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or JusRollWithIt

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Oh when I looked back it said 88

It’s only abit of Fun but just checked and mine was just higher🤔
I made a similar mistake, but there are people who read after the thread closes and add likes. I know @Pollyanna263 is careful with vote tallies at the time of making a new thread. Also, Escape from Alpacatraz is brilliant, as were the Maldon 3 mugshots (not those mugshots, Sophie Rose, put down your Pyrex jug).
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Surely she’s lost followers in the last few days? She can’t be gaining on these days where she’s not even posting or being mentioned anywhere surely?!
You'd think but her follower count continues to grow at a steady pace. Almost as if they have a setup to purchase a certain number of followers per day 🤔


These for sure sound like real people don't they....



It's amazing that the Daily Fail can write an article on calling us trolls but fail to even investigate the fact that Hinch is very obviously buying followers! 🤦‍♀️
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And back to Hinch… I honestly find it gobsmacking that she has NEVER done a giveaway or anything.
She should be embarrassed!

If I was in that position I would love nothing more than to help people. Even when I’m on my arse, I still try my best and give little bits where I can.

She made such a song and dance about ‘Place To Be’ back when she raised money for them in 1897. Yet it wasn’t even her bloody money! It was her mad hinchers. Yet she absolutely loved gloating about it.

And I know some people would say ‘maybe she donates behind the scenes!’ But I would bet my bottom dollar she doesnt! She’s too self obsessed.

Shes one of those that would film herself buying a sandwich for a homeless person. Or one of those that goes on holiday to a developing country and takes thousands of photos posing with poverty stricken locals, acting like a white saviour.

She donates to the food bank all the time that's why she doesn't know where it is or when it's open.
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@Aunt Lydia - I can't reply on the previous thread, I'm really sorry for going off topic peeps, and I know this proper winds people up, but it's important and the fact someone put a comment on saying they can't afford sanitary products and needs to put toilet roll down there instead truly broke my heart, then here's hinch who buys things for £200+ and has a trip to the tip with everything the next week like it cost pennys. She's not relatable in the slightest.

@Aunt Lydia, please look into a menstrual cup when you have a spare few pound in the bank next time. I have one, you can get cheap no brand ones for about £3.50 off ebay, I have an expensive one which are so much better, but I do have a "cheap" one as an emergency back up, whilst the cheap isn't AS good they still do the job they're meant to if you get the right size (research them) and it will help you start off until you maybe can save for a better branded one when money is a little better. They are very easy to use aslong as you insert them properly, very comfortable and they last YEARS. They're alot nicer than tampons, plus when money is tight you don't have to worry about it. I'm so sorry you're going through this darling xx

Again, sorry for going off topic but I hope some people who are silently struggling have found this useful.

To somewhat stay on topic, @Pollyanna263 you are so right about hinch and how she could support things like this, and I hope when she's reading here (hi!) she as a woman herself gives things like this a thought.
As a rough guide size 1 is for people under 25; size 2 is for anyone over 25, and for those under 25 who have given birth vaginally.

There’s a questionnaire here - - which will give you tailored suggestions but it doesn’t include all brands.

I personally haven’t used a cup but have looked into them a lot, they look brilliant. Plus you only need one vs. a few pads or period pants.

I really hope Sophie, as a woman and as the aunt of a young teenage girl, does read here and do some good for once.
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from the end of the last Fred

What a load of guff, ‘stunningly sophisticated’ that pair of slop eating, tracksuit wearing, inappropriate dildo joke making pair of oiks?! Weeping Al described as a ‘blubbering mess’ 🤣 looks like Inch did have mates once upon a time…

my favourite bit: ‘I had no idea where we were heading but we pulled up to what I can only describe as a huge field’ 😂😂😂 well she does love fields guyssssch
As H himself would say: Mother of God! Is nothing sacred with this one. Every single event (plus all non-events, as has been the case lately) must be shared. She obviously did a deal back then for freebies to get married. Don’t why this rattles me, after all if you’ll use you’re innocent boys as little cash cows, pimping out your wedding day is no big deal. Thread #500 showed the extent to which this one lies and tries to manipulate. The problem with lying is that liars need good memories, which she clearly doesn’t have, nor does she have any integrity. Come to think of it, she has an extremely shallow life, but one which she has striven for over the years. The ‘little old me’ act is as fake as her photos, she’s a hard-nosed opportunist who saw her chance to make money and unfortunately it worked for her. Why she has the following she does, I will never figure out. We all clean our homes for Christ’s sake! Nothing earth-shattering about that! Of course taking the bots from the numbers, even the dogs in the street know she doesn’t ACTUALLY have over 4 million followers. How very crass and insensitive to boast and brag as she does when lots of families are struggling so much. Proud to say she has never made a single penny from me, nor will she. Not sure what prompted my rant, perhaps her insistence on posting utter drivel she thinks people will be interested in, perhaps it’s the thought of her sniggering at the naïveté of her followers, or the childish way this mother of two conducts herself, most likely to be the incessant bragging and materialistic ways - anyhoo I feel better for that! Hoping more followers see through the act soon and burn their minkies/ cloffs/ hinchwear, in fact all related items. I live in hope. Love the laughs from you all, you’re a kind, witty bunch xx
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As if the nappy caddy would just be upside down on the cushions like that. Even if it was on the sofa and you knocked it on the floor you put it upright again in about half a second. Very odd and completely staged.
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Chatty Member
God I just can't deal with people, just had to unfriend someone on fb cos they have a business and have sent hinch free stuff....I just cannot get on board with people who continually give a millionaire free things. Sickening
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Pre-records are going to be fucked this morning - it's predicted to rain all day for the first time in weeks. Today will be the day for a washing machine clean and a bit of tap wanking. Maybe some Gepetto projects.
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So charity case Trace’s baby was born on 27th. Which is the day Sopha couldn’t sleep, and the. posted Jamie’s morning wood and the £2/day Christmas savings.

Almost like she wasn’t happy and it showed in her posts…….
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How did she go to a theatre show and then home on the sofa by 9:30?
Edit-looks like there’s a Wednesday matinee. Could you get any more beige greige than going to a theatre on a Wednesday afternoon? That’s what school trips do.
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That Gosfield Hall article is embarrassing. Not just what she said, but the writing, crap grammar and full of rogue apostrophes.
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from the end of the last Fred

What a load of guff, ‘stunningly sophisticated’ that pair of slop eating, tracksuit wearing, inappropriate dildo joke making pair of oiks?! Weeping Al described as a ‘blubbering mess’ 🤣 looks like Inch did have mates once upon a time…

my favourite bit: ‘I had no idea where we were heading but we pulled up to what I can only describe as a huge field’ 😂😂😂 well she does love fields guyssssch
Did she really say the helicopter "pulled up"?🤦‍♀️
Could have been a very different outcome😱
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Cue 7pm footage of Sopha sharing footage of Ronnie & Lonnie when they were born whilst congratulating Trace, ‘i remember the feeling, such a special moment, motherhood is such a magiKal journey guysscHh’
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Hi guysch. Been hard to catch up as we have been in isolation and quarantine 😒 Everyone healthy thankfully 🙏

I've been pondering her follower count since thread 500 🥳 In her book she also mentions that she kept getting thousands of followers and how she told mum that she couldn't believe it.

I really believe she or Gleam buy most of them. There is no way thousands and thousands of people were following her back in the day.

I don't know how popular he is in the UK but Stromae went live on French TV a few weeks ago to sing his new single. He sings very honestly about how he wanted to commit suicide and how lonely he has felt. He had taken a 3 year break due to a burnout and it was a huge deal. It was all over French (social) media and he received a lot of praise for being so honest and singing about his mental health. He has 1 million followers on Instagram. There is absolutely no way some nobody in Maldon who cleans her sink and is tend anxious has 4 million real followers. I don't believe it. Can't wait for the day fake followers are banned. She'll go to 4,000 followers if she's lucky.

Edit to add English article about it.

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