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As a family, we have so far walked the dog this morning, had eggs & bacon for breakfast, and are cooking roast chicken. Our kitchen is a mess due to food preparation. You never see her kitchen in a state, unless she has staged it for content purposes.

Questions I have after her posting her latest post:

1. why aren’t you outside with your kids and husband if you are stating that Sundays are for being with family? Go play with your kids. Instead of bragging about your show home kitchen which is pristine, go and play in the garden, exercise your dog too.

2. why is there wee on the seat? Is there no toilet seat and step for the boys to use? Who even needs to know this?

3. she said the ‘boys’ kicked the duck over and broke it. Again, who cares who did it? Why does it even need to be there? It’s a downstairs bathroom - one of the most used rooms in the house.

4. why does it take hours to edit a toilet clean? Just film it in real time using Jamie to film it.

5.Why not clean during the week, after all, you and your husband work from home, with child support and support around the house from your parents. What luxury that is! Kids in nursery too. So much time on your hands.

everything that Hinch says, does or shows is just a load of BS! She’s a prolific liar and plagiarist.
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Is it just me that finds it disgusting her putting all the cutlery, plates etc on the floor when the alpacas walk all over the house? Dread to think of the germs on that kitchen floor. She really isn't the most hygienic person is she! Maybe that's because she's NOT A CLEANER
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She had one of those at the old house - I presume it’s still there alongside the upcycled church pew, the stick heart and the outdoor Wendy house that Ron loved.
Talking of the pew, what did happen to all that furniture she bought from Facebook and threw a load of white paint over with zero preparation? I seem to remember there were quite a few items which she was going to show us in their new house but I can't recall seeing them. Of course it was going to be her latest passion because she Just Laaved upcycling furniture with her dad; like all her other fads it lasted a couple of days never to be mentioned again.
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She’s got the patio door wide open!! FFS! Even if you can afford to heat your house to tropical levels it’s bloody freezing today!

She’s sat down with a tea. Seen them at the door. Gone to open the door. Sat back down and started filming like they just strolled in. Who could be arsed?!
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Sorry if this has been said as I’ve not read the whole thread so far but can somebody tell me when exactly she had to referee in that story about Ronnie and Lennie, they were just playing and she’s making out they’re some kind of feral children or something, I don’t think I’ve ever seen quieter children and they never seem to be anything remotely close to what I would consider hard work and I’ve had 2 boys of my own who were actually feral 😂 but honestly anytime she shows them I don’t see anything except 2 almost dazed looking bored children who are seriously under stimulated
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It angers me seeing her leaving those doors wide open just so she can film the alpacas coming in. She’s wasting heat and energy. The clever and normal thing would be to put your coat and Amazon wellies on and go outside and feed your animals there. What’s she going to do in the Summer? She can’t leave the doors open in case the alpacas come in and she’s upstairs. She also can’t sit in her conservatory with the door open and let the boys run loose in the garden, because the alpacas are there too. She hasn’t chosen the right house with the right amount of land to keep both alpacas and kids. Ideally you’d have adequate sized land for the alpacas that is fenced off, and a safe garden for the boys and their friends to play in safely. She’s an idiot.
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There is something seriously wrong with Sophie. She is obsessed with anyone with autism / has a learning difficulty, is disabled, uses a wheelchair etc. One of her book signing videos included nothing but children like that! Even a little sweetheart with Downs Syndrome. I know she shares x, y and z on her stories linking to autism because it not so subtly drops hints in regards to Ronnie. But it’s all so weird. That isn’t normal behaviour. X
I want to be frank but also without meaning to be rude. People like Sophie be friend those that she could never see as a threat people beneath her and that wouldn’t pull her up on her lies and she will always feel the better person.

It’s the same way she targets people with mental health. She likes to think “all of us struggle” is her selling point and how she can be a best friend and care deeply when she doesn’t give a shit. Even if her mask slipped she can blame them and twist it to suit her. Disgusting but I know someone just like it. Acts like a saint as if she’s doing these people a favour being their friend 🙄
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So you can’t afford shoes, your mind will be blown when you see we have two houses is the message that sends. Fucking poor taste that.
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Up since 5am because she's worrying that her new agency might expect bit more of her than dressing as a boss bitch and nodding wisely and pointing in a fake meeting.

It's not anxiety that disturbs your sleep, Sophie, its the fact that you know this is all coming to an end and a new agency can't save you. Mrs Hinch is over.
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So Rose is way younger than Lonnie but speaks better🤔
Shes also so much more alert than Lonnie...he's often got that vacant, lost look that Ronnie seemed to have 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ but it's pretty obvious that contrary to what hinch says they have no routine so he's probably tired a lot of the time too 🤷🏼‍♀️
Trollomon is a fake, sneaky cretin like hinch but seems so much more natural with her kids than hinch will ever be with hers
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Seeing SSS out alone with her 2 girls highlights even more how weird Hinch is, never doing the same ever in nearly 4 years🤪
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Hens Teeth

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So, we are supposed to believe that Ron and Lon both woke up at the same time and preceded to fight over a piece of pizza or whatever….give it a rest.
Oh my god, she is boring me to tears. Her content is absolutely dire!
Don’t get me started on licking that spoon and dragging it along the cheesecake 🤢

Edit..I read her garbage wrong..they got up, not woke up apparently. I’m so bored that I don’t even pay attention to the shite she posts now.
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You horrible, horrible twat. Give those boys some privacy, they are sleeping for Christ’s sake. Have you no fucking shame?

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Cassy Role

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(Hope this is okay to post, I don’t need to blur anyone’s face out as handily it’s been done for me!)

Seen this on her tagged photos and I find it beyond creepy that the background she’s chosen to photoshop themselves onto is Ronnie’s bedroom. If I ever saw a picture posted by someone I’d never met, of themselves photoshopped into my sons actual BEDROOM, the one place that should be private and a safe haven for him, that would be the push I’d need to take all trace of him off Instagram

View attachment 1997902
Too much to unpick in this photo… I’ll start with the shoulder 😂😂 has she got it out of the actual sleeve so that it hangs out? Has she got a hoodie on back to front with her arm out of it?


Not the most disturbing thing about the pic granted but I’m trying to #bekond

Edited to add zoomed in pic… it’s a fucking THROW!!! Such a big fan she’s not even forked out for the extortionately priced sweat shop rags 🤣


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spot the difference
2 first messages from the huns have profile pictures - real
3rd message no profile pic and spelling mistakes -hinch trying to push that shite jar idea
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That memory room was a waste then if she only looks back on memories once a week on a Sunday.
Why only from the past two years? Reliving the glory days Hinch? We might as well stick her in her wedding dress and call her Miss Havisham.
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“Brothers forever”…urmmm well wtf else are they going to be! 😅😅 she’s so dull
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