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Pmsl @Andioooop that is hilarious 😆 I don’t follow or know anything about Charlotte but did read the comment from Hinch. Can she not say something without making it about herself every time🤦‍♀️If it bothers you that much just don’t read it Sophie. She’ll likely take the weekend off now to make a point she’s upshhet too guyyyzzz 😴
Apologised yet Sophie Rose?
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New thread title..

Pre chopped carrots for the 3 Woolly pronkers, Soph just loves them them but they drive us bonkers

Edited as can’t spell 😂
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I'm curious to find out how many tattlers actually used to like hinch but turned? Back in the beginning I used to think she was great, her content was good with all the cleaning, hinch hauls etc and she seemed genuine but she ended up really grating on me. Her lies became obvious, her content got bland and dont get me started on the way she pronounces words and her erratic, twitchy behaviour. One thing that really got to me in the early days was when she would just disappear for days without a word. I found it strange because she sucked so many people in as she was really likeable but then would just randomly dissappear. It felt like her deadly silence was to encourage the hunz to really worry that something bad had happened. Then she would pop back up like nothing had happened or with some lame excuse.
I had a love/hate feeling towards her for a long time. I actually unfollowed her after a while cos she was annoying but followed her again when I found out she was pregant with Lonnie as I was pregnant at the same time. I've only just unfollowed her again recently but for good this time as so many things she has done leaves me just thinking wtf and I definitely do not like her now. Hinch farm and bloody alpacas have cemented that for me. I can't relate to her at all anymore.

I'm glad I found you guys cos I was sort of left confused as to why I didn't like her but the stuff I've read on here has made me realise I had genuine reasons why and that she is just a massive fraud.
Could we do a poll to see if people used to be a fan and turned or if they just never genuinely liked her? Dont know why I want to know but guess I'm just curious to see if its not just me that felt like this. I wouldn't know how to set a poll up cos I'm new here (long time lurker but new to posting) and I'm still learning guyz but if someone could do it then I would really blooming luv it guyzz.

I'm thankyou in advance.
I actually used to like her cleaning tips and stuff. We live very different lives so I was never bothered about going out to buy the latest tat from B&M. I actually used to think tattle was awful - I thought it was just a bunch of trolls slagging people off because they didn’t have enough going on in their own lives (I know I was wrong now). So one day I decided to come check it out, I read through a lot of the threads and I couldn’t believe what I was reading - tattlers had it spot on about her being a huge marketing ploy. And once I read more, I decided to make an account because I did actually agree with everything tattle was saying.

Guess that makes me a nusty troll now. 🤣
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Oh god those bastard alpacas this morning, or whenever it was filmed. I actually winced watching them follow as Ronnie ran away. That bastard Roy would be over him in the blink of an eye. Why would you do that to your child ffs
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It was actually my brother who told me about Mrs Hinch 😂 and so off I went to follow her on Instagram, just before she announced her pregnancy with Ronnie. 2018 was a rough year for me, and I moved out of my parents home and into my own flat that year. Initially thought she was a bit nutty but almost endearing.

Was keen to get tips on how to properly clean my own home, without using 5billion antibacterial wipes like I did at university 🙈 joined the Fb groups and genuinely found some of it helpful (admittedly, not the ketchup in tinfoil to get rid of rust 😂🤫)

Can’t remember where or when I first came across tattle, think it was probably in a troll post in early 2019 and I had a nosey and I’ll be honest, I saw some of the ‘harsher’ (now realise they were totally justified!!) comments and was a little put off but also didn’t reallyy see what the huge deal was cos even then it was obvious people were just sick of her bullshit.

Like lots of you here, I have pretty severe anxiety- was trying to find ways to ground myself. Paint by numbers, reading etccc and someone bought me her activity journal. Parts of it seemed ridiculous but equally the colour in pages and making goal lists etc did calm me, especially as we were in lockdown and I was shielding alone and didn’t see anyone or leave the flat for months.

BUT when Jimbob ‘grab the other jug, off to the garage for a tug’ posted that story of being betrayed bs and she disappeared for days on end, I became fully invested in tattle and realised that a lot of you were simply articulating exactly what I was thinking.

She’s a liar, a fake, greedy and a snake. Yeah sometimes things are said that make me wince a bit and *almost* feel bad for her. But then I remember how she drew in people like me - same age, potentially living in their first home, wracked with anxiety, and slowly just manipulated us. And then I don’t feel bad at all.

Times are changing whether she likes it or not - and even if it doesn’t bring a whole new host of former 🐑 to tattle, I do believe that eventually she will be left sitting on the bones of her arse.

atv xxx
I too got sucked in initially. I am an intelligent driven woman with my own company, never suffered from anxiety, confident. she made me feel inadequate. I found myself in bloody home bargains buying cleaning stuff I didn’t need, and worrying my house wasn’t clean. (It was) I would get home from work and start cleaning and get very anxious if I hadn’t made everything perfect. My children are grown up and have their own homes so it was just myself and my husband, who thought I had gone mad! I felt I wasn’t enough, and believe me I have never felt like that before. My daughter started “hinching” she got sucked in too. I had to give myself a real talking to. In the past year I have noticed the shift in sofas accoint, it’s all ads now, me me me me. And I do not believe for one minute this is not a contrived business. Mrs Hinch is a marketing ploy. Her and her management have made her an aspirational person, buying basic shit. now she is into everything “bespoke” which I believe was what it has all been about. I have no quarrel with anyone who really works hard, makes a living and a business, my family and I have done just that, but this cynical bleating about no privacy that influencers bring out all the time just makes me mad. I honesty think the tide is turning in these narcissistic waste of spaces. They will be nothing soon, and their empires will come crumbling down, they do not have a business, but a platform that is so fickle!
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Yes but you’ll notice it’s not just the cloth. Everything including the vacuum got slung over her shoulder. Even the laptop it looked like was about to go there too. So odd.
It was the eyeroll after answering the emails that pissed me off, as well as all the shoulder slinging
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Please please please can someone make a funny thread about using pre cut carrots for the alpacas. It’s a new level of wealth and out of touch. You can buy huge bags of carrots for the price they cost. Huge face palm moment.
Mrs Hinch is too posh to peel.
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Is it just me that feels like Jamie hates those bastards as much as us? You never see him interacting with them or posting about them. They're very obviously her little obsession and I get the feeling he's been against them from the get-go. I wouldn't be surprised if they argue about them a lot. Especially when she's so irresponsible with they children around them. And now it seems like she's going to be letting them into the house.
Honestly I predict by the end of 2022 either the Llamas will be going or it'll be Mrs ex-Hinch after Jamie has had enough of her being such a fucking idiot about the safety of their children and the house is destroyed by those llamas.
Yeah I definitely think (even though he's a dick) that he would have wanted like football goals swimming pool stuff him and the human boys could play in like big kids all day because he's jobless. And now he's got no garden because the paddock is too small so now those things have the rule of the whole outside
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Thanks for the recap Pols, I've been so busy in my not tend job!

Is that cleaning video for real?

She's acting insane.
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I see she’s crawled out from under her rock and has marked Monday with some hideously irresponsible parenting of Ron yet again 😢

She’s a Fucking moron. She genuinely thinks those alpacas are friendly and wouldn’t harm anyone. Wake up you stupid twat. You are knowingly putting Ron at extreme risk. Fucks sake.
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Really that post annoys me. Yeah okay I get it must not be nice to read negative stuff about yourself, or even to know that people are openly discussing and pointing out your flaws/lies/whatever. Totally understand that. However, if it's so bad that your mental health is down the pan, then any sensible person would step away from it all. Of course, these women can't do that because their revenue is tied up in their online persona which is very very sad in itself anyway, coupled with the whole NPD issue that a lot of influencers seem to have. But just go and get a normal job in Tesco or wherever if being an influencer is that fucking hard on your MH.
100% agree, they don’t want people to say negative things, but they’re happy to show off what they’ve had gifted/given for free (furniture, holidays, f**king Sky TVs!!) Bitch please. If it’s that bad, step away. But they can’t because they’ve placed their whole life into their ‘job’ ie putting everything out on Insta.
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Whenever someone calls out 'troll' the reply is always 'their jealous!!!!' No matter what someone does or how they behave 🤷🏼‍♀️🙈
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Hiya nusty trolls! I went back to work after my month off this week so I have been busy busy and tired so haven’t seen any insta let alone any tattle!
you lot were in my thoughts- I read a book and it said “rusty trowel” and I read it as “nusty trolls” made me right giggle!
going to have a little catch up now but I expect it’s all woolly wankers and tend farm shite
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All this talk of them being on TV gives me a weird feeling that they're gonna be on "Celebrity" Gogglebox. It's not too exposing for Hinch because we know she likes to hide under a cushion, it gives Inch a chance to get involved and they did a podcast right, which i'm guessing was just the two of them chatting, so I feel like if anything this makes sense for them to do. I mean it doesn't make sense, it would be awful but still.
What do people think? Or have I had one too many vinos?
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Some Saturday morning musing, bear with my stream of consciousness....

She's been with P&G a while now, and was one of their leading shills who clearly had a huge impact on their sales. Otherwise why would they have added her brand to their products etc.
I'm curious about what their analysts see when she releases an ad for their products. Is there a spike in sales? Has that spike become less over time or is it consistent?

I know we Tattlers like to think and hope that she's on her way out but they are still putting her name to their products so there must still be some impact from her brand.

However....I've noticed over time that her ads come after the release of the product. Today being an example - they're already available in store. Is this because a Mrs Hinch launch isn't what it used to be? Are they using her after the fact ads to analyse whether she still causes a sales spike? It's very interesting and I'd love to know. Is she just not as important to them anymore?
Notice how she never does unboxing of new products anymore?

She also doesn't seem to be invited along to P&G testing days much anymore. It seemed like she was along to those quite a bit but there's only been one recently (the black sink cleaning event thing).

Maybe I'm wrong and it's all just because she got slated for all of this. I'd just love to be a fly on the wall in P&G marketing and analytics meetings.
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