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Mrs Hinch #508 “You are exactly where you’re supposed to be” … the faux empathy will pay for the orangery

Winning thread title by @woopdeewoop
Thread suggestions taken from page 30 onwards. They can’t contain swears.

A busy Saturday began with Henry in Soph’s bed (presumably because Cling On was in his), then teleportation to ‘tend Farm for breakfast for the alpacas.

While Soph was raving about how amazing it is for Ronni e to help care for them, all we could see was a terrifyingly dangerous situation where a toddler was alone in front of 3 animals, with no adult close enough to step in if needed. Add to that the fact he was holding a bag of carrots - and we’ve seen how pushy the Maldon 3 can be for food - and it really looks like a recipe for disaster.

Bedroom updates, with Lonnie’s room featuring some more of Sophie Rose’s crafts. This time she’s stencilled a constipated hare to go with the myxomatosis paint by numbers one from his nursery. With that and Ron’s terrifying mural, she’s going to have to be careful not to snap her toe in two again when the boys wake in the night from a bad dream.

She’s very deliberately not mentioning the fact that the perfect carpets which were upstairs have been ripped up.

On the beg for chickens, with a question box open for the huns to flock in and tell her she can have theirs. Maybe she can’t buy any from her local farm shop as she’s been blacklisted after recently showing their geese wandering free, not under cover, against DEFRA rules…

‘tend friend Stace has made a boys’ den and now pained a door black, so Soph of course needs a black wall for their movie room which has never been mentioned before.

Alpacas pronking around the front garden, possibly still out from last week when they were looking through the kitchen window. Bet she wishes she’d actually put some effort into their training now and she could get their head collars on.

Sunday brought ‘tend mess, and ‘tend excitement to be seeing James’ family.
It was really an ad for Spray Wipe Hinch and her Tesco range, who’d have thought it?!

What Etsy antique gift will Papa Hinch bring his favourite daughter in law this time?

Then back to ‘tend Farm (no sign of the Hinchliffes at either house) for a heavily filtered rainbow with yet more tone deaf plagiarised words.

What a boring weekend.

What a lot of ignoring the challenges in the real word and playing make believe.

Try harder next week would you Sophie?

Thread #500 The Tattle Truths

Ronnie and Lennie don’t rhyme
Jamie is short for James
Sophie doesn’t have a middle name, only a ‘tend one that she added in her teens
WIKI is the pink button at the top


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I just think buying the big house was a huge mistake..not only has she become unrelatable to the huns now (essex girl loving bargs never leaving the grey house she worked "hard" to build) now she is in some huge house with alpacas wtf 🤣

But why would she copy Stacey Soloman thinking she was on her level. People know Stacey from The X Factor/Loose Women etc and her husband was on Eastenders. I am not her biggest fan but people see her as relatable/down to earth etc people like her and she has some talent so I think she will have work for yearsss to come.

However, Mrs Hinch made her money from scrubbing her toilet on Instagram. Most people do not know who she is! I have a lot of family and friends who have never heard of her and would have no clue what she even looks like. Social media changes. Instagram is ever changing and is now focusing more on reels etc. What happens if Instagram is taken over by another big platform (like when Myspace/Bebo got replaced by Facebook) would she have the same following on a new platform? What would her content be and who even is her audience now?

She is just another fad that people will look back at and say "omg remember when we used to stock up on zoflora to be like that hinch" and cringe. It's only a matter of time that she becomes irrelevant and then where does the money come from? I think about people who were celebs or made a lot of money in the early 00s who then have to sell their assets years later and downsize because they cannot afford the lavish lifestyle anymore.

I know she has a LOT of money right now but since she isnt very sensible with it and buys for the sake of buying and her husband doesn't work they literally are relying on huns buying her stuff and ads. As she becomes more irrelevant that money will eventually dry up and she won't get as many offers surely......soz everyone just rambling! Lol.
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Chatty Member
Let's stop with the flouncing (then posting the next hour :LOL:, then flouncing again, then posting..) it just disrupts the thread like hinch wants. Flouncing is against the rules as it ruins the thread with all the "please stay".

I come and go on various threads, it's how forums have always worked - the enjoyment someone has of a thread goes up and down. If you're not enjoying a thread, no need to try and disrupt it for everyone just dip out (people might not be knowingly trying to sabotage the thread but that's the result). There's been physiological studies on it and it's inevitable that after a while on any community people get fatigued as you can't constantly keep entertained. But I'll leave this for another thread!

If you think a comment about children goes too far, report it to let us deal with it.

Ultimately these people have turned their children into a commodity to sell on social media, it's impossible to say they should never be spoken about as that's what the whole brand is based on.

Anyway back to Mrs Hinch
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If I was having my in laws over and I had a choice between having them round my new huge house with land vs having them over my former home that I don’t even really live in anymore, I think I would bring them over to the new house to see the new animals, the house progress, a local walk etc. But hey. That’s just me.
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Hey. I’ve been lurking but busy. I just wanted to add my two pence worth that on Friday night when watching lingo many of those toys were in the same place that they were in this mornings story. Notably the soft toy vegetables. This is Friday nights mess being cleared up untouched from the whole of Saturday? Makes little sense. And no evidence that Fridays Lingo was real time. All plain odd.

Eta - I can’t see any nail marks from where the tree branches were. Shes still hiding his playhouse )behind the conveniently placed curtain today) and those “drawings” are not what two year olds do. As the parent of a two year old who loves drawing he does more on a page than a quick squiggle. And the harshness of the scribbles aren’t in line with the kind of shapes children draw at that age.
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I think she should have just announced that they had moved and that was that. She could easily have either pretended they were living in and doing it up or presented it all done. She could have still done her pre records or whatever the hell she does. The thing that her ‘fans’ are struggling with the most is that by the looks of it is the fact she’s ‘running’ two houses at the same time for no seemingly no reason. I know she probably has already moved in and has been for there for some time but in creating this false reality that she ‘thinks’ is more relatable she is defiantly alienating a lot more of her fans than she needs to.
I’ve said before, I think if she showed her renovations in real time and before/during/after it would give her months of content. I just don’t understand her logic at all. In her living in this altered reality as such is losing the people who are ultimately her paycheque.
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I wonder if the flooring lads go home and rip the piss with their other halves.
‘You should have seen what I had to do today, lay a sign in the flooring of a loft that said hinch farm, and all they had were 3 llamas and a hippo called Henry.’ 😂😂
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In all the years I've been a member on MHMMDI, joined for research purposes 😉 today proves the Faux Farm has alienated most of her Hinchers. That page used to be full of arse licking huge fans.....not anymore 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭
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