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VIP Member
Oh please please please let these be her new range.

‘Make everyday a new adventure’

Make everyday what a new adventure?

Or do you mean make every day a new adventure?
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Miss Loves-to-gossip

Well-known member
This woman has ZERO maternal instincts. Who the hell allows a small child to be in the path of not one, not two but three farm animals?? That boy wouldn’t stand a chance if one ran towards him. What the hell will it take for her to finally put those boys safety first?!

Why isn’t her family intervening? Surely they can rub a few brain cells together and make her stop??


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Well-known member
I’m trying to figure this out.

The world is facing climate disaster.
There is an actual war happening, people are fleeing their homes.

And the llama-drama-tend-farmer is telling us that a washing up liquid in a new bottle is a thing.

FML :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
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Chatty Member
"make the most of every minute" Is that what she does when she's palming them off all the time? Stupid woman ought to practice what she preaches!! Saying things like this doesn't make you a good mum Soph.
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Verrrry long time lurker. But the last few days have prompted me to comment

“Mrs Hinch” was a career choice carefully orchestrated to achieve maximum wealth with minimal input.

Jamienojoblittleknobskinnytracksuitslob has created a moneymaking caricature that is Mrs Hinch and with the help of a couple of thousand sheep and a hefty credit card bill for bots the money and gifts and advertising deals started flowing in.

I genuinely believe that in the beginning the “cute”naming of the cloffs The Hinch hauls etc etc etc were all part of a grand plan and little old Sofa from Maldona enjoyed the game. But as the money started to flow the chavs didn’t know how to handle it. Hence the flash motors, The gruesome extension and the ridiculous spending on items never to be seen again RIP Polly, bouncy castle, ride on digger et al

We’ve now arrived at a point where the money is the scaffolding but the building has no foundations. It’s a precarious situation.Sofa. Judging by today’s shit show no longer wants to be Mrs Hinch cleaning lady. But multiple advertising deals means she has to continue churning out content on insta so we are subjected to the lunacy we’ve just witnessed.

In order to maintain 2 houses. Completely and unnecessarily renovate one ( why not just buy one that didn’t require gutting and rebuilding 🤷‍♀️) And pay the upkeep on the woolly wankers. We are going to be subjected to more stroppy #ads

Sofa this was your career choice. It made you and your chavtastic husband very wealthy. If you don’t like it. Do what the rest of us do when a job is making you Ill PACK IT IN

Oh and This tread on tattle is a gossip page. We discuss you. Just like women all over the world do. We gossip. Shit happens. If you don’t like it don’t look. Each and every single person is entitled to an opinion. Free speech is still allowed. I’m fairly certain you’re being discussed in knitting groups across the country after today’s vertical worm and Kevin and Perry tantrum. Even the sheep must be scratching their arses after that performance. Hopefully not on their polished tables tho.
as my dear departed nana would say “eavesdroppers never hear any good of themselves “ (proverb author unknown)

I’m sick to death of these millionaire influencers crying woe is me.

If it’s that bad fuck off you won’t be missed.
If you need the money get a proper job
Keep your kids off insta. There is nothing more precious than a child. But there are a lot of grubby people out there who are scary as fuck.
If your privacy is so important stop bragging about your house. Jeeze I live in Yorkshire and I know where your house is 🤦‍♀️
Walk your fat smug mutt
Apologise to Eileen
Annnnnd nobody cares about the woolly wankers crunching on carrots

Rant over
Climbs off soap box and skunks off back into the lurking area
Edited typos
You are with your people here! Don’t lurk ❤
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or JusRollWithIt

VIP Member
That video, it’s the constant flicking the cloth over her shoulder that did it for me!
Freak 😆
Yes but you’ll notice it’s not just the cloth. Everything including the vacuum got slung over her shoulder. Even the laptop it looked like was about to go there too. So odd.
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VIP Member
I like it.
Best sleuthing
Most argumentative
Most competitive
Most frustrating (😳)
Most informative(😉)
Most likely to send members into a deep sleep 🙋‍♀️
Best real knowledge
Most reliable
Best agony aunt (despite having their own page) 🤭
Best person/s to have a piss up with
Funniest fucker..must begin with A and end with oop.
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Or orrrrrr she could always donate those plasters to the many many centres that have been set up to help the victims of war in Ukraine, you know the children that need real plasters because they have wounds on their fucking faces from shelling and their home being smashed to the fucking ground, isn't it a bit weird timing to show Ron playing tend plasters when they are supplies desperately needed in Ukraine
Using a plaster is one of the least wasteful things she's done. Ronnie is clearly engaged and seems to enjoy it.
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Active member
I’ve had to take a ”deep rest” from Mrs Braggy McBraggerson as her content has been drier than the dust she buys for the woolly wankers.

Returrned this morning to find Mum Of The Year putting her boys in danger YET AGAIN. How many more times, Soph? You may as well leave the gates open for them to run into the road. Mind you, looks like they won’t ever be able to escape the tend farmhouse now the llamas have the run of the place. No running around in the fresh air for those poor boys.

How this woman continues to get away with her irresponsible, narcissistic behaviour is beyond me. She bounces back more times than a trampoline.

Do us all a favour, Soph. Fuck off. Then fuck off some more. And take those bastard llamas and lazy arse husband with you.
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VIP Member
That'll be Hinch Bros clothing range then just as we thought. Ffs 🙄
I can’t fucking stand anymore of this madness. Why are Tessshhhhhccoos indulging her like this? Her stuff is shit, it’s overpriced, it’s bland, and it’s a blatant rip off from other places.

She takes the piss every time she links a small business whilst flogging her own poorly-made, mass-produced shite.

Get in the bin you gigantic hypocrite. People like Hinch have turned Instagram into a giant cesspit of greed and illusion.
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VIP Member
If I was taken in by the new fairy bottle would I be paying more for less?and what would i do with the nano second it saved me in my life🤷‍♀️
Answers on a postage stamp #bekindtojohnny.
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Well-known member
Are we going to be treated to another re-enactment of fiddles fiddling with jaymee in the pool.?
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VIP Member
She'll disappear soon and she'll come back with a devastating story about one of the boys,lets be real it'll probably be poor Ronnie, getting attacked by the alpacas. But oh it will be RONNIESSSS fault they bit him .... She's asking for it to happen
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‘I hope my stories can bring a few smiles’ whilst we watch you in your million pound house and worry about rising fuel costs.

I'm watching my gas bills and the cost at the pump rise, the cost of food rise and the biggest humanitarian crisis we've faced since the second world war. Families being torn apart and people losing their lives an homes through no fault of their own. But yeah, sure, watching your totally untrained, accident waiting to happen, bought on a whim Llama's has made me smile. Fuck sake she really thinks she's doing people a favour in the middle of a global crisis with a photo of her Llamas totally stepping over boundaries. Do you know what made me smile today? My toddler waking up, wrapping his little arms around my neck and telling me "I love you mummy".
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VIP Member
I'm sorry but should the garden not be free run for Ronnie and Lennie , not covered in Alpaca shit?

It makes me sad that despite all her money and all the land she has those children will have no outdoor space of their own!

Directly outside the kitchen is a perfect safe area to have the kids toys etc and let them run about free.. .but no that's been given up to the bloody favourite fluffy fuckers!
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