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Wize Owl

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There's so many things wrong with that story I'm ... I'm just completely disgusted.. She should be ashamed of herself.
Top parenting Soph.. Top fucking parenting there lass 👍🏻
I literally feel sick after watching that. What the actual fuck. All it would take is one kick or a plonk or whatever the fuck she calls it to seriously hurt poor little Ronnie. DISGUSTED 😠

Sopha and creepy-Inch, you are both absolute TWATS and shit parents.
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My very own Fred title, you nusty trolls give me life. To the moon and back my lovelies xx
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God she’s winding me up this eve she is so tone deaf and just blind. Nusty trolls here are going through soooo much and the whole country is going to hell in a hand cart at the hands of the Tory government. I bet fiddle and hysteric-Al read the Daily bloody Mail.
children are dying, starving, freezing. Pensioners are choosing to heat or eat. hundreds of thousands lost loved ones to the pandemic. She has a massive platform to do some good, raise money, giveaways, raise awareness.
she’s an utter parasite
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I think be timing is so poor and she knows it the influencer thing is coming to an end Covid started to open peoples eyes at how little they do and people stuck at home on furlough or jobless were watching these lazy sods making millions for doing nothing and then she saw a little break between Covid gloom to announce Hinch farm but if she continues to brag brag brag brag and show off her throwing money at things even things that didn’t need changing but she had so much money to waste it’s going to piss lots of people off.

Her target audience will be hit HARD with the cost of living going up dramatically so they won’t wanna see it. They will be choosing to feed their children or put on the heating something princess spoilt will NEVER relate to I know she’s tone deaf but even she will see how cuntish it would be to keep shoving the tens farm in peoples faces and all new decoration and furniture!!
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How exactly does her profile 'lift people up everyday'???
Her profile when she's not on a break and having a day off is all;
Me me me me, mine mine mine, I I I I, gloat gloat gloat, brag brag brag, purchased this, purchased that, gifted this gifted that, love our Ron, dogs fur comb/blows in wind, love my Len, alpaca eats carrots carrots carrots, plagurised empty quotes left right and centre ... blah blah blah"
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I thinking of chucking my towel in.
Mods-it's not a flounce 🤷‍♀️
Hinch is stalking me.I was here first but she's on my doorstep🤦‍♀️
What would you do?
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I’ve just seen her latest stories. My heart was in my mouth watching Ronnie in the alpaca enclosure feeding them carrots. Fucking woman is so irresponsible. They could of spat right in his face, bit him or even worse, kicked him. All whilst she fucking films. GAH! She gives me the Fucking rage.
I couldn’t believe what I was watching! Really irresponsible not to mention dangerous. That beautiful little boy doesn’t seem to have much joy in his life. Breaks my old hard heart 😢
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Sorry, but this makes me feel so uncomfortable. Unless Jamie is behind the door ready to grab Ron if something happens, (which he isn’t, he can be seen in a later clip behind the fence with Lon), then this is the most irresponsible thing ever.

3 alpacas surrounding her almost 3 year old. Anything could happen, and she’s not close enough, nor paying enough attention, to react quickly should something happen.

He’s also boxed in if something were to happen, he literally wouldn’t be able to run away. Poor mite 😞


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Wow that post isn’t going in her favour on MHMMDI.

Not sure if anyone else can relate, but I always read certain comments and then wonder what their user names are on tattle … wish I could put faces to names 🤣
Are people still saying “be kind” and “you’re just jealous?” She could shag their husbands or wives and some people on the group would give her a fucking pass.
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Is fanny leaving? 😔
Has hinch or her family been in touch with them?

Tell the lot of em to sit on this 🖕 and swivvel
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Chatty Member
so what was the point of showing off Rons little gifted HI VIS farm hand vest ... when you can clearly see it hanging up in the shed! And he’s not even wearing it 😂😂😂 jokers
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These fecking so called businesses. What the hell is a Hi Vi’s? Is that Auntie Vi‘s secret stash to make her ‘hi’. If in doubt, leave the fecking apostrophe out😡
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So what about Ronni e's bed she already showed us in Greyskull?? There's no sheep in the new bed headboard?
She is soooo wasteful. She is in no way relatable at all. What normal person moves home and takes nothing with them? Even newly purchased furniture. She's showing how A. Out of touch she is with majority of the nation who are starting to wonder how they're going to pay their bills and B. Just how little she cares about the environment. She can tell us all about how sustainable her cushions are until she is blue in the face and farting out paper straws. But she drives around in gas guzzlers and wasting perfectly usable, not very old items. Like clothes!! All those clothes with her kids names splashed up the side. I can hardly see mums rifling through the Sue Ryder excited because they've finally found something for their own little Lennie.
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Whilst there was so many things wrong with her latest stories, Ronnie is absolutely adorable. Why can’t she see what we see in him. He deserves so much better than her
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I’m sorry but if your dream is to rinse people out there hard earned money then your a disgrace

your dream didn’t come true. You had a husband there who paid for you to get where you was

you have people who are already terrified to make a choice out of feeding the family or heating there homes. but it’s ok hinch dreams come true 😘😘

my dream is making sure my family are fed and kept warm. Cunt.
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