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Chatty Member
Sad that these comments are the minority and he's been lynched for having said valid opinion! Also see she's turned the likes thing off....clearly reading here!!
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I don't know a great deal about autism, although I know she's been dripping feeding it for ages. He's only 4, which seems young and quick for a diagnosis- I have friends who have gone around in circles for years trying to get answers and support for their children. Many of you will be more knowledgeable on it than I am, and she is.

Here she is exploiting her child, and increasing his vulnerability in so many ways- publishing his medical information, sharing personal videos and photos, putting his name on his clothes, sharing his private space online in exchange for likes from strangers. If ever there was proof that she's willing to sell her children's lives so she can avoid a proper job, this is it.

Hinch, internet trolls are not the biggest danger to your children- you are!
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Genuine question…..

Has Hinch ever said one of her favourite things to do is snuggle with the kids after their bath, reading bedtime stories.

Or sit on the floor playing with the kids.

Or listen to the kids playing and talking to each other, hearing them making up stories or role playing.

Or a saturday/sunday morning when the boys climb into bed with her for cuddles.

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Tootle Pip Wiz

VIP Member
I think I need to smash up my phone as I can't bear this shit show any longer. We all know what the future is going to be like now. Her and the sheep are going to be insufferable from now on. I'm going to get myself wound up even more so I'm logging off for a few days. The smoke up her arse is going to be off the scale and I honestly cannot watch this crap. I'm out for a while.
Catch up soon you lovely trolls. xx
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Ah nothing says relatable like letting chickens shit all over your £165 coat and wading through a damp, muddy, shite covered garden in £100 slippers

she’s gonna need to pull a major contract out of the bag next year lads because there’s no way in blue hell she is earning enough to sustain her spending
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Inch has been having a read on here. The repetitive field with the dog running around and the weather reports is all aimed at this place. When they get cocky and passive aggressive like this it usually means “something is coming”. Unless this time they are riled because there really isn’t anything coming 😂😂
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Nah, I don't for a sec believe she's autistic. Ronnie, possibly but I couldn't give a toss about the kid enough to care - I just feel sorry for him having to go through life with her as his mum, telling allllll to loads of strangers, and the fact she's shot in she's autistic too is pathetic. She bloody well isn't, she's just a cunt. All cos she can't bare to let her kid have something, she has to turn it into something bigger.
She's sat there and realised she can turn her page into a mummy and son takes on autism. She's not stupid. She knows what she's doing.

I'm in full support of ND, personal reasons which I won't go into on a thread, but she knows what she's doing. She's a narcissist. Nothing more.
She's so copying Christine McGuiness who is actually autistic. She's faking it so it can be Ronnie and Sophie against the world. Stupid fucking bitch. There aren't enough rude swears to describe her. Insufferable cunt
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Honestly, you lot need to just seriously....Get..A..Life.
Why do you all so obsessively watch and follow her if you hate her so much. It's embarrassing..
Concentrate on your own life 🙄
I’ll bite. Why do YOU care so much about what complete strangers say about a complete stranger?
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'Lon is protecting Ron' :ROFLMAO: - She's got a wild imagination for someone with zero creativity! What happened to 'they fight all the time'??

She is so full of shit :ROFLMAO:
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Who is bullying Ronnie so much that Lennie the 2 year old has to step in?
Why is she such a lying drama queen?
Absolutely building up to drop a neurodiverse book on Jan 1st and, if she does, I think that will be the lowest she has ever stooped.
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VIP Member
I think Stacey gets mentioned here, rightly or wrongly, because of the relevance between the 2 - Hinch made a big deal out of their friendship and did everything she could to copy Stacey's way of living, I mean she got so envious once SSS got the cottage that she came up with the 'farm'...

Overall I would say nobody on here likes any influencer, because no matter how graceful their original idea was, they always end up being selling machines and in order to be 'influencing' they need to pretend to be trustworthy and friendly, which in fact is the psychological model of any household brand. The important difference between these people and brands, is that influencers they use their actual homes, children, families and anything which should be private to reach that level of so called trust.

In my opinion, Trollomon earns her cash by being creative and consistent - Im not going to define the idea of 'hard work' because it's too subjective and in reality it doesn't mean anything, meaning it isn't measured fairly and that is just the way it is (although it's not right). I don't see why footballers get paid as they do, or traders etc and why a teacher or nurses gets paid so little.

Stacey is equally as shrewd when it comes to brand endorsement, but she also has many gigs she has worked for - I find her more inclined to name and tag brands even if in the end it will be to her advantage, whereas Hinch has only ever done it for hard cash or freebies. Hinch would have never taken a 'new influencer' under her wing the way Stacey did (even though S may have had an agenda) because she is scared of competition - she only pairs up with low life hinchers. Also I have to admit it is refreshing to see (not always) Stacey's human body and tired face without pretending.

I have worked or done business with people like Stacey, and they always see the bigger picture. I have also come across people like Hinch and they always fail in the end because of their ego, failure to delegate, and self inflicted ideas of grandeur.

I don't like either of them, but if I was to do business with one of them, I know who I would choose without a shadow of a doubt. And as a consumer I wouldn't buy anything directly linked to any influencer but that's just me.

To conclude, I'd say Hinch is immensely envious of Stacey and she believed she was above her for a while - they share over 55% of their followers so she knows she better rim her if she wants to stay in the market. She gets mentioned on here because it's inevitable, especially when there's nothing else to talk about! Like you I don't think Stacey is deliberately trolling Hinch but she certainly doesn't mind the backlash!

Thank you for coming to my TED talk!
I wish there was an applause emoji! Well said. And we all know Hinch farm only came about because Stacey got pickle cottage and Hinch was envious! I think Hinch farm was the beginning of the Hinch train coming off the tracks
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She’ll raise a much awareness as she did for motorbike disease- sweet fuck all. Utter twat. Here’s your PRIVATE medical info splashed all over the internet and tabloids, merry Christmas Ron!
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VIP Member
Well well well can honestly say I've never been less shocked on here before ...we all knew her announcing Ronnie's ND/ autism was coming ..but we get a double whammy cos SHE'S autistic too 🙄🙄
What a vile cretin she is ..gonna exploit her son and get as much engagement, content and money out of this situation as she can 🤦🏼‍♀️ and saying she's been diagnosed too just gives her more of a shield (having anxiety just wasn't cutting it anymore) and will make the fick as fuck sheep even more protective of her 😫
Not buying it at all her a "reason" for having fiddle around her 24/7 and why shes never alone with her own children..
She'll never be a Christine McGuinness type ambassador for Autism...for one thing CM keeps her children out of the public eye and never shown their faces to the world of social media ..polar opposite of dipshit hinch
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VIP Member
I don't want to dismiss..

But isn't the whole 'boys can have dolls too!!' A 2010 thing. Nobody actually cares what you get your kid. If he wants to dress up as Elsa from Frozen, that will not affect anybodys life.

Wouldn't be surprised if she hasn't forced Lon to like dolls because it gives her the attention she craves.
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Chatty Member
Why is she sharing a picture of her child with his swim certificate? Who wants to see that, seriously? I understand nothing is sacred or private but what on earth…? Who actually cares?! X
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