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I'm so bored of seeing the alpacas every morning. It's like the fake post man and Ronnie and Henry two man team all over again 🤮 🤮
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Why does Mrs Hinch deserve all the best according to her sheep? Has she discovered a cure for cancer? Has she done anything for any charity? Has she changed the world? Just asking for a friend
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I think Soph thought the alpacas would really increase followers and engagement - but when you are known for cleaning & then making a jump to owning alpacas, having two homes and having an entire house ripped out and teams of professional tradesmen in, well that’s hardy relatable to any of your key audience. Even her parenting skills leave a lot to be desired. She isn’t talented in any area, not even cleaning.
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‘The more and more posts I am seeing’

She doesn’t ever watch the news does she? Or even open the BBC app. It’s literally just what she sees on Instagram.
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She’s getting her monies worth out of that tiny patch of sand, sorry dust, isn’t she?

Fuck off and keep Fucking off. And when you get there Hinch, Fuck off again. ATV 👍🏻
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Boredom scrolling her tagged photos and this monstrosity popped up.

My doodle says it all but what the fuck and what absolutely terrifying person ordered this??? More reason than ever to respect kids privacy on the internet, when some bizarre person order a picture of not just you and your tend bestie but also all of your kids. Fuuuuuuuuuucking hell.
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After we spotted the daffodils in the garden the other day she’s addressing them. I don’t think they are bulbs that have sprouted. I think they went to the garden centre and bought some and planted them. They are very uniform and consistent. Ours are starting to bloom now and they are all higgledy piggledy - even the bulbs we planted in September.

She’s done this to deliberately have a time pointer in view. She does this with her stories. Something in the background to identify the season so that it makes her pre records looks more like they are real time. When she goes to the effort of pointing out her time identifier it usually means she’s got a batch of pre records where they will feature heavily in the background.
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Wize Owl

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I was having a chat with my best bubs to the moon and back earlier who also thinks Sopha is a twat and I went off into a little rant about the woolly wankers.

Me: “I’m sick of seeing them, she’s milking them for as much content as possible and why the fuck would she name them Roy, Roger and Raymond anyway?”

Best bubs: “They’re called Roy, Rodney and Raymond, who’s Roger?”

After we had stopped laughing 😂 we decided that poor Roger/AKA Rodney gets completely overlooked by Sopha. RoyOiOi is clearly her favourite, Raymond has been on the gram with her more lately (The snogging incident) but poor old Roger/Rodney……nada…..bless-is-arrrrt.

So, as much as the woolly wankers creep me out, especially the side eye they give and their pronking shenanigans, I’m declaring Roger my favourite and hope he spits first at her 😂🦙
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Well they asked me to do it first bubzzz but I couldn’t because of my tend anxiety and butchering of anything culinary related, good luck bubzzz, FaceTime later even though I knew anyway, love you to the moon and back, can’t wait to have anuvver tend friends meet up where I leave the kids with Jaymaaaay again to act like a twat x x x

Edit because I don’t follow SS and thought you meant something with the cooking show but apparently it’s a bikini pic but I’ll leave this anyway 🤷‍♀️😂
*throws bingo counters and flounces off*
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Why is she having MDF nailed to the walls everywhere? It's not panelling sofa, it's fake panelling.
If you want panelling then pay for real stuff and have it done properly. I would be mortified to be starting to decorate a year after Mario in paisley and be having the same wall effects as him!
It's also 2 years or so out of date. People have already moved on from it.
Keep up dear. Why hang on to fads that are over or almost over?

She could pay an interior designer and have a stunning home instead of a chav Palace
And this panel effect in their room is just naff softwood beading. Bloody awful and don’t get me on sticking fake bricks to the fireplace. Fake panelling, fake bricks, fake farm, fake fuckers!


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She's mentioned nothing!! It's quite sickening. It's even brought me to tears today. Video clips Ukrainians have posted. It's bloody awful.
I honestly don't think she knows enough or understands what's going on.
Tbh I'd rather she just kept quiet. Every major event she's been forced to comment on, it's come across as so insincere and just crass.
Look at BLM, she tried to delete her black square until tattle noticed. Sarah Everard she posted about being Henry and not giving a shit what's going on.
I'd rather not have an insincere "I have no words guyshh, I'm heart broken" post followed by ADs and it never to be mentioned again.
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“Fun to show the progress, the reality and everything in between” erm you’re not doing that though Hinch. One before, during and after photo of work someone else is doing is not what a home renovation account shows. They explain what they are doing, why and sometimes even how.
Too trolling from SS saying she loves to get involved and she wants to take her time rather than just ripping everything out at once and replacing it.
That photo on the stairs is ridiculous as well - no one leaves a dust sheet across half the stairs like that and all my eye was drawn to was the toilet on the right 😂
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All goes off when I go out 😂

Just to say, this is why I don't think influencers should need to post about stuff they don't understand or has no relevance to them. It's clear from her post (I haven't seen SS so can't comment on that) she has no fucking clue and the post is a tokenistic bit of virtue signalling. No links to further information or organisations supporting Ukrainians. I'd rather she didn't post and just continued with her usual dross than ticking the "mentioned the conflict" box.

It makes her, and any other influencer who does this, look stupid when they resume business as normal. Either dedicate a day or so to sharing relevant information like so many other accounts do, or don't post about it at all. I can't stand dropping a "thoughts and prayers" post in the middle of the usual stuff.

Going to get back in my box now 😆

Edit to add, now I've seen it, SS is just as bad. A virtue signal to link to a virtue signal. Nothing from anyone who is there or something like Save the Children who are doing a massive fundraiser btw. 🤯
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Hinch get yourself and your smugness and bragging in the bin. The whole world is watching and waiting for war.Some of my sons friends who are in the British Army could be called up any time now .Look,think and read the fucking room
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Chatty Member
So her father did fuck all in the old house but now she has a farm (not a farm, you chavvy cunt) her dad is a master carpenter? She’s a dick & as she’s now a “home” account her cleaning sponsors can drop her, she does fuck all cleaning anyway 🤷🏼‍♀️
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They are a such a lovely family. So Kond!! 🤪
Bloody hell - Freda is a right old rough, nasty, bitchy piece of work!
Feel really sorry for Big Al, she's ghastly and has definitely hung out here I feel, similar language/attitude to what i was randomly subjected to (by a now "vanished" user) one afternoon when I was a fairly newish member.
I hadn't even made a cruel comment, it was relating to Sophie's issues with weight.

This woman - Freda Barker has much to answer for and has great influence over this whole faux debacle! Main narcassist in that family 🤬
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Why is everyone worrying about if Ronnie changes his mind in a few years about his bedroom?

Do you reeeeeeeeally think the future bothers her? Like, one iota?

She doesn’t think beyond the next Insta story and she certainly doesn’t give a shit about cost or value for money. She’ll just get the boys to paint over it (whilst filming it all for content of course because it’s all about the Gram) and then spend whatever she wants on the next over the top decoration.

She’s a short sighted braggy twatweasel who
doesn't give a damn about anyone other than those in her teeny tiny weeny little social sphere. Oh, except her ‘army’ of course because they're the reason she’s got all this to be So GrAtEfuL and #BleSEd for.

Utter cunt.
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