more often and rather than cheerlead a tacky wax melt would get up off her arsenal hole and do something much more practical to raise awareness.

Actually, there’s many diseases and illnesses that might present with some similarities and first port of call is professional help at hospital, not self diagnosing because some cuntfluencer says certain symptoms could be motorbike disease. My gut feelings have always been that it was either or both Mamfa and Fiddle who took Ronnie to A&E anyway as Sopha and NoNob were away at the wedding she’s never let on to the hunzzz about. All of her saying she trusted her gut instincts is bullshit. I think Mamfa took the lead, being a paramedic.

Anyhow, that’s my tuppence worth. I’m still fuming that she’s made little Ronnie stand there and have photos taken of him poorly, what an absolute nasty poor excuse for a mother and as NoNob doesn’t have a problem with it he’s just as bad and as much to blame… complete pair of wanky arsenal holes.

Also slightly off topic, I saw the creep Mario share madam’s stories about motorbike disease, that poor unfortunate bloke really does look like he has a penis for a nose doesn’t he 👃🏻😂
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I’m still laughing that she genuinely referred to going to B&M WITH her husband as work and then claimed he’d picked her up. He never bloody left her. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
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It doesn’t make any sense. What’s a wax melt got to do with it? She could have auctioned off signed copies of her home range or something…. Oh wait. She’s hasn’t got one.

You know what she COULD have done. She could have auctioned off herself to clean someone’s house. She would have raised a decent amount.

But nope. She has genuinely monetised this situation but cashing in on a collaboration. She’s disgusting.
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Am I a mean mother? I don’t let me kids sit on the sofa scoffing crisps at just before 7pm on a Sunday night. On a Sunday evening we aim to have a bath, do reading homework, have some quiet time and we don’t do crisps as a pre bedtime snack. They can have fruit or a yogurt. Maybe I’m too uptight.
I have no idea what they are watching but they are absolutely zombied on it.
This diet of biscuits and crisps bothers me.
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I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, Oh give it a rest! So fucking dramatic and all about her! Legs falling to the floor like a newborn giraffe! :rolleyes:
The Drs prob mentioned loads of other 'possible' or 'similar' diseases or causes as they have to cover everything and make sure they can be as informative and helpful as possible. Imagine that silly bastard falling to the floor as they run through just a generalised whats, Ifs and Maybes. :rolleyes:
Still had time to take loads of photos of him though while sick, still had time to go to a wedding, still had time to post shite all over insta. Obviously wasnt that worried he had leukaemia or toxic shock. Honestly the shit this idiot comes out with.

View attachment 2715463
Her legs fell to the floor? Where were they then, up in the air? Hinch, you cretin, legs are meant to be on the floor, that's how you walk you ignoramus

Also, there's no way Dr's would have mentioned leukaemia as a throwaway comment. It's serious news that needs to be broken gently not just bandied about. She's a moron.
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*Woe is this nusty troll post incoming guys, feel free to scroll on.*

I normally let the Hinch nonsense wash over me, I know she is a knob of the highest order and I am confident in my view that how she lives her life is sad and fake and what she is doing to her children is reprehensible.

The past 2 weeks have been shit for this troll. CoolDad had to fly to another country suddenly a few days ago as sadly his parent only had a few hours to live. He hasn't been home since as, quite rightly, he was there.for his family but also the recent weather has stopped travel plans. I've been home alone with the CoolKids who are 5 and 6 (17 months apart) Looking after them alone, working, dealing with their and my emotions over losing auch a huge part of our family has been fucking awful. And guess what? They still bickered and fought a lot because THIS IS WHAT CHILDREN DO. And guess what Hinch? It can get even worse when grief and missing Daddy/a grandparent is thrown in, because they don't know how to manage their massive emotions. Learning that skill is mostly in part down to the parent, they aren't supposed to flake out and go on Instagram in a stupid fucking filter moaning about how hard it is, they're supposed to teach kids how to best deal with the situations life throws at you. Starting with how to share and get along with those closest to you (ie siblings).

I'm sorry if this doesn't make much sense or is too ranty but I'm feeling very raw right now and seeing her moan that her robot kids bicker when she has a whole fucking entourage of help and no work to go to has got to me. Try suddenly solo parenting kids close in age in a different country to your entire family whilst dealing with grief and work Hinch, then come back and roller rant to me.
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Wouldn’t the old hag just keep the actual magazines in like a scrap book sort of thing rather than take photos of them to print and put in an album!? 😅 seems weird to me lol

I see Lonnie inherited his curls from bowlcut bill then… 😂
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Question for all of the adults on here who are married or in a long term relationship and have small children :
"How many of you go with your partner to jet wash the car?"
I'm pretty sure my entire adult life that has been a sole person job although I guess that we have never needed a second person there to video the process!
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Chatty Member
“I’ll let you know how it goes” 😂
You’re taking things out of a cupboard and putting them back. It’s hardly brain surgery is it!!
She'll be exhausted after that and will need a sit down
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"I felt my legs fall to the floor"

What the fuck is she on about? She is addicted to drama, attention and sympathy.
She thinks comments like that make her look like a dedicated mother. They don't, they just make her look like the narcissist she is.
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So B&M is where she was the other day then when Jamie picked her up from "work".

Pro-tip: if your house is clean, you shouldn't need air freshener. Why anyone would want to inhale that many chemicals and synthetic scents is beyond me. It makes my lungs ache.
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Nice that she's chosen the photo where she announced their 'autism' (the most engagement she'd had in ages), one where she's actively backing away from her repulsive husband whilst wearing a rictus fixed grin, and one where Lonnie is invading the personal space of the sleeping dog.
Moments to treasure.
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