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Well well well lads, what a shit show I've missed! Can't believe she's playing the autism card, that woman is NOT autistic, she is just a narcissist.

She's a master manipulator, bipolar at best and she's definitely unhinged but Autistic she is NOT. I don't buy this for a second, she's planned it all year because she knows her career is dead, and it will backfire massively as she is fake as fuck. (Xmas diagnosis reveal?? Are you having a laugh!)

Ronnie will absolutely loathe her when he's older for this, I don't think she realises what she's done tbh.

Also confirms for me that Jimbob is having an affair, their dynamic changed rapid this year and you can tell he doesn't see her in the same way anymore, she knows it and it's why she's always banging on about wanting to be 'sexy' and getting her tits out at every opportunity. All the "wElL dOnE" & "gOoD jOb SoPhIe" bullshit, I bet he HATES it, now he's got 3 kids and a sour faced mother in law all living under his roof and she will use it as an excuse for EVERYTHING. He won't last there much longer, that man has been absent from that marriage for a lonnnng time.

I don't believe a single word that comes out of that horrible, nasty, vile woman's mouth and I don't believe this for a second. Ronnie possibly but nah, not her. She needs locking up.
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Someone mentioned a few pages back that Hinch has been parking in disabled spots.How has she got a blue badge?For what?Me and my boy are asd/adhd diagnosed.Not from Tiktok/Insta.I work fulltime and so does he.We don't claim PIP or have blue badges.Is she taking the piss when she has loads of money?! Also what annoys me is all the followers now thinking they're autistic/adhd.Watch the waiting lists go fucking mental now.Its wrong.
I don't think she has the badge. She's just an inconsiderate dick that likes to park in the closest space whilst inhaling her mcdonald's.
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I haven’t commented on this thread in years but my friend sent me the article about Hinch and Ronnie having austism.

what angered me is all the lies she told, if anyone remembers her saying he could speak in full sentences when he couldn’t, and from what I also remember, didn’t she do a fucking a montage of him ‘speaking’ over videos? So so so fake why doesn’t anyone wake up to this bullshit!!
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I’m going to stop commenting on here because the woman is making me physically nauseous, the autistic diagnosis is the final straw. She is a self involved c**t just looking for the next big buck and I can’t bring myself to get so angry about her anymore
I f*cking hate her and will come back when she falls of the earth so we can all have a party
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Checked in with her recent follows and she’s now following a fitness account. I have a new bingo. If trollomon doesn’t launch her new fitness enterprise on Jan 1st like we all assume she will, I think hinch will flirt with fitness throughout January to essentially try to sabotage trollomons fitness plan. Know what I mean? Hinch is the laziest person in the world but I reckon she’s getting desperate to one up trollomon with something.
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Swedish chef

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So she’s been on the ‘journey’ with Ron since at least Feb 2022 according to these screenshots taken when she plagiarised Eileen Lamb (The Autism Cafe) and it all kicked off and ended with Sophie lying and pretending a friend had sent her a text message 🤥

I think her past shows Sophie’s true colours. She’s been caught out plagiarising others quotes so many times I’ve actually lost count. She’s very calculating. She is an utter narcissist who won’t ever admit to doing wrong. Never ever held accountable.

Remember when she filmed Ron on the toilet?? What mother does that and posts it on social media? And what’s Jamie’s excuse? He hasn’t been diagnosed yet is more than happy to let the boys be used for Instagram content.

Because we know Sophie likes to make up stories to make her look popular, I’m not sure about this latest stunt she’s pulled. Even if she does have autism, she still shouldn’t have shared Ron’s diagnosis online. That’s such private news - friends, school and family only. IMO She’s doing it all just for likes, engagement, brand recognition, book publication etc etc ££££££££££££ GREED & RECOGNITION
'i always credit posts' bahahahahahahaha. I had forgotten about this. Fark me, she loves a journey never gets to the destination unless it's for a 7pm reveal.
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Both my kids are on the spectrum and guess what? Both hated being labelled. My son would do anything he could to stop people finding out because he did not want to stand out from the rest of the class and be seen as different.

He fought me telling anyone every step of the way, and by anyone I mean people at school, not 4M plus strangers.

She/whoever is pulling her strings, is a disgrace when it comes to being a mother and protecting those boys.
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Autism is a social and communication disability and the most discriminated against disability (WHO).
Please explain Sophie how your 4 year old(or any other child), can give permission for a video leading to questions about a diagnosis being uploaded to the Internet? Also give permission to have their diagnosis shared with others. Exactly how is this protecting your child allowing them privacy whick is their human rights according to the UN.
Rant over, yes I have autistic children and would do anything to protect and support them.
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Chatty Member
A couple of people a few pages back asked what ASD traits she showed.

1) Special Interest in cleaning
2) Sensory aversion to colour (super grey house decor)
3) permanent anxiety
4) Seemingly needs a lot of support from her mother in general day to day life admin including caring for her children
5) body dymorphia expressed through heavy face filtering
6) history of disordered eating
7) no friends apart from the ones she pays to be so
8) has an Autistic child. Autism is a genetic hereditary condition and an Autistic child will most likely have at least one Autistic parent (diagnosed or not).

I've also seen people say she can't be Autistic because she has a personality disorder instead. It's actually possible to have both. So she could also be a Narcissist, but I'm sure I don't need to list her possible npd traits here...
With respect, this is all absolute rubbish. Autism may be a spectrum and a diagnosis looks at a range of factors, these are reaching. You're putting a diagnosis on normal behaviours, this is becoming such a common thing now and it's infuriating. We need to stop medicalising absolutely every little personality trait.

1. By this logic, everyone can be deemed autistic as long as they have a "special interest" in something.
2. Again, is every hun who has this colour scheme now autistic? What evidence do you have that this is a "sensory aversion to colour"?
3. Permanent anxiety that is put on for the Gram. Influencer "anxiety" always follows similar rules, they play up to it for relatability.
4. Also relatively common. Again, you're applying a label to something that happens in a lot of families. I know it gets questioned a lot on here, but family members chipping in to help with childcare isn't unusual.
5. More common behaviour amongst influencers being labelled.
6. Probably the only trait I actually could take seriously. Still doesn't make her autistic.
7. I'm getting bored of repeating myself here. She clearly has a select group friends, let's not pretend here.
8. Again, a fair one but genetics is complex. Having an autistic child doesn't automatically mean a parent is definitely autistic.
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I know it's all been said already but for what it's worth, and the same as everything in her life, I truly believe she is faking it. She has carefully put videos up in the last year where she shows that she's vacant, not with it, things that she believes an autistic person might do, she is playing at being autistic the same as she plays at being a mother and wife.
She will stop at nothing to get attention and she thinks there's more mileage in saying her and Ronnie are both autistic.
More attention = more money
Nothing in her life is genuine, it's all fake and forced and whatever it is she is actually suffering from, she will NEVER ever admit it or get help because she enjoys the victim narrative far too much.
Her whole persona will now be autism and will be used to excuse everything shitty that she does forevermore.
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Not sure if this got shared here..hinch only takes fiddle to home bargins. Scary that people are able to recognise him so easily and anyone could approach him and use his name
Vomit. Everything that poor kid does is gonna be 'like mummy' now. In it together, forever. Boke.
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Trollomons re-post with just an emoji speaks volumes. Couldn’t be arsed to say anything but knew if she didn’t share she’d come across as the “bad guy”. Yet hinch has never mentioned the Asda range. Funny that. Women supporting women right hinch babe?
The first time Hinch was on this morning it was Georgia that did her make - up.

Then when she was getting photos done for something, because she’d turned into a big sleb, she had the sleb make up by mikey do it.

Now she’s back using Georgia again, obviously she’s not famous enough for mikey.

But it really pissed me off when her sheep used to say women supporting women, about her and Solomon when the reality is, when she got her break she dumped her good friend and used another mua.

She’s also, only since the bff fall out, started commenting on some of Georgia’s posts. She didn’t bother with her before
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No one has a clue who Hinch is outside of Instagram and Tattle. There’s quite a few news outlets that have posted her stories on X (Twitter) and this is the only one that’s got any comments at all 🤣


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Just to say, I know a few people that use neurodivergent and a few that prefer neurodiverse. I use neurodivergent myself. But I am aware of a few adhd, autistic and audhd people who like using neurodiverse!

I agree, point 3. I think we are in the minority. The comments on her Instagram post largely are applauding her.
Tbf - neurodivergent is the correct word for an individual. Neurodiverse refers to a group. But in the grand scheme I really don’t think it a) matters and b) is something to get het up about.

I give zero fucks whether she is or she isn’t autistic. I give many many fucks that she splatters her boys and now Ronni e’s medical history all over the internet, but you can sure as fuck bet she’d be bleating and wailing into her blanket if anyone did that to her.

What I think we can all agree on though, is the fact that she’s a grifting piece of shit who should not be exploiting her children for £££. And she’s a cunt, but that’s a given.

edit - fat fingers. Twice.
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