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So if Ron likes playing doctors, get him a little doctor’s set. It’s a perfect opportunity for role play and lots of talking/encouragement. But no, Soph just gives him a packet of plasters and squawks at him from behind her phone 🙁
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i agree, I called this too. Purposely using less filters and showing her chin more. I think she maybe heading to our screens soon 😩
Exactly my thoughts! She’s not getting the engagement on insta like she use to & she clearly don’t give a fuck going by them strange cleaning videos, I’ve never seen nothing like it, bizarre behaviour. I honestly can’t believe how much money she’s made by stealing ideas from other people. She needs to keep Faux Farm going somehow & she’s deffo the type to keep up with the Joneses so I think she’ll be doing tv work. Oh the laughs this thread will have…
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If people continue to post over on MHMMDI we will get an influx of huns over here stirring up shit.

I get it, I do. It’s hard not to post because a lot of them on there are #bekond #jealous etc and the urge to put them straight is strong but protect yourself, they won’t hesitate in trying to doxx you. I just sit and roll my eyes at them.
It makes it very obvious who they are because they make a post, screengrab then run over here to post saying "which one of you nusty trolls is this 🤣🤣🤣". Congrats Jan, we've just found out your real name 🙄
We aren't trolls but it gives exactly that impression to anyone who sees it.

In other news, I had a couple too many cocktails last night and I'm in no mood so she better stay in her lane today.
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I got up off my fat hen arse earlier after eating my crunky snacks & coke to wash the dishes and guess what…there’s no gunk on my Fairy bottle. I must be hinching all wrong since it’s a non-existent problem in our house.
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Well-known member
Verrrry long time lurker. But the last few days have prompted me to comment

“Mrs Hinch” was a career choice carefully orchestrated to achieve maximum wealth with minimal input.

Jamienojoblittleknobskinnytracksuitslob has created a moneymaking caricature that is Mrs Hinch and with the help of a couple of thousand sheep and a hefty credit card bill for bots the money and gifts and advertising deals started flowing in.

I genuinely believe that in the beginning the “cute”naming of the cloffs The Hinch hauls etc etc etc were all part of a grand plan and little old Sofa from Maldona enjoyed the game. But as the money started to flow the chavs didn’t know how to handle it. Hence the flash motors, The gruesome extension and the ridiculous spending on items never to be seen again RIP Polly, bouncy castle, ride on digger et al

We’ve now arrived at a point where the money is the scaffolding but the building has no foundations. It’s a precarious situation.Sofa. Judging by today’s shit show no longer wants to be Mrs Hinch cleaning lady. But multiple advertising deals means she has to continue churning out content on insta so we are subjected to the lunacy we’ve just witnessed.

In order to maintain 2 houses. Completely and unnecessarily renovate one ( why not just buy one that didn’t require gutting and rebuilding 🤷‍♀️) And pay the upkeep on the woolly wankers. We are going to be subjected to more stroppy #ads

Sofa this was your career choice. It made you and your chavtastic husband very wealthy. If you don’t like it. Do what the rest of us do when a job is making you Ill PACK IT IN

Oh and This tread on tattle is a gossip page. We discuss you. Just like women all over the world do. We gossip. Shit happens. If you don’t like it don’t look. Each and every single person is entitled to an opinion. Free speech is still allowed. I’m fairly certain you’re being discussed in knitting groups across the country after today’s vertical worm and Kevin and Perry tantrum. Even the sheep must be scratching their arses after that performance. Hopefully not on their polished tables tho.
as my dear departed nana would say “eavesdroppers never hear any good of themselves “ (proverb author unknown)

I’m sick to death of these millionaire influencers crying woe is me.

If it’s that bad fuck off you won’t be missed.
If you need the money get a proper job
Keep your kids off insta. There is nothing more precious than a child. But there are a lot of grubby people out there who are scary as fuck.
If your privacy is so important stop bragging about your house. Jeeze I live in Yorkshire and I know where your house is 🤦‍♀️
Walk your fat smug mutt
Apologise to Eileen
Annnnnd nobody cares about the woolly wankers crunching on carrots

Rant over
Climbs off soap box and skunks off back into the lurking area
Edited typos
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Cassy Role

VIP Member
Stacey Solomon won “Mum of the year” over someone who uses her Instagram to relentlessly fight for rights for working mums alongside working and raising her children.

Tells you everything you need to know about the GLOMAMA awards
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Putting them in perfect line like she knows what to do 👀
Good job hinch's credit card is bigger than ours 🤔

Its fake! The only time you see him is when he’s wheeled to do woodwork, is that all their relationship is about? She’s so weird 🥴
Of course it's fake.I am gobsmacked that he would agree to any off it.The last time I actually was privy to a conversation he was protective of her and wanted the madness to stop.
I guess he's been worn down by it all 😔
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VIP Member
Verrrry long time lurker. But the last few days have prompted me to comment

“Mrs Hinch” was a career choice carefully orchestrated to achieve maximum wealth with minimal input.

Jamienojoblittleknobskinnytracksuitslob has created a moneymaking caricature that is Mrs Hinch and with the help of a couple of thousand sheep and a hefty credit card bill for bots the money and gifts and advertising deals started flowing in.

I genuinely believe that in the beginning the “cute”naming of the cloffs The Hinch hauls etc etc etc were all part of a grand plan and little old Sofa from Maldona enjoyed the game. But as the money started to flow the chavs didn’t know how to handle it. Hence the flash motors, The gruesome extension and the ridiculous spending on items never to be seen again RIP Polly, bouncy castle, ride on digger et al

We’ve now arrived at a point where the money is the scaffolding but the building has no foundations. It’s a precarious situation.Sofa. Judging by today’s shit show no longer wants to be Mrs Hinch cleaning lady. But multiple advertising deals means she has to continue churning out content on insta so we are subjected to the lunacy we’ve just witnessed.

In order to maintain 2 houses. Completely and unnecessarily renovate one ( why not just buy one that didn’t require gutting and rebuilding 🤷‍♀️) And pay the upkeep on the woolly wankers. We are going to be subjected to more stroppy #ads

Sofa this was your career choice. It made you and your chavtastic husband very wealthy. If you don’t like it. Do what the rest of us do when a job is making you Ill PACK IT IN

Oh and This tread on tattle is a gossip page. We discuss you. Just like women all over the world do. We gossip. Shit happens. If you don’t like it don’t look. Each and every single person is entitled to an opinion. Free speech is still allowed. I’m fairly certain you’re being discussed in knitting groups across the country after today’s vertical worm and Kevin and Perry tantrum. Even the sheep must be scratching their arses after that performance. Hopefully not on their polished tables tho.
as my dear departed nana would say “eavesdroppers never hear any good of themselves “ (proverb author unknown)

I’m sick to death of these millionaire influencers crying woe is me.

If it’s that bad fuck off you won’t be missed.
If you need the money get a proper job
Keep your kids off insta. There is nothing more precious than a child. But there are a lot of grubby people out there who are scary as fuck.
If your privacy is so important stop bragging about your house. Jeeze I live in Yorkshire and I know where your house is 🤦‍♀️
Walk your fat smug mutt
Apologise to Eileen
Annnnnd nobody cares about the woolly wankers crunching on carrots

Rant over
Climbs off soap box and skunks off back into the lurking area
Edited typos
👏👏👏 well written and spot on.
Welcome, don’t be a stranger, sounds like you belong here ❤
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VIP Member
I’ve got one of those new fairy bottles. That’s what happens when I tell mr sous chef we need washing up liquid. He said he couldn’t find the method one. Whatever.
Anyway. Today my son squirted it in to his eye. He’s never done that with our other bottles. So yeah. Fuck you fairy.
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I can only assume when Tesco signed on the dotted line with Hinch, pre covid, she was at her most popular and they all saw pound signs. They did a deal for maybe 2 years of products(?), Or maybe 4 -6 seasons worth but now it's been shown her stuff isn't as popular as they all thought, everything yellow stickered within a few weeks of it going on the shelves, but Tesco are stuck with her. That's what happens when you get greedy.
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Surely you’d just rinse the bottle top to stop it getting sticky like us mere mortals do? 🤷🏻‍♀️ Call yourself a cleaner.

Literally teaching people how to use a Fucking bottle of washing up liquid for money. How low will she go? Sad fucker. How hard is it to tip your bottle and squeeze into the bowl at the same time?
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Came here to say this! I no longer live in England and foxes aren't a problem here but even the brief time I spent down her way I never had (or knew anyone else who had) that much of an issue with fox poo!

Guess she's just got to keep it "relatable" and kind of tend cleaning 🤷🏼‍♀️
Foxes are a bit of a nuisance in Maldon.Wouldn't call them domesticated but they are bold even in daylight(as are the rats)but enough about the hinch family.
She goes wrong cos she lets Henry exercise himself.If she walked with him she'd spot the imminent head role and stop him.
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Sorry but having a small child, especially one that has ‘invisible speech’ in a GARDEN-not-a-field running near him, is not a wise parenting decision. As a mum I’d be right next to my child, yet here she is filming it and cackling her head off! That woman is a huge waste of space!
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No, Sophie, your stories did not make anyone with half a brain cell smile, they probably chilled them to the bone with how reckless you and your idiot husband are.
Is your children's safety of such little priority to you both?
You may as well open your gates and let your son run out on to the road, it's little difference to what you've shown this morning. Although I suspect that motorists at least might be more aware and stop, unlike 3 marauding and overexcited farm animals.
You really do need professional help if you think that this behaviour is OK.
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Chatty Member

People being maimed and killed
Worry about my children and their future.
Worry about my income
Diesel is now at £1.58
Gas/leccy going cray
Food prices are astronomical

You and you frankly bragging stories DO NOT make me smile.

Hinch - rehome those alpacas, BEFORE Ronnie or Lennie or Henry get seriously hurt or worse!

Now - instead of your self absorbed and smug content. How about you actually DO SOMETHING useful with your money and platform?

Go and do some volunteering, go help raise money for Ukraine, gift some items to struggling families, go walk dogs for the Cinnamon Trust, go work in a hospice shop, go and help out at the food bank, go highlight the danger that women across the globe struggle against, start a campaign to reduce plastic waste.

ANYTHING would be better than the current NONSENSE that you share.


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Chatty Member
Whenever someone calls out 'troll' the reply is always 'their jealous!!!!' No matter what someone does or how they behave 🤷🏼‍♀️🙈
Ive never understood the "youre just jealous" thing ifimhonesht, does that mean im jealous of every person i think is a cunt?

Or do i just not like them.. because they have an awful nature and worse personality. What is there to be jealous of?

Her tend following? Nope.
Her money? Nope.
Her husband? Hahahahahahhaa

She's just a moron and its ok to not like someone

It was the eyeroll after answering the emails that pissed me off, as well as all the shoulder slinging
That eyeroll was her catching up on Tattle 🤭
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Wize Owl

VIP Member
Just fuck off, Sopha.... irresponsible twat.

She’d be cackling the other side of one of her faces if those grubby Woolly Wankers started pronking and charging after Ronni e 😡

She’d never reach him, we’ve seen her attempts at running and she would probably trip over her huge footz.

I can’t be arsed with her BS today 🙄


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