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The Green Triangle

Chatty Member
Bloody hell - I go offline for 24hrs and Hinch shit hits the fan. The sooner we get a law that prevents parents sharing medical data about their children the better but it will always be too late for R. I am shocked to my core that her family are allowing this innocent boy to be exploited. It was bad enough before this (7pm prime time) reveal, but now it is unforgivable. Not one member of this family has a moral cell in their body but I am sure they are all happy to see that their innocent cash cow (who is unable to give his consent) is paying his way. Sickening how wrong this all is.
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So she's back to show her children on Christmas morning.
I cannot imagine selling my children's private moments for likes, comments and money.
They are disgraceful parents.
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I see she is already using ‘superpower’ in her wording 👀 Twat
She's so predictable it's laughable! That's why when the sheep make their way to Tattle, they stay. I can't wait for her 'aUtIsM iS oUr SuPeRpOwEr' book to come out so they can all scroll through these threads and see we called it monthssss ago and she's been playing them all into it ever since.

Also laughing at how much Hunch wishes she was Beyoncé and how she's tried to be this 'bad ass boss lady' for 3 years but now suddenly she's sat there "twitching" doing puzzles and acting like she's got brain damage :rolleyes: which one is it Hunch? She definitely has Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Anything for attention.
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Would have been nice to keep those videos of christmas day private. I feel so sorry for those boys, their first w*nk will go on her Instagram.
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Chatty Member
That first video sounded so staged: “mummy, daddy, Santa’s been and he’s left us some presents”. I was waiting for Scrooge and Tiny Tim to appear😂
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The way she’s preened and styled herself for her shots. This was the staged Christmas. I standby they have a pre recorded Xmas with the presents she’s happy to show on the gram. Then real Xmas where they open their designer clobber.
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There's definitely something weirdly predatory about him. They worked together, was he higher up? It just gives me vibes of the older male worker getting his claws into a young subordinate. Has anyone got screenshots of their old LinkedIn profiles because while I don't think there's anything necessarily wrong with that age gap there can be a power imbalance when they work together, especially if she was in her early 20s. I can imagine Jamie being the sort to shower Hinch with gifts like the weird love bomber he is - he proposed using a helicopter for god's sake.
Yeah he was a manager I believe and apparently pretty good at his job before he became her roadman dressing, backwards baseball cap wearing full time bitch 🤭
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Sorry, I can't move on from the jigsaw puzzle fiasco. Did she say that she's 45 33 and this is the first time that she's done a jigsaw puzzle?
I suppose that I shouldn't be shocked, especially by an author who has never read a book in their life!
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Sophie will be disappointed…the daily fail are now featuring her story at the bottom of the pile. She was yesterdays news and not even top news 😂

I do think they have been planning all of this for some time. Her & Jamie are so greedy, narcissistic and fame hungry. Happy to use their kids any way they think will bring in the cash - to heck with their rights to privacy 😡 using her son to deflect any negativity, to hide behind when she’s cocked up. If a book is released or some parenting podcast / tv documentary then we know why she’s been missing in action for most days of the week. They’ve probably got something lined up for Lonnie too, in case they don’t get the attention and financial deals they are hoping for with poor little Ron.

I do wonder what Ron’s school make of all this. Publicising that her son is autistic & using him online - now all parents at that school will know too. My kids schools have always educated the kids about the dangers of being online and how to keep yourself safe. Mrs Hinch breaches those safety guidelines every-time she features her kids in their personalised clothing and showing off their home and bedrooms - basically the whole layout of their home where they should be safe. Let’s not forget she tells people where they go to soft play, to play football, where they go swimming etc etc - nothing is left private.
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2 of my grown up children are autistic. It isn't a super power its bloody hard work, heartbreaking at times. Neither of them will be able to live independently and that's terrifying.
Hinch will make it look fun, and an adventure. She has the money to make their lives easier. She has just increased the pressure on the NHS when that part is so underfunded.
One of my children didn't reach the 'threshhold' for cahms despite having suicidal thoughts, because they just don't have the money or staff available for these kids.
As usual though it's all about her. She'll chuck anything or anyone under the bus.
For other parents on this thread, check out mencap webinars. They give excellent advice about planning for the future with capacity and creating a trust for your child to protect any inheritance you leave.
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VIP Member
This. This. This.
More reasons why the "I don't care if she's autistic" brigade need to pipe down 🙄
I don't care if she's diagnosed autistic or not because 1. It doesn't impact me personally and 2. It doesn't fucking change anything. If she has had that diagnosis she was autistic before getting the label, not like she suddenly changed overnight. Autistic or not, she has been acting untouchable for years now & has been using anxiety as the reason for not doing certain things so this doesn't change anything... the only reason she is coming out with this now is because her content has dried right up and she's after some sympathy/pity contracts.

Happy to be part of the I don't care opinion club... at the end of the day whatever our opinion on that we are all on the same side here.
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The sheep comments are absolutely nauseating as usual, people defending the ‘reveal’ as Ronnie is ‘loved’ so it’s ok 🙄 any sensible comments are ‘trolling’,Dogpie beautiful inside and out, bEaTiFuL fAmiLy, superpower etc

Then the rest publicly declaring their kids that also have autism entire medical history in the comments.

What a circus!
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Saw this cunt trending on google search. Clicked and rolled my eyes. I HATE THIS CUNT so so much I have a son with ADHD, DYSPRAXIA & TOURETTES so she can take her fucking fake diagnosis and stick it right up a flat arse.FUCK OFF GRINCH Anyway that is all
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or JusRollWithIt

VIP Member
I wonder how much more Jamie and Fiddle have to pander to her now that she's officially got what she will perceive to be a "disability".
Is this why she thinks she deserved to park in the blue badge zone while she scarfed her McDonald’s? Or why Jamie did while she ran into a home bargains or whatever? Or the countless times they’ve been spotted doing so in and around Maldon? Being entitled asshats is not an invisible disability.
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Chatty Member
I'm.not sure any of us give a shiny shite whether she is or isn't. But we do mind that she has outed Ronnie on her public platform and exposed him to a whole heap of God knows what.
I give a shit and plenty of others do. It's not just the exploitation of her son, she's monetizing autism for her own gain. She's undermining what the condition is about and it will lead to more ignorant self-diagnosis from the thickos who worship her. All under the guise of "raising awareness". Look at the "I'm so OCD" crew for god's sake, people treating mental health conditions like a personality trait when it fucking isn't. It makes my blood boil.
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