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VIP Member
Morning you lovely lot 😘
Quick question?
Is the TV always on in that house? Just seen her morning post. I might be showing all of my 50 years here but the TV was and still is only on when we were specifically watching something - usually in the evening. They seem to have it on all day! I see the new playroom has a giant TV pride of place on the main wall too 🤷‍♀️
Sorry if it’s an unpopular opinion but it’s my unpopular opinion and I’m sticking to it 😂
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Must me nice to get all these freebies and not have to worry about how much you use as you've NOT PAID FOR IT!! I only use one squirt of washing up liquid for a bowl full of pots. She does one squirt per item. SO RELATABLE YET AGAIN!! Show us how you save money for a change Soph, oh that's right you don't :mad:
I buy mine from Splosh. The liquid comes concentrated and you dilute it into your own bottle(s) then when the packaging is empty you post it back to be refilled. No testing on animals and no nasty chemicals. I'm welcome. Hope this helps. ATV 👍🏻
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Verrrry long time lurker. But the last few days have prompted me to comment

“Mrs Hinch” was a career choice carefully orchestrated to achieve maximum wealth with minimal input.

Jamienojoblittleknobskinnytracksuitslob has created a moneymaking caricature that is Mrs Hinch and with the help of a couple of thousand sheep and a hefty credit card bill for bots the money and gifts and advertising deals started flowing in.

I genuinely believe that in the beginning the “cute”naming of the cloffs The Hinch hauls etc etc etc were all part of a grand plan and little old Sofa from Maldona enjoyed the game. But as the money started to flow the chavs didn’t know how to handle it. Hence the flash motors, The gruesome extension and the ridiculous spending on items never to be seen again RIP Polly, bouncy castle, ride on digger et al

We’ve now arrived at a point where the money is the scaffolding but the building has no foundations. It’s a precarious situation.Sofa. Judging by today’s shit show no longer wants to be Mrs Hinch cleaning lady. But multiple advertising deals means she has to continue churning out content on insta so we are subjected to the lunacy we’ve just witnessed.

In order to maintain 2 houses. Completely and unnecessarily renovate one ( why not just buy one that didn’t require gutting and rebuilding 🤷‍♀️) And pay the upkeep on the woolly wankers. We are going to be subjected to more stroppy #ads

Sofa this was your career choice. It made you and your chavtastic husband very wealthy. If you don’t like it. Do what the rest of us do when a job is making you Ill PACK IT IN

Oh and This tread on tattle is a gossip page. We discuss you. Just like women all over the world do. We gossip. Shit happens. If you don’t like it don’t look. Each and every single person is entitled to an opinion. Free speech is still allowed. I’m fairly certain you’re being discussed in knitting groups across the country after today’s vertical worm and Kevin and Perry tantrum. Even the sheep must be scratching their arses after that performance. Hopefully not on their polished tables tho.
as my dear departed nana would say “eavesdroppers never hear any good of themselves “ (proverb author unknown)

I’m sick to death of these millionaire influencers crying woe is me.

If it’s that bad fuck off you won’t be missed.
If you need the money get a proper job
Keep your kids off insta. There is nothing more precious than a child. But there are a lot of grubby people out there who are scary as fuck.
If your privacy is so important stop bragging about your house. Jeeze I live in Yorkshire and I know where your house is 🤦‍♀️
Walk your fat smug mutt
Apologise to Eileen
Annnnnd nobody cares about the woolly wankers crunching on carrots

Rant over
Climbs off soap box and skunks off back into the lurking area
Edited typos
This was a glorious read! 👏
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Yeah I definitely think (even though he's a dick) that he would have wanted like football goals swimming pool stuff him and the human boys could play in like big kids all day because he's jobless. And now he's got no garden because the paddock is too small so now those things have the rule of the whole outside
How long ago did we all say the paddock was too small? Now she’s lost her whole garden cos she just HAD TO HAVE ALPACAS. Go on a trek with them once a year don’t give up your brand new house for them! Some lil ducklings and a pond and some wildlife that would have come naturally (frogs, dragonflies, butterfly’s, skimmers) would have been so much interesting and interactive for her little ones but nope. Instead we are waiting on a hinch hoofing.
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Chatty Member

WHO on earth allows this to happen?

There is NOTHING you could do, from that distance if they charged at him. NOTHING you could do if they kicked him.

Ffs have you nothing between your ears Sophie?

All that space, those kids could have an amazing childhood. Make memories, camp out, look for wildlife, encourage hedgehogs etc.

Instead - they are running past 3 farm animals.

Fucking idiot


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Her behaviour is becoming increasingly erratic & weirdly forced. I loathe her but at the same time it's embarrassingly sad - giving off true mean girl & mentally unstable vibes.
Have some fucking dignity Sophie - give up the greedfest, the fakery & have some dignity.

These influencers moan & bitch regarding people talking about them yet put themselves out there for attention along with their kids for money - what do they expect! Zero sympathy.
The thing is she has achieved what she wanted. She has the big house paid for with cash. She could so easily walk away now. Have her privacy. James having a job would easily pay for the house upkeep as I imagine he had a good wage. She won’t though because she’s a greedy fucker and he is a lazy fucker. So they’ll continue pimping them kids out and moaning about no privacy
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If one were to want to contact a certain ‘tend cleaner’s representatives about alleged plagiarism, is there another company along with Gleam? Or just them?

Asking for a friend.
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Will you still be laughing when one of your alpacas tramples on your children?
Hinch, your arrogance and stupidity is outstanding.
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Mum sez I deserve this and if you work hard enough and pack snacks for the trip, you too can achieve anyfink your heart desires. Laaahve you. mummaz. (Slings her award over her shoulder and walks off stage).
You forgot the closing line

Dad made this award in his workshop, I just love it if I’m honest 🥲
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Active member
Of course it's truly upsetting, heart breaking. Her sharing the situation makes me so cross. She doesn't acknowledge anything in her Disney life. She shares Ukraine on her stories yet nothing about Syria, people begging her to share on her platform. Children and innocent people dying in a similar horrific way-Nothing. She is so inconsistent. I just wish she wouldn't, so insincere, with her bragging and ads.View attachment 1102979
The real insta queen of cleaning - aurikatarinna has posted this a few days ago …
Not just words to tick some boxes !
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If your job is affecting your mental health that badly, then take steps to leave it. Hell, I’ve done it more than once and I’m now lucky enough to have a job that I love. No one should have to work in a situation that is mentally crippling them.
Your mental health is more important than all the money in the world. Or at least it should be 🤨
Exactly this! I have left jobs which I knew weren't right for me and one in particular I felt was especially toxic. I get being a public figure there would be the fear of the publicity that would follow a departure from social media, but we all know the public would move on and be over it within days. A UK Instagram cleaner quitting social media is hardly the same as Beyonce quitting music now is it 😂
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Well-known member
I can't stand this victim mentality. I put on some weight over lockdown and a few folk including family commented. We all pass comment about people it's always been done and always will.
Nobody is threatening her or her family or stalking her. Get a grip!
Stop playing the victim all the time, it's far too easy to blame tattle but that's what happens when u put every aspect of your life on social media.
If it's bothering them this much and damaging mental health, get the fuck off SM but of cours they won't as they enjoy the money, positive attention an freebies wayyyy too much.
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