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It’s the fact she photoshopped his chin to appear more prominent but forgot to edit his shadow for me

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Says the cunt that refused to use the word autism & claimed Ronnie had ‘invisible speech needs’, the same cunt that continuously calls Ronnie naughty ffs, the same cunt that reversed videos of Ronnie to make it seem like he was putting his easter headband on when really he was pulling it off, same thing with the easter ornaments on the tree. The same cunt that added a fake ‘there’ pretending it was Ronnie & that he could finally say it. Who remembers that? The same cunt that claimed Ronnie could stand on his own when Jimbob was really holiding him up. Do better Sophie, you are disgusting
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Hello lovely nusties 💕 🐔
I've been a really crap one at that and whilst missing you all, I logged on for the first time (in what has been 3 shitty months) to find I've missed a whopping 10 freds!

So... at a guess:
No new raaaange of homewear ...
Shit food
She is a veggie/vegan dontchknow!
Tatt Xmas hauls, duplicate plastic
Wonky table wot Dad made, covered in dussht and unused
Cunty couple doing fuck all
Grey joggies, backward chav cap
Filtered to fuck
Jealous of Stacey
McBoring twins - identically dresshed every single day
Fiddle loitering on their land
Fucking floofhead snogs
Shit 💩

I have, however, heard about the long predicted autism diagnosis!

I hope this year is kond to everyone of you.
Couldn't care less about Hinch, or her family. Surprised she's still even bothering!
I will get back to it, albeit slowly 🐢 😵💫
Much love to you all xxxx
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The reels been up over half an hour and got 200 comments…. For someone with nearly 5 MILLION FOLLOWERS (or supposed followers..) that is just piss poor.

Just want to point out, our very own andilooop has more likes on her faux farm creation than little miss 5 million followers has comments, on her latest reel 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭

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I hope the autism chat stops on this thread, it's taking over the feed constantly. She's getting fed by it. Few chats here and there I get but not when it goes on page after page after page. The humour has disappeared.

I'm sure there's a thread somewhere for general chat about it.

She got a Google diagnosis, she's narcissist and fuck all else.
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Mrs Hinch #684 Step by step, day by day hurry up Hinch and fade away! New thread title from @Sh1tRollsDownHill 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻. Thread suggestions taken from anywhere on the thread. Please keep them short and swear free and clearly marked thread suggestion.

Hinch tried something new for cleanuary…mopping her kitchen wall! Fucking melt!

The slo-mo hair flick has become a thing! All it does is give us nusties the ick!

Monthly clean of her shower screen and sink for the grid!

She helpfully (not) provided us with a description of the Llamas and their personalities. No-one gives a flying fuck, Dogpie!

Another Iconic #ad where she she says she loves it, slaps it all over her face “in a three” but doesn’t actually explain what she’s doing or how the product works. Unfortunately, the finished pic to showcase the products just made her look like she had used a mud face pack and not wiped it off properly! When will these companies learn that “she ain’t a clenah salesperson”!

Then the family of four spent the afternoon “pottering and playing” and taking down the Xmas door display. Except, when she pans round, there’s Fiddle! Tell us your mum is living with you without telling us your mum is living with you.

On Saturday evening, Soph put the boys ‘who never sleep’ to bed around half past four so that she could watch Gladiators and relive her yoof! I’m sure the boys would have enjoyed this family show but, no! It’s all about Sophie Rose!

Her sheep asked for a reel with a voice over. Ever accommodating Shopie obliged. Don’t ever do that again! That was so much worse than the plinky, plonky music! She showed how she soaks her toilet seat in the bath. 🤢. That’s another thing ticked off the cleanuary list!

The rest of Sunday was taken up with bragging (I spent £70 on tins for Ronnie for Xmas; look at my big garden), exploiting her kids (look at Ronnie’s homework book) and a reminder that she has autism, as if we could be allowed to forget!

She got all teary about Audrey going grey and getting old. Absolutely no awareness that the fact he’s morbidly obese will probably be what kills him off!

Secretly recorded her dad singing and shared it to her stories like some creepy weirdo!

Cleaned her under sink cupboard….AGAIN! 🥱

Got locked in the pantr y by Lonnie but, unfortunately, must have been released at some point because she posted to say how tough she finds the world and how people buying fabric conditioner with her name on makes everything better! 🙄

After telling Inch off for holding his ice cream wrong (seriously, how many ways are there to hold an ice cream?), we were subjected to a video of Slopha and JimBobNoJob interacting in the car. I’d rather see the woolly wankers, featheries and FatDog Slim, if I’m honest guyshhhhhh!

Shopie then showed the (cash cows) boys tidying their toys away. But she hasn’t read Tattle since Martin Luther King Jr had a dream!

And, finally, could we all agree that Soph is indeed a superwoman for making her beds before 9am. Oh, sorry, I meant she’s an unrelatable superc*nt!

Wiki is the pink button at the top. Thread 500 is a must read for the uninitiated.
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She’s yet again staged that ‘mess’ in her car.

The crisps all in tiny crumbs but only in one place - not spread anywhere else.

The boys seats looked clean. No mess or crumbs.

Lucozade bottle and large haribo packet is absolutely from Sophie or Jamie. Why have a car bin if you don’t use it…ah only you do but you have just used props thinking your car will look more relatable.

What would be relatable is actual dirty footmarks (especially living on a farm!) in the footwell where the boys must step in to get into their seats & the adults to belt them in. We have our cars cleaned but they instantly get dirty as soon as we step inside during winter.

I’m calling BS on this car clean. I call BS on everything these two lying layabouts show online.
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As a parent and educator I don’t think I’ve encountered one single person who doesn’t accept autism.
Maybe members of the older generation don’t understand it as well as this generation. It doesn’t mean they don’t accept it. Judging by her “reveal” of Ronnies diagnosis, a decent chunk of her followers have plenty of experience of autism in their lives (children, relatives etc).
She is desperate for this to be a “challenge” or a “battle”. It isn’t babe. The only person who has a problem with it is you. And possibly your mum.
If people are trolling your son over autism then consider taking your child off of social media. Protect him.
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Hello everyone, this is my first post on this thread, I just had to comment. As a mother of an autistic son, I have only told people of his diagnosis on a need to know basis, I have close friends who aren't aware as it does not concern them or my child. I am soooo against the world knowing little Ron's business. Ronnie Hinchliffe is hardly a common name, so even if you have not seen this child's face, the name will always ring a bell.
Also just wanted to mention my bed is currently a mattress on the floor, that I made at 6.30am before I went to work. I am also sitting here struggling to see my phone as I can't afford an eye test /glasses even though both myself and my partner have good jobs in the NHS. I would love nothing more than a 'hinch haul' in b&m but unfortunately like myself and most other people we have to use our hard earned money for food, heating, mortgage, creche bills etc. Mrs Hinch read the room please, use your platform for things other than lining your own already deep pockets. You would be more respected if you did.
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When she asks Lonnie what he wants to be when he grows up and he first answers as 'A Tool'..sorry kid, hate to break it to you but your dad already fills that role! Biggest Tool going. 🤭
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Why is Jamie so surprised that he's over the field again with Henry and there's "no one around"?
That's because it's the middle of the day and everyone else is at work you fucking lazy prick!
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Chatty Member
Says the cunt that refused to use the word autism & claimed Ronnie had ‘invisible speech needs’, the same cunt that continuously calls Ronnie naughty ffs, the same cunt that reversed videos of Ronnie to make it seem like he was putting his easter headband on when really he was pulling it off, same thing with the easter ornaments on the tree. The same cunt that added a fake ‘there’ pretending it was Ronnie & that he could finally say it. Who remembers that? The same cunt that claimed Ronnie could stand on his own when Jimbob was really holiding him up. Do better Sophie, you are disgusting
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I also remember clear as day when she came onto Insta seething and made a video reply to someone who dared ask her 'Can Ronnie Speak?
She had the audacity to sit there filtered to fuck spitting out the words 'HE CAN SPEAK PERFECTLY WELL THANK YOU!'
But he couldnt could he? The lying bitch! And months later suddenly he had 'Invisible speech needs' (whatever the fuck that's meant to mean? Is that even a term medical professionals use? I can honestly say when I was seeing a speech therapist for my son I never once heard that term used or written in any leaflets or guides)
Now its all 'SUPERPOWERS' 'AUTISM MAMMA!' 'IN THIS TOGETHER' oh fuck off, you were ashamed of that child as he wasnt your picture perfect money maker you wanted him to be. He was a burden to her and was only made slightly better when golden child came along and filled the gaps Ronnie didn't. Sounds awful but its true, we all saw it. She's awful.
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Lovinggg watching this car crash! :m

She is trying soooo hard to be Autistic blesserarttt, it's laughable! She isn't, she has Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Disordered Eating and a face like a melted wellie.

Eating quavers whilst filming herself isn't 'quirky' it's pathetic. She is just completely pathetic.
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