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Verrrry long time lurker. But the last few days have prompted me to comment

“Mrs Hinch” was a career choice carefully orchestrated to achieve maximum wealth with minimal input.

Jamienojoblittleknobskinnytracksuitslob has created a moneymaking caricature that is Mrs Hinch and with the help of a couple of thousand sheep and a hefty credit card bill for bots the money and gifts and advertising deals started flowing in.

I genuinely believe that in the beginning the “cute”naming of the cloffs The Hinch hauls etc etc etc were all part of a grand plan and little old Sofa from Maldona enjoyed the game. But as the money started to flow the chavs didn’t know how to handle it. Hence the flash motors, The gruesome extension and the ridiculous spending on items never to be seen again RIP Polly, bouncy castle, ride on digger et al

We’ve now arrived at a point where the money is the scaffolding but the building has no foundations. It’s a precarious situation.Sofa. Judging by today’s shit show no longer wants to be Mrs Hinch cleaning lady. But multiple advertising deals means she has to continue churning out content on insta so we are subjected to the lunacy we’ve just witnessed.

In order to maintain 2 houses. Completely and unnecessarily renovate one ( why not just buy one that didn’t require gutting and rebuilding 🤷‍♀️) And pay the upkeep on the woolly wankers. We are going to be subjected to more stroppy #ads

Sofa this was your career choice. It made you and your chavtastic husband very wealthy. If you don’t like it. Do what the rest of us do when a job is making you Ill PACK IT IN

Oh and This tread on tattle is a gossip page. We discuss you. Just like women all over the world do. We gossip. Shit happens. If you don’t like it don’t look. Each and every single person is entitled to an opinion. Free speech is still allowed. I’m fairly certain you’re being discussed in knitting groups across the country after today’s vertical worm and Kevin and Perry tantrum. Even the sheep must be scratching their arses after that performance. Hopefully not on their polished tables tho.
as my dear departed nana would say “eavesdroppers never hear any good of themselves “ (proverb author unknown)

I’m sick to death of these millionaire influencers crying woe is me.

If it’s that bad fuck off you won’t be missed.
If you need the money get a proper job
Keep your kids off insta. There is nothing more precious than a child. But there are a lot of grubby people out there who are scary as fuck.
If your privacy is so important stop bragging about your house. Jeeze I live in Yorkshire and I know where your house is 🤦‍♀️
Walk your fat smug mutt
Apologise to Eileen
Annnnnd nobody cares about the woolly wankers crunching on carrots

Rant over
Climbs off soap box and skunks off back into the lurking area
Edited typos
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Miss Greedys post about tattle (I really like her, she's comical, and her content is actually good, despite what people believe of her past, her content is miles better than hinch) her thread is brutal tho, especially when ripping someones weight apart. So when you compare it to hinch thread, I don't think we're nasty about Hinch in the slightest. I think all of us are very tame in what we say, we are not trolls. We're her childs biggest cheerleaders because their own mum isn't, we only wish that she gets the mental help that she truly needs to become a better person.
She's one of THE most toxic "influencers" on Instagram. She still hasn't apologised to Eileen which needs to happen.

But I love how she's made everything about her on someone elses post, OFCOURSE she has!!

"I wish I could say all this" say it then Soph, do your own cry me a river post about tattle, you won't say SHIT anymore cos you know everyone will come over tattle with their devil forks, but actually they'll see the light about you and become a tattler themselves because we say nothing but the truth. And you can't risk that can you. Get a grip. Stop reading here if you're so hurt by us
ZzzZzzZzz 😴
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Mrs Hinch #521 Me myself dad and I, all I do is lie lie lie

Winning thread suggestion by @BunnyBoo0102

Thread suggestions taken from page 30 onwards and can’t contain swears

Thursday off as usual for Sophie ‘tend Rose, but tattle was busier than ever after the legend that is Eileen asked for tattlers to contact her. Turns out she’s been in touch with a reporter about #plagiarismgate and was looking for more evidence. We may or may not have answered her call.

In a shock revelation, Soph was shown at soft play with Ronnie on Thursday afternoon! Never without supervision, however, we were relieved to see a responsible adult was there too.

Friday brought Soph on day-release from prison, demonstrating what can only be assumed is the mating dance of the lesser-spotted Hinch bird. Complete with arched back, exaggerated movements, lots of strutting and contorted expressions, all that was missing was a voiceover by Sir David Attenborough.

We haven’t seen the woolly wankers today.
Hopefully they haven’t broken in to Llama Lodge and made themselves comfy on the ‘tend straw cushions…
Whatever will this weekend bring?

(Still no apology to Eileen)

If you’re new around here, please read the wiki
Mrs Hinch

and thread #500
Mrs Hinch #500 Sophie Hinchliffe: This is Me; Life in Lists (of Lies) - The Tattle Truths

Fiddle is Soph’s mum.
Weepy Al is Soph’s dad.
Jamie is short for James which is short for Jimbobnojobsmallknobcreepyslob.
We know they aren’t llamas, they’re alpacas.
Ronnie and Lennie doesn’t rhyme.
Hinch Farm is not a farm.
Plagiarism is the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.


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didn’t take her long did it to make it about her in Chars post! 🤣 she can’t talk about trolls when she sets her own followers on people.

Vile website? Well sophie if you weren’t such a VILE person there wouldn’t be a thread on you let alone 521!
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Tootle Pip Wiz

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What the fuck she doing in those cringe cleaning videos. The constant head bobbing backwards and forwards is just weird, like some sort of 'I don't give a fuck' attitude. She's like a cocky kid in the playground. 🙄 She certainly won't win the Oscars with that shite acting performance.
And why are all these 'influencers' rolling out the same old story about trolls all of a sudden? Then announcing taking a break from SM? You gotta take the rough with the smooth when you put your whole life out there for all to see. It's extremely rare for A list celebrities to go on and on about being stalked or trolling. Yet these Instagram huns are always bleating about it every 5 minutes. Don't put your life out there if you don't want the negatives and only want arse licking positives!!!! No one else to blame, it really is that simple.
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If people continue to post over on MHMMDI we will get an influx of huns over here stirring up shit.

I get it, I do. It’s hard not to post because a lot of them on there are #bekond #jealous etc and the urge to put them straight is strong but protect yourself, they won’t hesitate in trying to doxx you. I just sit and roll my eyes at them.
Tattlers going to MHMMDI and causing shit is no better than huns coming here and causing shit.

It just confirms their opinions of this site, and that’s not what it’s about.
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Sophie loves all eyes on her,
The centre of attention.
She lies and schemes every day,
Which the papers never mention.

Sophie must have a great team
To hide all of her scandals.
They should advise her on her content,
It’s all a mess, a shambles.

Sophie needs to say she’s sorry,
For Eileen’s words she stole.
They are both mums ‘on a journey’;
They must have the same end goal.

Sophie isn’t just two-faced;
She has about a hundred.
We can only wish and hope
That her ‘tend fame days are numbered.

Ron and Len, when they are grown,
Will read about these dramas.
What will they think when they can see
That their mum preferred the llamas?

Sophie just won’t say sorry
For things that she has done wrong.
She’d rather use her boys as pawns,
And Jamie plays along.

Sophie gets just what she wants,
Because her mummy says so.
When she’s cross she brings out Gretel;
Is that the real Hinch, though?

Go on Soph, have a troll rant
And send your sheep to flock here.
You know you can’t, for they will see
The truth; your lies will be clear.
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I'm curious to find out how many tattlers actually used to like hinch but turned? Back in the beginning I used to think she was great, her content was good with all the cleaning, hinch hauls etc and she seemed genuine but she ended up really grating on me. Her lies became obvious, her content got bland and dont get me started on the way she pronounces words and her erratic, twitchy behaviour. One thing that really got to me in the early days was when she would just disappear for days without a word. I found it strange because she sucked so many people in as she was really likeable but then would just randomly dissappear. It felt like her deadly silence was to encourage the hunz to really worry that something bad had happened. Then she would pop back up like nothing had happened or with some lame excuse.
I had a love/hate feeling towards her for a long time. I actually unfollowed her after a while cos she was annoying but followed her again when I found out she was pregant with Lonnie as I was pregnant at the same time. I've only just unfollowed her again recently but for good this time as so many things she has done leaves me just thinking wtf and I definitely do not like her now. Hinch farm and bloody alpacas have cemented that for me. I can't relate to her at all anymore.

I'm glad I found you guys cos I was sort of left confused as to why I didn't like her but the stuff I've read on here has made me realise I had genuine reasons why and that she is just a massive fraud.
Could we do a poll to see if people used to be a fan and turned or if they just never genuinely liked her? Dont know why I want to know but guess I'm just curious to see if its not just me that felt like this. I wouldn't know how to set a poll up cos I'm new here (long time lurker but new to posting) and I'm still learning guyz but if someone could do it then I would really blooming luv it guyzz.

I'm thankyou in advance.
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didn’t take her long did it to make it about her in Chars post! 🤣 she can’t talk about trolls when she sets her own followers on people.

Vile website? Well sophie if you weren’t such a VILE person there wouldn’t be a thread on you let alone 521!
With all that is going on in the world, and has been the last 2 years, the fact these cunts still have pity parties for themselves absolutely knocks me sick
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Just been and had a nosey at Miss Greedy.

Firstly She’s turned the comments off on her post now from what I can see, to stop mere mortals like us from commenting. Just wants attention from other Instagram influencers

Secondly don’t put yourself out there if you can’t take criticism. Not everyone is going to agree with you or like you. It’s the way of the world. Why does she, and Hinch for that matter, assume that everyone should like them whilst they brag and rub others noses in it? Because that’s what they do. That crying photo is clearly fake too, harsh as fuck but I don’t care.

Thirdly, again this goes for Hinch too, don’t be a cunt. People might like you then 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Really that post annoys me. Yeah okay I get it must not be nice to read negative stuff about yourself, or even to know that people are openly discussing and pointing out your flaws/lies/whatever. Totally understand that. However, if it's so bad that your mental health is down the pan, then any sensible person would step away from it all. Of course, these women can't do that because their revenue is tied up in their online persona which is very very sad in itself anyway, coupled with the whole NPD issue that a lot of influencers seem to have. But just go and get a normal job in Tesco or wherever if being an influencer is that fucking hard on your MH.
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With all that is going on in the world, and has been the last 2 years, the fact these cunts still have pity parties for themselves absolutely knocks me sick
They're disgusting and know just how to play the sheep, funny how hinch and Charlotte only comment on the 'they say I'm ugly and fat' but leave out the real reasons they have threads on here!!!
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